Borderlands Handsome Collection(Wanted to make sure I got it)
Mortal Kombat X ( I did it so I could get Goro and because I love Mortal Kombat, it's the one fighting game I'm actually good at lol)
Batman Arkham Knight (I loved Arkham City, it was one of the best games of all time. Didn't play origins, heard it wasn't that good, but than again it wasn't made by Rocksteady. Anyways main reason I preordered was because you get extra story missions and can play as the Red Hood and Harley Quinn.)
hmm should I keep my Mortal Kombat X pre-order or not? I'm on the fence on whether to cancel it or not because I am starting to hear there is a lot of dlc the should be in the game,but is not included.(seems to be a pattern with games these days....)
Whatever you do dont digital preorder, I find that recently games have different editions and stuff I would preorder a hard copy then wait to see if a black/ultimate/? Edition comes out then upgrade, it al depends how much you want it plus you might get dlc with your preorder
hmm should I keep my Mortal Kombat X pre-order or not? I'm on the fence on whether to cancel it or not because I am starting to hear there is a lot of dlc the should be in the game,but is not included.(seems to be a pattern with games these days....)
Hey guys im playing dying light on ps4 and im setting up online play, basically i dont understand these options what is LAN for example I was just going to choose public but I thought i would ask advice in order to get the best online experience. Please help!
Unrelated but why the hell am I having to do a captcha before posting I haven't done one of these on here since I signed up
I don't play Dying Light, and I don't have a PS4, but I'll answer anyway. A LAN is a Local Area Network, which means you have a very fast connection to the other computers/machines you're connecting to, so they can feel free to send lots of data, and the other computers/machines will get it fast. You also don't have to worry much about security, as you have some level of control or authority on all of the devices involved. Unless you're playing with other people in the same house, I'd try a little below that to start.
I'm not getting a captcha. It may have to do with your posting patterns. It should still go away eventually.
Hey guys im playing dying light on ps4 and im setting up online play, basically i dont understand these options what is LAN for example I wa… mores just going to choose public but I thought i would ask advice in order to get the best online experience. Please help!
Unrelated but why the hell am I having to do a captcha before posting I haven't done one of these on here since I signed up
Cheers, so lan would mean like local to my network I was hoping it might mean local to my country because I was playing on a team of four and none of them spoke english it was my first online game and it was seriously confusing
I don't play Dying Light, and I don't have a PS4, but I'll answer anyway. A LAN is a Local Area Network, which means you have a very fast c… moreonnection to the other computers/machines you're connecting to, so they can feel free to send lots of data, and the other computers/machines will get it fast. You also don't have to worry much about security, as you have some level of control or authority on all of the devices involved. Unless you're playing with other people in the same house, I'd try a little below that to start.
I'm not getting a captcha. It may have to do with your posting patterns. It should still go away eventually.
Fuck it. I haven't got a decent gaming PC anyway, But still, why Russia? They say it's to bring it into the hands of more gamers around the world, but you can't fucking do that by selling it in one country!
Cool someone found and bumped this XD I was to lazy to look for it.
So Mortal Kombat X is coming out in about 2 weeks, so I'm pretty f'ing pumped and they just announced a new character called Erron Black and he looks awesome and is probably my favorite new character.
Batman Arkham Knight comes out in less than a month! Anyone else excited? I love the arkham series. It's so fun and you don't even need to know anything about Batman to like it. (I only know general info about him). I will not be buying that crazy priced dlc though lol.
This thread has been dead too long, why don't I change that with some news.
Until Dawn got it's release date (26.8.15 or how you Americans say, 8.26.15) finally.
And I can't wait all the stuff E3 is going to show us.
Until Dawn, Mad Max, next episodes of GoT and TFTB, Life is Strange 4-5, Dreamfall Chapters books 3-5, Kholat, Assassins Creed Syndicate, Rise of the Tomb Raider, No Man's Sky, Adr1ft.
I played the first one Iit was amazing the series is called project zero in the uk. I have the 3ds one but its so annoying because it comes … morewith a little AR booklet that rarely registers through the camera unfortunately I dont have the consoles the others were released on.
Batman Arkham Knight comes out in less than a month! Anyone else excited? I love the arkham series. It's so fun and you don't even need to k… morenow anything about Batman to like it. (I only know general info about him). I will not be buying that crazy priced dlc though lol.
Im hyped for yooka-laylee being made by playtonic that consists of mostly ex rare employees from the 90s
Heres the kickstarter for yall who wanna support the guys who made banjo kazooie and donkey kong country series and dk64 to make a new game that is a platformer sorta like banjo-kazooie
They have currently earned almost 2 million on they're kickstarter if u can put atleast 1 buck towards this u should because this thing is gonna give nintendo a run for they're money because i have heard many great things about the employees who are working on this i have done my research and know not all of em were there for the 80s's-90's era but i do know i will give them the employees the benefit of the doubt
Im hyped for yooka-laylee being made by playtonic that consists of mostly ex rare employees from the 90s
Heres the kickstarter for ya… morell who wanna support the guys who made banjo kazooie and donkey kong country series and dk64 to make a new game that is a platformer sorta like banjo-kazooie
They have currently earned almost 2 million on they're kickstarter if u can put atleast 1 buck towards this u should because this thing is gonna give nintendo a run for they're money because i have heard many great things about the employees who are working on this i have done my research and know not all of em were there for the 80s's-90's era but i do know i will give them the employees the benefit of the doubt
So to celebrate lemme ask yall a question
what is ur favorite rareware game
Until Dawn, Mad Max, next episodes of GoT and TFTB, Life is Strange 4-5, Dreamfall Chapters books 3-5, Kholat, Assassins Creed Syndicate, Rise of the Tomb Raider, No Man's Sky, Adr1ft.
Thought I'd revive this thread rather than just making a new one. So, what has everyone been playing and what does everyone want to play?
I've been playing through GTA V again on last-gen, and I bought San Andreas on Xbox Live. Also playing Assassin's Creed 2 and a bit of Call of Duty World at War.
So since there aren't a whole lot of games on current gen consoles that I'm interested in (AC Syndicate being the exception), I've been looking for older stuff. I really wanna get a PS2 so I can get Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 on the same console. Then I'm looking to get Medal of Honor Frontline and the original Call of Duty. And it's a priority for me to get either GTA 3 or Vice City at some point.
At the moment I am playing through Dragon Age Inquisition again and playing some madden, but come October 13th I will be playing the witcher 3 over again and it's expansion. I really want to play the mass effect trilogy over again, but I'm trying to wait till they become backwards compatible for Xbox one.
Thought I'd revive this thread rather than just making a new one. So, what has everyone been playing and what does everyone want to play?
… more I've been playing through GTA V again on last-gen, and I bought San Andreas on Xbox Live. Also playing Assassin's Creed 2 and a bit of Call of Duty World at War.
So since there aren't a whole lot of games on current gen consoles that I'm interested in (AC Syndicate being the exception), I've been looking for older stuff. I really wanna get a PS2 so I can get Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 on the same console. Then I'm looking to get Medal of Honor Frontline and the original Call of Duty. And it's a priority for me to get either GTA 3 or Vice City at some point.
Can I tell you guys something that I'm sick of? Last gen games being re-released. I get it if the game came out for the N64 or something and it's being remade in HD, but why re-release games for consoles that aren't even obsolete yet? Seems like they're just hungry for money.
Borderlands Handsome Collection(Wanted to make sure I got it)
Mortal Kombat X ( I did it so I could get Goro and because I love Mortal Kombat, it's the one fighting game I'm actually good at lol)
Batman Arkham Knight (I loved Arkham City, it was one of the best games of all time. Didn't play origins, heard it wasn't that good, but than again it wasn't made by Rocksteady. Anyways main reason I preordered was because you get extra story missions and can play as the Red Hood and Harley Quinn.)
hmm should I keep my Mortal Kombat X pre-order or not? I'm on the fence on whether to cancel it or not because I am starting to hear there is a lot of dlc the should be in the game,but is not included.(seems to be a pattern with games these days....)
Whatever you do dont digital preorder, I find that recently games have different editions and stuff I would preorder a hard copy then wait to see if a black/ultimate/? Edition comes out then upgrade, it al depends how much you want it plus you might get dlc with your preorder
Hey guys im playing dying light on ps4 and im setting up online play, basically i dont understand these options what is LAN for example I was just going to choose public but I thought i would ask advice in order to get the best online experience. Please help!
Unrelated but why the hell am I having to do a captcha before posting I haven't done one of these on here since I signed up
I don't play Dying Light, and I don't have a PS4, but I'll answer anyway. A LAN is a Local Area Network, which means you have a very fast connection to the other computers/machines you're connecting to, so they can feel free to send lots of data, and the other computers/machines will get it fast. You also don't have to worry much about security, as you have some level of control or authority on all of the devices involved. Unless you're playing with other people in the same house, I'd try a little below that to start.
I'm not getting a captcha. It may have to do with your posting patterns. It should still go away eventually.
Cheers, so lan would mean like local to my network I was hoping it might mean local to my country because I was playing on a team of four and none of them spoke english it was my first online game and it was seriously confusing
Batman Arkham Knight is delayed till June 23rd Now
But here some good news remasters are coming!
At least it was only delayed by two weeks... unless they made a typo, and it's actually being released on June 23rd 2016.
Halo is coming back to PC.... in Russia.
Dammit Microsoft, when will you understand we want Halo on PC again
Fuck it. I haven't got a decent gaming PC anyway, But still, why Russia? They say it's to bring it into the hands of more gamers around the world, but you can't fucking do that by selling it in one country!
Cool someone found and bumped this XD I was to lazy to look for it.
So Mortal Kombat X is coming out in about 2 weeks, so I'm pretty f'ing pumped and they just announced a new character called Erron Black and he looks awesome and is probably my favorite new character.
Damn it, I wish they would bring out a release date for Until Dawn. It looks so good. I'm hoping it will be out by the middle of the year, at least.
Bump! Because I like this thread and love discussing games with yall
This thread has been dead too long, why don't I change that with some news.
Until Dawn got it's release date (26.8.15 or how you Americans say, 8.26.15) finally.
And I can't wait all the stuff E3 is going to show us.
State of decay lifeline is running me ragged lol
Batman Arkham Knight comes out in less than a month! Anyone else excited? I love the arkham series. It's so fun and you don't even need to know anything about Batman to like it. (I only know general info about him). I will not be buying that crazy priced dlc though lol.
Yeah, cant wait for Until Dawn.
Good to see this thread pop up again. Man there are just so many games coming out, we are spoiled for choice these days.
Any particular game:your excited for in the next few months?(also can't wait till E3
Until Dawn, Mad Max, next episodes of GoT and TFTB, Life is Strange 4-5, Dreamfall Chapters books 3-5, Kholat, Assassins Creed Syndicate, Rise of the Tomb Raider, No Man's Sky, Adr1ft.
Yes! Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection has been confirmed for PS4! It includes all 3 Uncharted games + A beta for Uncharted 4's multiplayer.
Should've put Golden Abyss in the collection....
I just beat Fatal Frame, it was the most frustrating games i played all year. I still like the voice acting though.
My best friend loves this game.
I made a thread about this, a bit too late by the looks of it, ya beat me to it lol
Im hyped for yooka-laylee being made by playtonic that consists of mostly ex rare employees from the 90s
Heres the kickstarter for yall who wanna support the guys who made banjo kazooie and donkey kong country series and dk64 to make a new game that is a platformer sorta like banjo-kazooie
They have currently earned almost 2 million on they're kickstarter if u can put atleast 1 buck towards this u should because this thing is gonna give nintendo a run for they're money because i have heard many great things about the employees who are working on this i have done my research and know not all of em were there for the 80s's-90's era but i do know i will give them the employees the benefit of the doubt
So to celebrate lemme ask yall a question
what is ur favorite rareware game
Hahah, when any news of Uncharted comes out, I'm there in the first place ;D
Yeah I'm hyped for it too. I'm backing the game.
im very curious about no mans sky..
i just bought all of the games for ps3
Um how did u afford that many games? buying that many games has to cost alot of moolah
The games are actually pretty cheap these days.
well i mean since theres alot of ps3 games i was thinking that would add up to some pretty expensive levels of cash
today i bought like 5 games. UC 1, UC2, SKYRIM, DA:2, FO3. I bought them used
I'll just share my favorite CYOA game, Zombie Exodus:
Man Bat confirmed for arkham knight!!!!
Thought I'd revive this thread rather than just making a new one. So, what has everyone been playing and what does everyone want to play?
I've been playing through GTA V again on last-gen, and I bought San Andreas on Xbox Live. Also playing Assassin's Creed 2 and a bit of Call of Duty World at War.
So since there aren't a whole lot of games on current gen consoles that I'm interested in (AC Syndicate being the exception), I've been looking for older stuff. I really wanna get a PS2 so I can get Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 on the same console. Then I'm looking to get Medal of Honor Frontline and the original Call of Duty. And it's a priority for me to get either GTA 3 or Vice City at some point.
At the moment I am playing through Dragon Age Inquisition again and playing some madden, but come October 13th I will be playing the witcher 3 over again and it's expansion. I really want to play the mass effect trilogy over again, but I'm trying to wait till they become backwards compatible for Xbox one.
Can I tell you guys something that I'm sick of? Last gen games being re-released. I get it if the game came out for the N64 or something and it's being remade in HD, but why re-release games for consoles that aren't even obsolete yet? Seems like they're just hungry for money.