I honestly have no idea. I guess it will depend if I feel like writing this more and if this season gets good feedback. If I do decide to make a season 4 it will at least be 2 1/2 months before I write it after season 3 just so I can look at what I've done and improve my writing. I will keep this page active even when I'm not writing the story, I may tell you some interesting things in my down time.
I opened the door of my car and grabbed my backpack the sun was shining bright. I walked to the front doors of my school and sighed knowing I was already late. I went in and got into my classroom. I sat down in the chair and heard the teachers lecture, I didn’t particularly care what he was saying but I knew that I would need to listen or fail the test. The class had gone extremely slow and I was just waiting for the moment the bell rang so I could take a break even it was only for a few moments. Troy and Lucy caught up with me in the hall.
“Hey man what’s up?” asked Troy
“We noticed you were late to class and we got worried.” Lucy grinned
“My parents fought last night, I didn’t get a lot of sleep.” I sighed
“That sucks, are you ok?” said Lucy
“Yeah, it’s just been hard. Ya know?” I assured her.
“If you ever need to talk about it we’re here.” Troy smiled and pat my back.
“Thanks guys, I appreciate it.” I smiled and walked through the hall with them.
“Someday we’re going to have to go on a road trip, just the three of us. Maybe we’ll have some excitement along the way, like we pick up a hitchhiker and they try to steal our stuff. That would suck if it were to happen but you know what I mean right? Maybe we’ll meet some new people and hell maybe we’ll become friends and have adventures with them.” Lucy though hopingly.
“After graduation definitely.” Troy chuckled.
“Stay with me Maria!” I said into the cold air. The blood was draining from her body and seeping into the snow. The snow was becoming increasingly difficult to trudge through. I pushed through more snow and made it out of the woods. I rushed to the nearest vehicle and set Maria inside. I went to the drivers side and began turning the key feverishly. The engine sputtered a few times but it didn’t turn on. My heart sank and I was beginning to accept that Maria may not make it. I helped her to the next vehicle, thankfully the vehicle started but I still wouldn’t be able to drive it through the snow. I checked the wound; the bullet almost hit an organ but was a few centimeters off. I had no choice but to carry her to The Mountain Top. Those were some of the longest hours of my life, I finally reached the gate. “Help!” I screamed to the people inside. I heard a latch and the gate opened, I rushed inside and fell to my knees. I heard gasps from some of the people inside. “Please, get a doctor.” I urged them. A man ran to us and picked up Maria, I stayed on the ground and eventually passed out from fatigue. I awoke in a small bed, the air was dry and it smelt bland in the white room. I had a blanket on top of me, I had no intention to move. I began to worry about Maria and whether or not she would be ok. I looked to my side and noticed a mug on a night table with a note next to it. I picked up the note and looked at the writing it read: Left you some hot tea, Maria will be ok she will just need a few days of rest before you can move. If you have any questions come see me -Leonidas. I set the note back down and raised the mug to my mouth, I gulped down the tea. The warmth resided in my throat and gave me a good feeling, it was the first in a long time. I decided that speaking with Leonidas was a good idea. I kept the thought of Maria being ok with me, it would help me get some sleep. I was hoping for a comforting dream all I got were petrifying nightmares of the cultists. They know where I live and who I trade goods with, I wouldn’t be safe no matter where I go. I set my feet on the ground and made my way towards the door. I opened the door in a hurry and set my mind on finding Leonidas. The people in the community were laughing and joking peacefully as if the dead weren’t walking outside of the walls. I finally found Leonidas’ room and knocked on the door. Leonidas answered almost immediately. “Hello.” He said sternly.
“Hello to you as well.” I answered back.
“Come in.” He said
I took a seat by him. “We didn’t end things on good terms.” I stated.
“No we did not. You need to realize that this is my community and I won’t stand for anyone trying to tell me how to run things. We’ve been here since the beginning and no one has come knocking.” Leonidas looked me in the eyes.
“Would you like to know how Maria ended up the way she did?” I asked rhetorically. “She was shot by cultists that kidnapped us and tried to turn us into walkers for them to eat!” I held back a growl.
“Excuse me?” asked Leonidas
“There are some sick fucks outside of those walls, you’ve had the luxury of never having to deal with them. I’ve dealt with so many sick people now that I can’t even think back to the last time meeting new people didn’t end badly.” I thought back.
“How am I supposed to believe what you’re saying?” asked Leonidas.
“You don’t have to believe me, but you should. These people know about your community, Rodriguez’s community, and mine.” I answered. “I know that these people are organized. They could be anywhere at anytime, they could be right outside now and we would never know.” I added. “Have you dealt with anyone dying? By that I mean being right in front of someone who is alive and well and the next second they’re just gone.” I questioned him.
“We’ve never had to deal with a death here. We’ve dealt with a few biters but that’s about it.” Leonidas replied
“You’re lucky, I wish that was all I would have to do.” I scoffed.
“Things are different here Cody, the war is over.” Leonidas looked into my eyes.
“The war is never over.” I stated and invited myself out.
I heard screams and saw people run by. I brought out my pistol and rushed towards the screams, walkers were inside the community. But how? I put my pistol away and yanked my machete from the sheath and dashed forward. I didn’t know how many surrounded me I kicked a walker in the chest, it felt to the ground and took another with it. I finished off the others still standing and then put the machete through the two others’ skulls. I was a little out of breath, I noticed something about the walkers. They only came to be a bit ago, someone must have turned and no one took care of it but then I started to think about the cultists and knew what I had to do. I took the shirt off on of the walkers and sighed when I saw the sign on the walkers chest, this was a member in disguise. If they were here then they could have people at The Sanctuary or even Wellington. My eyes grew wide and I knew leaving them alone after seeing the symbol on the wall was a bad idea. Leonidas ran up along with all of the members of The Mountain Top. “What the hell happened?” gasped Leonidas
“Someone was either bit and turned or they died and turned. Either way shouldn’t have happened in here, how did it happen here?” I asked furiously
“No one could have died no one here was bit or dying!” Leonidas said back
“Those cultists I told you about it was them. They had someone or maybe several people here as a way to bring your community down.” I thought outloud
“Why do you think that?” asked Leonidas curiously
“The symbol on this mans chest is the same symbol that was painted on the wall of my community.” I answered. “There could be people here in a part of the group we need to check everyone’s chest.” I stated.
“This isn’t right!” protested a woman.
“We’ll have a woman look at you.” I said
“Alright.” the protesting woman stepped down.
“Let’s get this show on the road.” I sighed
We had men in one line and the women in another. We went through as many people as possible; we were nearing the end of both lines. I reached the third to last person and had him prove to me he wasn’t with them. But when he lifted his shirt up the symbol was there, it was carved into his skin. My eyes grew wide and I knocked him on his ass. I put my foot on his chest and restrained him. “What are we going to do?” asked a woman.
“We need information on these people.” I told her. “Tell me everything about your group!” I growled.
“Fuck you!” the cultist protested.
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way, I prefer the easy way but it’s your decision.” I told him.
“I ain’t tellin’ you shit!” the cultist spat
“Cody what’s the hard way?” asked Leonidas
“We tie him to a chair and force him answer our questions.” I said
“You mean interrogate him!?” Leonidas said baffled
I shook my head in agreement. “That’s not right!” He said “We’ll just force him to leave!” He stammered
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 1: A Discovery
I opened the door of my car and grabbed my backpack the sun was shining bright. … moreI walked to the front doors of my school and sighed knowing I was already late. I went in and got into my classroom. I sat down in the chair and heard the teachers lecture, I didn’t particularly care what he was saying but I knew that I would need to listen or fail the test. The class had gone extremely slow and I was just waiting for the moment the bell rang so I could take a break even it was only for a few moments. Troy and Lucy caught up with me in the hall.
“Hey man what’s up?” asked Troy
“We noticed you were late to class and we got worried.” Lucy grinned
“My parents fought last night, I didn’t get a lot of sleep.” I sighed
“That sucks, are you ok?” said Lucy
“Yeah, it’s just been hard. Ya know?” I assured her.
“If you ever need to talk about it we’re here.” Troy smiled and pat my … [view original content]
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 1: A Discovery
I opened the door of my car and grabbed my backpack the sun was shining bright. … moreI walked to the front doors of my school and sighed knowing I was already late. I went in and got into my classroom. I sat down in the chair and heard the teachers lecture, I didn’t particularly care what he was saying but I knew that I would need to listen or fail the test. The class had gone extremely slow and I was just waiting for the moment the bell rang so I could take a break even it was only for a few moments. Troy and Lucy caught up with me in the hall.
“Hey man what’s up?” asked Troy
“We noticed you were late to class and we got worried.” Lucy grinned
“My parents fought last night, I didn’t get a lot of sleep.” I sighed
“That sucks, are you ok?” said Lucy
“Yeah, it’s just been hard. Ya know?” I assured her.
“If you ever need to talk about it we’re here.” Troy smiled and pat my … [view original content]
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 1: A Discovery
I opened the door of my car and grabbed my backpack the sun was shining bright. … moreI walked to the front doors of my school and sighed knowing I was already late. I went in and got into my classroom. I sat down in the chair and heard the teachers lecture, I didn’t particularly care what he was saying but I knew that I would need to listen or fail the test. The class had gone extremely slow and I was just waiting for the moment the bell rang so I could take a break even it was only for a few moments. Troy and Lucy caught up with me in the hall.
“Hey man what’s up?” asked Troy
“We noticed you were late to class and we got worried.” Lucy grinned
“My parents fought last night, I didn’t get a lot of sleep.” I sighed
“That sucks, are you ok?” said Lucy
“Yeah, it’s just been hard. Ya know?” I assured her.
“If you ever need to talk about it we’re here.” Troy smiled and pat my … [view original content]
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 1: A Discovery
I opened the door of my car and grabbed my backpack the sun was shining bright. … moreI walked to the front doors of my school and sighed knowing I was already late. I went in and got into my classroom. I sat down in the chair and heard the teachers lecture, I didn’t particularly care what he was saying but I knew that I would need to listen or fail the test. The class had gone extremely slow and I was just waiting for the moment the bell rang so I could take a break even it was only for a few moments. Troy and Lucy caught up with me in the hall.
“Hey man what’s up?” asked Troy
“We noticed you were late to class and we got worried.” Lucy grinned
“My parents fought last night, I didn’t get a lot of sleep.” I sighed
“That sucks, are you ok?” said Lucy
“Yeah, it’s just been hard. Ya know?” I assured her.
“If you ever need to talk about it we’re here.” Troy smiled and pat my … [view original content]
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 1: A Discovery
I opened the door of my car and grabbed my backpack the sun was shining bright. … moreI walked to the front doors of my school and sighed knowing I was already late. I went in and got into my classroom. I sat down in the chair and heard the teachers lecture, I didn’t particularly care what he was saying but I knew that I would need to listen or fail the test. The class had gone extremely slow and I was just waiting for the moment the bell rang so I could take a break even it was only for a few moments. Troy and Lucy caught up with me in the hall.
“Hey man what’s up?” asked Troy
“We noticed you were late to class and we got worried.” Lucy grinned
“My parents fought last night, I didn’t get a lot of sleep.” I sighed
“That sucks, are you ok?” said Lucy
“Yeah, it’s just been hard. Ya know?” I assured her.
“If you ever need to talk about it we’re here.” Troy smiled and pat my … [view original content]
Voting has closed! Cody will interrogate the cultist. I have to say this is my favorite episode to write so far. I'm finally getting back into writing, the past month has been full of writers block and it's been tough. I also hoped that someone would point out something funny in the flashback pertaining to the road trip and the beginning of my story.
“I’m not fucking around with these people Leonidas. They shot Maria, they tried to bring down your community and possibly mine!” I stated “Where’s Rodriguez?” I asked
“He left the community shortly after you did.” Leonidas replied
“Oh shit!” I sighed
“It’s so damn cold and all these vehicles are blocking the way!” complained April
“Well once we get back to The Sanctuary we’ll be in our warm bedrooms.” Rodriguez reassured her.
Figures came from behind the cars and began surrounding them. April pulled out her pistol and waved it at them. “Back the fuck off!” She warned them. It was too late they were swarmed and knocked out. The cultists dragged their limp bodies through the woods and to their home.
“You need to get a search team out there right now!” I told Leonidas
“We don’t have that kind of thing!” Leonidas responded
“Jesus! Get your best people together and send them out!” I shouted at him
I grabbed the cultist by the collar and knocked him out with a punch and dragged him to a cellar. He awoke tied to a chair in a dark room. “What’s your name?” I asked the cultist.
“Fuck you.” He said
I punched him in the gut and brought his head back up. “What’s your name!?” I asked again
“Flynn.” He spat
“Alright Flynn, what’s the name of the group you’re with?” I asked
“We are The Followers.” Flynn chuckled
A woman walked down the steps into the cellar slowly. “What did you find out?” she asked
I led her out of the cellar and we returned to the cafeteria. “His name is Flynn, his group’s name is The Followers.” I said
“The Followers?” asked the woman
“I have no idea.” I replied “So, what’s your name?” I asked her.
“My name is Nozomi Minami.” She said
“I can’t help but ask. Are you pregnant?” I asked with fear that I was wrong.
She laughed and looked at me. “Yeah i’m pregnant, unwillingly but pregnant.” Her tone changed immediately
“What do you mean?” I asked
“I had a run in with some pretty bad people.” She said
“Oh, i’m sorry.” I tried to comfort her
“It’s alright, shit happens ya know?” She said
“I guess.” I sighed
Leonidas walked up to us and looked at me with great distaste. “You don’t run this community.” He said
“What are you talking about?” I asked
“Interrogating the man without my say so is completely unorthodox!” Leonidas pressed me
“Well letting him go is irresponsible!” I retorted
“Damn it tell me you at least produced something helpful by this barbaric act.” Leonidas grumbled
“His name is Flynn and his group is called The Followers.” I told him
“Anything else?” asked Leonidas
“I’m going to ask him some more questions later.” I said
“Next time i’m going to be monitoring you.” said Leonidas
“Sure whatever floats your boat.” I said
Leonidas grumbled and walked off. “You two don’t seem to have the same views.” Nozomi laughed.
“I guess you could say that.” I looked at her “So what did you before everything went to shit?” I asked her
“I studied medicine and was planning on taking a job as a pharmacist or something but ya know things happened and yeah…” She trailed off. “Anyway what’s your story?” she asked
“I just graduated from college and this all started. My friends Troy and Lucy were with me. We went far into this thing, but it all went downhill from there.” I started to tear up. “I miss them so much.” A tear rolled down my face.
“I’m sorry.” Nozomi tried to comfort me
“Anyway I need to get back to it.” I said
“Yeah I guess I should too.” said Nozomi
I went back to the cellar and found Flynn. “I have a few more questions for you.” I said
“What would those be?” said Flynn
“What is your group trying to do?” I asked
“Cleanse this world.” Flynn said with happiness
“How do you cleanse the world?” I asked
He didn’t answer me so I left it at that. I kept him in the cellar with minimal light. I walked back to my room, I was too tired to do anything else so I just went to sleep. In the morning I prepared to go back to the cellar and get some more answers. I opened the door and to my surprise Flynn was gone. I knew it wasn’t possible, I made sure everything was away from him and that he was tied tightly. I retrieved my pistol from the holster and kept on guard the whole time. I rushed outside and looked around the community it seemed too peaceful. I ran to the room Maria was in. Maria was gasping for air as Flynn was strangling her, I grabbed Flynn by the throat and slammed him into the ground. “How did you escape!?” I screamed at him
“Ask Leonidas.” Flynn giggled hysterically
I aimed the pistol at his head and fired. I holstered the gun and left to find Leonidas. Leonidas was conversing with one of the members, I walked towards him.
“Oh, hello Cody. Did you sleep well?” asked Leonidas
I punched him in the face and knocked him to the ground I threw myself on top of him and began punching as much as I could. Everything went black. Leonidas punched me off of him and got on top of me, he put his hands on my throat and put all of his weight on me. I grabbed him by the shoulders and tried to throw him off. I hit his face with my elbow and I got back on him. We struggled on the cold ground. “Say it!” I screamed at him. “You let Flynn go and he tried to kill Maria!” I yelled at him. I punched him one more time. Leonidas pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket and stabbed me in the side. I grunted and pointed my pistol at him. “Fine fine!” He spat blood. “I--I let Flynn go.” He admitted. “Please don’t kill me!” He weeped
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 2: A New Friend
[Interrogate the cultist]
“I’m not fucking around with these people Leonidas. They s… morehot Maria, they tried to bring down your community and possibly mine!” I stated “Where’s Rodriguez?” I asked
“He left the community shortly after you did.” Leonidas replied
“Oh shit!” I sighed
“It’s so damn cold and all these vehicles are blocking the way!” complained April
“Well once we get back to The Sanctuary we’ll be in our warm bedrooms.” Rodriguez reassured her.
Figures came from behind the cars and began surrounding them. April pulled out her pistol and waved it at them. “Back the fuck off!” She warned them. It was too late they were swarmed and knocked out. The cultists dragged their limp bodies through the woods and to their home.
“You need to get a search team out there right now!” I told Leonidas
“We don’t have that kind of thing!” Leonidas responded… [view original content]
God, Leonidas is a fucking asshole. Either he is working with the creepy cult people, or even worse, he is a dumb asshole who let that guy go since he thought it was for the best. Either way, he deserves a bullet.
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 2: A New Friend
[Interrogate the cultist]
“I’m not fucking around with these people Leonidas. They s… morehot Maria, they tried to bring down your community and possibly mine!” I stated “Where’s Rodriguez?” I asked
“He left the community shortly after you did.” Leonidas replied
“Oh shit!” I sighed
“It’s so damn cold and all these vehicles are blocking the way!” complained April
“Well once we get back to The Sanctuary we’ll be in our warm bedrooms.” Rodriguez reassured her.
Figures came from behind the cars and began surrounding them. April pulled out her pistol and waved it at them. “Back the fuck off!” She warned them. It was too late they were swarmed and knocked out. The cultists dragged their limp bodies through the woods and to their home.
“You need to get a search team out there right now!” I told Leonidas
“We don’t have that kind of thing!” Leonidas responded… [view original content]
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 2: A New Friend
[Interrogate the cultist]
“I’m not fucking around with these people Leonidas. They s… morehot Maria, they tried to bring down your community and possibly mine!” I stated “Where’s Rodriguez?” I asked
“He left the community shortly after you did.” Leonidas replied
“Oh shit!” I sighed
“It’s so damn cold and all these vehicles are blocking the way!” complained April
“Well once we get back to The Sanctuary we’ll be in our warm bedrooms.” Rodriguez reassured her.
Figures came from behind the cars and began surrounding them. April pulled out her pistol and waved it at them. “Back the fuck off!” She warned them. It was too late they were swarmed and knocked out. The cultists dragged their limp bodies through the woods and to their home.
“You need to get a search team out there right now!” I told Leonidas
“We don’t have that kind of thing!” Leonidas responded… [view original content]
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 2: A New Friend
[Interrogate the cultist]
“I’m not fucking around with these people Leonidas. They s… morehot Maria, they tried to bring down your community and possibly mine!” I stated “Where’s Rodriguez?” I asked
“He left the community shortly after you did.” Leonidas replied
“Oh shit!” I sighed
“It’s so damn cold and all these vehicles are blocking the way!” complained April
“Well once we get back to The Sanctuary we’ll be in our warm bedrooms.” Rodriguez reassured her.
Figures came from behind the cars and began surrounding them. April pulled out her pistol and waved it at them. “Back the fuck off!” She warned them. It was too late they were swarmed and knocked out. The cultists dragged their limp bodies through the woods and to their home.
“You need to get a search team out there right now!” I told Leonidas
“We don’t have that kind of thing!” Leonidas responded… [view original content]
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 2: A New Friend
[Interrogate the cultist]
“I’m not fucking around with these people Leonidas. They s… morehot Maria, they tried to bring down your community and possibly mine!” I stated “Where’s Rodriguez?” I asked
“He left the community shortly after you did.” Leonidas replied
“Oh shit!” I sighed
“It’s so damn cold and all these vehicles are blocking the way!” complained April
“Well once we get back to The Sanctuary we’ll be in our warm bedrooms.” Rodriguez reassured her.
Figures came from behind the cars and began surrounding them. April pulled out her pistol and waved it at them. “Back the fuck off!” She warned them. It was too late they were swarmed and knocked out. The cultists dragged their limp bodies through the woods and to their home.
“You need to get a search team out there right now!” I told Leonidas
“We don’t have that kind of thing!” Leonidas responded… [view original content]
Will it be a kill shot?
Damnit I knew this would happen...
(Upon closer inspection, it seems my character's name on the list changed back to 'Scott' instead of Nico. XD)
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 3: Feelings of Hopelessness
[Shoot Leonidas]
I pulled the trigger and shot him in the side. He grunted in pain and I holstered the gun. I grabbed his collar and pulled him to me. “Think of that as a warning the next time you try and interfere with things.” I growled and threw him into the ground. I wanted to put the bullet between his eyes but I knew that would only make matters worse. People looked at me with fear but I knew they wouldn’t do anything they didn’t have the nerve. They would need to learn what the world is like out there if they ever want to make it in this world. Leonidas wasn’t helping them with his methods of leading which only seemed to irritate me further. I just wanted out of The Mountain Top so I could be back in my own bed with people that made sense. The Followers were out there plotting their next move and I would need to be careful going back to Wellington if I dare make the trip. I made my way back to Maria and took her out of the room. I noticed the doctor took Leonidas to the operating room. It’s a good thing he may be incompetent but these people need some type of leader, even if he’s a scumbag. I would make sure that someone would come over and take charge after I got back to Wellington. I didn’t know whether or not I should leave knowing what happened last time. But I had to get back to Wellington as soon as possible. I helped Maria on the walk to the trucks, she was still in pretty bad shape from the gunshot wound and Flynn attacking her. I began thinking of a plan to get these Followers and put an end to them. They were obviously very strategic which made them even more sinister.
[Stay at the Mountain Top] or [Go to Wellington]
Morgan lined up the shot and fired her gun. She hit a Follower in the eye and dropped him. She could see Cody and Maria struggling with them, she wished to kill them all but wouldn’t risk hitting either of them. “David we have to help them!” Morgan urged
“They have them now the only way they can escape is if they’re lucky.” said David
“Come on Cody!” Morgan whispered to herself
“David there’s a path we can take that can get us closer to the entrance.” Katrina intoned
“Alright, Morgan and you can take the path we’ll stay here.” David ordered
“Let’s go.” motioned Katrina
Morgan followed Katrina down the path and found herself at a window looking in. “What should we do? We need to get them away from Cody and Maria!” Morgan almost yelled
“We need to wait for David’s signal.” said Katrina
David led George to the front of the building and whistled. Morgan took the sign and began working on a molotov. David knocked on the door and chuckled. “Little pig little pig let me in!” He yelled. There was no answer obviously. He kept knocking to at least draw some attention away from Morgan and Katrina.
Morgan had the molotov ready; She opened the window and chucked it at the Followers. A few caught fire and ran through the building. She turned the corner and noticed Cody carrying Maria and the blood dripping from Maria’s side. She began to run as fast as she could through the thick snow towards them. Katrina tried to stop her but failed. Morgan got to a boulder and noticed a Follower about to shoot at Cody, she reached for her knife and threw it at the Follower. It stuck him in the neck, he fell to the ground in a pool of blood. She followed Cody and Maria as closely as possible. She could never fully catch up to the pair and decided instead to rush back to Wellington. She knew that The Wolves could potentially be irritated or agitated by her decision but it was time for her to go back home.
The people who opposed Cody had taken control of Wellington. Anyone who didn’t join them had been sentenced to lockdown. The enforcers had all of the guns from the armory. Clifford had been the leader of the uprisers and was very happy at the position. Today was the day for his next big speech, he couldn’t wait for Cody to get back. He came before everyone and cleared his throat. “To everyone that has followed me this far let me say our time has come! No more bullshit and no more irresponsible leaders! Cody hasn’t even been here as long as most of us that have been here since the beginning! To all that are against us you will be imprisoned and never let go unless you join us!” Clifford announced
Children that once ran through Wellington happy and carefree were now living in fear along with their parents. There was no way out this was what they were stuck with. Clifford left them and went back to his room, he brought a bottle of whiskey and chugged away. Things were going just how he wanted them, Cody was gone and Wellington was left unattended.
Damn it, Cody should have killed this goddamn asshole. After all, Leonidas also tried to kill him by stabbing him in the side. And I'm still convinced that he's either working with the Followers or he's dangerously brain-damaged. I hope the Wolves won't get into danger now that Morgan just decided to run away from them. Also, I noticed that you kept calling Katrina 'Katie' in this part. I know they have their similarities and Katrina is pretty much my cooler and improved version of her, but Katie died from... something... quite a while ago.
[Go to Wellington]
Shit at Wellington is pretty bad. Maybe Cody can stop things from getting even worse. The Mountain Top is doomed anyway with that fucker Leonidas as the leader and I wouldn't be too surprised if he kills Cody or Maria or if he's starting to openly ally with the Followers. God, I hate him so much, I wish the Wolves would rush in and throw his useless ass to the walkers or stuff like that.
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 3: Feelings of Hopelessness
[Shoot Leonidas]
I pulled the trigger and shot him in the side. He grunt… moreed in pain and I holstered the gun. I grabbed his collar and pulled him to me. “Think of that as a warning the next time you try and interfere with things.” I growled and threw him into the ground. I wanted to put the bullet between his eyes but I knew that would only make matters worse. People looked at me with fear but I knew they wouldn’t do anything they didn’t have the nerve. They would need to learn what the world is like out there if they ever want to make it in this world. Leonidas wasn’t helping them with his methods of leading which only seemed to irritate me further. I just wanted out of The Mountain Top so I could be back in my own bed with people that made sense. The Followers were out there plotting their next move and I would need to be careful going back to Wellington if I dare make the tr… [view original content]
Damn it, Cody should have killed this goddamn asshole. After all, Leonidas also tried to kill him by stabbing him in the side. And I'm still… more convinced that he's either working with the Followers or he's dangerously brain-damaged. I hope the Wolves won't get into danger now that Morgan just decided to run away from them. Also, I noticed that you kept calling Katrina 'Katie' in this part. I know they have their similarities and Katrina is pretty much my cooler and improved version of her, but Katie died from... something... quite a while ago.
[Go to Wellington]
Shit at Wellington is pretty bad. Maybe Cody can stop things from getting even worse. The Mountain Top is doomed anyway with that fucker Leonidas as the leader and I wouldn't be too surprised if he kills Cody or Maria or if he's starting to openly ally with the Followers. God, I hate him so much, I wish the Wolves would rush in and throw his useless ass to the walkers or stuff like that.
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 3: Feelings of Hopelessness
[Shoot Leonidas]
I pulled the trigger and shot him in the side. He grunt… moreed in pain and I holstered the gun. I grabbed his collar and pulled him to me. “Think of that as a warning the next time you try and interfere with things.” I growled and threw him into the ground. I wanted to put the bullet between his eyes but I knew that would only make matters worse. People looked at me with fear but I knew they wouldn’t do anything they didn’t have the nerve. They would need to learn what the world is like out there if they ever want to make it in this world. Leonidas wasn’t helping them with his methods of leading which only seemed to irritate me further. I just wanted out of The Mountain Top so I could be back in my own bed with people that made sense. The Followers were out there plotting their next move and I would need to be careful going back to Wellington if I dare make the tr… [view original content]
As it's pretty dangerous for Cody to go there considering Clifford's rebellion, they really need him, and as Liquid said, he should go there before things get worse.
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 3: Feelings of Hopelessness
[Shoot Leonidas]
I pulled the trigger and shot him in the side. He grunt… moreed in pain and I holstered the gun. I grabbed his collar and pulled him to me. “Think of that as a warning the next time you try and interfere with things.” I growled and threw him into the ground. I wanted to put the bullet between his eyes but I knew that would only make matters worse. People looked at me with fear but I knew they wouldn’t do anything they didn’t have the nerve. They would need to learn what the world is like out there if they ever want to make it in this world. Leonidas wasn’t helping them with his methods of leading which only seemed to irritate me further. I just wanted out of The Mountain Top so I could be back in my own bed with people that made sense. The Followers were out there plotting their next move and I would need to be careful going back to Wellington if I dare make the tr… [view original content]
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 3: Feelings of Hopelessness
[Shoot Leonidas]
I pulled the trigger and shot him in the side. He grunt… moreed in pain and I holstered the gun. I grabbed his collar and pulled him to me. “Think of that as a warning the next time you try and interfere with things.” I growled and threw him into the ground. I wanted to put the bullet between his eyes but I knew that would only make matters worse. People looked at me with fear but I knew they wouldn’t do anything they didn’t have the nerve. They would need to learn what the world is like out there if they ever want to make it in this world. Leonidas wasn’t helping them with his methods of leading which only seemed to irritate me further. I just wanted out of The Mountain Top so I could be back in my own bed with people that made sense. The Followers were out there plotting their next move and I would need to be careful going back to Wellington if I dare make the tr… [view original content]
Episode 2: Rally for War Chapter 4: A Changing Tide
[Go to Wellington]
The Wolves…
David was disappointed with Morgan’s choice in leaving but he definitely understood why. Maybe they would meet back up after this all blew over. He found a person he thought was the leader of The Followers. He interrogated him until he told them all about his leader. David had no idea that The Followers were this large of a group. He found out that they had over five hundred people in their group. David led the others back to the cave with a lot to think and discuss.
Nozomi had stumbled around the room and was surprised to hear that Cody shot Leonidas. She was glad that he did something to the prick. She desperately wanted to give birth to her baby and be finished with the aches that it caused. She had already decided upon the name Tom if it was a boy and Theresa if it was a girl. She smiled and rubbed her stomach. She walked to the commons area and noticed the people blindly standing around. She knew Leonidas was a shitty leader and would drag them all to the ground. “Listen up! Leonidas has always been terrible for us. I mean look at yourselves! We’re all unprepared for whatever’s out there and Cody’s shown us that. I’m by no means trying to make myself leader but damnit we need someone to lead the way!” Nozomi announced
People around were starting to become inspired and she could see it on them. It made her smile and begin thinking what if she is the leader this place needs? She gave herself a moment to think about it and finally knew what she had to do.
[Take over as leader of The Mountain Top] or [Make a council]
I knew that I needed to get back to my people. I loaded a vehicle and kept Maria by my side. I had them open the gate for me and I drove into the unknown. I had began thinking about the possibilities of the three communities we could build a life worth living for everyone. With the time we have anything’s possible. It was a calm trip back to Wellington with all that was going on I didn’t think it was possible. I pulled up to the tower Morgan usually stayed in, I kept Maria with me and we scaled the steps of the ladder. I found Morgan asleep in a corner with a pistol held in her hand. She was dressed in a wolf cloak which made me suspicious. I took her gun from her hand and shook her shoulder, she sprung up and punched me in the jaw. “Shit sorry!” She exclaimed
“It’s alright I knew it was risky waking you up.” I laughed and handed her the pistol.
“I’m glad you two are ok!” Morgan hugged us
“Why aren’t you back inside Wellington?” I asked
“Clifford has taken control, he’s leading some kind of revolution.” Morgan revealed to us
“Is there anything we can do from the outside?” I asked
“Well I have a bit of a view inside Wellington but apart from that this tower’s useless. They’re keeping those that don’t join them imprisoned. We have to stop him somehow.” Morgan stressed
“Jesus first we have the damn Followers trying to kill all of us and now I have to handle Clifford and those that follow him. Not to mention the incompetent sack of shit Leonidas that nearly got everyone killed!” I complained
“We’ll find some way to stop them. Hopefully once this is all over we can go back to how things were.” Maria said hopefully
“I don’t think things will ever go back to the way they were.” said Morgan
“I wanted to ask what’s with the wolf cloak.” I asked
“I joined a group of people that call themselves The Wolves, they helped me free you guys from the Followers or whatever the hell they call themselves. I ran off when I saw you carrying Maria away. I don’t know if they’ll be mad or understanding.” Morgan stated
“There’s no time to worry about that now. We need to find some way to stop Clifford and his soldiers. Do either of you have any ideas?” I said
“Maybe we could communicate with someone on the inside. It would be risky but we could gather more intel if we were to do that.” Maria shared
“I don’t know but I can tell you I don’t like the idea of three of us taking on a whole army.” Morgan shared her fear
“We’ve proven time and time again that we’re capable. I know if we use our heads and be careful we can take on anyone.” I reassured her
“Cody, I’m tired of all the conflict. I just want to be able to live peacefully. I know we can achieve this but we have so many people just coming in and ruining that chance.” Maria sighed
“I hear you. When this is all over I’m going to try and make this place great. I want to stop living in fear everyday. I see so much potential when I look at what we have and what others have made. I want to make a life worth living. I want us to stop surviving and start living.” I said
“Do you really think we’ll be able to get to that point?” Morgan was uncertain
“Yes, I really do.” I smiled “But for now we do what we need to do and then we get to live.”
“I can look through my scope and see if there’s anything inside Wellington that could help us.” Morgan said and brought the scope to her eye.
She noticed a few people being led into one of their homes by a man with a gun. Clifford was surrounded by armed men. She could easily shoot Clifford in the head right now. “I can shoot that bastard!” Morgan mentioned
“That doesn’t change that there are people in there who would still continue this if he were to die. Besides then they would know that we’re in the tower and we would never be able to escape then.” I said
“How should we go about this? I mean there’s not a lot of options. It’ll be hard to get inside for one, two we’re outnumbered, and three who knows if we can trust anyone in there..” said Maria
“Morgan do you know what the revolution is about?” I asked
“It’s something to do with you.” Morgan looked at me sorrowfully
“What if I gave myself up?” I said
“No!” They both gasped
“If it’s just me they’re after then why should you two be put in danger?” I said
“We’re in this together!” Maria teared up
“No one else has to die because of me. You two are strong even if I die you could stop them. What if they don’t want to kill me? Even if they imprisoned me I could help you two from the inside it’s like you said we don’t know if we can trust anyone in there.” I said
“I’m not going to let you sacrifice yourself!” Maria held me
“We don’t have a choice Maria, whatever happens in there I just want you to know. I love you.” I kissed her and held her tightly
We separated and I hugged Morgan. “You stay safe in there.” She began to cry
I climbed back down the ladder and looked at the gate. I couldn’t see myself living after this, I had a feeling that this was it for me. I approached the gate and slammed on the steel doors. I met Clifford at the gate and he pointed his pistol at me. A single gunshot rang through the cold dawn.
Oh shit! Oh holy shit! Did fucking Clifford just kill Cody? Oh I hope not
[Make a council]
While I think she makes for a good leader, having only one person as the sole leader could be bad in the long run. What if that fucking bastard Leonidas murders her to take control again? Having several leaders could prevent that and makes the whole community more stable.
By the way, just remembered, but what happened to this story?
Episode 2: Rally for War Chapter 4: A Changing Tide
[Go to Wellington]
The Wolves…
David was disappointed with Morgan’s choice in … moreleaving but he definitely understood why. Maybe they would meet back up after this all blew over. He found a person he thought was the leader of The Followers. He interrogated him until he told them all about his leader. David had no idea that The Followers were this large of a group. He found out that they had over five hundred people in their group. David led the others back to the cave with a lot to think and discuss.
Nozomi had stumbled around the room and was surprised to hear that Cody shot Leonidas. She was glad that he did something to the prick. She desperately wanted to give birth to her baby and be finished with the aches that it caused. She had already decided upon the name Tom if it was a boy and Theresa if it was a girl. She smiled and rubbed her stomach. She walked to the comm… [view original content]
Oh shit! Oh holy shit! Did fucking Clifford just kill Cody? Oh I hope not
[Make a council]
While I think she makes for a good leader,… more having only one person as the sole leader could be bad in the long run. What if that fucking bastard Leonidas murders her to take control again? Having several leaders could prevent that and makes the whole community more stable.
By the way, just remembered, but what happened to this story?
Episode 2: Rally for War Chapter 4: A Changing Tide
[Go to Wellington]
The Wolves…
David was disappointed with Morgan’s choice in … moreleaving but he definitely understood why. Maybe they would meet back up after this all blew over. He found a person he thought was the leader of The Followers. He interrogated him until he told them all about his leader. David had no idea that The Followers were this large of a group. He found out that they had over five hundred people in their group. David led the others back to the cave with a lot to think and discuss.
Nozomi had stumbled around the room and was surprised to hear that Cody shot Leonidas. She was glad that he did something to the prick. She desperately wanted to give birth to her baby and be finished with the aches that it caused. She had already decided upon the name Tom if it was a boy and Theresa if it was a girl. She smiled and rubbed her stomach. She walked to the comm… [view original content]
Episode 2: Rally for War Chapter 4: A Changing Tide
[Go to Wellington]
The Wolves…
David was disappointed with Morgan’s choice in … moreleaving but he definitely understood why. Maybe they would meet back up after this all blew over. He found a person he thought was the leader of The Followers. He interrogated him until he told them all about his leader. David had no idea that The Followers were this large of a group. He found out that they had over five hundred people in their group. David led the others back to the cave with a lot to think and discuss.
Nozomi had stumbled around the room and was surprised to hear that Cody shot Leonidas. She was glad that he did something to the prick. She desperately wanted to give birth to her baby and be finished with the aches that it caused. She had already decided upon the name Tom if it was a boy and Theresa if it was a girl. She smiled and rubbed her stomach. She walked to the comm… [view original content]
Episode 2: Rally for War Chapter 4: A Changing Tide
[Go to Wellington]
The Wolves…
David was disappointed with Morgan’s choice in … moreleaving but he definitely understood why. Maybe they would meet back up after this all blew over. He found a person he thought was the leader of The Followers. He interrogated him until he told them all about his leader. David had no idea that The Followers were this large of a group. He found out that they had over five hundred people in their group. David led the others back to the cave with a lot to think and discuss.
Nozomi had stumbled around the room and was surprised to hear that Cody shot Leonidas. She was glad that he did something to the prick. She desperately wanted to give birth to her baby and be finished with the aches that it caused. She had already decided upon the name Tom if it was a boy and Theresa if it was a girl. She smiled and rubbed her stomach. She walked to the comm… [view original content]
If you submitted the character George would you be able to create a new name for the character? Having two characters with the same name could get confusing.
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 5: Making Preparations
[Make a Council]
Nozomi knew that making a council was the best idea all she needed now were members of said council. “What we need is a council. This will reduce the chance of tyranny and uprisings. We will vote for the people we feel most fit to run the council. We will scrounge up some paper and try and get our voting finished by the end of the week, choose wisely and get to voting!” said Nozomi. The votes had gone through quickly during the first few days, things had started to slow down though. Leonidas was moving through the community and constantly staring Nozomi down with pure anger. She knew he was a coward but sometimes they’re dangerous as well. She had this thought run through her mind several times that Leonidas is with The Followers. It ate at her and she wanted nothing more than to find out the truth. One night she heard something outside of her home. She peered out the window and found a figure climbing over the wall, a look of pure hatred sprawled across her face. The risk of going out alone was far too much for Nozomi, she wouldn’t risk the baby to uncover this person’s identity. When she slowly slumped into her bed and rested her head on the flat and uncomfortable pillow she had a gnawing feeling inside of her and she couldn’t resist. She lifted herself with a grunt and walked through her creaking door. She went to the part of the wall the figure climbed over. Unfortunately being in her ninth month of pregnancy left her a little immobile. She sighed and walked back to her room, the feeling kept her awake all night and staring at the window for any signs of the figure climbing back over the gate. After a few hours of waiting she finally drifted to sleep, she had resisted as much as she could but eventually she couldn’t handle it anymore.
The morning light shone on her eyes and woke her near immediately. Morning sickness had kicked in and forced her to rush to the nearest toilet. After her painful welcome to the day she walked back outside to find the box of votes completely filled. Today was the day to elect the council members and she couldn’t have been more excited. The prospect of being rid of Leonidas’ ways was making her look forward to the rest of her life here at The Mountain Top. A kick and suddenly Nozomi bent over in terrible pain. She gave a squeal of pain and nearly collapsed. “Hey help Nozomi!” a woman called to the others of the community. A couple people picked her up under the shoulders and carried her to the doctor. They laid her across the table and prepared to deliver the baby.
Morgan kept an eye on Cody the entire time he was on the ground and away from them. She had desperately wished that Cody wouldn’t have gone. She watched him pace to the door and knock hardly on the metal that separated him from the chaos inside. The gate opened and Clifford had met Cody at the gate he raised his pistol to Cody’s face. Morgan lifted her rifle as quick as possible and put the crosshairs directly on top of Clifford’s hand she fired the rifle and he dropped the weapon. Clifford clutched his hand in pain and watched as Cody stood over him and kicked him in the face. The kick had knocked Clifford out and Cody walked into Wellington dragging behind him Clifford. Morgan wasn’t able to get as good of a look once he entered. “Is he okay?” asked Maria
“He’s grabbing the bull by the horns.” Morgan grinned and kept an eye on Wellington
I dragged Clifford into Wellington and brought him before everyone. A few people had smiles on their face others were shocked. “To anyone in this ‘revolution’ lay down your guns and listen to me!” The people lowered their guns. “You can either realize how good you’ve got it or walk out of that fucking gate now! Go ahead no one’s stopping you!” I looked around at them “No takers? Ok then! I can understand a bit of complaining but taking it to this level? It’s just nonsensical! We’ve been struggling for so long in the fallen world but I know we can make it! We’ve come this far why waste it arguing and why not put more effort into making this community into a place where we can raise children and really live. That’s what I want for you here a new life! I have two other communities with people ready to act on this new way of life and I just need your help. If you can push for just a bit longer you will see the benefits and I promise you, you’ll look back on this and think of how much time we wasted butting heads and feel stupid. Now let everyone back out of their homes. There’s still more to discuss.” I announced
The people had put away their guns and came to their senses. People were let out of their homes and they all gathered around. Morgan and Maria came through the gate just in time to hear the rest. “There’s a new threat out there, a group called The Followers. We don’t know what they’re capable of but we do know that there are too many for just us to face alone. They captured Maria and I and we’ve seen what they do. They’re sick people they have already infiltrated The Mountain Top and I’m afraid the same is happening to other communities. They enter the community and they look like regular people the only thing that separates them from us is they have a symbol of a sideways cross in a circle marked on their chest. These people are smart and it will take all we have to beat them but I know we can. From this point forward we will be training all of you on how to properly use a gun and you will practice your aim. Since Morgan is the best shot of all of us she’ll be the one teaching you. In the mean time I noticed our supplies are running low. I’ll form a team and they’ll be sent out for a couple of days the team will have at least six people in it. This may make the trip slower but it will be a lot safer than just two people going out there alone especially with The Followers after us.” I said
“What makes you think you can just come back in here and start bossing us around again?” asked Clifford when he woke back up
“Your former leader John put me in charge, it’s what he wanted.” I said
“You’ve done nothing to help this community ever since you were put in charge! Why should we let you stay leader?” Clifford growled
“You haven’t given me a damn chance Clifford it’s been less than a month. Just give me time and I will change things for the better.” I reassured him
“And what are you going to do to us? I mean surely you don’t feel you can trust us after this?” said Clifford
“I’m just going to have to try I guess.” I said “I’m not trying to ruin Wellington I only want to make it better.”
“We should vote on who becomes a runner now then.” said Morgan
“Morgan’s right.” I said “Some of you may have experience and I would like you to please raise your hand so we can see who among you are experienced.”
A few people rose their hands. I was surprised that this was it. We still had two spots open for the group luckily the rest would be experienced and could teach the couple. I noticed a man who looked to be about the age of nineteen. He wore a gray jacket with a long sleeve red shirt, he had blue pants, and black sneakers on. His eyes were hazel and his hair was a blonde mess. I pointed to him and he walked forward along with the more experienced people, only one person was left to choose. I noticed a woman who was the same age as the man and examined her, she also had blonde hair but it was curly and at a medium length. She had these piercing blue eyes that seemed the color of the sea. She wore a winter coat over a white t-shirt and had black shoes on. “What are your names?” I asked them
“My name’s Nico Vanderwall.” said the man
“And i’m Samantha Harper but you can call me Sam.” said the woman
“Well it’s great to make your acquaintance.” I told the pair “This will be our runner team. Now we need to move on and get people chosen for our first training session.” I said
Once all of the people had been given a gun they walked outside of the wall with Morgan, there were cans set up along a few empty boxes. I was with her during the session and aided anyone that just couldn’t get it. The days were long and everyone had been improving. As a few days flew by the runners came back with a hefty load of supplies. We had to have more people than we thought we would need to carry all of the boxes back inside. We had enough canned goods to last us a couple of months and they had found some more guns which helped train more people. Nico and Sam had really impressed the others so they gained a permanent position on the runner team. Wellington had gotten back on track in a matter of days and everyone noticed a difference. During the night time a small group of a couple friends and I had gathered around a campfire and shared some stories of the past. Nico had talked to me more and left a good first impression he was a nice person with a good heart. We shared some of the stories of how we survived in the beginning which got depressing after a while which got us to change the subject. We heard a bullet ricochet off a wall and I had Nico follow me with a pistol for backup, I looked out of the window and couldn’t see anything at first. But then I noticed three things in a row that seemed to be heads. I opened the gate warily and kept my gun in my hand, I looked in horror at Bernie, Judy, and Andrew’s heads in a row with the symbol on them. A rage grew deep inside of me and I had to take care of the heads. I returned to the small group. “I want to find these people as soon as possible.” I said “I remember running from a museum but I didn’t pay attention to what direction I was running in. I had to get Maria to a doctor.”
“It was somewhere near the highway up by The Sanctuary and The Mountain Top.” said Morgan
“It shouldn’t be too hard to find the only problem is how risky it would be and how cold it’s getting to be out there. If we hold off on finding these people we could never get an advantage over them.” said Nico
“I agree with Nico, this could be the advantage we need we just need your say so and we can form a team to go scout the area.” said one of the women
They were both right knowing exactly where these people are could give us an advantage and certainly help us take the fight to them. I had the faintest idea where it was but I wasn’t sure enough to confidently say that I could find them. It was a real toss up on one hand we could get vital information on the other it’s getting dangerous out there not even considering The Followers.
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 5: Making Preparations
[Make a Council]
Nozomi knew that making a council was the best idea all she … moreneeded now were members of said council. “What we need is a council. This will reduce the chance of tyranny and uprisings. We will vote for the people we feel most fit to run the council. We will scrounge up some paper and try and get our voting finished by the end of the week, choose wisely and get to voting!” said Nozomi. The votes had gone through quickly during the first few days, things had started to slow down though. Leonidas was moving through the community and constantly staring Nozomi down with pure anger. She knew he was a coward but sometimes they’re dangerous as well. She had this thought run through her mind several times that Leonidas is with The Followers. It ate at her and she wanted nothing more than to find out the truth. One night she heard something outside of her home. She peered out… [view original content]
I honestly have no idea. I guess it will depend if I feel like writing this more and if this season gets good feedback. If I do decide to make a season 4 it will at least be 2 1/2 months before I write it after season 3 just so I can look at what I've done and improve my writing. I will keep this page active even when I'm not writing the story, I may tell you some interesting things in my down time.
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 1: A Discovery
I opened the door of my car and grabbed my backpack the sun was shining bright. I walked to the front doors of my school and sighed knowing I was already late. I went in and got into my classroom. I sat down in the chair and heard the teachers lecture, I didn’t particularly care what he was saying but I knew that I would need to listen or fail the test. The class had gone extremely slow and I was just waiting for the moment the bell rang so I could take a break even it was only for a few moments. Troy and Lucy caught up with me in the hall.
“Hey man what’s up?” asked Troy
“We noticed you were late to class and we got worried.” Lucy grinned
“My parents fought last night, I didn’t get a lot of sleep.” I sighed
“That sucks, are you ok?” said Lucy
“Yeah, it’s just been hard. Ya know?” I assured her.
“If you ever need to talk about it we’re here.” Troy smiled and pat my back.
“Thanks guys, I appreciate it.” I smiled and walked through the hall with them.
“Someday we’re going to have to go on a road trip, just the three of us. Maybe we’ll have some excitement along the way, like we pick up a hitchhiker and they try to steal our stuff. That would suck if it were to happen but you know what I mean right? Maybe we’ll meet some new people and hell maybe we’ll become friends and have adventures with them.” Lucy though hopingly.
“After graduation definitely.” Troy chuckled.
“Stay with me Maria!” I said into the cold air. The blood was draining from her body and seeping into the snow. The snow was becoming increasingly difficult to trudge through. I pushed through more snow and made it out of the woods. I rushed to the nearest vehicle and set Maria inside. I went to the drivers side and began turning the key feverishly. The engine sputtered a few times but it didn’t turn on. My heart sank and I was beginning to accept that Maria may not make it. I helped her to the next vehicle, thankfully the vehicle started but I still wouldn’t be able to drive it through the snow. I checked the wound; the bullet almost hit an organ but was a few centimeters off. I had no choice but to carry her to The Mountain Top. Those were some of the longest hours of my life, I finally reached the gate. “Help!” I screamed to the people inside. I heard a latch and the gate opened, I rushed inside and fell to my knees. I heard gasps from some of the people inside. “Please, get a doctor.” I urged them. A man ran to us and picked up Maria, I stayed on the ground and eventually passed out from fatigue. I awoke in a small bed, the air was dry and it smelt bland in the white room. I had a blanket on top of me, I had no intention to move. I began to worry about Maria and whether or not she would be ok. I looked to my side and noticed a mug on a night table with a note next to it. I picked up the note and looked at the writing it read: Left you some hot tea, Maria will be ok she will just need a few days of rest before you can move. If you have any questions come see me -Leonidas. I set the note back down and raised the mug to my mouth, I gulped down the tea. The warmth resided in my throat and gave me a good feeling, it was the first in a long time. I decided that speaking with Leonidas was a good idea. I kept the thought of Maria being ok with me, it would help me get some sleep. I was hoping for a comforting dream all I got were petrifying nightmares of the cultists. They know where I live and who I trade goods with, I wouldn’t be safe no matter where I go. I set my feet on the ground and made my way towards the door. I opened the door in a hurry and set my mind on finding Leonidas. The people in the community were laughing and joking peacefully as if the dead weren’t walking outside of the walls. I finally found Leonidas’ room and knocked on the door. Leonidas answered almost immediately. “Hello.” He said sternly.
“Hello to you as well.” I answered back.
“Come in.” He said
I took a seat by him. “We didn’t end things on good terms.” I stated.
“No we did not. You need to realize that this is my community and I won’t stand for anyone trying to tell me how to run things. We’ve been here since the beginning and no one has come knocking.” Leonidas looked me in the eyes.
“Would you like to know how Maria ended up the way she did?” I asked rhetorically. “She was shot by cultists that kidnapped us and tried to turn us into walkers for them to eat!” I held back a growl.
“Excuse me?” asked Leonidas
“There are some sick fucks outside of those walls, you’ve had the luxury of never having to deal with them. I’ve dealt with so many sick people now that I can’t even think back to the last time meeting new people didn’t end badly.” I thought back.
“How am I supposed to believe what you’re saying?” asked Leonidas.
“You don’t have to believe me, but you should. These people know about your community, Rodriguez’s community, and mine.” I answered. “I know that these people are organized. They could be anywhere at anytime, they could be right outside now and we would never know.” I added. “Have you dealt with anyone dying? By that I mean being right in front of someone who is alive and well and the next second they’re just gone.” I questioned him.
“We’ve never had to deal with a death here. We’ve dealt with a few biters but that’s about it.” Leonidas replied
“You’re lucky, I wish that was all I would have to do.” I scoffed.
“Things are different here Cody, the war is over.” Leonidas looked into my eyes.
“The war is never over.” I stated and invited myself out.
I heard screams and saw people run by. I brought out my pistol and rushed towards the screams, walkers were inside the community. But how? I put my pistol away and yanked my machete from the sheath and dashed forward. I didn’t know how many surrounded me I kicked a walker in the chest, it felt to the ground and took another with it. I finished off the others still standing and then put the machete through the two others’ skulls. I was a little out of breath, I noticed something about the walkers. They only came to be a bit ago, someone must have turned and no one took care of it but then I started to think about the cultists and knew what I had to do. I took the shirt off on of the walkers and sighed when I saw the sign on the walkers chest, this was a member in disguise. If they were here then they could have people at The Sanctuary or even Wellington. My eyes grew wide and I knew leaving them alone after seeing the symbol on the wall was a bad idea. Leonidas ran up along with all of the members of The Mountain Top. “What the hell happened?” gasped Leonidas
“Someone was either bit and turned or they died and turned. Either way shouldn’t have happened in here, how did it happen here?” I asked furiously
“No one could have died no one here was bit or dying!” Leonidas said back
“Those cultists I told you about it was them. They had someone or maybe several people here as a way to bring your community down.” I thought outloud
“Why do you think that?” asked Leonidas curiously
“The symbol on this mans chest is the same symbol that was painted on the wall of my community.” I answered. “There could be people here in a part of the group we need to check everyone’s chest.” I stated.
“This isn’t right!” protested a woman.
“We’ll have a woman look at you.” I said
“Alright.” the protesting woman stepped down.
“Let’s get this show on the road.” I sighed
We had men in one line and the women in another. We went through as many people as possible; we were nearing the end of both lines. I reached the third to last person and had him prove to me he wasn’t with them. But when he lifted his shirt up the symbol was there, it was carved into his skin. My eyes grew wide and I knocked him on his ass. I put my foot on his chest and restrained him. “What are we going to do?” asked a woman.
“We need information on these people.” I told her. “Tell me everything about your group!” I growled.
“Fuck you!” the cultist protested.
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way, I prefer the easy way but it’s your decision.” I told him.
“I ain’t tellin’ you shit!” the cultist spat
“Cody what’s the hard way?” asked Leonidas
“We tie him to a chair and force him answer our questions.” I said
“You mean interrogate him!?” Leonidas said baffled
I shook my head in agreement. “That’s not right!” He said “We’ll just force him to leave!” He stammered
[Interrogate the cultist] or [Let him leave]
[Interrogate the cultist]
[Interrogate the cultist]
[Interrogate the cultist]
Flashback. I wasn't ready for this. ;_;
[Interrogate the cultist]
Yeah, uh, we kinda need to do this. Leonidas doesn't know how to deal with stuff like this.
Voting has closed! Cody will interrogate the cultist. I have to say this is my favorite episode to write so far. I'm finally getting back into writing, the past month has been full of writers block and it's been tough. I also hoped that someone would point out something funny in the flashback pertaining to the road trip and the beginning of my story.
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 2: A New Friend
[Interrogate the cultist]
“I’m not fucking around with these people Leonidas. They shot Maria, they tried to bring down your community and possibly mine!” I stated “Where’s Rodriguez?” I asked
“He left the community shortly after you did.” Leonidas replied
“Oh shit!” I sighed
“It’s so damn cold and all these vehicles are blocking the way!” complained April
“Well once we get back to The Sanctuary we’ll be in our warm bedrooms.” Rodriguez reassured her.
Figures came from behind the cars and began surrounding them. April pulled out her pistol and waved it at them. “Back the fuck off!” She warned them. It was too late they were swarmed and knocked out. The cultists dragged their limp bodies through the woods and to their home.
“You need to get a search team out there right now!” I told Leonidas
“We don’t have that kind of thing!” Leonidas responded
“Jesus! Get your best people together and send them out!” I shouted at him
I grabbed the cultist by the collar and knocked him out with a punch and dragged him to a cellar. He awoke tied to a chair in a dark room. “What’s your name?” I asked the cultist.
“Fuck you.” He said
I punched him in the gut and brought his head back up. “What’s your name!?” I asked again
“Flynn.” He spat
“Alright Flynn, what’s the name of the group you’re with?” I asked
“We are The Followers.” Flynn chuckled
A woman walked down the steps into the cellar slowly. “What did you find out?” she asked
I led her out of the cellar and we returned to the cafeteria. “His name is Flynn, his group’s name is The Followers.” I said
“The Followers?” asked the woman
“I have no idea.” I replied “So, what’s your name?” I asked her.
“My name is Nozomi Minami.” She said
“I can’t help but ask. Are you pregnant?” I asked with fear that I was wrong.
She laughed and looked at me. “Yeah i’m pregnant, unwillingly but pregnant.” Her tone changed immediately
“What do you mean?” I asked
“I had a run in with some pretty bad people.” She said
“Oh, i’m sorry.” I tried to comfort her
“It’s alright, shit happens ya know?” She said
“I guess.” I sighed
Leonidas walked up to us and looked at me with great distaste. “You don’t run this community.” He said
“What are you talking about?” I asked
“Interrogating the man without my say so is completely unorthodox!” Leonidas pressed me
“Well letting him go is irresponsible!” I retorted
“Damn it tell me you at least produced something helpful by this barbaric act.” Leonidas grumbled
“His name is Flynn and his group is called The Followers.” I told him
“Anything else?” asked Leonidas
“I’m going to ask him some more questions later.” I said
“Next time i’m going to be monitoring you.” said Leonidas
“Sure whatever floats your boat.” I said
Leonidas grumbled and walked off. “You two don’t seem to have the same views.” Nozomi laughed.
“I guess you could say that.” I looked at her “So what did you before everything went to shit?” I asked her
“I studied medicine and was planning on taking a job as a pharmacist or something but ya know things happened and yeah…” She trailed off. “Anyway what’s your story?” she asked
“I just graduated from college and this all started. My friends Troy and Lucy were with me. We went far into this thing, but it all went downhill from there.” I started to tear up. “I miss them so much.” A tear rolled down my face.
“I’m sorry.” Nozomi tried to comfort me
“Anyway I need to get back to it.” I said
“Yeah I guess I should too.” said Nozomi
I went back to the cellar and found Flynn. “I have a few more questions for you.” I said
“What would those be?” said Flynn
“What is your group trying to do?” I asked
“Cleanse this world.” Flynn said with happiness
“How do you cleanse the world?” I asked
He didn’t answer me so I left it at that. I kept him in the cellar with minimal light. I walked back to my room, I was too tired to do anything else so I just went to sleep. In the morning I prepared to go back to the cellar and get some more answers. I opened the door and to my surprise Flynn was gone. I knew it wasn’t possible, I made sure everything was away from him and that he was tied tightly. I retrieved my pistol from the holster and kept on guard the whole time. I rushed outside and looked around the community it seemed too peaceful. I ran to the room Maria was in. Maria was gasping for air as Flynn was strangling her, I grabbed Flynn by the throat and slammed him into the ground. “How did you escape!?” I screamed at him
“Ask Leonidas.” Flynn giggled hysterically
I aimed the pistol at his head and fired. I holstered the gun and left to find Leonidas. Leonidas was conversing with one of the members, I walked towards him.
“Oh, hello Cody. Did you sleep well?” asked Leonidas
I punched him in the face and knocked him to the ground I threw myself on top of him and began punching as much as I could. Everything went black. Leonidas punched me off of him and got on top of me, he put his hands on my throat and put all of his weight on me. I grabbed him by the shoulders and tried to throw him off. I hit his face with my elbow and I got back on him. We struggled on the cold ground. “Say it!” I screamed at him. “You let Flynn go and he tried to kill Maria!” I yelled at him. I punched him one more time. Leonidas pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket and stabbed me in the side. I grunted and pointed my pistol at him. “Fine fine!” He spat blood. “I--I let Flynn go.” He admitted. “Please don’t kill me!” He weeped
[Shoot Leonidas] or [Show Mercy]
Oh my , i am so glad she is fine
Awesome Part!
[Shoot Leonidas]
God, Leonidas is a fucking asshole. Either he is working with the creepy cult people, or even worse, he is a dumb asshole who let that guy go since he thought it was for the best. Either way, he deserves a bullet.
Now's not the time to be executing leaders of communities who could possibly help out with this whole Followers fiasco.
Heck, maybe his own community will overthrow him and elect a new leader after this.
[Show Mercy]
[Shoot Leonidas]
Fuck him!
Voting has closed! Cody shall Shoot Leonidas. Will it be a kill shot?
Damnit I knew this would happen...
(Upon closer inspection, it seems my character's name on the list changed back to 'Scott' instead of Nico. XD)
I have no idea why it was Nico slight error I guess XD
Actually, it's supposted to be Nico.
I asked you to change it from Scott so we didn't have 2 Scotts XD
Oh, thanks for clearing that up.
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 3: Feelings of Hopelessness
[Shoot Leonidas]
I pulled the trigger and shot him in the side. He grunted in pain and I holstered the gun. I grabbed his collar and pulled him to me. “Think of that as a warning the next time you try and interfere with things.” I growled and threw him into the ground. I wanted to put the bullet between his eyes but I knew that would only make matters worse. People looked at me with fear but I knew they wouldn’t do anything they didn’t have the nerve. They would need to learn what the world is like out there if they ever want to make it in this world. Leonidas wasn’t helping them with his methods of leading which only seemed to irritate me further. I just wanted out of The Mountain Top so I could be back in my own bed with people that made sense. The Followers were out there plotting their next move and I would need to be careful going back to Wellington if I dare make the trip. I made my way back to Maria and took her out of the room. I noticed the doctor took Leonidas to the operating room. It’s a good thing he may be incompetent but these people need some type of leader, even if he’s a scumbag. I would make sure that someone would come over and take charge after I got back to Wellington. I didn’t know whether or not I should leave knowing what happened last time. But I had to get back to Wellington as soon as possible. I helped Maria on the walk to the trucks, she was still in pretty bad shape from the gunshot wound and Flynn attacking her. I began thinking of a plan to get these Followers and put an end to them. They were obviously very strategic which made them even more sinister.
[Stay at the Mountain Top] or [Go to Wellington]
Morgan lined up the shot and fired her gun. She hit a Follower in the eye and dropped him. She could see Cody and Maria struggling with them, she wished to kill them all but wouldn’t risk hitting either of them. “David we have to help them!” Morgan urged
“They have them now the only way they can escape is if they’re lucky.” said David
“Come on Cody!” Morgan whispered to herself
“David there’s a path we can take that can get us closer to the entrance.” Katrina intoned
“Alright, Morgan and you can take the path we’ll stay here.” David ordered
“Let’s go.” motioned Katrina
Morgan followed Katrina down the path and found herself at a window looking in. “What should we do? We need to get them away from Cody and Maria!” Morgan almost yelled
“We need to wait for David’s signal.” said Katrina
David led George to the front of the building and whistled. Morgan took the sign and began working on a molotov. David knocked on the door and chuckled. “Little pig little pig let me in!” He yelled. There was no answer obviously. He kept knocking to at least draw some attention away from Morgan and Katrina.
Morgan had the molotov ready; She opened the window and chucked it at the Followers. A few caught fire and ran through the building. She turned the corner and noticed Cody carrying Maria and the blood dripping from Maria’s side. She began to run as fast as she could through the thick snow towards them. Katrina tried to stop her but failed. Morgan got to a boulder and noticed a Follower about to shoot at Cody, she reached for her knife and threw it at the Follower. It stuck him in the neck, he fell to the ground in a pool of blood. She followed Cody and Maria as closely as possible. She could never fully catch up to the pair and decided instead to rush back to Wellington. She knew that The Wolves could potentially be irritated or agitated by her decision but it was time for her to go back home.
The people who opposed Cody had taken control of Wellington. Anyone who didn’t join them had been sentenced to lockdown. The enforcers had all of the guns from the armory. Clifford had been the leader of the uprisers and was very happy at the position. Today was the day for his next big speech, he couldn’t wait for Cody to get back. He came before everyone and cleared his throat. “To everyone that has followed me this far let me say our time has come! No more bullshit and no more irresponsible leaders! Cody hasn’t even been here as long as most of us that have been here since the beginning! To all that are against us you will be imprisoned and never let go unless you join us!” Clifford announced
Children that once ran through Wellington happy and carefree were now living in fear along with their parents. There was no way out this was what they were stuck with. Clifford left them and went back to his room, he brought a bottle of whiskey and chugged away. Things were going just how he wanted them, Cody was gone and Wellington was left unattended.
End of Chapter...
Damn it, Cody should have killed this goddamn asshole. After all, Leonidas also tried to kill him by stabbing him in the side. And I'm still convinced that he's either working with the Followers or he's dangerously brain-damaged. I hope the Wolves won't get into danger now that Morgan just decided to run away from them. Also, I noticed that you kept calling Katrina 'Katie' in this part. I know they have their similarities and Katrina is pretty much my cooler and improved version of her, but Katie died from... something... quite a while ago.
[Go to Wellington]
Shit at Wellington is pretty bad. Maybe Cody can stop things from getting even worse. The Mountain Top is doomed anyway with that fucker Leonidas as the leader and I wouldn't be too surprised if he kills Cody or Maria or if he's starting to openly ally with the Followers. God, I hate him so much, I wish the Wolves would rush in and throw his useless ass to the walkers or stuff like that.
The feels it caused, man, the feels ;_;
It was a late night. can't believe I put Katie instead of Katrina XD. I guess I was more tired than I thought.
[Stay at the Mountain Top]
[Go to Wellington]
As it's pretty dangerous for Cody to go there considering Clifford's rebellion, they really need him, and as Liquid said, he should go there before things get worse.
[Go to Wellington]
Take care of your base before taking care of outside matters.
Voting has closed! Cody will go to Wellington! I'm sorry for the wave of feels Liquid
. I'm really excited to write this next part! Tragedy awaits...
Episode 2: Rally for War Chapter 4: A Changing Tide
[Go to Wellington]
The Wolves…
David was disappointed with Morgan’s choice in leaving but he definitely understood why. Maybe they would meet back up after this all blew over. He found a person he thought was the leader of The Followers. He interrogated him until he told them all about his leader. David had no idea that The Followers were this large of a group. He found out that they had over five hundred people in their group. David led the others back to the cave with a lot to think and discuss.
Nozomi had stumbled around the room and was surprised to hear that Cody shot Leonidas. She was glad that he did something to the prick. She desperately wanted to give birth to her baby and be finished with the aches that it caused. She had already decided upon the name Tom if it was a boy and Theresa if it was a girl. She smiled and rubbed her stomach. She walked to the commons area and noticed the people blindly standing around. She knew Leonidas was a shitty leader and would drag them all to the ground. “Listen up! Leonidas has always been terrible for us. I mean look at yourselves! We’re all unprepared for whatever’s out there and Cody’s shown us that. I’m by no means trying to make myself leader but damnit we need someone to lead the way!” Nozomi announced
People around were starting to become inspired and she could see it on them. It made her smile and begin thinking what if she is the leader this place needs? She gave herself a moment to think about it and finally knew what she had to do.
[Take over as leader of The Mountain Top] or [Make a council]
I knew that I needed to get back to my people. I loaded a vehicle and kept Maria by my side. I had them open the gate for me and I drove into the unknown. I had began thinking about the possibilities of the three communities we could build a life worth living for everyone. With the time we have anything’s possible. It was a calm trip back to Wellington with all that was going on I didn’t think it was possible. I pulled up to the tower Morgan usually stayed in, I kept Maria with me and we scaled the steps of the ladder. I found Morgan asleep in a corner with a pistol held in her hand. She was dressed in a wolf cloak which made me suspicious. I took her gun from her hand and shook her shoulder, she sprung up and punched me in the jaw. “Shit sorry!” She exclaimed
“It’s alright I knew it was risky waking you up.” I laughed and handed her the pistol.
“I’m glad you two are ok!” Morgan hugged us
“Why aren’t you back inside Wellington?” I asked
“Clifford has taken control, he’s leading some kind of revolution.” Morgan revealed to us
“Is there anything we can do from the outside?” I asked
“Well I have a bit of a view inside Wellington but apart from that this tower’s useless. They’re keeping those that don’t join them imprisoned. We have to stop him somehow.” Morgan stressed
“Jesus first we have the damn Followers trying to kill all of us and now I have to handle Clifford and those that follow him. Not to mention the incompetent sack of shit Leonidas that nearly got everyone killed!” I complained
“We’ll find some way to stop them. Hopefully once this is all over we can go back to how things were.” Maria said hopefully
“I don’t think things will ever go back to the way they were.” said Morgan
“I wanted to ask what’s with the wolf cloak.” I asked
“I joined a group of people that call themselves The Wolves, they helped me free you guys from the Followers or whatever the hell they call themselves. I ran off when I saw you carrying Maria away. I don’t know if they’ll be mad or understanding.” Morgan stated
“There’s no time to worry about that now. We need to find some way to stop Clifford and his soldiers. Do either of you have any ideas?” I said
“Maybe we could communicate with someone on the inside. It would be risky but we could gather more intel if we were to do that.” Maria shared
“I don’t know but I can tell you I don’t like the idea of three of us taking on a whole army.” Morgan shared her fear
“We’ve proven time and time again that we’re capable. I know if we use our heads and be careful we can take on anyone.” I reassured her
“Cody, I’m tired of all the conflict. I just want to be able to live peacefully. I know we can achieve this but we have so many people just coming in and ruining that chance.” Maria sighed
“I hear you. When this is all over I’m going to try and make this place great. I want to stop living in fear everyday. I see so much potential when I look at what we have and what others have made. I want to make a life worth living. I want us to stop surviving and start living.” I said
“Do you really think we’ll be able to get to that point?” Morgan was uncertain
“Yes, I really do.” I smiled “But for now we do what we need to do and then we get to live.”
“I can look through my scope and see if there’s anything inside Wellington that could help us.” Morgan said and brought the scope to her eye.
She noticed a few people being led into one of their homes by a man with a gun. Clifford was surrounded by armed men. She could easily shoot Clifford in the head right now. “I can shoot that bastard!” Morgan mentioned
“That doesn’t change that there are people in there who would still continue this if he were to die. Besides then they would know that we’re in the tower and we would never be able to escape then.” I said
“How should we go about this? I mean there’s not a lot of options. It’ll be hard to get inside for one, two we’re outnumbered, and three who knows if we can trust anyone in there..” said Maria
“Morgan do you know what the revolution is about?” I asked
“It’s something to do with you.” Morgan looked at me sorrowfully
“What if I gave myself up?” I said
“No!” They both gasped
“If it’s just me they’re after then why should you two be put in danger?” I said
“We’re in this together!” Maria teared up
“No one else has to die because of me. You two are strong even if I die you could stop them. What if they don’t want to kill me? Even if they imprisoned me I could help you two from the inside it’s like you said we don’t know if we can trust anyone in there.” I said
“I’m not going to let you sacrifice yourself!” Maria held me
“We don’t have a choice Maria, whatever happens in there I just want you to know. I love you.” I kissed her and held her tightly
We separated and I hugged Morgan. “You stay safe in there.” She began to cry
I climbed back down the ladder and looked at the gate. I couldn’t see myself living after this, I had a feeling that this was it for me. I approached the gate and slammed on the steel doors. I met Clifford at the gate and he pointed his pistol at me. A single gunshot rang through the cold dawn.
End of Chapter...
Oh shit! Oh holy shit! Did fucking Clifford just kill Cody? Oh I hope not
[Make a council]
While I think she makes for a good leader, having only one person as the sole leader could be bad in the long run. What if that fucking bastard Leonidas murders her to take control again? Having several leaders could prevent that and makes the whole community more stable.
By the way, just remembered, but what happened to this story?
I've lost all motivation to write that story
[Make a council]
The council has spoken.
We have decided to vote for [Council]. Nobody was biased.
[Make a council]
Holy shit, did Clifford just kill Cody?!
Voting has closed! Nozomi will Make a council. Will Cody live?
I hope so!
If you submitted the character George would you be able to create a new name for the character? Having two characters with the same name could get confusing.
Episode 2: Rally For War Chapter 5: Making Preparations
[Make a Council]
Nozomi knew that making a council was the best idea all she needed now were members of said council. “What we need is a council. This will reduce the chance of tyranny and uprisings. We will vote for the people we feel most fit to run the council. We will scrounge up some paper and try and get our voting finished by the end of the week, choose wisely and get to voting!” said Nozomi. The votes had gone through quickly during the first few days, things had started to slow down though. Leonidas was moving through the community and constantly staring Nozomi down with pure anger. She knew he was a coward but sometimes they’re dangerous as well. She had this thought run through her mind several times that Leonidas is with The Followers. It ate at her and she wanted nothing more than to find out the truth. One night she heard something outside of her home. She peered out the window and found a figure climbing over the wall, a look of pure hatred sprawled across her face. The risk of going out alone was far too much for Nozomi, she wouldn’t risk the baby to uncover this person’s identity. When she slowly slumped into her bed and rested her head on the flat and uncomfortable pillow she had a gnawing feeling inside of her and she couldn’t resist. She lifted herself with a grunt and walked through her creaking door. She went to the part of the wall the figure climbed over. Unfortunately being in her ninth month of pregnancy left her a little immobile. She sighed and walked back to her room, the feeling kept her awake all night and staring at the window for any signs of the figure climbing back over the gate. After a few hours of waiting she finally drifted to sleep, she had resisted as much as she could but eventually she couldn’t handle it anymore.
The morning light shone on her eyes and woke her near immediately. Morning sickness had kicked in and forced her to rush to the nearest toilet. After her painful welcome to the day she walked back outside to find the box of votes completely filled. Today was the day to elect the council members and she couldn’t have been more excited. The prospect of being rid of Leonidas’ ways was making her look forward to the rest of her life here at The Mountain Top. A kick and suddenly Nozomi bent over in terrible pain. She gave a squeal of pain and nearly collapsed. “Hey help Nozomi!” a woman called to the others of the community. A couple people picked her up under the shoulders and carried her to the doctor. They laid her across the table and prepared to deliver the baby.
Morgan kept an eye on Cody the entire time he was on the ground and away from them. She had desperately wished that Cody wouldn’t have gone. She watched him pace to the door and knock hardly on the metal that separated him from the chaos inside. The gate opened and Clifford had met Cody at the gate he raised his pistol to Cody’s face. Morgan lifted her rifle as quick as possible and put the crosshairs directly on top of Clifford’s hand she fired the rifle and he dropped the weapon. Clifford clutched his hand in pain and watched as Cody stood over him and kicked him in the face. The kick had knocked Clifford out and Cody walked into Wellington dragging behind him Clifford. Morgan wasn’t able to get as good of a look once he entered. “Is he okay?” asked Maria
“He’s grabbing the bull by the horns.” Morgan grinned and kept an eye on Wellington
I dragged Clifford into Wellington and brought him before everyone. A few people had smiles on their face others were shocked. “To anyone in this ‘revolution’ lay down your guns and listen to me!” The people lowered their guns. “You can either realize how good you’ve got it or walk out of that fucking gate now! Go ahead no one’s stopping you!” I looked around at them “No takers? Ok then! I can understand a bit of complaining but taking it to this level? It’s just nonsensical! We’ve been struggling for so long in the fallen world but I know we can make it! We’ve come this far why waste it arguing and why not put more effort into making this community into a place where we can raise children and really live. That’s what I want for you here a new life! I have two other communities with people ready to act on this new way of life and I just need your help. If you can push for just a bit longer you will see the benefits and I promise you, you’ll look back on this and think of how much time we wasted butting heads and feel stupid. Now let everyone back out of their homes. There’s still more to discuss.” I announced
The people had put away their guns and came to their senses. People were let out of their homes and they all gathered around. Morgan and Maria came through the gate just in time to hear the rest. “There’s a new threat out there, a group called The Followers. We don’t know what they’re capable of but we do know that there are too many for just us to face alone. They captured Maria and I and we’ve seen what they do. They’re sick people they have already infiltrated The Mountain Top and I’m afraid the same is happening to other communities. They enter the community and they look like regular people the only thing that separates them from us is they have a symbol of a sideways cross in a circle marked on their chest. These people are smart and it will take all we have to beat them but I know we can. From this point forward we will be training all of you on how to properly use a gun and you will practice your aim. Since Morgan is the best shot of all of us she’ll be the one teaching you. In the mean time I noticed our supplies are running low. I’ll form a team and they’ll be sent out for a couple of days the team will have at least six people in it. This may make the trip slower but it will be a lot safer than just two people going out there alone especially with The Followers after us.” I said
“What makes you think you can just come back in here and start bossing us around again?” asked Clifford when he woke back up
“Your former leader John put me in charge, it’s what he wanted.” I said
“You’ve done nothing to help this community ever since you were put in charge! Why should we let you stay leader?” Clifford growled
“You haven’t given me a damn chance Clifford it’s been less than a month. Just give me time and I will change things for the better.” I reassured him
“And what are you going to do to us? I mean surely you don’t feel you can trust us after this?” said Clifford
“I’m just going to have to try I guess.” I said “I’m not trying to ruin Wellington I only want to make it better.”
“We should vote on who becomes a runner now then.” said Morgan
“Morgan’s right.” I said “Some of you may have experience and I would like you to please raise your hand so we can see who among you are experienced.”
A few people rose their hands. I was surprised that this was it. We still had two spots open for the group luckily the rest would be experienced and could teach the couple. I noticed a man who looked to be about the age of nineteen. He wore a gray jacket with a long sleeve red shirt, he had blue pants, and black sneakers on. His eyes were hazel and his hair was a blonde mess. I pointed to him and he walked forward along with the more experienced people, only one person was left to choose. I noticed a woman who was the same age as the man and examined her, she also had blonde hair but it was curly and at a medium length. She had these piercing blue eyes that seemed the color of the sea. She wore a winter coat over a white t-shirt and had black shoes on. “What are your names?” I asked them
“My name’s Nico Vanderwall.” said the man
“And i’m Samantha Harper but you can call me Sam.” said the woman
“Well it’s great to make your acquaintance.” I told the pair “This will be our runner team. Now we need to move on and get people chosen for our first training session.” I said
Once all of the people had been given a gun they walked outside of the wall with Morgan, there were cans set up along a few empty boxes. I was with her during the session and aided anyone that just couldn’t get it. The days were long and everyone had been improving. As a few days flew by the runners came back with a hefty load of supplies. We had to have more people than we thought we would need to carry all of the boxes back inside. We had enough canned goods to last us a couple of months and they had found some more guns which helped train more people. Nico and Sam had really impressed the others so they gained a permanent position on the runner team. Wellington had gotten back on track in a matter of days and everyone noticed a difference. During the night time a small group of a couple friends and I had gathered around a campfire and shared some stories of the past. Nico had talked to me more and left a good first impression he was a nice person with a good heart. We shared some of the stories of how we survived in the beginning which got depressing after a while which got us to change the subject. We heard a bullet ricochet off a wall and I had Nico follow me with a pistol for backup, I looked out of the window and couldn’t see anything at first. But then I noticed three things in a row that seemed to be heads. I opened the gate warily and kept my gun in my hand, I looked in horror at Bernie, Judy, and Andrew’s heads in a row with the symbol on them. A rage grew deep inside of me and I had to take care of the heads. I returned to the small group. “I want to find these people as soon as possible.” I said “I remember running from a museum but I didn’t pay attention to what direction I was running in. I had to get Maria to a doctor.”
“It was somewhere near the highway up by The Sanctuary and The Mountain Top.” said Morgan
“It shouldn’t be too hard to find the only problem is how risky it would be and how cold it’s getting to be out there. If we hold off on finding these people we could never get an advantage over them.” said Nico
“I agree with Nico, this could be the advantage we need we just need your say so and we can form a team to go scout the area.” said one of the women
They were both right knowing exactly where these people are could give us an advantage and certainly help us take the fight to them. I had the faintest idea where it was but I wasn’t sure enough to confidently say that I could find them. It was a real toss up on one hand we could get vital information on the other it’s getting dangerous out there not even considering The Followers.
[Send a team out] or [Don’t send a team out]
End of Chapter...
[Don’t send a team out]
Awesome part!