What a ride. Almost everyday for a year we've spent time with the Porgies, and it gets to a stage where they stop living on the page and become alive in your mind. You wonder what they'd be up to, what'll happen next, and if there are going to be any more pregnancies or marriages anytime soon. You start to care. What you've done with the Porgies is something I can't say as I've seen before; where others would go for the cheap thrill of taking Georgie down a dark path you turned him round and carried on walking even when others responded with abuse. In the end, you've created a dynasty that I think everyone here will agree in saying is now synonymous with Fables and TWAU. In fact, everyone's stories here are so wonderful we could stick them all together and create our own comics.
Although that's highly unlikely to happen, the Porgie Clan comic is something I'm looking forward to, and makes me feel a little happier despite being sad. You've introduced us to so many characters, but personally it's be Georgie, Lyla, Emily and Gren that have become the most dear to me. And that's because of your amazing ability to not only write, but create characters and stories we can all relate to. That's the real skill of writing.
I'm seriously crying right now....it's 4am and I'm crying as I write this but the tears are good and I'll allow them to fall. A year ago, I … morejoined this marvelous forum and took a chance at writing some fanfic. It had been a year since my last actual fanfic for another show, so I was not too sure. I took a chance and I'm pleased to say, no regrets. The Porgie Clan was never meant to go this far, nor mean a whole hell of a lot to me but they have stolen a large slice of my heart and there, they shall always be. No regrets; GeorgiexLyla until the bitter end, along with their rambunctious, seven children with different stories and now, children of their own. We've lost a few on the way but one will forever be with me....Ethan, my good man, you will be missed. I want to thank Dragon for creating this thread and those that have been with me since day one and those that joined later but saw the point I was trying to make with my tale; on this emotio… [view original content]
Seems the winds of change are blowing, as it were. Some people build walls, others build windmills - you can thank the Chinese for that wisdom. Anyway, I've been debating whether or not to say something for a while but now is clearly the time, and I'll be leaving too. May come by every once in a while just to see things, but I think this is it, really.
You've been some of the best people I've met on the internet or in real life. You've been kind, welcoming, and open. We've all been through something that no one but us can appreciate, and I'm happy to say I've been a part of it. Although things are changing here I've no wish to lose contact with anyone; think most of you have already found me on there but I'm WillowsAtSunset on DA if you wish to look me up. Heard that some of you are going to FF.net but I won't be joining; all the best on there.
Doesn't feel right just leaving it like that, not for a thread dedicated to writing stories. So, if you'd like to read it, I've written something below.
Somewhere in America
"Trains! Where are my TRAINS?!" Stomping into the sunny room, what the girl lacks in height she more than makes up for in vocal volume. "You stole them, you filthy stealing stoat!"
A boy, only a year younger than the girl, dives behind a bean-bag cushion and covers himself in a blanket, somehow hoping that this would confuse his sister. Given that she sees him do this, it only serves to make the girl more frustrated.
"Oscar. I. Want. My. TRAINS!" The girl runs forward, kicks the bean-bag to the side and whips the blanket off her brother. Before she can further her demands, however, Oscar's clothes suddenly go flat as a golden blur darts from out of them, jumps on top of a chest of draws, then onto a wardrobe, before whizzing through the air and landing on the bronze light fitting.
“I haven’t got your silly trains, Jemima!” Says the weasel, as the light he’s on swings back and forth like a pendulum. “You know I think they’re as boring as Dad when he starts talking about different types of beer!” Oscar, whose fur is of a blonde shade similar to his mother’s hair, positions himself behind a bulb for defence.
Jemima inhales in such a manner you’d think her brother had just sworn like an 11 year-old losing an online video game (really, where do they get off swearing that much to everyone?), but it’s a simple fact that when their father begins a discourse on the qualities of different hops it’s soporific enough to send an angry grendel to sleep, and such a comparison of her trains to that is one Jemima does not like.
“OSSSCARRR! You asked for this!” Jemima shoots her gaze over the floor and finds a suitable projectile: the square head of a robot that hasn’t seen it’s body for years, mainly because no one knows where on earth it is. Taking aim with one eye closed she arches her arm as if about to throw a baseball, and let’s fly.
The robot head, semi self-aware due to a touch of magic, enjoys it’s moment of soaring through the air, taking in those few seconds to imagine that yes, this must be exactly what it’s like to be Tony Stark’s suit.
Jemima’s aim is’nt bad, hitting the chain above Oscar’s head just after her brother ducks down; the head ricochets off in the direction of the open door and in a convergence of moving bodies being in exactly the right place at the right time, it lands with a plop into the mug of hot tea Mr. Percival Mintwood Weasel is holding as he enters the room.
Percy stands completely still as the spilt fresh brew burns his hand; he’d very much been looking forward to drinking it. Slowly looking down, he sees the robot’s head bobbing at the surface, and somehow by the dim flickering in the electronic eyes can tell that the robot isn’t happy about what’s just occurred either.
Weasel tentatively picks the head out, not wishing to burn his other fingers, and looks over at Jemima. “Why is there a robot head in my tea?”
Jemima, who’s hazel locks obscure half her face after the flustered outburst, decides to tell the truth. “Oscar has stolen my trains.” But not the whole truth.
“I have not!” Comes a squealing shout from the ceiling. “‘Mima keeps saying I have, Dad, but I haven’t!”
In a plain voice, Percy simply says,”I know you haven’t - I took them for cleaning.” This comes as a surprise to everyone else, even the robot head. “Why you insist on taking them into the muddy garden I don’t know, Jemima, but they were so covered in dirt the wheels didn’t move. I’ve given them a quick clean and they’re drying in the kitchen.”
The rage is swept away with this revelation and all Jemima can do is not look too abashed.
“I think you owe your brother an apology,” says Weasel in a tone that means it’s not an optional suggestion.”
Scowling but conceding, Jemima glances up to the ceiling and gives a fleeting “I’m sorry,” to her brother.
“Good, and don’t go throwing heads around,” Percy adds with a sigh that says this isn’t the first time such disembodied heads have been thrown.
“But Oscar said my trains are as boring as you when you’re talking about beer, Daddy! That’s not a nice thing to say! My trains are not that boring!”
“One day you’ll appreciate knowing the difference between admiral and fuggle hops, children. And then you can thank me.” With that, Percy heads to the kitchen, leaving his children to dread the day they ever find themselves grateful for such dull knowledge.
As Percy stands by the boiling kettle, robot head drying on the side next to it, he reflects how Jemima takes so much after her mother. Once someone has crossed her, she doesn't let up easily, and that's just their daughter. Even after so many years of marriage, he still takes care over the little things to make sure they're right for his wife; not because she was demanding, and not really because he feared her temper, he knew. It's simply because he loves her so.
This line of thought takes him back to the first time they met, back in Fabletown, and any thought of Fabletown is always accompanied by the friends he had there. A sudden, strong wave of nostalgia takes Percy by surprise, and for a few moments he ignores the sharp whistling of the kettle as fond memories came back to him.
Five minutes later, Percy returns to the room with a new cup of tea and finds his children happily at play. Oscar had changed back to his human form and now he and Jemima amuse themselves with some toy cars, and what appears to be the missing robot body. Wonder where they found that, contemplates Weasel as he takes a seat and carefully places the mug on the chest of drawers, wanting to wait for it to cool a little before drinking, though not to leave it too long and go cold. That robot head will certainly be happy.
"'Mima, Oscar, fetch some seats over. Daddy wants to tell you a story."
Oscar dives once more for the bean-bag cushion, but this time it's to sit on it. Jemima goes to a corner and picks up a small wooden chair, but does so with suspicion. "You're not going to talk to us about beer again, are you Dad?"
Weasel really hasn't been aware that his children are this fed up with his enthusing of beer, and finds it oddly troubling. But now isn't the time for that. "No, dears, I'm not going to talk about beer. I want to tell you of a time a bit before you were born. Do you remember what I've told you about Fabletown?"
"I do, Dad!" Shouts Oscar, throwing the bean-bag in front of his father and jumping on top of it. Jemima puts her chair down by her brother and sits herself down, swishing her legs back and forth, content.
Satisfied that he has their attention, Percy begins. "Good. Well, your mother and I used to live there for a few hundred years. It was a magical place in the middle of the mundane world, and though everyone there went through many trials and tribulations, good times and bad times, we were all like a big extended family.
"There was a dragon, called Tezoth, who everyone got on with because he brought us all together. If you can believe it, none of us knew each other before we first met him, but after that it was like being with company we’d kept for years.
"And Tezoth himself had many adventures, from getting turned into a dragon in the first place and almost being killed by a banshee! Though that was more of a misunderstanding - the banshee became friends with him later. And there was one time when him and I and some of our friends once went on holiday to a land covered in jungle, where we all had a bizarre adventure! But that tale can wait for another time."
The children stare at their father, frozen with attention. They are always to be found focused when a story is involved.
“There was Makoto and Celeste, too, who faced down Death itself! You met their daughter, Ella, a few years ago, but sadly you never had the chance to meet Luke. He was a great detective, up there with the Big Bad Wolf himself. Your Mummy and Auntie Dixa used to work with Makoto for the Business Office in Fabletown, you know.
“We knew another dragon there too, called Draco. Him and I used to own a small cafe together, actually. Anyway, he eventually got married and had two children, but before that he went on an epic quest to defeat the Demon Knight Aizaax and crossed ferocious Wendigos on the way!” After saying this, Percy puts his hands up like claws and makes a sinister face; his children aren’t particularly amused.
“ahem Then there was Nick, the Harbinger of Death. At a glance, he looked like a big scary man, and under closer inspection he looked even more like a big scary man, but he was always kind to his friends. His tale was very dark at times, but he kept his determination through it all; and he was great to talk to about beer. Many an evening your father spent whiling it away with Nick, discussing hops and even whisky.
“No story is complete without a witch, and although Fabletown had many good witches, one of the best of all was Harmony Wolf. Born a Zephyr, she could float as an invisible breeze through the sky, and had all sorts of powers!” The notion of this particularly entrances the children. “She married Timothy Cratchit and they and their children had so many adventures of their own! There was time-travel, the ups and downs of living, and some particularly nasty vampires.” Weasel stops for a moment and scratches his head. “There were actually quite a few vampires in Fabletown, now I think about it.
“But Robert Grendel definitely wasn’t a vampire. He was one of the kindest souls you could ever hope to meet, and although life was not always easy for him he kept on going and shining through it all. In fact, Robert helped get your Mummy and Daddy together. His brother did try to eat me a few times, but that can be par for the course when you’re a weasel, children. Never get in the way of an angry grendel, but make sure you know a friendly one like Robert.
“Now, Daddy wasn’t the only Brit in Fabletown - there was Georgie Porgie, too. He’d had a very troubled life until one day, when he met a lady named Lyla, and things changed, as if by destiny. He showed us all that to judge another person when you’ve not walked the same path as them is a foolish thing to do, because Georgie Porgie was one of the best Fables of us all.”
“I like Georgie Porgie and Mrs Progie because they give us sweets,” comments Oscar matter-of-factly.
“But you’ve only met them twice, and it was years ago” says Percy, confused.
“And both times they gave us sweets,” replies Jemima. “We remember these things, Dad.”
This recollection of who’s given them sweets and who hasn’t is another new fact to Percy, who’s realising that there are things about his children he simply doesn’t know at all.
“Well, Georgie and Lyla had children, who had children, and there was a time when the whole fate of Fabletown rested on their shoulders. There were sacrifices, but the Porgies always come out on top in the end, and your Daddy is very glad to have known them.”
Percy goes silent for a moment. “Are you okay Dad?” Asks Oscar.
“Oh, yes.” He ruffles the boy’s blonde hair. “When you get to a certain age, you’ll find yourself thinking back to the past with a strange longing.”
After saying this, the front door clicks open and bangs shut. “Hello! I’m back everyone!”, warmly shouts a woman.
“In here, dear!” Percy calls back.
“Mommy!” The children cry as Cinderella steps into the doorway, carrying bags laden with food. “You have food!”
“And for a second there I thought it was me you were pleased to see,” Cindy replies with fake shock, before smiling. “Come and help me put it all away before Dixa arrives, will you?”
Jemima and Oscar jump up, but Oscar asks a question before they leave. “This didn’t seem much like a story, Daddy, but the people in it sound very interesting! Will we ever get to meet them one day?”
Percy smiles back. “Maybe, one day. There were many more than who I’ve said - I could tell you about them sometime, if you like?”
“Sure, Dad!” Jemima enthusiastically replies. “Anything’s better than talking about beer.” With a wide smile she runs off and peers into one of Cindy’s bags, Oscar trailing behind. Wanting to get the food into the kitchen before the children start eating it, Cinderella winks at Weasel before disappearing with the children in tow.
Percy stays sitting for a while longer, reflecting back on good times.
Eventually he remembered the drink next to him, but it was too late. Mr Weasel's tea had gone cold after all.
Want to give a special mention to Dragon - none of us would have met if not for you, it's as simple as that. And I want to personally thank you for staying with this thread and being an awesome host. To everyone else, your stories and characters have been a privilege to read, and my honest thanks to you for sharing them with us all.
Thanks to you, reading this now, my life has been better to live, and I'll never be able to say thank you enough for that. Though we may speak again, whatever you do in life, always remember that you are a brilliant person. Thank you.
Seems the winds of change are blowing, as it were. Some people build walls, others build windmills - you can thank the Chinese for that wisd… moreom. Anyway, I've been debating whether or not to say something for a while but now is clearly the time, and I'll be leaving too. May come by every once in a while just to see things, but I think this is it, really.
You've been some of the best people I've met on the internet or in real life. You've been kind, welcoming, and open. We've all been through something that no one but us can appreciate, and I'm happy to say I've been a part of it. Although things are changing here I've no wish to lose contact with anyone; think most of you have already found me on there but I'm WillowsAtSunset on DA if you wish to look me up. Heard that some of you are going to FF.net but I won't be joining; all the best on there.
Doesn't feel right just leaving it like that, not for a thread dedicated to writing stories.… [view original content]
This was one hell of a way to leave the stage, Noir. Your writing and style was always well thought and had such emotions. Robert and Gren apologies for trying to eat Weasel in the past but sadly, you can not completly change a Grendel's mind. They are pleased to see their dear friend with a family of his own. i'll be seeing you in DA. You've been a wonderful addition to this thread and where ever life takes you, I hope its all you've been hoping for.
Seems the winds of change are blowing, as it were. Some people build walls, others build windmills - you can thank the Chinese for that wisd… moreom. Anyway, I've been debating whether or not to say something for a while but now is clearly the time, and I'll be leaving too. May come by every once in a while just to see things, but I think this is it, really.
You've been some of the best people I've met on the internet or in real life. You've been kind, welcoming, and open. We've all been through something that no one but us can appreciate, and I'm happy to say I've been a part of it. Although things are changing here I've no wish to lose contact with anyone; think most of you have already found me on there but I'm WillowsAtSunset on DA if you wish to look me up. Heard that some of you are going to FF.net but I won't be joining; all the best on there.
Doesn't feel right just leaving it like that, not for a thread dedicated to writing stories.… [view original content]
No, thank you, Noir and to all the others that saw what I was trying to portray in my story. Georgie was and will laways, be my favorite from the video game. I wanted to give him a voice. A chance and it seems like I did that. Those couple of days I was banned because of one person was well worth the fight; I was protecting what was my own and I'll do it again. Nothing anyone can show me would have evern changed my mind. I think Lyla and Georgie's tale opened myself up as a writer, artist and person all on my own. Thank you, once again, for you've been there since day one through all the pregnancies, marriages, sacrifices and then some.
I'm sad to see this end but after a year, I think their tale has been told. I can't wait to begin a digital comic on the Porgie Clan!! I want to continue with this family and then some. Lyla and Georgie will always have a special place in my heart, as will their children and so forth. Gremily, too, have stolen it as well and I'm pleased to see you all took a liking to this pair. It was awkward at first but you all saw the message I was trying to portray since day one: EVERYONE deserves a second chance....:) Those final words made me shed a tear and for that, I thank you.
No, thank you, Noir. Thank you for the kind words and always being there for the Porgies.
What a ride. Almost everyday for a year we've spent time with the Porgies, and it gets to a stage where they stop living on the page and bec… moreome alive in your mind. You wonder what they'd be up to, what'll happen next, and if there are going to be any more pregnancies or marriages anytime soon. You start to care. What you've done with the Porgies is something I can't say as I've seen before; where others would go for the cheap thrill of taking Georgie down a dark path you turned him round and carried on walking even when others responded with abuse. In the end, you've created a dynasty that I think everyone here will agree in saying is now synonymous with Fables and TWAU. In fact, everyone's stories here are so wonderful we could stick them all together and create our own comics.
Although that's highly unlikely to happen, the Porgie Clan comic is something I'm looking forward to, and makes me feel a little happier despite being sad. You've … [view original content]
Zylen, Justine, and Chloe Grendel were driving in their car. They've been planning something big. One final mark. Bigby. Wolf. The thing with this mark is that they would be able to take over every single Fabletown across the globe. And then move on to the homelands. Zylen turned his head. Chloe was checking equipment to make sure it was all functional. He felt bad for having her around with them, their work wasn't perceived as 'good deeds'. Normally they only went after bad people who did bad things, but the sheriff never listened to his words and has been building a case. So Zylen needed to carry out what would probably be his last job, many fables already feared Zylen and Justine. They made sure Chloe does not get seen with them so she can make sure nobody goes after her or hurts her. They drove up to the farm. Zylen felt an adrenaline rush and he could see the blood luster in Justines eyes. He placed the microphone on his shirt. Told Chloe and Justines role, and the plan was set. Zylen walked up to Bigbys door and knocked. Snow answered. She wasn't happy to see him.
"What do you want?" Snow said
Zylen didn't keep eye contact "I need to talk to Bigby. It's about Fabletown."
Snow huffed "Why can't you tell me?"
Zylen sighed "Some things are best kept secret Snow."
Snow closed the door, seconds later Bigby opened the door.
"What?" He said
Zylen gave him a gesture to follow him. They walked to the waterfall where Snow and Bigby announced their love. There were two seats, Zylen sat.
"Sit..." He said pointing to the chair.
Bigby didn't budge "What is this-" Zylen interrupted him.
"I said sit..." He said when two thunderous bangs went off.
Bigby nearly had his legs torn off. He wailed in pain. Zylen loaded his gun with silver and walked up to Bigby.
"You know I hoped this would be civil...but you're far too stubborn. You'd die either way, but I at least ed wanted you to go out not like this."
Bigby began to sob. Zylen put the gun to his head. "It's over Bigby...You move your arms you lose those too. Now I just want you to know...Fabletown is mine..."
Bigby stopped crying...it was up. Zylen gave a maniacle smirk. "We villains don't die too easily huh..." BANG!!!
After the job...
Zylen and Justine were thankful of Chloes work. Zylen told her that he'd supply her family with anything they'd ever need and that she would just need to ask. They told her for now the jobs would stop, but they would find her when they do one. She smiled and went home. Zylen and Justine were proud of her, they let her keep her favorite sniper rifle and handgun, Zylen gave her his lever action shotgun just in case someone invades their home. Justine had passed down everything she knew to Chloe, which may not be very good...but she liked to think so.
Years down the line...
Zylen and Justine rested on their island. They'd ruled Fabletown and the homelands for years, and funny enough they strive for it. More and more Fables had homes and jobs. Had families and lived a great life. Justine turned to Zylen she gave him a smile.
"Things turned out good huh?" She said
"Although we had to break our code, I guess this is the best outcome." Zylen said
She pouted "Life isn't full of miracles Zylen! Sometimes you have to break the rules!"
Zylen stared at the sky. "Funny...this is the first time I feel bad."
Justine looked at the sky "Me too..."
Zylen picked up the phone... "Yeah Woody? Could you build a memorial? Okay awesome, I'll pay you five hundred thousand when it's done. It's of Bigby." He said hanging up the phone
Justine looked at him. "You're going through with this?"
Zylen nodded "Yup they all deserve an apology."
Justine smiled and rolled onto his stomach, she kissed him on the lips. "I don't know if I hate this new side of you or love it."
He kissed her back "Love would be better."
She held her stomach "What do you think they'll think?"
He held her tight "Hopefully they'll forgive their father and mother and love us both." He said with a smile
She smiled "I'm sure they will."
The End...
This is my final story...Sorry I didn't do much with Chloe Pie XD I can tell you from what I had drafted in my notebook she was a huge help though! Of course any questions or comments please don't hesitate to ask.
That's good! And who knows? Maybe I'll come back and contribute something small if I'm in the mood. I'll still be checking the page as regul… morearly as I can and seeing what everyone is up to. I'll have to see what you write from time to time! I DO want to continue my vampire story; I've just lost the will to push forward with it for now. Maybe in a few weeks I'll take a shot at another chapter, if you don't mind
Thanks I was taking a REALLY long time trying to find something meaningful; glad I could find the perfect one
I'm currently 'watching' you on there as I type this, so no pm isn't necessary. ^^ Anyway, I see that. What did surprise me the most was Carter Horner - since I can't ever imagine Jack having a kid of his own. :P
Thanks man! Thank you especially, for the whole aspect of this page and what it's represented. I'm glad you liked how thorough I was; I had … moreSOME plans, which you've seen displayed in this little 'ending' of sorts. My DA is the same user name I have on here, so I shouldn't be too hard to find XD I'll still respond to the PM if I see it though!
Ah man, no prob, no prob! Anytime! This dragon acknowledges the good things he's done concerning all of you being brought together. And of course, we appreciate you being here with us. ^^
Amazing to see Percy telling his story (and ours) so brilliantly as well, couldn't have summarized it better myself. :P
Seems the winds of change are blowing, as it were. Some people build walls, others build windmills - you can thank the Chinese for that wisd… moreom. Anyway, I've been debating whether or not to say something for a while but now is clearly the time, and I'll be leaving too. May come by every once in a while just to see things, but I think this is it, really.
You've been some of the best people I've met on the internet or in real life. You've been kind, welcoming, and open. We've all been through something that no one but us can appreciate, and I'm happy to say I've been a part of it. Although things are changing here I've no wish to lose contact with anyone; think most of you have already found me on there but I'm WillowsAtSunset on DA if you wish to look me up. Heard that some of you are going to FF.net but I won't be joining; all the best on there.
Doesn't feel right just leaving it like that, not for a thread dedicated to writing stories.… [view original content]
Years later...
Zylen, Justine, and Chloe Grendel were driving in their car. They've been planning something big.… more One final mark. Bigby. Wolf. The thing with this mark is that they would be able to take over every single Fabletown across the globe. And then move on to the homelands. Zylen turned his head. Chloe was checking equipment to make sure it was all functional. He felt bad for having her around with them, their work wasn't perceived as 'good deeds'. Normally they only went after bad people who did bad things, but the sheriff never listened to his words and has been building a case. So Zylen needed to carry out what would probably be his last job, many fables already feared Zylen and Justine. They made sure Chloe does not get seen with them so she can make sure nobody goes after her or hurts her. They drove up to the farm. Zylen felt an adrenaline rush and he could see the blood luster in Justines eyes. He pl… [view original content]
Crazy to see Bigby cry like that, in fact, it's the first time I have really seen (or technically read) him cry! Zylen you ruthless mofo. XD
And of course, Bigby must be dead, so where would you say Snow is in all of this?
Yeah, well, Carter can't change who his real Dad is, and the only thing he has of his father really is the last name. If you were to ask Carter who his family was, he'd say his mom is Bloody Mary, and his dad is Clever Hans Carter is still my little baby, ohmygod
I'm currently 'watching' you on there as I type this, so no pm isn't necessary. ^^ Anyway, I see that. What did surprise me the most was Carter Horner - since I can't ever imagine Jack having a kid of his own. :P
Shit man! Harmony looks EPIC! Nick is also EPIC; Definitely how I'd picture him in some instances! You chose the perfect dragon for Tez; I'm sure Dragon would love it! Lyla is SUPER cool! Robert Grendel looks badass, to say the least! Draco is an equally perfect dragon, and I love how dark he is! And lastly, Mr. Weasel made me laugh some, because it reminds me of the raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy XD This was perfect, man, and I'm so happy Harmony was included in it ^-^
Yeah, well, Carter can't change who his real Dad is, and the only thing he has of his father really is the last name. If you were to ask Car… moreter who his family was, he'd say his mom is Bloody Mary, and his dad is Clever Hans Carter is still my little baby, ohmygod
For those I haven't told yet, I made a Fanfiction account featuring the current story I was writing throughout this year and last. If any of you are interested in reading/the progress of my story, my account name on there is the same as mine on here. Comments would be appreciated as well, thanks!
Concerning the story thread and ideas for users, I may reveal them in a comment at a later date - ideas that probably won't see the light of the internet. Although maybe they will in the future, who knows?
For those I haven't told yet, I made a Fanfiction account featuring the current story I was writing throughout this year and last. If any of… more you are interested in reading/the progress of my story, my account name on there is the same as mine on here. Comments would be appreciated as well, thanks!
Concerning the story thread and ideas for users, I may reveal them in a comment at a later date - ideas that probably won't see the light of the internet. Although maybe they will in the future, who knows?
I would seriously advise you all to post on TWAU page of FF.net.
Stay away from the Fables page as it is quite dead.
I'm still checking what gets posted on this thread at least :P
I do like the picture you included for Tez, even though his scales are supposed to be black like Draco's. :P
Where are his front paws, anyway? Tez needs his front paws if he's going to be an actual dragon (thief)!
Haha, yeah XD My profile pic is a picture of my Sim baby; I legit love her like a real daughter, lmao XD Her name is Grace and she also has a big brother who I love just as much
I figured as much. I don't remember reading about Carter technically having Jack as a 'father' in the past, so that's why I was surprised by it.
What a coincidental choice of words, with your profile picture being a baby and all. :P
For those who don't know me, I am a person who wrote a story titled: Dave Riddles
(I'm not famous)
And for those who don't know what--
I was originally supposed to just pop in and say hi, after 7 months of not being able to write a story to you guys. But when I read about people leaving the forum, I thought to myself, "Maybe I can do something about this." But as I continued to read, anything I do will not get them back here.
So, this is a really sad comeback. I wish I came back a bit earlier. That may have stopped this from happening.
Fellow forum-ers, let us raise our voices and praise them for their great contributions on this forum! Let us thank them with contentment!
Before I forget, I might not be able to write a story for you guys in a while.
Man, this is a sad way for me to come back...
For those who don't know me, I am a person who wrote a story titled: Dave Riddles
(I'm n… moreot famous)
And for those who don't know what--
I was originally supposed to just pop in and say hi, after 7 months of not being able to write a story to you guys. But when I read about people leaving the forum, I thought to myself, "Maybe I can do something about this." But as I continued to read, anything I do will not get them back here.
So, this is a really sad comeback. I wish I came back a bit earlier. That may have stopped this from happening.
Fellow forum-ers, let us raise our voices and praise them for their great contributions on this forum! Let us thank them with contentment!
Before I forget, I might not be able to write a story for you guys in a while.
I hope all the problems will be solved.
See ya
Good Fortune, my dear lads
If you ever feel like posting more of your story again, you're more than welcome to still do so on here. The only difference now is that the thread won't be as active compared to before (though hopefully that will change in the future). The problems have been solved for the most part.
I remember the general idea of your story as well. It was more of a comedic approach than a serious one, correct? XP
Man, this is a sad way for me to come back...
For those who don't know me, I am a person who wrote a story titled: Dave Riddles
(I'm n… moreot famous)
And for those who don't know what--
I was originally supposed to just pop in and say hi, after 7 months of not being able to write a story to you guys. But when I read about people leaving the forum, I thought to myself, "Maybe I can do something about this." But as I continued to read, anything I do will not get them back here.
So, this is a really sad comeback. I wish I came back a bit earlier. That may have stopped this from happening.
Fellow forum-ers, let us raise our voices and praise them for their great contributions on this forum! Let us thank them with contentment!
Before I forget, I might not be able to write a story for you guys in a while.
I hope all the problems will be solved.
See ya
Good Fortune, my dear lads
If you ever feel like posting more of your story again, you're more than welcome to still do so on here. The only difference now is that the… more thread won't be as active compared to before (though hopefully that will change in the future). The problems have been solved for the most part.
I remember the general idea of your story as well. It was more of a comedic approach than a serious one, correct? XP
Ah, joy fills my heart once more. Knowing that things are getting better.
@HazzatheMan I went to fanfiction.net the other day and got con… morefused how things work there.
@DragonButter Exactly! XD
I wish this whole thing becomes a lot more animated (lively) in the next few days or so.
Good Fortune
As Phoenix finished his pointless speech, he set out for no apparent reason.
"Hey Dave, I'll be strolling down the street, aight?"
"I think you are drunk. You should stop refilling that mug of yours", replied Dave.
"No, yo-"
Phoenix launched himself forward and killed Dave.
The End
This is just a draft on what I'm going to be doing. It's rather boring than actually mentally engaging. Although my piece has never been engaging of some sort. Never mind that! I will be posting the real thing sometime this week.
Good Fortune
Sorry for the long post. Here is a picture of a cute, yet sexy, puppy:
Chapter 6: The Return
As Phoenix finished his pointless speech, he set out for no apparent reason.
"Hey Dave, I'll be strolling down… more the street, aight?"
"I think you are drunk. You should stop refilling that mug of yours", replied Dave.
"No, yo-"
Phoenix launched himself forward and killed Dave.
The End
This is just a draft on what I'm going to be doing. It's rather boring than actually mentally engaging. Although my piece has never been engaging of some sort. Never mind that! I will be posting the real thing sometime this week.
Good Fortune
Sorry for the long post. Here is a picture of a cute, yet sexy, puppy:
And I'm open for point commissions and art trades on deviant art if that interested anyone.
And with the lack of activity I might move this on fanfiction . Net. I act silly already have Wolf among us stories on there, I go by Wandering to her doom. Might still post chapters on this forum.... Don't know...
Cat and Mouse
Chapter 7 Party crashers
Bonnie sighed as she kept an eye out, still no sign of Lyall, even with Bradwr's not so quiet way of trying to signal him.
"Do you see him? Or Scarlett?" Bonnie asked as Bradwr shrugged.
"Nope, must had missed my signal... maybe I should try again?" Bonnie quickly clasped a hand over his mouth.
"No, I think people on Mars heard you already." she muttered, releasing her hand. "Find it odd we haven't gotten to see Medusa yet?"
"Who's complaining? The less I see of that freak the better." he huffed. "Man, I could go for a smoke right now..."
"We can go hound Lyall for smokes once we find him. Think Scarlett could had pulled some kind of bullshit on him?"
"Nah, she ain't into anything less its about revenge."
Lyall almost let out a yelp as Scarlett bit into his lower lip, could had swore she was trying to draw blood.
"Am I being too rough?" she asked
"I like rough."
"Good, because I'm not easing up." she purred, her words as sly as a thief. His tongue danced and teased across her lips, Fuck she was gorgeous.... now if only she wasn't dead set on murdering his ass, that was enough to almost be a date breaker....
Bluebeard's let out a disgusted noise as he glared at the snake in its glass cage. Snakes weren't appealing to begin with, but these were certain more then just snakes and they were certainly less appealing. Long and jet black, unsettling red eyes... only Medusa would think to breed such a vile creature, although how would be a better question.
"You said you found something else about these snakes?" Bluebeard grumbled watching it slither around the cage.
"If they can still even be called that." Swineheart huffed, flipping through his clipboard. "Like I said these are anything but snakes." he glance at the cage. "It was surprisingly easier to study these creatures once they grew up, more of the changes Medusa made to them became quite clear, seems little Mona here has traces of cobra, rattlesnake, black mamba, and just about everything else." he explained.
"Mona?" Bluebeard narrowed his eyes in disapproval. "You named that thing?"
"Oh no, I was highly against naming her but Bradwr insisted."
"Of course he did." he grumbled, fingers tapping on the table impatiently. "Why did you need me here again, we know these aren't normal snakes, or are you just wasting my time?!"
"Actually I have a question, I felt like it would more professional to ask in person rather then in phone or email." Swineheart set his clipboard aside. "Had you been around succubus of any sort?"
"Excuse me? What do those demons have to do with anything?"
"I found traces of succubus DNA in these creatures."
Bigby longed for a cigarette, cigar, or ANYTHING to block out the pestering smell of over priced, sickening floral scent of Medusa's demon lackeys and perfumed. Hopefully Lyall was having a better time then he was. Trudging up the flight of stairs he took the time to quickly glance at the crowd under him. Still no sight of Bonnie and Bonnie, and Lyall who was on the dance floor with Scarlett was now gone. Considering he haven't heard any gunshots or Scarlett cursing the family name at the top of his lungs he suspected all was good... for now.
Once up the spiral of stairs he managed to get sneak into a door labeled "Keep out", appearing more bland then the other guest who were clad in peacocks feathers, pearls, fluffy white boas, and glittering jewelry, it made him think more of a children's dress up session instead of a fancy black tie affair, Medusa certainly liked to hanged the odd types of people. He reached out for the doorknob, locked.
"Typical..." he muttered digging into the pocket of his tux, retrieving a small bag containing a small lock picking kit, a gift from Mouse for the job, insisting it might be useful and rich folks always had something to hide. Kneeling down he slowly started to pick the lock until he heard a small click.
Upon turning the knob the door open with ease, revealing the electric room. Countless switches, control panels, and wires stood before him. Bigby never considered himself a man who embraced technology all that much. He could never understand how his son and wife Nerissa could easily put music on their iPods, download movies, or even deal with social media accounts. All he needed was a decent working TV and know how to function the coffee maker at the office.
He supposed just fucking around with enough switches and wires would cause a blackout, or at least cause some sort of problem with the lighting. Letting out a sigh he glanced at the row of switches before him.
Hopefully this worked.
Scarlett was like an animal toying with her prey, one second she was gentle with him, the next Lyall was sure she was near or already drawing blood when she each time she bit into his lower lip or neck. Teeth marks decorated his neck like tattoos, she clawed at his head, showing no sign of releasing him from her lustful and passionate domination. Her lips trailed down his already hickey and bite mark ridden neck. Her pearly white teeth bit down into his neck quite hard, in fact he yelped upon feeling the sensitive skin break when her teeth sunk into his flesh. He jumped a bit, and that was all the already thin strap on his mask needed to snap and fall off his face.
His blood turned to ice as Scarlett's freckled face turned from confusion to anger. She clenched her teeth, her eyebrows buckled and in the blink of an eye Lyall had the barrel of her silver, bullet filled gun jabbing him in his chest. Where did she even keep that thing? The dress had no pockets for fucks sake.
"YOU!" Scarlett snarled, finger on the trigger. "You lowlife son of a bitch!"
"Well... you see my mother is a mermaid, where my old man is a wolf. But close enough I suppose." he chuckled weakly.
Scarlett only pressed the gun deeper into his chest. "Oh I'm going to enjoy this, you little fucker." she hissed.
Lyall gulped loudly and nervously, backed into a wall with Scarlett and her gun, this was a pretty unlucky situation... Good thing luck tended to be on his side most days. The lights have a quick flicker before blacking out then turning on again.
Lyall managed to slip away, a few seconds of Scarlett being distracted was all he needed to get away with and run. He ran out of the room and of course he cringed a bit when Scarlett shrieked out his name. He suppose that and the warning shot she fired was more then enough to cause a panic... Now it was time to flee.
Bigby flinched upon hearing Scarlett screams of anger, shortly fallowed with a warning shot from her gun.
"Well fuck..." he muttered to under his breath, once again looking at the vast amount of switches before him. He managed to cause a flicker, a step in the might direction, surly now if he caused a blackout now that would throw Scarlett off his son's trail, or at least buy them time. Scarlett had brains, and wouldn't fire silver bullets willy nilly in the dark with the possibility of wounding one of her fellow workers. Still, he couldn't figured out the lighting system for the life of him. Too many damn switches and wires... letting out an annoyed sigh Bigby clenched his fists.
"Fuck it."
And with that being said the various array of switches, wires, and buttons, were soon met with Bigby's fist. The lights flickers on and off before stopping at complete darkness. The crowd from outside let out either gasps or surprised screams, and the gunshot from Scarlett's gun certainly wasn't helping the crowd keep calm as they tried to flee the building.
"Sounds like it's time go." This mission was pretty much a bust from the start, no sign of Medusa-
The force from the punch caused him to lose balance and fall backwards. His nose gave a crushing sound as well as a trickle of blood from both nostrils.
'Well, speak of the devil.' he thought looking up at his attacker.
"Fuck, I'll take it my angry ex-wife and this blackout are our cue to get the fuck out of here." Bradwr stated grabbing Bonnie's arm and more of less dragged her through the crowd who were like them and trying to flee.
"Wait up! I can't run in this freaking dress." Bonnie hissed while she and Bradwr tried to literary squeeze their way through the crowd. Clearly rich folks didn't understand how to leave the building in a calm and orderly fashion.
Bradwr's lost his grip on her arm as another cluster of people came, using cellphones and lighters to light their path.
Bonnie hates dresses to begin with, she hated then even more when the seemingly never ending flow of people caused her to trip on her dress and get trampled.
"BRADWR!" she cried out, but to no avail. He was already too far gone, maybe once she got up-
Her stomach tighten as a extremely sharp and painful feeling spread through her abdomen. The metallic taste of blood lingered on her tongue, her eyes lowered down to her dress. It was then she noticed the startling amounts of blood on her dress.
Was she shot?
No, there would has been a noise, this pain was more sharp then burning. She slowly shifted her neck to look behind all.
A hideous creature, white skin tattooed with brown and red fleshy burn marks, it had mostly no hair, and the patches that did hung on its head in messy, tangled clumps, perhaps the most striking feature was the large glass shard embedded in its right eye.
The realization that this monster was in fact Scarlett, and the burns, lost of hair, and possibility the eye was caused from Bradwr cane just as everything became blurry.
Bradwr cursed himself for losing Bonnie in the crowd, but she was a strong, capable woman. Maybe they could meet up back at Fabletown office. Feeling a hand grab his arm, he quickly turn around, half expecting to see Bonnie already up and on her feet and ready to book it.
Snow's toes curled uncomfortably in her shoes as she glanced at the clock. She had been at her desk all day awaiting the return of Bigby, Lyall, Bradwr and Bonnie. This case with Medusa kept getting more and more weirder... yet it kept making sense how it all connected.
She slowly took a sip of tea, this whole situation was unnerving. It was still unbelievable that Bloody Mary had a daughter... her fingers curled around the warm blue mug. With a sigh she got up, and made her way to the magic mirror.
"Mirror, mirror, Medusa and her crew are ticks, tell me did Bigby fall for her any of her tricks?" She felt silly saying that, but she didn't have the energy to fret about rhythms.
The Magic mirrors says nothing and fades away into a smokey green mist, revealing the image.
Her mug hit the floor before shattering in countless pieces, warm tea is spilled everywhere but that is the last of Snow's concerns. Her blue eyes widen in shock, a hand covering her mouth which hung wide open. It was if her heart stopped beating, like she was frozen in time, just frozen long enough to prevent process this picture before her. Bigby Wolf, a Fable she has known for centuries now stood before her through the mirror, turned to grey stone.
And that's the end of this tale, like I said before the next one will be mainly about Bonnie, and we learn about Valora.
Dave Riddles has awoken from his sleep. He stood and walked away from his room to ask Phoenix something.
"Hey Phoenix!"
"U wot m8?"
"I have a question"
"Were you meddling with my brain last night?"
"Did you show it to the others?"
"SO, how was your da-"
Dave shot Phoenix in the face!!! (insert sad piano piece)
"You're dreaming, wake up"
"Oh, so that's why I'm not bleeding. Oh well, I guess it really is time to wake up."
Phoenix woke up and gave out a majestic yawn. Everybody was on their feet clapping, for his yawn was truly breathtaking. As soon as the clapping stopped, an earthquake had occurred! Everybody panicked, except for 2 people: Phoenix and Dave. At that exact moment they knew someone was about to come.
Phoenix and Dave ran to the entrance. As they were running towards it, from a distance, they could see a bear. But as they were getting closer, they were shocked. It was a humongous human!
"Far out, Dave"
"Yeah. What shall we do?"
"We have to fight it. Obviously"
"Okay. Do you have a plan?"
"Of course!"
"What is it?"
"Okay, so you go straight, while I go back and watch you"
"Fair enough"
"All right! I will go my way and you go to yours."
"In 5"
Phoenix stopped and turned back, leaving Dave do his thing. As Dave got closer to the humongous human, he heard the man scream,
If I were to rate this based on structuring, I probably would rate this 7/10.
I do not think many of you where expecting me back. Well guess what?
Ich bin wieder da!
I had a couple of operations going that prevented me from writing for a couple of days, then I decided that I needed a break from reading. At the time, I had been reading the stories on here as well as Fall of Giants and Fatherland (both are good books). I simply needed a break. Sorry for not telling you before. Es tut mir lied! I will make sure to inform next time!
Now, that a break is over. Out of that break came an idea on where to take my story, which will recieve a new chapter tommorow (or tommorow here, anyway). I will take it in a certain direction. I will leave you with a riddle as to what it will involve - It involves our thing.
What has been happening? This is the first I have visited in a while (nearly a fortnight). Please, do update me on your stories with a swift summary. Thanks!
What a ride. Almost everyday for a year we've spent time with the Porgies, and it gets to a stage where they stop living on the page and become alive in your mind. You wonder what they'd be up to, what'll happen next, and if there are going to be any more pregnancies or marriages anytime soon. You start to care. What you've done with the Porgies is something I can't say as I've seen before; where others would go for the cheap thrill of taking Georgie down a dark path you turned him round and carried on walking even when others responded with abuse. In the end, you've created a dynasty that I think everyone here will agree in saying is now synonymous with Fables and TWAU. In fact, everyone's stories here are so wonderful we could stick them all together and create our own comics.
Although that's highly unlikely to happen, the Porgie Clan comic is something I'm looking forward to, and makes me feel a little happier despite being sad. You've introduced us to so many characters, but personally it's be Georgie, Lyla, Emily and Gren that have become the most dear to me. And that's because of your amazing ability to not only write, but create characters and stories we can all relate to. That's the real skill of writing.
Thank you, Pie.
Seems the winds of change are blowing, as it were. Some people build walls, others build windmills - you can thank the Chinese for that wisdom. Anyway, I've been debating whether or not to say something for a while but now is clearly the time, and I'll be leaving too. May come by every once in a while just to see things, but I think this is it, really.
You've been some of the best people I've met on the internet or in real life. You've been kind, welcoming, and open. We've all been through something that no one but us can appreciate, and I'm happy to say I've been a part of it.
Although things are changing here I've no wish to lose contact with anyone; think most of you have already found me on there but I'm WillowsAtSunset on DA if you wish to look me up. Heard that some of you are going to FF.net but I won't be joining; all the best on there.
Doesn't feel right just leaving it like that, not for a thread dedicated to writing stories. So, if you'd like to read it, I've written something below.
Somewhere in America
"Trains! Where are my TRAINS?!" Stomping into the sunny room, what the girl lacks in height she more than makes up for in vocal volume. "You stole them, you filthy stealing stoat!"
A boy, only a year younger than the girl, dives behind a bean-bag cushion and covers himself in a blanket, somehow hoping that this would confuse his sister. Given that she sees him do this, it only serves to make the girl more frustrated.
"Oscar. I. Want. My. TRAINS!" The girl runs forward, kicks the bean-bag to the side and whips the blanket off her brother. Before she can further her demands, however, Oscar's clothes suddenly go flat as a golden blur darts from out of them, jumps on top of a chest of draws, then onto a wardrobe, before whizzing through the air and landing on the bronze light fitting.
“I haven’t got your silly trains, Jemima!” Says the weasel, as the light he’s on swings back and forth like a pendulum. “You know I think they’re as boring as Dad when he starts talking about different types of beer!” Oscar, whose fur is of a blonde shade similar to his mother’s hair, positions himself behind a bulb for defence.
Jemima inhales in such a manner you’d think her brother had just sworn like an 11 year-old losing an online video game (really, where do they get off swearing that much to everyone?), but it’s a simple fact that when their father begins a discourse on the qualities of different hops it’s soporific enough to send an angry grendel to sleep, and such a comparison of her trains to that is one Jemima does not like.
“OSSSCARRR! You asked for this!” Jemima shoots her gaze over the floor and finds a suitable projectile: the square head of a robot that hasn’t seen it’s body for years, mainly because no one knows where on earth it is. Taking aim with one eye closed she arches her arm as if about to throw a baseball, and let’s fly.
The robot head, semi self-aware due to a touch of magic, enjoys it’s moment of soaring through the air, taking in those few seconds to imagine that yes, this must be exactly what it’s like to be Tony Stark’s suit.
Jemima’s aim is’nt bad, hitting the chain above Oscar’s head just after her brother ducks down; the head ricochets off in the direction of the open door and in a convergence of moving bodies being in exactly the right place at the right time, it lands with a plop into the mug of hot tea Mr. Percival Mintwood Weasel is holding as he enters the room.
Percy stands completely still as the spilt fresh brew burns his hand; he’d very much been looking forward to drinking it. Slowly looking down, he sees the robot’s head bobbing at the surface, and somehow by the dim flickering in the electronic eyes can tell that the robot isn’t happy about what’s just occurred either.
Weasel tentatively picks the head out, not wishing to burn his other fingers, and looks over at Jemima. “Why is there a robot head in my tea?”
Jemima, who’s hazel locks obscure half her face after the flustered outburst, decides to tell the truth. “Oscar has stolen my trains.” But not the whole truth.
“I have not!” Comes a squealing shout from the ceiling. “‘Mima keeps saying I have, Dad, but I haven’t!”
In a plain voice, Percy simply says,”I know you haven’t - I took them for cleaning.” This comes as a surprise to everyone else, even the robot head. “Why you insist on taking them into the muddy garden I don’t know, Jemima, but they were so covered in dirt the wheels didn’t move. I’ve given them a quick clean and they’re drying in the kitchen.”
The rage is swept away with this revelation and all Jemima can do is not look too abashed.
“I think you owe your brother an apology,” says Weasel in a tone that means it’s not an optional suggestion.”
Scowling but conceding, Jemima glances up to the ceiling and gives a fleeting “I’m sorry,” to her brother.
“Good, and don’t go throwing heads around,” Percy adds with a sigh that says this isn’t the first time such disembodied heads have been thrown.
“But Oscar said my trains are as boring as you when you’re talking about beer, Daddy! That’s not a nice thing to say! My trains are not that boring!”
“One day you’ll appreciate knowing the difference between admiral and fuggle hops, children. And then you can thank me.” With that, Percy heads to the kitchen, leaving his children to dread the day they ever find themselves grateful for such dull knowledge.
As Percy stands by the boiling kettle, robot head drying on the side next to it, he reflects how Jemima takes so much after her mother. Once someone has crossed her, she doesn't let up easily, and that's just their daughter. Even after so many years of marriage, he still takes care over the little things to make sure they're right for his wife; not because she was demanding, and not really because he feared her temper, he knew. It's simply because he loves her so.
This line of thought takes him back to the first time they met, back in Fabletown, and any thought of Fabletown is always accompanied by the friends he had there. A sudden, strong wave of nostalgia takes Percy by surprise, and for a few moments he ignores the sharp whistling of the kettle as fond memories came back to him.
Five minutes later, Percy returns to the room with a new cup of tea and finds his children happily at play. Oscar had changed back to his human form and now he and Jemima amuse themselves with some toy cars, and what appears to be the missing robot body. Wonder where they found that, contemplates Weasel as he takes a seat and carefully places the mug on the chest of drawers, wanting to wait for it to cool a little before drinking, though not to leave it too long and go cold. That robot head will certainly be happy.
"'Mima, Oscar, fetch some seats over. Daddy wants to tell you a story."
Oscar dives once more for the bean-bag cushion, but this time it's to sit on it. Jemima goes to a corner and picks up a small wooden chair, but does so with suspicion. "You're not going to talk to us about beer again, are you Dad?"
Weasel really hasn't been aware that his children are this fed up with his enthusing of beer, and finds it oddly troubling. But now isn't the time for that. "No, dears, I'm not going to talk about beer. I want to tell you of a time a bit before you were born. Do you remember what I've told you about Fabletown?"
"I do, Dad!" Shouts Oscar, throwing the bean-bag in front of his father and jumping on top of it. Jemima puts her chair down by her brother and sits herself down, swishing her legs back and forth, content.
Satisfied that he has their attention, Percy begins. "Good. Well, your mother and I used to live there for a few hundred years. It was a magical place in the middle of the mundane world, and though everyone there went through many trials and tribulations, good times and bad times, we were all like a big extended family.
"There was a dragon, called Tezoth, who everyone got on with because he brought us all together. If you can believe it, none of us knew each other before we first met him, but after that it was like being with company we’d kept for years.
"And Tezoth himself had many adventures, from getting turned into a dragon in the first place and almost being killed by a banshee! Though that was more of a misunderstanding - the banshee became friends with him later. And there was one time when him and I and some of our friends once went on holiday to a land covered in jungle, where we all had a bizarre adventure! But that tale can wait for another time."
The children stare at their father, frozen with attention. They are always to be found focused when a story is involved.
“There was Makoto and Celeste, too, who faced down Death itself! You met their daughter, Ella, a few years ago, but sadly you never had the chance to meet Luke. He was a great detective, up there with the Big Bad Wolf himself. Your Mummy and Auntie Dixa used to work with Makoto for the Business Office in Fabletown, you know.
“We knew another dragon there too, called Draco. Him and I used to own a small cafe together, actually. Anyway, he eventually got married and had two children, but before that he went on an epic quest to defeat the Demon Knight Aizaax and crossed ferocious Wendigos on the way!” After saying this, Percy puts his hands up like claws and makes a sinister face; his children aren’t particularly amused.
“ahem Then there was Nick, the Harbinger of Death. At a glance, he looked like a big scary man, and under closer inspection he looked even more like a big scary man, but he was always kind to his friends. His tale was very dark at times, but he kept his determination through it all; and he was great to talk to about beer. Many an evening your father spent whiling it away with Nick, discussing hops and even whisky.
“No story is complete without a witch, and although Fabletown had many good witches, one of the best of all was Harmony Wolf. Born a Zephyr, she could float as an invisible breeze through the sky, and had all sorts of powers!” The notion of this particularly entrances the children. “She married Timothy Cratchit and they and their children had so many adventures of their own! There was time-travel, the ups and downs of living, and some particularly nasty vampires.” Weasel stops for a moment and scratches his head. “There were actually quite a few vampires in Fabletown, now I think about it.
“But Robert Grendel definitely wasn’t a vampire. He was one of the kindest souls you could ever hope to meet, and although life was not always easy for him he kept on going and shining through it all. In fact, Robert helped get your Mummy and Daddy together. His brother did try to eat me a few times, but that can be par for the course when you’re a weasel, children. Never get in the way of an angry grendel, but make sure you know a friendly one like Robert.
“Now, Daddy wasn’t the only Brit in Fabletown - there was Georgie Porgie, too. He’d had a very troubled life until one day, when he met a lady named Lyla, and things changed, as if by destiny. He showed us all that to judge another person when you’ve not walked the same path as them is a foolish thing to do, because Georgie Porgie was one of the best Fables of us all.”
“I like Georgie Porgie and Mrs Progie because they give us sweets,” comments Oscar matter-of-factly.
“But you’ve only met them twice, and it was years ago” says Percy, confused.
“And both times they gave us sweets,” replies Jemima. “We remember these things, Dad.”
This recollection of who’s given them sweets and who hasn’t is another new fact to Percy, who’s realising that there are things about his children he simply doesn’t know at all.
“Well, Georgie and Lyla had children, who had children, and there was a time when the whole fate of Fabletown rested on their shoulders. There were sacrifices, but the Porgies always come out on top in the end, and your Daddy is very glad to have known them.”
Percy goes silent for a moment. “Are you okay Dad?” Asks Oscar.
“Oh, yes.” He ruffles the boy’s blonde hair. “When you get to a certain age, you’ll find yourself thinking back to the past with a strange longing.”
After saying this, the front door clicks open and bangs shut. “Hello! I’m back everyone!”, warmly shouts a woman.
“In here, dear!” Percy calls back.
“Mommy!” The children cry as Cinderella steps into the doorway, carrying bags laden with food. “You have food!”
“And for a second there I thought it was me you were pleased to see,” Cindy replies with fake shock, before smiling. “Come and help me put it all away before Dixa arrives, will you?”
Jemima and Oscar jump up, but Oscar asks a question before they leave. “This didn’t seem much like a story, Daddy, but the people in it sound very interesting! Will we ever get to meet them one day?”
Percy smiles back. “Maybe, one day. There were many more than who I’ve said - I could tell you about them sometime, if you like?”
“Sure, Dad!” Jemima enthusiastically replies. “Anything’s better than talking about beer.” With a wide smile she runs off and peers into one of Cindy’s bags, Oscar trailing behind. Wanting to get the food into the kitchen before the children start eating it, Cinderella winks at Weasel before disappearing with the children in tow.
Percy stays sitting for a while longer, reflecting back on good times.
Eventually he remembered the drink next to him, but it was too late. Mr Weasel's tea had gone cold after all.
Want to give a special mention to Dragon - none of us would have met if not for you, it's as simple as that. And I want to personally thank you for staying with this thread and being an awesome host.
To everyone else, your stories and characters have been a privilege to read, and my honest thanks to you for sharing them with us all.
Thanks to you, reading this now, my life has been better to live, and I'll never be able to say thank you enough for that. Though we may speak again, whatever you do in life, always remember that you are a brilliant person. Thank you.
This was wonderful :')
So are you also giving up on writing, Lupine? Or will you be posting your works on DeviantArt?
This was one hell of a way to leave the stage, Noir. Your writing and style was always well thought and had such emotions. Robert and Gren apologies for trying to eat Weasel in the past but sadly, you can not completly change a Grendel's mind. They are pleased to see their dear friend with a family of his own. i'll be seeing you in DA. You've been a wonderful addition to this thread and where ever life takes you, I hope its all you've been hoping for.
No, thank you, Noir and to all the others that saw what I was trying to portray in my story. Georgie was and will laways, be my favorite from the video game. I wanted to give him a voice. A chance and it seems like I did that.
Those couple of days I was banned because of one person was well worth the fight; I was protecting what was my own and I'll do it again. Nothing anyone can show me would have evern changed my mind.
I think Lyla and Georgie's tale opened myself up as a writer, artist and person all on my own. Thank you, once again, for you've been there since day one through all the pregnancies, marriages, sacrifices and then some.
I'm sad to see this end but after a year, I think their tale has been told.
I can't wait to begin a digital comic on the Porgie Clan!! I want to continue with this family and then some. Lyla and Georgie will always have a special place in my heart, as will their children and so forth. Gremily, too, have stolen it as well and I'm pleased to see you all took a liking to this pair.
It was awkward at first but you all saw the message I was trying to portray since day one: EVERYONE deserves a second chance....:) Those final words made me shed a tear and for that, I thank you.
No, thank you, Noir. Thank you for the kind words and always being there for the Porgies.
#Porgie Clan
Years later...
Zylen, Justine, and Chloe Grendel were driving in their car. They've been planning something big. One final mark. Bigby. Wolf. The thing with this mark is that they would be able to take over every single Fabletown across the globe. And then move on to the homelands. Zylen turned his head. Chloe was checking equipment to make sure it was all functional. He felt bad for having her around with them, their work wasn't perceived as 'good deeds'. Normally they only went after bad people who did bad things, but the sheriff never listened to his words and has been building a case. So Zylen needed to carry out what would probably be his last job, many fables already feared Zylen and Justine. They made sure Chloe does not get seen with them so she can make sure nobody goes after her or hurts her. They drove up to the farm. Zylen felt an adrenaline rush and he could see the blood luster in Justines eyes. He placed the microphone on his shirt. Told Chloe and Justines role, and the plan was set. Zylen walked up to Bigbys door and knocked. Snow answered. She wasn't happy to see him.
"What do you want?" Snow said
Zylen didn't keep eye contact "I need to talk to Bigby. It's about Fabletown."
Snow huffed "Why can't you tell me?"
Zylen sighed "Some things are best kept secret Snow."
Snow closed the door, seconds later Bigby opened the door.
"What?" He said
Zylen gave him a gesture to follow him. They walked to the waterfall where Snow and Bigby announced their love. There were two seats, Zylen sat.
"Sit..." He said pointing to the chair.
Bigby didn't budge "What is this-" Zylen interrupted him.
"I said sit..." He said when two thunderous bangs went off.
Bigby nearly had his legs torn off. He wailed in pain. Zylen loaded his gun with silver and walked up to Bigby.
"You know I hoped this would be civil...but you're far too stubborn. You'd die either way, but I at least ed wanted you to go out not like this."
Bigby began to sob. Zylen put the gun to his head. "It's over Bigby...You move your arms you lose those too. Now I just want you to know...Fabletown is mine..."
Bigby stopped crying...it was up. Zylen gave a maniacle smirk. "We villains don't die too easily huh..." BANG!!!
After the job...
Zylen and Justine were thankful of Chloes work. Zylen told her that he'd supply her family with anything they'd ever need and that she would just need to ask. They told her for now the jobs would stop, but they would find her when they do one. She smiled and went home. Zylen and Justine were proud of her, they let her keep her favorite sniper rifle and handgun, Zylen gave her his lever action shotgun just in case someone invades their home. Justine had passed down everything she knew to Chloe, which may not be very good...but she liked to think so.
Years down the line...
Zylen and Justine rested on their island. They'd ruled Fabletown and the homelands for years, and funny enough they strive for it. More and more Fables had homes and jobs. Had families and lived a great life. Justine turned to Zylen she gave him a smile.
"Things turned out good huh?" She said
"Although we had to break our code, I guess this is the best outcome." Zylen said
She pouted "Life isn't full of miracles Zylen! Sometimes you have to break the rules!"
Zylen stared at the sky. "Funny...this is the first time I feel bad."
Justine looked at the sky "Me too..."
Zylen picked up the phone... "Yeah Woody? Could you build a memorial? Okay awesome, I'll pay you five hundred thousand when it's done. It's of Bigby." He said hanging up the phone
Justine looked at him. "You're going through with this?"
Zylen nodded "Yup they all deserve an apology."
Justine smiled and rolled onto his stomach, she kissed him on the lips. "I don't know if I hate this new side of you or love it."
He kissed her back "Love would be better."
She held her stomach "What do you think they'll think?"
He held her tight "Hopefully they'll forgive their father and mother and love us both." He said with a smile
She smiled "I'm sure they will."
The End...
This is my final story...Sorry I didn't do much with Chloe Pie XD I can tell you from what I had drafted in my notebook she was a huge help though! Of course any questions or comments please don't hesitate to ask.
By all means, go for it if you do! If you want, you can send me another one of your non-Fable stories via gmail as well.
I'm currently 'watching' you on there as I type this, so no pm isn't necessary. ^^ Anyway, I see that. What did surprise me the most was Carter Horner - since I can't ever imagine Jack having a kid of his own. :P
Ah man, no prob, no prob! Anytime! This dragon acknowledges the good things he's done concerning all of you being brought together. And of course, we appreciate you being here with us. ^^
Amazing to see Percy telling his story (and ours) so brilliantly as well, couldn't have summarized it better myself. :P
Crazy to see Bigby cry like that, in fact, it's the first time I have really seen (or technically read) him cry! Zylen you ruthless mofo. XD
And of course, Bigby must be dead, so where would you say Snow is in all of this?
Probably mourning and traumatized! Zylen did promise he'd put Bigbys body on her front doorstep! XD
Ruthless! What a way to go for your final part. :P
Behold, one of the most powerful teams to ever be assembled in the Fable World!
When all their enemies banded together, these Fables joined forces and swatted them back into oblivion!
A Zephyr! Harmony!
Kieron, Blood Knight!
A Harbinger of Death! Nick!
A living breathing flamethrower! The master thief Tezoth!
Lyla Porgie! Another wolf with her hubby on the side!
Robert Grendel, The bulldozer and wrecking ball in one!
Draco! Been cut down twice and still stands! But his enemies won't!
And last but not least. Mr. Weasel! Dare to underestimate this fellow, and you will surely know the meaning of separating the wheat from the chaff!
Evil Beware!
I love how Nick is the Dahaka from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within!!! XD
That guy scared the shit out of me when I first played through. Lol
Yeah me too, I was like 13 when I played it :P
Yeah, well, Carter can't change who his real Dad is, and the only thing he has of his father really is the last name. If you were to ask Carter who his family was, he'd say his mom is Bloody Mary, and his dad is Clever Hans
Carter is still my little baby, ohmygod 
Shit man! Harmony looks EPIC! Nick is also EPIC; Definitely how I'd picture him in some instances! You chose the perfect dragon for Tez; I'm sure Dragon would love it! Lyla is SUPER cool! Robert Grendel looks badass, to say the least! Draco is an equally perfect dragon, and I love how dark he is! And lastly, Mr. Weasel made me laugh some, because it reminds me of the raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy XD This was perfect, man, and I'm so happy Harmony was included in it ^-^
I figured as much. I don't remember reading about Carter technically having Jack as a 'father' in the past, so that's why I was surprised by it.
What a coincidental choice of words, with your profile picture being a baby and all. :P
I do like the picture you included for Tez, even though his scales are supposed to be black like Draco's. :P
Where are his front paws, anyway? Tez needs his front paws if he's going to be an actual dragon (thief)!
For those I haven't told yet, I made a Fanfiction account featuring the current story I was writing throughout this year and last. If any of you are interested in reading/the progress of my story, my account name on there is the same as mine on here. Comments would be appreciated as well, thanks!
Concerning the story thread and ideas for users, I may reveal them in a comment at a later date - ideas that probably won't see the light of the internet. Although maybe they will in the future, who knows?
I would seriously advise you all to post on TWAU page of FF.net.
Stay away from the Fables page as it is quite dead.
I'm still checking what gets posted on this thread at least :P
There's a TWAU section? Weird, I didn't see that as part of the game category on there. I'll check again.
Yeah it's in the games section as Wolf Among Us There isn't a 'The' at the beginning of it for some reason
Sorry @Tetra
You are here!
I just noticed it didn't have paws. Lol
I'm sure he has other methods.
Robert looks like a machine, Stone! He's honored to be beside so many awesome Fables.
We all do make one hell of a team.
Lmao you're good man! That's an awesome pic!
Haha, yeah XD My profile pic is a picture of my Sim baby; I legit love her like a real daughter, lmao XD Her name is Grace and she also has a big brother who I love just as much
Man, this is a sad way for me to come back...
For those who don't know me, I am a person who wrote a story titled: Dave Riddles
(I'm not famous)
And for those who don't know what--
I was originally supposed to just pop in and say hi, after 7 months of not being able to write a story to you guys. But when I read about people leaving the forum, I thought to myself, "Maybe I can do something about this." But as I continued to read, anything I do will not get them back here.
So, this is a really sad comeback. I wish I came back a bit earlier. That may have stopped this from happening.
Fellow forum-ers, let us raise our voices and praise them for their great contributions on this forum! Let us thank them with contentment!
Before I forget, I might not be able to write a story for you guys in a while.
I hope all the problems will be solved.
See ya
It was a combination of things as to why we left (I joined this thread back in January btw) most of us just relocated to DeviantArt and fanfiction.net
Some of us still check the thread (like me) but no more writing on here, I still write on those 2 sites though!!
If you ever feel like posting more of your story again, you're more than welcome to still do so on here. The only difference now is that the thread won't be as active compared to before (though hopefully that will change in the future). The problems have been solved for the most part.
I remember the general idea of your story as well. It was more of a comedic approach than a serious one, correct? XP
Ah, joy fills my heart once more. Knowing that things are getting better.
@HazzatheMan I went to fanfiction.net the other day and got confused how things work there.
@DragonButter Exactly! XD
I wish this whole thing becomes a lot more animated (lively) in the next few days or so.
If you want this thread to become lively again - you can be one of the persons who could actually make it happen!
Oh yeah! I've never thought about that!
I'll do my best, for the sake of everybody!
Chapter 6: The Return
As Phoenix finished his pointless speech, he set out for no apparent reason.
"Hey Dave, I'll be strolling down the street, aight?"
"I think you are drunk. You should stop refilling that mug of yours", replied Dave.
"No, yo-"
Phoenix launched himself forward and killed Dave.
The End
This is just a draft on what I'm going to be doing. It's rather boring than actually mentally engaging. Although my piece has never been engaging of some sort. Never mind that! I will be posting the real thing sometime this week.
Good Fortune
Sorry for the long post. Here is a picture of a cute, yet sexy, puppy:

This may be one of the shortest chapters I have ever seen, possibly the shortest one out of all of 'em.
Can't wait for whenever the actual thing will be posted. XD
And this was completely random:
I don't know how to respond to this. XD
Sorry for the wait, I'm moving soon and I had to help pack and tidy up. By the way, if someone asked you to remove wallpaper RUN!
On a much brighter note I commissioned some pretty amazing art of Scarlett and Lyall (One is even a gif!)
Scarlett- http://gamegurlunleashed.deviantart.com/art/PC-cool-lady-531859955
Scarlett X Lyall- http://gamegurlunleashed.deviantart.com/art/Commission-A-break-through-531283055
And The Scarlett X Lyall gif
And I'm open for point commissions and art trades on deviant art if that interested anyone.
And with the lack of activity I might move this on fanfiction . Net. I act silly already have Wolf among us stories on there, I go by Wandering to her doom. Might still post chapters on this forum.... Don't know...
Cat and Mouse
Chapter 7 Party crashers
Bonnie sighed as she kept an eye out, still no sign of Lyall, even with Bradwr's not so quiet way of trying to signal him.
"Do you see him? Or Scarlett?" Bonnie asked as Bradwr shrugged.
"Nope, must had missed my signal... maybe I should try again?" Bonnie quickly clasped a hand over his mouth.
"No, I think people on Mars heard you already." she muttered, releasing her hand. "Find it odd we haven't gotten to see Medusa yet?"
"Who's complaining? The less I see of that freak the better." he huffed. "Man, I could go for a smoke right now..."
"We can go hound Lyall for smokes once we find him. Think Scarlett could had pulled some kind of bullshit on him?"
"Nah, she ain't into anything less its about revenge."
Lyall almost let out a yelp as Scarlett bit into his lower lip, could had swore she was trying to draw blood.
"Am I being too rough?" she asked
"I like rough."
"Good, because I'm not easing up." she purred, her words as sly as a thief. His tongue danced and teased across her lips, Fuck she was gorgeous.... now if only she wasn't dead set on murdering his ass, that was enough to almost be a date breaker....
Bluebeard's let out a disgusted noise as he glared at the snake in its glass cage. Snakes weren't appealing to begin with, but these were certain more then just snakes and they were certainly less appealing. Long and jet black, unsettling red eyes... only Medusa would think to breed such a vile creature, although how would be a better question.
"You said you found something else about these snakes?" Bluebeard grumbled watching it slither around the cage.
"If they can still even be called that." Swineheart huffed, flipping through his clipboard. "Like I said these are anything but snakes." he glance at the cage. "It was surprisingly easier to study these creatures once they grew up, more of the changes Medusa made to them became quite clear, seems little Mona here has traces of cobra, rattlesnake, black mamba, and just about everything else." he explained.
"Mona?" Bluebeard narrowed his eyes in disapproval. "You named that thing?"
"Oh no, I was highly against naming her but Bradwr insisted."
"Of course he did." he grumbled, fingers tapping on the table impatiently. "Why did you need me here again, we know these aren't normal snakes, or are you just wasting my time?!"
"Actually I have a question, I felt like it would more professional to ask in person rather then in phone or email." Swineheart set his clipboard aside. "Had you been around succubus of any sort?"
"Excuse me? What do those demons have to do with anything?"
"I found traces of succubus DNA in these creatures."
Bigby longed for a cigarette, cigar, or ANYTHING to block out the pestering smell of over priced, sickening floral scent of Medusa's demon lackeys and perfumed. Hopefully Lyall was having a better time then he was. Trudging up the flight of stairs he took the time to quickly glance at the crowd under him. Still no sight of Bonnie and Bonnie, and Lyall who was on the dance floor with Scarlett was now gone. Considering he haven't heard any gunshots or Scarlett cursing the family name at the top of his lungs he suspected all was good... for now.
Once up the spiral of stairs he managed to get sneak into a door labeled "Keep out", appearing more bland then the other guest who were clad in peacocks feathers, pearls, fluffy white boas, and glittering jewelry, it made him think more of a children's dress up session instead of a fancy black tie affair, Medusa certainly liked to hanged the odd types of people. He reached out for the doorknob, locked.
"Typical..." he muttered digging into the pocket of his tux, retrieving a small bag containing a small lock picking kit, a gift from Mouse for the job, insisting it might be useful and rich folks always had something to hide. Kneeling down he slowly started to pick the lock until he heard a small click.
Upon turning the knob the door open with ease, revealing the electric room. Countless switches, control panels, and wires stood before him. Bigby never considered himself a man who embraced technology all that much. He could never understand how his son and wife Nerissa could easily put music on their iPods, download movies, or even deal with social media accounts. All he needed was a decent working TV and know how to function the coffee maker at the office.
He supposed just fucking around with enough switches and wires would cause a blackout, or at least cause some sort of problem with the lighting. Letting out a sigh he glanced at the row of switches before him.
Hopefully this worked.
Scarlett was like an animal toying with her prey, one second she was gentle with him, the next Lyall was sure she was near or already drawing blood when she each time she bit into his lower lip or neck. Teeth marks decorated his neck like tattoos, she clawed at his head, showing no sign of releasing him from her lustful and passionate domination. Her lips trailed down his already hickey and bite mark ridden neck. Her pearly white teeth bit down into his neck quite hard, in fact he yelped upon feeling the sensitive skin break when her teeth sunk into his flesh. He jumped a bit, and that was all the already thin strap on his mask needed to snap and fall off his face.
His blood turned to ice as Scarlett's freckled face turned from confusion to anger. She clenched her teeth, her eyebrows buckled and in the blink of an eye Lyall had the barrel of her silver, bullet filled gun jabbing him in his chest. Where did she even keep that thing? The dress had no pockets for fucks sake.
"YOU!" Scarlett snarled, finger on the trigger. "You lowlife son of a bitch!"
"Well... you see my mother is a mermaid, where my old man is a wolf. But close enough I suppose." he chuckled weakly.
Scarlett only pressed the gun deeper into his chest. "Oh I'm going to enjoy this, you little fucker." she hissed.
Lyall gulped loudly and nervously, backed into a wall with Scarlett and her gun, this was a pretty unlucky situation... Good thing luck tended to be on his side most days. The lights have a quick flicker before blacking out then turning on again.
Lyall managed to slip away, a few seconds of Scarlett being distracted was all he needed to get away with and run. He ran out of the room and of course he cringed a bit when Scarlett shrieked out his name. He suppose that and the warning shot she fired was more then enough to cause a panic... Now it was time to flee.
Bigby flinched upon hearing Scarlett screams of anger, shortly fallowed with a warning shot from her gun.
"Well fuck..." he muttered to under his breath, once again looking at the vast amount of switches before him. He managed to cause a flicker, a step in the might direction, surly now if he caused a blackout now that would throw Scarlett off his son's trail, or at least buy them time. Scarlett had brains, and wouldn't fire silver bullets willy nilly in the dark with the possibility of wounding one of her fellow workers. Still, he couldn't figured out the lighting system for the life of him. Too many damn switches and wires... letting out an annoyed sigh Bigby clenched his fists.
"Fuck it."
And with that being said the various array of switches, wires, and buttons, were soon met with Bigby's fist. The lights flickers on and off before stopping at complete darkness. The crowd from outside let out either gasps or surprised screams, and the gunshot from Scarlett's gun certainly wasn't helping the crowd keep calm as they tried to flee the building.
"Sounds like it's time go." This mission was pretty much a bust from the start, no sign of Medusa-
The force from the punch caused him to lose balance and fall backwards. His nose gave a crushing sound as well as a trickle of blood from both nostrils.
'Well, speak of the devil.' he thought looking up at his attacker.
"Fuck, I'll take it my angry ex-wife and this blackout are our cue to get the fuck out of here." Bradwr stated grabbing Bonnie's arm and more of less dragged her through the crowd who were like them and trying to flee.
"Wait up! I can't run in this freaking dress." Bonnie hissed while she and Bradwr tried to literary squeeze their way through the crowd. Clearly rich folks didn't understand how to leave the building in a calm and orderly fashion.
Bradwr's lost his grip on her arm as another cluster of people came, using cellphones and lighters to light their path.
Bonnie hates dresses to begin with, she hated then even more when the seemingly never ending flow of people caused her to trip on her dress and get trampled.
"BRADWR!" she cried out, but to no avail. He was already too far gone, maybe once she got up-
Her stomach tighten as a extremely sharp and painful feeling spread through her abdomen. The metallic taste of blood lingered on her tongue, her eyes lowered down to her dress. It was then she noticed the startling amounts of blood on her dress.
Was she shot?
No, there would has been a noise, this pain was more sharp then burning. She slowly shifted her neck to look behind all.
A hideous creature, white skin tattooed with brown and red fleshy burn marks, it had mostly no hair, and the patches that did hung on its head in messy, tangled clumps, perhaps the most striking feature was the large glass shard embedded in its right eye.
The realization that this monster was in fact Scarlett, and the burns, lost of hair, and possibility the eye was caused from Bradwr cane just as everything became blurry.
Bradwr cursed himself for losing Bonnie in the crowd, but she was a strong, capable woman. Maybe they could meet up back at Fabletown office. Feeling a hand grab his arm, he quickly turn around, half expecting to see Bonnie already up and on her feet and ready to book it.
Snow's toes curled uncomfortably in her shoes as she glanced at the clock. She had been at her desk all day awaiting the return of Bigby, Lyall, Bradwr and Bonnie. This case with Medusa kept getting more and more weirder... yet it kept making sense how it all connected.
She slowly took a sip of tea, this whole situation was unnerving. It was still unbelievable that Bloody Mary had a daughter... her fingers curled around the warm blue mug. With a sigh she got up, and made her way to the magic mirror.
"Mirror, mirror, Medusa and her crew are ticks, tell me did Bigby fall for her any of her tricks?" She felt silly saying that, but she didn't have the energy to fret about rhythms.
The Magic mirrors says nothing and fades away into a smokey green mist, revealing the image.
Her mug hit the floor before shattering in countless pieces, warm tea is spilled everywhere but that is the last of Snow's concerns. Her blue eyes widen in shock, a hand covering her mouth which hung wide open. It was if her heart stopped beating, like she was frozen in time, just frozen long enough to prevent process this picture before her. Bigby Wolf, a Fable she has known for centuries now stood before her through the mirror, turned to grey stone.
And that's the end of this tale, like I said before the next one will be mainly about Bonnie, and we learn about Valora.
Chapter 7: The Awaiting
Dave Riddles has awoken from his sleep. He stood and walked away from his room to ask Phoenix something.
"Hey Phoenix!"
"U wot m8?"
"I have a question"
"Were you meddling with my brain last night?"
"Did you show it to the others?"
"SO, how was your da-"
Dave shot Phoenix in the face!!! (insert sad piano piece)
"You're dreaming, wake up"
"Oh, so that's why I'm not bleeding. Oh well, I guess it really is time to wake up."
Phoenix woke up and gave out a majestic yawn. Everybody was on their feet clapping, for his yawn was truly breathtaking. As soon as the clapping stopped, an earthquake had occurred! Everybody panicked, except for 2 people: Phoenix and Dave. At that exact moment they knew someone was about to come.
Phoenix and Dave ran to the entrance. As they were running towards it, from a distance, they could see a bear. But as they were getting closer, they were shocked. It was a humongous human!
"Far out, Dave"
"Yeah. What shall we do?"
"We have to fight it. Obviously"
"Okay. Do you have a plan?"
"Of course!"
"What is it?"
"Okay, so you go straight, while I go back and watch you"
"Fair enough"
"All right! I will go my way and you go to yours."
"In 5"
Phoenix stopped and turned back, leaving Dave do his thing. As Dave got closer to the humongous human, he heard the man scream,
If I were to rate this based on structuring, I probably would rate this 7/10.
Anyways, without further ado,
I do not think many of you where expecting me back. Well guess what?
Ich bin wieder da!
I had a couple of operations going that prevented me from writing for a couple of days, then I decided that I needed a break from reading. At the time, I had been reading the stories on here as well as Fall of Giants and Fatherland (both are good books). I simply needed a break. Sorry for not telling you before. Es tut mir lied! I will make sure to inform next time!
Now, that a break is over. Out of that break came an idea on where to take my story, which will recieve a new chapter tommorow (or tommorow here, anyway). I will take it in a certain direction. I will leave you with a riddle as to what it will involve - It involves our thing.
What has been happening? This is the first I have visited in a while (nearly a fortnight). Please, do update me on your stories with a swift summary. Thanks!