You before have created drama (and attempted), for example when you scribbled people's drawings on gigapainter and when you lied to someone just to create drama that was unneeded.
Missed nothing all lounge problems everytime is always blown way out of proportion ^ users get bored and restless so every once in a while m… moreeaningless arguments and drama ensue
But always dies down after a bit and everyone is happy again till the next one
That's very hypocritical of you, Mark.
You before have created drama (and attempted), for example when you scribbled people's drawings on gigapainter and when you lied to someone just to create drama that was unneeded.
Just because I posted about feminazis before doesn,t mean I hate tumblr most of my spam has always been tumblr they have funny stuff to Don't make presumption's
Just because I posted about feminazis before doesn,t mean I hate tumblr most of my spam has always been tumblr they have funny stuff to Don't make presumption's
That's very hypocritical of you, Mark.
You before have created drama (and attempted), for example when you scribbled people's drawings on gigapainter and when you lied to someone just to create drama that was unneeded.
XD Happened 10 months ago and I explained why and apologised then get over it
That link is from Tumblr, but you're supposed to hate Tumblr, even more hypocritical of you.
Hopefully some ps vita news to
but I heard red dead 2 might be announced I cant wait
Just because I posted about feminazis before doesn,t mean I hate tumblr most of my spam has always been tumblr they have funny stuff to
Don't make presumption's
You've always stated yourself that you hate tumblr.
No I didn,t XD
Uh, yeah, you did, no denying that.
Yeah, I'm really excited to see what the Walking Dead announcement will be.
Jesus fucking Christ you nearly gave me a heart attack.
I have one tomorrow...
OMG my headphones exploded
Hey Deb, how are you?
Hey Gustav, fine and you?
I'm doing dank.
can we all take a moment to appreciate Sid Meier's Colonization.
I just realized i don't have any friends here
My whole body hurts.
I'm getting old.
That's sad, maybe you should get some?
yeah probably...
nobody ever deserves getting hit.
mmmm when i was 9 i guess
she was being a bitch so no she deserved it
good luck dojo
maybe we could be friends, eh?
cool it's good that she will come back again
Well, I aprove!
Sure sounds like we have a deal then.
huh morgan you tryna steal my friend eh
that is true
We can share them. From what I learned from Playing History:The Slave can have half of a human.
well shit nothin' i can do about that
Deal. So now we shake hands?