Why do we never get updates?

Alright, I'm sorry for making all these controversial threads, but I need to get this off my chest. I get that this is going to look pretty similar to a few other threads that are floating around, and I think I've made a similar post in one of those threads, but I'd like us to focus on one thing in particular here;

Why is it, that after 3 months (Telltale's ETA was 4-6 weeks), we haven't gotten ANY substantial updates from the staff? Nobody saying "soon", no promotional images, not even any hints towards what we should expect over twitter. The closest things we got to updates that I can recall were two blurry pictures of Sasha/Fiona frowning, the announcement of a new voice actor, a few mentions of the kinds of jokes we'll be hearing, and various classifications/ratings that the community itself had to scavenge around for. None of those are particularly interesting.

Listen, this wait is pretty excessive, but I understand that there can be complications in development. Making quality content isn't easy. Even so, where's the transparency? Why is Telltale seemingly ignoring the community as it lags farther and farther behind on its delivery of the episode? Shouldn't they be apologizing and trying to find ways to make the wait less excruciating for their dedicated fans?

I still love 'em, but waiting in silence has been really disheartening. It's unprofessional, encourages distrust towards the devs, and it turns people away from this model of game development. Telltale should be making an effort to communicate with us, like they kinda used to.

Agree? Disagree? Don't really care? Either way, let's talk about it.

EDIT: I appreciate the recent effort to break the silence by Telltale for Episode 3; even if we didn't get a trailer, it was a great move. I just wish they had said something for the other 3 months we had been waiting.



  • Piggs, I'm hoping we all don't turn into a SHODAN Freeman.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Personally I don't mind too much, but I will admit this has been the first wait that has annoyed me at all.

  • We've had this thread 3 million times and the answer remains the same. We don't know.

    Honestly I disagree with most of the wait complaints, sure the wait gets long at times but we have to understand that they're trying to make the game the best it can be. There's this one quote from someone can't remember who said it or what it was exactly but It sounded something like "A delayed game will eventually be good, but a rushed one will forever be bad" and it's exactly right. Eventually we will have the entire season for us to play, and it'll most likely be one of the best Telltale games to date, all we need to do is have patience.

  • edited June 2015

    because people make this same thread over and over again

    honestly for me the wait hasn't even been that bad it feels like yesterday that i was playing episode 2 for the first time, the best way to make it feel quick is to do something else instead of going and refreshing their twitter every hour

  • "A delayed game will eventually be good, but a rushed one will forever be bad"

    The great Miyamoto Sama said that.

    Alt text

    Green613 posted: »

    We've had this thread 3 million times and the answer remains the same. We don't know. Honestly I disagree with most of the wait complaint

  • I don't see why we need updates really. If the episode isn't finished why should updates be important? Sure they add to hype, but in the end hype isn't going to affect the outcome of the game.

    Piggs posted: »

    Sure, but, if there has to be be a long wait, we should be getting updates. And we aren't. I haven't seen a thread specifically like this in

  • Sure, but, if there has to be be a long wait, we should be getting updates. And we aren't. I haven't seen a thread specifically like this in quite a while, but if there really have been 3 million, they've been there for a good reason. I personally think that it's a problem we shouldn't neglect, and should revisit.

    Green613 posted: »

    We've had this thread 3 million times and the answer remains the same. We don't know. Honestly I disagree with most of the wait complaint

  • Hear, hear.

    I understand the wait. The wait is fine if they're working on it and they need the time. But "soon" would be fricken' music to my ears if we were to at least get an update. At this point in the waiting, after three months, we can get the idea that it should be nearly done only from assumptions by looking to see that it's been rated by pegi. I would be significantly more comfortable with the wait if staff could give an update that would tell us where the development is at right now.

  • edited June 2015

    I haven't seen a thread specifically like this in quite a while

    all of these are pretty much the same except worded differently plus there are all of the same comments being repeated on the release thread






    like ok fair enough the wait has been a while but there is a point where the complaining just becomes draining and pointless and we are far beyond that point

    Piggs posted: »

    Sure, but, if there has to be be a long wait, we should be getting updates. And we aren't. I haven't seen a thread specifically like this in

  • Those aren't the same.

    I'm not asking why the wait is long, or if my money is being wasted. I'm specifically asking why Telltale isn't giving us updates on their development of the game. I want them to give more reports on their progress, so that I know where my money is going.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    I haven't seen a thread specifically like this in quite a while all of these are pretty much the same except worded differently plus

  • Yes waiting is annoying and it seems Tales has the longest waits between episodes. Its not so much waiting that bothers me, its more or less radio silence from Telltale.

  • Yeah I think Telltale said to expect Tales from the Borderlands soon just before Game of Thrones came out, so I was expecting it to release within two weeks after Game of Thrones. But since we haven't heard anything today I guess it's going to be another week or more, which I think is a little too long to be called "soon".

    I don't mind the wait, though. I understand people saying we need to be patient and wait. But I also think you're right in saying they need to communicate with us just a bit more, or else we're even more restless and aimless in our discussions, and make more threads like these.

  • edited June 2015

    the whole context of it is the same you might not see it that way but i do and i'm pretty sure the rest of us do too, it is just annoying at this point nothing gets accomplished from these threads

    Piggs posted: »

    Those aren't the same. I'm not asking why the wait is long, or if my money is being wasted. I'm specifically asking why Telltale isn't gi

  • Would it make you feel better if someone from telltale told you it would be soon? It never made me feel better.

  • I don't think Piggs is asking them to rush the game. I'm pretty sure he is asking for the devs to communicate with us. It's not about the hype. It's about us being dead in the water.

    Green613 posted: »

    We've had this thread 3 million times and the answer remains the same. We don't know. Honestly I disagree with most of the wait complaint

  • Yes. It's better than dead silence.

    Would it make you feel better if someone from telltale told you it would be soon? It never made me feel better.

  • :)

    Piggs posted: »

    Good post, thx.

  • They (supposedly) have an entire team dedicated to TFTB. Why can't that team work on getting anything out there?

    Because TTG is busy i guess with Minecraft and GOT and TWD content and TWD S3 now Marvel and TFTBL as well. Also the super show and i'm pretty sure other things.

  • Because TTG is busy i guess with Minecraft and GOT and TWD content and TWD S3 now Marvel and TFTBL as well. Also the super show and i'm pretty sure other things.

  • Either they're able to hype us up or give information about release. When a release isn't ready people complain, when they give us posts for hype people still complain that the episode takes too long. It's a lose/lose scenario.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    I don't think Piggs is asking them to rush the game. I'm pretty sure he is asking for the devs to communicate with us. It's not about the hype. It's about us being dead in the water.

  • It's hard to come up with funny jokes? I have no clue what goes on at TTG.

    We know they're hard at work and i guess they put extra time and effort into TFTBL to make sure it's pure gold like the first two episodes have been.

    Piggs posted: »

    They (supposedly) have an entire team dedicated to TFTB. Why can't that team work on getting anything out there?

  • In all seriousness, I genuinely believe that we as a forum killed the "soons"/updates.

    We were very critical of them (albeit, semi-jokingly). And people similarly complained about the random/teasing Twitter updates; that they were cruel, that they just got our hopes up etc. etc. I think that TT's too scared of posting anything until they have a firm date in mind so as not to incur our wrath - and because the date is pretty much out of their hands (due to it being determined by things like classifications/individual platform ratings etc.) that basically means that we're going to get radio silence until they're given the green light.

    BUT then it will be like - SCREEN CAPS, TRAILER, EPISODE!!!

    And we won't even have enough time to discuss them because it'll be so sudden!

    At least, that's my hope...

    (I also fear that my 'soon thesaurus' pushed them over the edge, we know Job saw it - I'M SO SORRY, GUYS!)

  • Episode 3 is being classified as we speak.

    Is that the kind of news you were looking for?

  • "Look at Duke Nukem Forever"

    I said that.

    "A delayed game will eventually be good, but a rushed one will forever be bad" The great Miyamoto Sama said that.

  • I hope they finish GoT already, and then focus more people on TFTBL. We arent asking them to rush the game. We are asking them to communicate with the people whos money they took for this game. It would only take them a second to say they are working hard and that it really is almost here.

    But, we gotta give them points for trying though. At least they give us new, little infos like voice actors. A screen shot would be good if we dont get a trailer. Thats what they need to know, is that we just need something to discuss, doesnt have to be as big as a trailer, but not something as small as a voice actor.

  • sigh

    Thrones and Tales have different teams. Finishing "GoT already" won't do Tales any good. Stop blaming other games/ the entire fucking company in total when really it's just the Tales dev team to blame.

    I hope they finish GoT already, and then focus more people on TFTBL. We arent asking them to rush the game. We are asking them to communic

  • I didn't blame them. I said, when GoT is done, some of that team may help TFTBL. Each team consists of of TT employees, so in theory, once one game is done, they would have more employees to help with the other games.

    sigh Thrones and Tales have different teams. Finishing "GoT already" won't do Tales any good. Stop blaming other games/ the entire fucking company in total when really it's just the Tales dev team to blame.

  • Doesn't seem like they're taking their time with thrones anyways.

    5 people building a house build faster than 1 person does.

    And so what's the point of just rushing through Thrones to get more people to help with Tales? By that logic, Thrones will have a half assed penultimate and season finale episode and Tales Ep3 and probably Ep4 wouldn't come any sooner.

  • And so what's the point of just rushing through Thrones to get more people to help with Tales? By that logic, Thrones will have a half assed penultimate and season finale episode and Tales Ep3 and probably Ep4 wouldn't come any sooner.

    I didn't blame them. I said, when GoT is done, some of that team may help TFTBL. Each team consists of of TT employees, so in theory, once one game is done, they would have more employees to help with the other games.

  • They're taking the amount of time necessary, and it's not like we've been getting a new episode every month. We have to wait 8-9 weeks, which is a normal Telltale wait time so it's not anything special.

    5 people building a house faster than 1 person does

    What does that even mean... Tales has plenty of resources and people working on it.

    Doesn't seem like they're taking their time with thrones anyways. 5 people building a house build faster than 1 person does.

  • Just because Thrones is going faster doesn't mean they aren't taking their time with it. Thrones is probably the most high quality TTG to date IMO.

    Doesn't seem like they're taking their time with thrones anyways. 5 people building a house build faster than 1 person does.

  • Yep ^^^^^^^^^^

    This is why ily Green

    Green613 posted: »

    Just because Thrones is going faster doesn't mean they aren't taking their time with it. Thrones is probably the most high quality TTG to date IMO.

  • Alt text

    Yep ^^^^^^^^^^ This is why ily Green

  • It means adding more people makes things easier. Thrones is coming out quickly compared to TFTBL, thats what is meant when i say its coming quickly.

    They're taking the amount of time necessary, and it's not like we've been getting a new episode every month. We have to wait 8-9 weeks, whic

  • <3 (on my phone so I can't post a gif).

  • Devs being shuffled between projects most likely, with GoT and Minecraft getting a higher priority.

  • This is my first time actively waiting for a telltale game and I don't have any problem with 'soon's. I really wish we got soons, but the forum seems like they want anything but. I don't think it's YOUR fault, but I'm afraid telltale is avoiding any posts too vague because people always complain about them. :/

    In all seriousness, I genuinely believe that we as a forum killed the "soons"/updates. We were very critical of them (albeit, semi-joking

  • Exactly. Thats probably why they dont bother.

    Green613 posted: »

    Either they're able to hype us up or give information about release. When a release isn't ready people complain, when they give us posts for hype people still complain that the episode takes too long. It's a lose/lose scenario.

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