Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • Why? It's ok to post feels, but Toy Story feels hit too close to my heart.

  • After all the sentimentality conected to my post I laughed so hard at this.. Hahahahahahahahaha!!

  • Firstly... "I'd like to thank the academy." And secondly, to every comment: Bro's seriously bro's.. bro bro's... brobro.. bro's bro bro broooooo's (Epic BROFIST!!!)

    Drladders posted: »

    If F17 is the release date for episode 5 I'll most likely drop dead on the spot.

  • I really don't know why I ever let myself be surprised anymore. Telltale have always been horrendous when it comes to communicating with fans. I always think next time they have to start showing us more respect but it never happens. I honestly don't know if I'll ever purchase a season pass from them again.

  • Hello waiting my old friend...

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  • TFTB gets it spot on with the opening cinematic and the songs. I hope this time it blows my mind again.

  • I wish they valued us as much as they value the GoT fans. GoT has been a shite game so far.

    maschera412 posted: »

    I'm really happy for all the GOT fans. I wish we had the same amount of news... They even got news for ep. 4 before ep. 3 was released.

  • Nah it's ok I have it too but I'm not nearly as hyped as for this one you know? I mean TftB have that something that makes me want to be active in this community

    I wish they valued us as much as they value the GoT fans. GoT has been a shite game so far.

  • haha poop

  • Liar!!

    Drizzy2 posted: »

    I really don't know why I ever let myself be surprised anymore. Telltale have always been horrendous when it comes to communicating with fan

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    ....has it been two months?

  • It's because they need to make the game, they have a contract with HBO.

    I wish they valued us as much as they value the GoT fans. GoT has been a shite game so far.

  • Too many months.

    J-Master posted: »

    ....has it been two months?

  • TWO many months

    Too many months.

  • edited May 2015

    Write a dairy entry.

    Be careful about giving out advice like that though. Lots of people are lactose intolerant.

    Write a dairy entry. Also take this broccoli .gif to guide you.

  • No, that's just his shirt you're smelling.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    He;s just pissed off that he's going to die in next episode

  • I apologize.

    I was the 43rd thumbs up. So I'm sorry, but I might have, just a teensy bit...broken the universe in some way. Possibly. In my defense though, I felt seeing more Handsome Jack was worth it.

    ...Get it, because this is a Borderlands game, I'm making a reference to pop culture...oh come on! I haven't even read the book, please tell me enough of you get it!


    LIKE THIS POST if you want to see more Handsome Jack in episode 3

  • maps


  • potato

    Green613 posted: »


  • Yep....

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Is this how most of you come into this thread?

  • More waiting = more happiness at the end. I can imagine how happy we will be when 3.episode will be released. Just wait a little more Im pretty sure its around corner.

  • Hmmm, after I finish Noxx's secret stash I'll actually play through all the dlc for BL2 as well.

    (The only time I'll be upset about the wait is if FO4 is announced before ep. 3).

  • The Iron-y Throne. :D

    RedHounds posted: »

    Ah... The irony. It burns. -Greatly o~0;;

  • So long 42... it's been a magnificent time.

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    Bluebirdo posted: »

    I apologize. I was the 43rd thumbs up. So I'm sorry, but I might have, just a teensy bit...broken the universe in some way. Possibly. In

  • *groans *

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  • edited May 2015

    Feeling that sometime, sooner or later they are gonna post something of Episode 3, whilst this music plays in my as I wait.

    I have the feeling, but does anyone (Apart from me) have that "gut" feeling as well?

    I swear that hyperlinks never work for me on here. Wishes this forum uses bbcode.

  • I feel like I've heard this before...

    jakobennis posted: »

    haha poop

  • Oh come on Telltale! It's been 9 freaking weeks since Ep2!

    Can we PLEASE just get some reassurances that it'll be here in the next couple weeks. Me and everyone else are getting so sick and tired of being left in the dark for so long.

  • Telltale watching this thread:

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    Oh come on Telltale! It's been 9 freaking weeks since Ep2! Can we PLEASE just get some reassurances that it'll be here in the next couple weeks. Me and everyone else are getting so sick and tired of being left in the dark for so long.

  • Woah, the comments have really slowed down. I actually quite miss the hundreds of posts about nothing.

    GoT getting news while we still receive naught has disheartened us. ;w;

  • Only 7 more weeks.

    Oh come on Telltale! It's been 9 freaking weeks since Ep2! Can we PLEASE just get some reassurances that it'll be here in the next couple weeks. Me and everyone else are getting so sick and tired of being left in the dark for so long.

  • Where's my newwwws?!

    I thought there would at least be SOMETHING today. I log on to the forums and disappointment slaps me in the face (once again). But, I do have a good feeling we will get news sometime this week...

    Who's with me?

  • 63 days...

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    Poogers555 posted: »

    63 days...

  • In think GoT is going to be finished before we get Ep. 3 news. Real news.

    You may need this


  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ6Mk4BpT1E


    I have the same questions.. So Telltale where are they?

    I'm sorry I'm just having a critical moment here x) I need some news so badly.

  • I recently tried to click a like button, thinking "Today, I'm going to make the difference between nine and ten"... only to find that I'd already liked that post. And the one before that. Aaand the one before that. Pretty much I'd liked everything up to five pages back.

    Why is nothing happening?!

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    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Telltale watching this thread:

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