Hate to say this Ramm but... we've all left and relocated to DeviantArt and fanfiction.net
This happened last week; a multitude of reasons caused us all to leave, some of us have even become ghosts on the forum now! (Still visit, but very rarely and only breifly)
We're mostly on DA, so I can give you some names if you like??
I do not think many of you where expecting me back. Well guess what?
Ich bin wieder da!
I had a couple of operations going that pr… moreevented me from writing for a couple of days, then I decided that I needed a break from reading. At the time, I had been reading the stories on here as well as Fall of Giants and Fatherland (both are good books). I simply needed a break. Sorry for not telling you before. Es tut mir lied! I will make sure to inform next time!
Now, that a break is over. Out of that break came an idea on where to take my story, which will recieve a new chapter tommorow (or tommorow here, anyway). I will take it in a certain direction. I will leave you with a riddle as to what it will involve - It involves our thing.
What has been happening? This is the first I have visited in a while (nearly a fortnight). Please, do update me on your stories with a swift summary. Thanks!
Hate to say this Ramm but... we've all left and relocated to DeviantArt and fanfiction.net
This happened last week; a multitude of reaso… morens caused us all to leave, some of us have even become ghosts on the forum now! (Still visit, but very rarely and only breifly)
We're mostly on DA, so I can give you some names if you like??
Seems the winds of change are blowing, as it were. Some people build walls, others build windmills - you can thank the Chinese for that wisd… moreom. Anyway, I've been debating whether or not to say something for a while but now is clearly the time, and I'll be leaving too. May come by every once in a while just to see things, but I think this is it, really.
You've been some of the best people I've met on the internet or in real life. You've been kind, welcoming, and open. We've all been through something that no one but us can appreciate, and I'm happy to say I've been a part of it. Although things are changing here I've no wish to lose contact with anyone; think most of you have already found me on there but I'm WillowsAtSunset on DA if you wish to look me up. Heard that some of you are going to FF.net but I won't be joining; all the best on there.
Doesn't feel right just leaving it like that, not for a thread dedicated to writing stories.… [view original content]
All good things come to an end.
Bigby and Snow are happy to be at the head of an amazing legacy of children, grandchildren, great-grandch… moreildren, and so on. They love each and every one of their babies and beyond with all their hearts, and continue to guide new additions with love and grace. Their legacy is as follows:
The Children:
Therese Wolf: Married Reynard the Fox after FINALLY revealing their boiling romance to the world. It happened more by accident; Sometimes Reynard just CAN’T keep his love for her to himself. It took a while for his teenage daughter, Fair, to accept Therese as a step-mom; The girl came around though after a few months of getting to know one another. Therese has one child with Reynard, a little boy with reddish-blond hair and a mischievous personality. He has both wolf and fox qualities, and can be described as a perfect hybrid of the two animals. She remains as one of Harmony’s favorite Aunt, though don’t t… [view original content]
I WILL bring a conclusion to Gertraud and Alfreds tale before leaving. That is a while away, thus I will remain for some time yet. I enjoy writing on this forum. It is sad to see so many leaving, ESPECIALLY after coming back from my hiatus. However, as all men must die, all good things must come to an end.
I finally come on after an unexpected nap and see all these farewell comments in return?
(sigh) I should've known that this was bound to… more happen sooner or later, even though I had hoped you guys would've planned to stay somewhat active through the upcoming summer. I suppose my earlier 'announcement' led to this too. It's a pity, though, as I didn't expect this to turn out the way it did so soon. ;(
Regardless, I respect and see where you guys are coming from: having lives to tend to, education, friends, and/or family - all of which are completely fine reasons. And as always, you guys know I wholly appreciate every one of you making the thread into what it is today, the numerous stories/art you all have brought in the past and present. Ugh, simply amazing - Grade A stuff, seriously!
@pudding_pie, @JJwolf, @EMMYPESS, @MasterStone, @LupineNoir, @Hazzatheman, @Tetra
Some of you may remember the surprise pictures I drew for you guys ea… [view original content]
Are you still writing that current story of yours? Or have you lost interest in it similar to some of the others' tales? Regardless, I'm sure you're feeling better after those operations, right?
I do not think many of you where expecting me back. Well guess what?
Ich bin wieder da!
I had a couple of operations going that pr… moreevented me from writing for a couple of days, then I decided that I needed a break from reading. At the time, I had been reading the stories on here as well as Fall of Giants and Fatherland (both are good books). I simply needed a break. Sorry for not telling you before. Es tut mir lied! I will make sure to inform next time!
Now, that a break is over. Out of that break came an idea on where to take my story, which will recieve a new chapter tommorow (or tommorow here, anyway). I will take it in a certain direction. I will leave you with a riddle as to what it will involve - It involves our thing.
What has been happening? This is the first I have visited in a while (nearly a fortnight). Please, do update me on your stories with a swift summary. Thanks!
Hate to say this Ramm but... we've all left and relocated to DeviantArt and fanfiction.net
This happened last week; a multitude of reaso… morens caused us all to leave, some of us have even become ghosts on the forum now! (Still visit, but very rarely and only breifly)
We're mostly on DA, so I can give you some names if you like??
Hey, hey! As some of you may have already noticed, I'm back after a somewhat-lengthy break I took from the forums. Some of you may be excited, and some of you may not be so excited - which I can probably understand the reason why (lol).
Anyways, the whole point of me typing this is that I'm willing to share what plans I have had for this thread - back when it was still pretty active. So if any of you are curious with what my past plans were, be sure to hit me up with a message on here or through any others means you guys might be able to contact me from. If you don't, then you'll be missing out on some juicy info. XD Your choices, though.
Hey, hey! As some of you may have already noticed, I'm back after a somewhat-lengthy break I took from the forums. Some of you may be excite… mored, and some of you may not be so excited - which I can probably understand the reason why (lol).
Anyways, the whole point of me typing this is that I'm willing to share what plans I have had for this thread - back when it was still pretty active. So if any of you are curious with what my past plans were, be sure to hit me up with a message on here or through any others means you guys might be able to contact me from. If you don't, then you'll be missing out on some juicy info. XD Your choices, though.
Hey Dragon, I visit the forums daily to check up on what Telltales doing. (Borderlands and hopefully TWAU season 2)
I'm active on DA, pos… moreting the finals chapters of my vampire challenge there. With some other things, while waiting for the new batman to release.
I would love to hear what you had planned,
Are you still writing that current story of yours? Or have you lost interest in it similar to some of the others' tales? Regardless, I'm sure you're feeling better after those operations, right?
Fabletown is like a bonfire in a dark cave for all things magic. Magic creatures, from Wizards to Ghosts to Vampires, born in our horrible mundane world flood to the magical Fabletown, the only place that would accept them into their fold. More refugees in a comminuty of refugees. One of them is the fabled son of the dragon himself. The one they called Vlad Tepes, Count Dracula. Now Prince Alucard, four times removed from the blood of Caine, is a deputy to Sherrif Bigby Wolf and helps maintain a tenacious watch over Fables and his own kind.
To this end a truce was made with the Knights Templar, a order dedicated into the slaying of dangerious non-humans. A truce that is threathend to be shattered when a new coven of vampires is spreading nests all over New York, intend of causing chaos and exposing the magical realm to the mundies.
It is now up to Alucard, Sherrif Bigby Wolf, Huntress Myranda Harker and Magus Peter Dainson (grandson of one of the Fabled Seven Dwarves) to find the Master of this new Coven and stop him before NY turns into a warzone.
Rain came down hard on the car's roof as it's occupant waited for his back-up.
The man, a rather pale but handsome looking fellow with red eyes and long white hair, looked to his watch. 3 AM, fifteen minutes after he called his boss.
"Come on Bigby...." the white man muttered.
As if by coincidence there was a knock on his car's window before it opened and another man took his seat next to him.
"This better be good, Al." the hairy man in a trench coat said as he closed the door, a irritable frown on his face." Snow hates being woken up early in the morning..and same goes double for me."
"I wouldn't ask you to run through weather when it's raining cats and dogs and away from your wife's bed if it wasn't important, Bigby." Al replied.
Bigby merely stared at his companion." Did you just do a pun?"
"Sorry, I forget 3 o'clock isnt your brightest moment of the day." Al smirked. Before his boss could retort he offered him a box of cigarettes and a lighter. This put Bigby at ease as he immidiatly took a cigarette and lit one up. The sherrif of Fabletown exhaled the gray smoke." Still coming out of your pay cheque." he inhaled and exhaled again." What do you have for me?"
Al pointed through the window toward the end of Bullfinch street. Bigby followed his deputy's movement and saw a strange sight. Several men and women were stood in plain sight in the middle of the downpour, staring at the Woodlands appartment building. They remained motionless and Bigby noticed they werent even breathing.
"Those aren't mundies, are they?" Bigby asked but already knew the answer.
"No. Those are vampires, Fledglings I wager." Al lit one cigarette up himself." Thing is, I dont recognise their coven. No symbols or anything. They came one by one and stopped near the wards Totenkinder and Greenleaf set up after the Bluebeard Accord."
"So these aren't Prince Halmadir's lot?" Bigby asked to which Al could only shrug." In that case, let's go say hi."
Both doused their cigarettes and stepped outside in the pouring rain. Like his boss, Al wore a similar trench coat but where Bigby's was in gray, his was in black. Normally he would also wear sunglasses in the daytime to hide his red eyes despite numerious suggestions he should wear lenses.
The duo made their way to the small assembly of fledling vampires. Up close they seemed more worse for wear than imagined. Their clothes were tattered, bloody in some cases, with some missing hair or noses.
The Embrace had not been kind to them.
Bigby looked to Al and vice versa. Something was wrong. Al looked back to the assembled small group before he spoke.
"Fellow kindred, I know you are new to this world and you dont know what is happening to you. But I must ask you in accordance to the Bluebeard Accord that you turn around now and go see Prince Halmadir at Hell's Kitchen. He will help you with choosing your Houses and assigning Mentors but Fabletown is off-limits for those non-authorized to-"
One of the fletchlings tried to claw at him but shirked as the invisible ward seemed to hurt her.
"Well, that went well..." Bigby pulled his trench coat closer.
"I dont...Bigby, I dont think these kindred are sentient."
Bigby nodded." Now you mention it, it looks like the lights are on but nobody is home." he sniffed, his superior sense of smell being able to get through the rain." These are fresh, some hours old..." he sniffed again. His visage shifted from curiosity to hatred." They smell wrong."
Al peered closer and noticed the traditional bites on the neck were absent. Instead he saw a strange triangular shaped bite under the chin." These were not given the kiss by normal vampires..."
"They smell WRONG." Bigby added." Something evil is driving them."
The female screamed again before she opened her mouth...and a long tentacle came out and lashed at Bigby. Thankfully the sherrif of Fabletown had fast reflexes and snatched the tongue with his bare-hand. The tongue seemed to have a stonger at the end that snapped at Bigby. Al reacted quick and drew the silver sword from his sheath and sliced the appendage off. The female shrieked again as it fell over as blood rained down from its severed tongue. Before the other four could react, the Sherrif and his deputy jumped on them. Bigby threw off his coat as he became larger, fur covered him everywhere and his face contorted to that of a wolf. He lunged at one of the turned and ripped him apart with his claws. Al swung his blade around and effortlessly beheaded another vampire.Bigby looked after his deputy and fought back to back.Dodging the stinger-tongues and slicing them or limbs or heads.
The skirmish was short and bloody but in the end Fabletown's law enforcement stood victorious.Bigby turned back into his normal form and gladly took his coat when Al offered it to him. The sherrif panted heavily and walked over to the "I am the Eggman Diner" where in the clear spot he lit a cigarette. Al cleansed his silver sword and walked over to his boss as he stepped over the body parts.
Al also lit one up and leaned on the wall as the fure burned out of his lungs. "I dont know what those were, but they weren't Vampires. Not from any Coven I know about."
Bigby nodded." Same..." he waited a moment." We move the bodies to the Buisiness Office, we'll get Swineheart and Greenleaf to do a autopsy tommorow."
" Wouldn't Totenkinder be a better choice, boss?" Al tapped his finger on the cigarette so the ash could fall off.
"I dont trust her, not one bit." Bigby replied before he had another pull from his cigarette." Peter Dainson is studying mundy magical creatures isn't he? What about him?"
Al exhaled. "I find anyone having Tinker Bell as a mentor not to be a trained properly in such matters."
"Fine, we get Totenkinder and Dainson. Now nobody's happy." Bigby threw his down and stomped it flat.
"Fine by me...." Al followed his example." Elephant in the room time, the Templars?"
"You are sleeping with one of them, you tell me." Bigby coughed and thumped his chest.
Al dusted himself off. "In that case, same as you with Snow. Tell her and she will decide whatever or not to inform her superiors.If there is a new Coven like this that doesnt play by the Accord rules, they have to be warned in the least."
"Explode the keg early so it doesn't build up and blow up in our face..." Bigby nodded." Right, let's get these corpses moving."
Al sighed and rolled up his sleeves." Cant we call Flycatcher or Boy Blue to help?"
"What's the matter, the Prince doesnt feel like working tonight?" Bigby picked up a corpse by it's elbows as Al picked it up by the legs.
"I'm merely asking since I know you have a busy day tommorow. With crossdressing as old women and laying in bed all day." Alucard opened the trunk of the car.
"Says the man who named himself by spelling his father's name backwards. On three." On the third swing they dropped the first corpse in the trunk.
"Weak rebuttal there, Bigby." both moved to the next corpse.
"Shut up."
Blood Hounds
Chapter 1
A knock on the door
Rain came down hard on the car's roof as it's occupant waited for his back-up.
The man,… more a rather pale but handsome looking fellow with red eyes and long white hair, looked to his watch. 3 AM, fifteen minutes after he called his boss.
"Come on Bigby...." the white man muttered.
As if by coincidence there was a knock on his car's window before it opened and another man took his seat next to him.
"This better be good, Al." the hairy man in a trench coat said as he closed the door, a irritable frown on his face." Snow hates being woken up early in the morning..and same goes double for me."
"I wouldn't ask you to run through weather when it's raining cats and dogs and away from your wife's bed if it wasn't important, Bigby." Al replied.
Bigby merely stared at his companion." Did you just do a pun?"
"Sorry, I forget 3 o'clock isnt your brightest moment of the day." Al smirked. Before hi… [view original content]
Just wondering, did you by chance get the inspiration for the name 'Alucard' from the Hellsing anime?
Besides that, I of course, can't wait to see the next part - especially since the synopsis you made got me pumped!
The rain was seizing which made the infrared work slightly better.
Myrande and her fellow Templars observed the transaction that was going down below. A group of men in suits, of Middle-Eastern origins, were speaking to one of the vampires “on loan” from Prince Halmadir himself. The vampire in question was one of the Nosferatu, outcasts even among their fellow kindred. This one however managed to catch the prince’s eye and has been his double agent on several occasions, such as this.
Halmadir had a reason to believe that the Followers of Seth, a Vampire clan from Egypt, was planning to make a headquarters for themselves in New York and were looking for a suitable location and a possible blood farm so their number wouldn’t have to feed off the local populace and thus alert House Ventrue.
House Ventrue of course could not allow that so a covert operation was made in co-operation with the Knights Templar. So now Myranda and her fellow brothers were hidden among the rooftops of warehouses around the docks and waited for the ideal time to strike. The moment the hands were shook, was go time.
“Thank god for the Bluebeard Accord…” Myranda’s partner, Brother Ulric, said.” It would’ve taken us weeks to find these fangers and their hideouts but instead we can nip this in the bud.”
“Fabletown made our job a lot easier, I admit.” Myranda replied as she zoomed her visor in.
The thermal scan told her that of the meeting, only one vampire was present and that was Caliban, the Nosfaratu. It made sense that the Sethites would send their human handlers to deal with a potential hostile meeting.
Pawns always go first, her mother used to say, both in chess and the vampire slaying business. Myranda was the 6th generation of Harkers who did battle with the vampires and only the 2nd who enlisted in the Knights Templar.
Like all Harkers she had brown hair, she kept hers short, same goes with her eyes. However unlike her ancestor Jonathan Harker, she was more athletically built as her many hours of training and slaying had her body molded into its peak condition
Her combat armour was dark, much like a SWAT teams, save for the Templar cross on the spot where her heart was. They had silver swords, which were deadlier to vampires than stakes, and rifles with silver bullets which a few hours ago had been blessed by a priest. And of course a side arm for more the not so supernatural menaces.
Myranda listened to the com chatter in her earpiece as Caliban shook hands with one of the human servants of the Sethites.” Heads up, Ulric.” She patted his shoulder and pulled out her pistol.” We’re going in.”
As they got up the com nearly erupted.” Hold on, we got a third party.”
“Where?” another voice asked.
“Contact, north side.” One of the spotters shouted.
She turned her head north as she zoomed her visor in on the new comer. The thermal readings went out of the roof with a body temperature of 50 degrees Celsius. He moved rather sluggishly but seemed to pick up the pace when it saw the small group. “Myra, zoom in.” Ulric whispered.” You are never going to believe this.” She zoomed in further.
Inside the body there were dozens upon dozens of moving…things. Worms of some kind.
“What the hell is that…?” Myranda cursed as Ulric made a quick cross.
She pressed her com. “Paladin Cross this is sister Myranda…are you seeing what I’m seeing?”
“I am, sister.” Her mentor said over the chatter, his voice grave but assuring still.” This must be some kind of ghoul…or a new breed of vampire. ”
“ A vampire, Paladin Cross?” Ulric asked.
“Yes, but not from any clans or breed I know off. There is a thing like a hot vampire but those are very rare…”
Myranda gave a small smirk at that comment but kept her eye on the newcomer.
“Is it a Fable?” another brother asked.
“Negative.” Cross replied.” Nor is it any creature we have stored in our database. Keep your rifles ready. See how this plays out…”
And played out it did. The human servants of Seth turned to the newcomer and were shouting, Myranda couldn’t hear what. One pulled a gun and fired, but the creature didn’t drop. Instead it seemed to lunge back…and spat out its large tongue with a stinger. As the man screamed, Myranda could see with her visor that the creature was sucking blood…and infecting worms into the man’s bloodstream.
A few more cries came as more of these hot vampires came and ambushed the deal. Paladin Cross did not wait.” All units, open fire! Open fire! Team Riposte, grab the Nosferatu!”
Myranda and Ulric sprang into action and parkoured themselves off the building they were on and ran for the misshapen vampire. Once they hit the ground, the two Templars raised their rifles and stepped closer toward the carnage. Their brothers and sisters were firing at the hot vampires and the newly infected humans, thankfully silver seemed to hurt them. Caliban ran toward them as three of the stinger vampires ran after him, his vampire gift of speed being the only reason he managed to outrun the apparent ambush.
“Get out of the way!” Myranda shouted and pushed the Nosferatu aside and opened fire on his pursuers. The silver bullets pushed them back and a headshot did kill them. One of them came close and lurched back before it spat it’s stinger tongue at her. The Harker Templar quickly jumped back and kept firing until her attacker lay dead. She sighed of relief before she turned to Caliban.” Sorry about earlier, you alright?”
The vampire nodded as Ulric checked him over.” Caliban is fine, yes.” He pushed Ulric’s hand away.
Myranda activated her com.” Paladin Cross, we got the package.”
“Good job, don’t let him run yet. We need to ask him some questions first.”
A hour later Myranda was on her way home, a thousand thoughts running through her mind. The bodies, including that of the infected, were sealed up and shipped to the Templar Headquarters in Hell’s Kitchen for study. No-one, not even the Seer, knew what kind of creature they faced. This was obviously a vampire but it was unlike any other they faced. Caliban never saw this breed before either. The only information he had was that his clan heard ‘rumours’. According to clan Nosferatu, disappearances both human and kindred started around the time that strange plane accident occurred a few days back.
She recalled that news when she saw it on tv. A airplane landed in JFK airport but it went dark the moment it landed. No lights, no sound, nothing. The CDC had a official claim that everyone, save for four people, had died of some kind of oxygen loss or poison gas, she couldn’t recall. The Grandmaster had send several of her brothers to keep an eye on the survivors but reported nothing unusual yet.
“We’ll call it for tonight then…” Cross replied, his white beard giving him a sage like mane.” Get some rest people. If we’re lucky this is just a freak occurrence that is easily dealt with if not…” he paused.” We do the duty god handed us. Dismissed.”
She arrived at her apartment and closed the door behind her. She sighed of relief…but quickly stopped when she felt she wasn’t alone. Harker paranoia, some called it. She looked down and saw wet foot prints leading into her kitchen where a noise came as if someone was shuffling glasses.
Slowly she pulled out her knife and tip-toed to the kitchen. She kept her heart beat steady as she peered around the corner. A man with white hair in a black coat was stood in front of the fridge and seemed to root through it, making a bit of noise. Slowly she sneaked over, step by step. She kept her heartbeat slow and steady and held her knife at the ready.
As the white haired man stood up and lunged in and poked the knife in his back. A wry grin appeared on her lips.” You’re dead.”
The white haired man turned, his hands in the air. His right hand revealed a small plastic bag with a red fluid in it…and a straw.
“Oh dear, I’m afraid you have me officer.” The man said in a insincere tone.” What ever shall you do?”
“I’m afraid I will have to take you downtown, for questioning.” Myranda replied and she grabbed the man by his shirt and pulled him in…for a kiss. The man returned the kiss and placed his blood drink down as she put her knife away. They broke off.
“Good morning to you to, Miss Harker.” He held her hands.
“Good morning to you, Prince Alucard.” She smiled and kissed him again before she opened the fridge and took a can of beer.” When did you get in, babe?”
“Just now, me and Bigby had a bit of a skirmish tonight.” Al replied as he picked the straw through the plastic bag and drank it’s bloody contents.” Some strange kind of vampire popped up and attacked us.”
Myranda opened her can of beer but stopped after what her lover said.” You had them to?”
He frowned.” Stinger tongues, bit sluggish?”
She nodded.” Except the sluggish part, at first they were but then they hauled ass. Took several rounds of blessed silver bullets to get them down. Headshots to finish them.”
“Me and Bigby had the same thing. Rather he ripped them apart and I sliced them apart. Well good, spares me the effort of convincing you of their existence, my dear.” He drank some more blood.” Snow White wants to call you in for the autopsy tomorrow morning.”
“The Snow Queen mentioned me specifically? I feel honoured.” She rolled her eyes before she drank her beer.
“Well, someone from the Templar Order. Might as well be you. In fact…” he wrapped his arm around her waist.” I prefer if it is you.”
“Oh how so?” she strayed his cheek.
“Well you had combat experience with them, you are quite intelligent…and you have a nice bottom I can stare at.” He added the last with a cheeky laugh.
She mock slapped him.” You pig.”
“Swineheart will be there actually, not sure about Colin…” Al replied.” So since it is a few hours before we have to be at the Business office…how about we get some rest or…” he placed his fingers near her chin and moved them downward to her bosom.” Indulge in some carnal matters?”
Her reply came in a pull to her lips before she pushed him to the ground, him muttering a oh dear, and took him right there and then. Unlike her lover she didn’t waste much time on words but rather acted. After all, she was a Harker.
“Rock star Gabriel Bolivar, one of the four survivors of the air plane accident a few days ago, has sold four times as many records since his near death experience. However according due to health issues his upcoming concert has been postponed.” A news reader said as the tv played, barely audible over the thumping and moans of the passionate couple on the nearby bed.” Together with attorney Joan Luss they are filing a lawsuit towards the airplane company. In other news numerous disappearances…”
He was holding his lover’s hips as she rode him, screaming his name as he moved with her. He had a girlfriend before yeah but this was different, fantastic on a whole new level. Not only was his lover his mentor in all things magic, not only was she FANTASTIC at what she did, who she was drove him to the edge as well. Peter couldn’t believe this was happening even after it happened ever since he began being tutored by her; he was sleeping with Tinker Bell! TINKER BELL of Peter Pan fame. It started last night when the rain came down hard still. They were supposed to do research together on how some Mundies were able to use magic and others didn’t.
“The mundane world is a microcosms of the Homelands.” She said in between kisses and state of undress.” The fact that most of our tales are known her implies some kind of sympathetic magic that bleeds through realms.”
“Is it true the more popular a Fable is, the stronger they are?” he pushed her down on the bed before he kissed her neck and went downward.
“Yes and no…” she moaned.” Fables like Bigby are more well-known and power full but others like Totenkinder are almost unknown and yet possess powerful magic.”
“Maybe it’s like a solar panel?” he undid her green robe with a butterfly motif.” Some manage to catch sympathetic magic better than others?”
“Full marks for the student.” She giggled and pulled him in for a kiss.
One theory was that those mundies who were able to do magic had some Fable DNA in them. In Peter’s own case his grandfather was Hadgar Dainson, one of the Seven dwarves of Snow White fame. Likewise several other more…amorous Fables spread their seed around in the mundy which sometimes resulted in a bastard birth that was only found out three generations later. However some of Fabletown’s earliest mundy refugees who fled the Salem witch trials had no such parentage. The few magical creatures that still lived in this mundane world, like Nick Slick and Grandfather Oak who lived near the Farm, claimed that more magic existed but due to humanity’s obsession with technology it began to dwindle. The remaining constants were the vampire and lycan populations that somehow managed to stay afloat for so long. Possibly the fact mundies loved their tale of vampires and werewolves so much they were kept alive because of it.
Tinker Bell believed, much like most residents of the 13th floor, that because this world’s magic is so meager that anyone who would be blessed with magic could be on par or even stronger than any warlock or wizard back in the Homelands because the magic did not have to be shared. Some mundies would go through their entire lives without realizing they have magic. Explaining happy or unhappy circumstances on luck.
“Oh, Peter!” she cried.” Oh, Peter YES!
Mundies wizards, she explained, were probably also quite powerful because like all mundies were quite mortal. They burn short but yet so bright.
With a final cry from both they were spend. The blonde haired, blue eyed lithe beauty rested her head on his hairy chest, a sad gift from his grandfather’s dwarven side, as both caught their breath.
“That was…” he panted.” Good.”
Tink nodded and kissed his nose.” Good.” She said with a giggle and jumped up.” Let’s go again!”
Peter blinked.” Tink, as much as I love this we’ve been going at it for…” he looked for his watch which was thrown at the side.” Seven hours?!”
“Oh, it’s six o’clock already?” she pouted, her big smile turning to a permanent scowl.” Damnit, I have a meeting with Ozma, that bitch.”
She threw the covers off and angrily went to the shower. Despite her human sized glamour, she still only had room in her tiny heart for one emotion at a time. Lust or love was now replaced by anger it seemed. Peter sighed and rested his head on the pillow as the sunrays came in through the window. He was grateful for the small respite at least. Tink came back to grab some clean clothes.” Clean up after your mess, would you?” she nearly snapped and stormed back to the bath room.” Hello Al” she said and slammed the door shut behind her.
Peter snapped to attention and put his glasses on as he sat up. And there he was, Alucard himself was seated near his doctorate project, reading its contents.
“Holy shit!” Peter exclaimed.” Alucard?!”
“The one and only.” Al said and flicked a page over.” Mundy-Magic relations interesting…” he smirked.” In all meanings of the term.”
Peter groaned annoyed.” Why are you here?”
“I left you several messages on your answering machine, Peter. Get dressed and oh…have you eaten anything this morning?” Peter shook his head.” Good, it might help!”
A quick shower later, both men were stood in the elevator. Peter wore some normal baggy trousers with a T-shirt, Jurassic Park, and a small vest with pouches. He adjusted his glasses, some embarrassment still on his face. Al lit a cigarette and had a pull. He offered one to Peter who refused.
“You know…” the vampire began. “Once Peter Pan comes back, he is going to kick your ass.”
“Maybe.” Peter said.” But unlike him I actually care about Tink.”
“Several times a night even.” Al smirked.
“Oh shut up.” Peter rolled his eyes.” Look I know she had mood swings, but she’s a good woman. Kind. Gentle. A fury when she needs to be.”
“You love her?” Al turned to him.
“Yeah…” Peter smiled.” I think I do.”
“Does Tinker Bell?”
There was a small uncomfortable silence.
“Look if it matters…I think you two are good together.” Al said.
“Yeah?” Peter asked to which the vampire nodded.
“Bit of a expert in that regard, who got Bigby and Snow together? If it weren’t for me they would still be pining…”
“Would’ve been awfull…” Peter agreed.
“So…” Al tapped some ash off.” According to the Fables gaining more power theory-“
“It’s a theory unless we can prove it, yes.” Peter interjected.
“After that ‘Hook’ movie, Pan will be more powered up. Right?”
“Maybe….” Peter leaned back as well.” Depends how popular it was. Who was the director?”
Al motioned to Peter’s Jurassic Park T-shirt. ”Spielberg.”
Peter sighed.” Oh fuck…”
An hour later in the business office, Peter in a fully covered HAZMAT suit (that he cast some protection spells on just to be sure) picked up a scalpel and began digging into the corpse.
Buffkin the blue furred and winged ape assisted with handing Peter his instruments. Deputy Mayor Snow White, Bigby Wolf, Alucard, Huntress Harker and two witches, Totenkinder and Aunty Greenleaf Pete wagered, were stood away with some distance as the bloody work began.
“Well this is curious…” Peter frowned as he opened the slain vampire’s maw.” Anyone seen the movie, Alien?”
Snow White frowned.” Be serious, Mr Dainson.”
“I am Miss White.” Peter replied. With a tong he took a hold of the creature’s tongue and pulled it out…and out, and out.
“Oh my god…” Greenleaf muttered.
“What is it, dear?” Totenkinder turned to her fellow-witch.” Can’t stomach 13th floor business?”
Greenleaf frowned. “You wish.”
Snow White turned to her husband.” You said these things used those tongues to infect people?”
“It tried to attack me with it, Snow.” Bigby replied.” But what Sister Myranda says is true, I think so.”
“It is, deputy mayor.” Myranda said, dressed in a formal business suit attire.” I saw them infect their prey with those worms that come from within the body. The Knights Templar also believe that even non-humans may get infected.”
Snow frowned. “Non-humans?”
“It tried to go after a vampire, more I am not at liberty to say.” Myranda replied.
Bigby nodded.” She has a point snow. Those things came after me and Alucard. Even when I went part wolf they came after me.”
Peter took out a piece of worm from the corpse and placed it on a petri dish Buffkin quickly sealed up and flew off.” Alright here we go…” Peter said as he continued his incisions. As he cut the chest cavity open, a horrible smell erupted into the room. Snow immediately covered her nose and mouth with a handkerchief as did Aunt Greenleaf. Alucard winced at the smell while Bigby, Totenkinder and Myranda seemed unphased by it. Bigby turned.” You alright, Snow?”
She nodded.” Yeah….you would think after seeing the horrors the Crooked Man did on those women, you would get used to sights like this.”
“You never get used to it, Deputy Mayor.” Totenkinder said.” The moment you do you lose a part of yourself you might never get back.”
Peter frowned as he dug through the body. After he was done stitching it back up he moved to the crowd.
“Okay so…here’s the rub. This…thing is a vampire like I’ve never seen.” He took off his headpiece.” This thing has no genitals.”
The crowd blinked.
“No what?” Alucard asked.
“No genitals.” Peter replied.” Also the internal organs are…molten into one big stomach like thing. Fingernails are dropping off, hair…it’s like it’s-“
“Shedding off body parts that are obsolete to its new life cycle.” A new voice rang through the room.
The crowd gathered turned quickly behind them as they saw a pale man with auburn hair and purple eyes in fine garb was seated in Snow White’s chair as he was drinking a cup of tea.
Bigby growled and came closer but was stopped when Snow placed her hand on his shoulder. “ Mr Everheart.” The door to the Business Office burst open as Grimble and Trusty John came through but they to were called off by Snow White.” What brings you here, as if I couldn’t tell?”
Everheart finished his tea.” What you found here my dear friends, is a Strigoi. A ancient threat we thought was gone a long, long time ago…the Prince would like to have a word with you all.”
Chapter 2
Sickness spreads
The rain was seizing which made the infrared work slightly better.
Myrande and her fellow … moreTemplars observed the transaction that was going down below. A group of men in suits, of Middle-Eastern origins, were speaking to one of the vampires “on loan” from Prince Halmadir himself. The vampire in question was one of the Nosferatu, outcasts even among their fellow kindred. This one however managed to catch the prince’s eye and has been his double agent on several occasions, such as this.
Halmadir had a reason to believe that the Followers of Seth, a Vampire clan from Egypt, was planning to make a headquarters for themselves in New York and were looking for a suitable location and a possible blood farm so their number wouldn’t have to feed off the local populace and thus alert House Ventrue.
House Ventrue of course could not allow that so a covert operation was made in co-operation with the Kni… [view original content]
Blood Hounds
Chapter 3
A body of proof
“Rock star Gabriel Bolivar, one of the four survivors of the air plane accident a few days a… morego, has sold four times as many records since his near death experience. However according due to health issues his upcoming concert has been postponed.” A news reader said as the tv played, barely audible over the thumping and moans of the passionate couple on the nearby bed.” Together with attorney Joan Luss they are filing a lawsuit towards the airplane company. In other news numerous disappearances…”
He was holding his lover’s hips as she rode him, screaming his name as he moved with her. He had a girlfriend before yeah but this was different, fantastic on a whole new level. Not only was his lover his mentor in all things magic, not only was she FANTASTIC at what she did, who she was drove him to the edge as well. Peter couldn’t believe this was happening even after it happened ever since he began … [view original content]
Gotta admit, i ripped off the Strain here for these Strigoi vamps. Massive crossovers all over the place!
And yeah, I wanted to give some smutty stuff here since I think that was one of the requirements and it shows how kinda messed up Peter's and Tinker Bell's love lives are.
Well, at least Al is giving her the satisfaction of a good relationship (and sex life). And I know I've seen or heard something about the show from a few weeks back. It looks to be doing pretty well in overall ratings, too!
Gotta admit, i ripped off the Strain here for these Strigoi vamps. Massive crossovers all over the place!
And yeah, I wanted to give some … moresmutty stuff here since I think that was one of the requirements and it shows how kinda messed up Peter's and Tinker Bell's love lives are.
I got a love/hate thing going with the Strain.
At one hand is a really good horror show when it gets moving but sometimes the characters act like such idiots you cant help but hate them.
As for Blood Hounds, Alucard and Myranda is a curious thing. She's a Harker and he is the son of the guy that caused her family such heart ache centuries ago. How they got together or this armstice between Alucard and the Harker is sometihng I wanna delve in to. It includes the Boxers rebelion in China!
Likewise Alucard' story as in how he became a member of Fabletown ties in to Bigby's, hence the friendship there. Ties in to "A wolf in the fold" kinda.
Peter and Tink, well I mentioned in my previous fanfic they are together if only because so Tink could spite Peter Pan/let him know she moved on. Ill try to mention Hadgar Dainson in the next chapter. Someone has to be making those Fabletown silver swords amirite?
Peter Dainson is more like, what if Harry Potter grew up, cursed a lot, shagged his fairy tutor....and he is the grandson of one of the Seven Dwarves.
Okay it doesnt have much to do with Harry Potter save the glasses and battle magicks.
Glad you like my story dude! And sorry for the mess, I think I prefer just posting my fanfiction.net links if thats alright? At least that's more decent looking.
Well, at least Al is giving her the satisfaction of a good relationship (and sex life). And I know I've seen or heard something about the sh… moreow from a few weeks back. It looks to be doing pretty well in overall ratings, too!
Would you say The Strain is good?
I got a love/hate thing going with the Strain.
At one hand is a really good horror show when it gets moving but sometimes the characters ac… moret like such idiots you cant help but hate them.
As for Blood Hounds, Alucard and Myranda is a curious thing. She's a Harker and he is the son of the guy that caused her family such heart ache centuries ago. How they got together or this armstice between Alucard and the Harker is sometihng I wanna delve in to. It includes the Boxers rebelion in China!
Likewise Alucard' story as in how he became a member of Fabletown ties in to Bigby's, hence the friendship there. Ties in to "A wolf in the fold" kinda.
Peter and Tink, well I mentioned in my previous fanfic they are together if only because so Tink could spite Peter Pan/let him know she moved on. Ill try to mention Hadgar Dainson in the next chapter. Someone has to be making those Fabletown silver swords amirite?
Peter Dainson is more like, what if … [view original content]
I have decided that I shan't continue posting chapters on this thread as I lack the internet to do so here and on DeviantART at the same time (Internet is more expensive here than in the states). If anyone wishes to follow the story forthwith, I shall be posting on DeviantART under the name of RammGott.
That said, my time on this thread has been one I will cherish for a while yet. It had provided me with my first outlet of which to use my writing skills effectively outside of school, I have had much entertainment from the stories posted here and I have made a few friends along the way. I extend my thanks to DragonButter for making this thread and I further extend my gratitude to those of whom have written on here and offered feedback to my peices as well. You all may help yourselves to the virtual cookie jar.
I have some bad news......
I have decided that I shan't continue posting chapters on this thread as I lack the internet to do so here and… more on DeviantART at the same time (Internet is more expensive here than in the states). If anyone wishes to follow the story forthwith, I shall be posting on DeviantART under the name of RammGott.
That said, my time on this thread has been one I will cherish for a while yet. It had provided me with my first outlet of which to use my writing skills effectively outside of school, I have had much entertainment from the stories posted here and I have made a few friends along the way. I extend my thanks to DragonButter for making this thread and I further extend my gratitude to those of whom have written on here and offered feedback to my peices as well. You all may help yourselves to the virtual cookie jar.
Bis später!
I have some bad news......
I have decided that I shan't continue posting chapters on this thread as I lack the internet to do so here and… more on DeviantART at the same time (Internet is more expensive here than in the states). If anyone wishes to follow the story forthwith, I shall be posting on DeviantART under the name of RammGott.
That said, my time on this thread has been one I will cherish for a while yet. It had provided me with my first outlet of which to use my writing skills effectively outside of school, I have had much entertainment from the stories posted here and I have made a few friends along the way. I extend my thanks to DragonButter for making this thread and I further extend my gratitude to those of whom have written on here and offered feedback to my peices as well. You all may help yourselves to the virtual cookie jar.
Bis später!
Aaaaaah, so many things to catch up on!!!!
I wasn't dead, but may as well have been! Dealing with divorce+grad school+impending bureucratical crap and a mini project steered my away from here... But I brought virtual cookies as a form of apology, for what it's worth! passes bribes-ahem-cookies
Aaaaaah, so many things to catch up on!!!!
I wasn't dead, but may as well have been! Dealing with divorce+grad school+impending bureucratic… moreal crap and a mini project steered my away from here... But I brought virtual cookies as a form of apology, for what it's worth!
passes bribes-ahem-cookies
Hate to say this Ramm but... we've all left and relocated to DeviantArt and fanfiction.net
This happened last week; a multitude of reasons caused us all to leave, some of us have even become ghosts on the forum now! (Still visit, but very rarely and only breifly)
We're mostly on DA, so I can give you some names if you like??
Ok. I need a reason to use my account on DA, anyway (I started it to post line sketches, then I decided not to XD).
Yes, please do give me the names of the others. I would like to continue this over there.
I give you my farewells. May your future endevours be fruitful.
I come back after such a long break from writing, only to find so many gone.
I would be interested in your other aforementioned stories.
Auf wiedersehen.
Well, then.....
I WILL bring a conclusion to Gertraud and Alfreds tale before leaving. That is a while away, thus I will remain for some time yet. I enjoy writing on this forum. It is sad to see so many leaving, ESPECIALLY after coming back from my hiatus. However, as all men must die, all good things must come to an end.
Can I write the vampire tale so it ties into the Fables universe?
Think I got a idea I would like to work out.
Are you still writing that current story of yours? Or have you lost interest in it similar to some of the others' tales? Regardless, I'm sure you're feeling better after those operations, right?
You most certainly can! Just as long it meets the requirements above (sorry for the late reply as well).
Being a ghost is fun though! XD But in all seriousness, it is a bummer.
Hey, hey! As some of you may have already noticed, I'm back after a somewhat-lengthy break I took from the forums. Some of you may be excited, and some of you may not be so excited - which I can probably understand the reason why (lol).
Anyways, the whole point of me typing this is that I'm willing to share what plans I have had for this thread - back when it was still pretty active. So if any of you are curious with what my past plans were, be sure to hit me up with a message on here or through any others means you guys might be able to contact me from. If you don't, then you'll be missing out on some juicy info. XD Your choices, though.
Hey Dragon, I visit the forums daily to check up on what Telltales doing. (Borderlands and hopefully TWAU season 2)
I'm active on DA, posting the finals chapters of my vampire challenge there. With some other things, while waiting for the new batman to release.
I would love to hear what you had planned,
Alright, sweet! I'll check those out eventually and I'll send you a message about my past plans on here.
Is cool brah!
I'll try to write something tommorow or saterday. Gotta work out some details.
No, I still intend to write. I just have a bit that has been happening these past few weeks, namely surgery.
Fabletown is like a bonfire in a dark cave for all things magic. Magic creatures, from Wizards to Ghosts to Vampires, born in our horrible mundane world flood to the magical Fabletown, the only place that would accept them into their fold. More refugees in a comminuty of refugees. One of them is the fabled son of the dragon himself. The one they called Vlad Tepes, Count Dracula. Now Prince Alucard, four times removed from the blood of Caine, is a deputy to Sherrif Bigby Wolf and helps maintain a tenacious watch over Fables and his own kind.
To this end a truce was made with the Knights Templar, a order dedicated into the slaying of dangerious non-humans. A truce that is threathend to be shattered when a new coven of vampires is spreading nests all over New York, intend of causing chaos and exposing the magical realm to the mundies.
It is now up to Alucard, Sherrif Bigby Wolf, Huntress Myranda Harker and Magus Peter Dainson (grandson of one of the Fabled Seven Dwarves) to find the Master of this new Coven and stop him before NY turns into a warzone.
Blood Hounds, coming soon to this forum.
Blood Hounds
Chapter 1
A knock on the door
Rain came down hard on the car's roof as it's occupant waited for his back-up.
The man, a rather pale but handsome looking fellow with red eyes and long white hair, looked to his watch. 3 AM, fifteen minutes after he called his boss.
"Come on Bigby...." the white man muttered.
As if by coincidence there was a knock on his car's window before it opened and another man took his seat next to him.
"This better be good, Al." the hairy man in a trench coat said as he closed the door, a irritable frown on his face." Snow hates being woken up early in the morning..and same goes double for me."
"I wouldn't ask you to run through weather when it's raining cats and dogs and away from your wife's bed if it wasn't important, Bigby." Al replied.
Bigby merely stared at his companion." Did you just do a pun?"
"Sorry, I forget 3 o'clock isnt your brightest moment of the day." Al smirked. Before his boss could retort he offered him a box of cigarettes and a lighter. This put Bigby at ease as he immidiatly took a cigarette and lit one up. The sherrif of Fabletown exhaled the gray smoke." Still coming out of your pay cheque." he inhaled and exhaled again." What do you have for me?"
Al pointed through the window toward the end of Bullfinch street. Bigby followed his deputy's movement and saw a strange sight. Several men and women were stood in plain sight in the middle of the downpour, staring at the Woodlands appartment building. They remained motionless and Bigby noticed they werent even breathing.
"Those aren't mundies, are they?" Bigby asked but already knew the answer.
"No. Those are vampires, Fledglings I wager." Al lit one cigarette up himself." Thing is, I dont recognise their coven. No symbols or anything. They came one by one and stopped near the wards Totenkinder and Greenleaf set up after the Bluebeard Accord."
"So these aren't Prince Halmadir's lot?" Bigby asked to which Al could only shrug." In that case, let's go say hi."
Both doused their cigarettes and stepped outside in the pouring rain. Like his boss, Al wore a similar trench coat but where Bigby's was in gray, his was in black. Normally he would also wear sunglasses in the daytime to hide his red eyes despite numerious suggestions he should wear lenses.
The duo made their way to the small assembly of fledling vampires. Up close they seemed more worse for wear than imagined. Their clothes were tattered, bloody in some cases, with some missing hair or noses.
The Embrace had not been kind to them.
Bigby looked to Al and vice versa. Something was wrong. Al looked back to the assembled small group before he spoke.
"Fellow kindred, I know you are new to this world and you dont know what is happening to you. But I must ask you in accordance to the Bluebeard Accord that you turn around now and go see Prince Halmadir at Hell's Kitchen. He will help you with choosing your Houses and assigning Mentors but Fabletown is off-limits for those non-authorized to-"
One of the fletchlings tried to claw at him but shirked as the invisible ward seemed to hurt her.
"Well, that went well..." Bigby pulled his trench coat closer.
"I dont...Bigby, I dont think these kindred are sentient."
Bigby nodded." Now you mention it, it looks like the lights are on but nobody is home." he sniffed, his superior sense of smell being able to get through the rain." These are fresh, some hours old..." he sniffed again. His visage shifted from curiosity to hatred." They smell wrong."
Al peered closer and noticed the traditional bites on the neck were absent. Instead he saw a strange triangular shaped bite under the chin." These were not given the kiss by normal vampires..."
"They smell WRONG." Bigby added." Something evil is driving them."
The female screamed again before she opened her mouth...and a long tentacle came out and lashed at Bigby. Thankfully the sherrif of Fabletown had fast reflexes and snatched the tongue with his bare-hand. The tongue seemed to have a stonger at the end that snapped at Bigby. Al reacted quick and drew the silver sword from his sheath and sliced the appendage off. The female shrieked again as it fell over as blood rained down from its severed tongue. Before the other four could react, the Sherrif and his deputy jumped on them. Bigby threw off his coat as he became larger, fur covered him everywhere and his face contorted to that of a wolf. He lunged at one of the turned and ripped him apart with his claws. Al swung his blade around and effortlessly beheaded another vampire.Bigby looked after his deputy and fought back to back.Dodging the stinger-tongues and slicing them or limbs or heads.
The skirmish was short and bloody but in the end Fabletown's law enforcement stood victorious.Bigby turned back into his normal form and gladly took his coat when Al offered it to him. The sherrif panted heavily and walked over to the "I am the Eggman Diner" where in the clear spot he lit a cigarette. Al cleansed his silver sword and walked over to his boss as he stepped over the body parts.
Al also lit one up and leaned on the wall as the fure burned out of his lungs. "I dont know what those were, but they weren't Vampires. Not from any Coven I know about."
Bigby nodded." Same..." he waited a moment." We move the bodies to the Buisiness Office, we'll get Swineheart and Greenleaf to do a autopsy tommorow."
" Wouldn't Totenkinder be a better choice, boss?" Al tapped his finger on the cigarette so the ash could fall off.
"I dont trust her, not one bit." Bigby replied before he had another pull from his cigarette." Peter Dainson is studying mundy magical creatures isn't he? What about him?"
Al exhaled. "I find anyone having Tinker Bell as a mentor not to be a trained properly in such matters."
"Fine, we get Totenkinder and Dainson. Now nobody's happy." Bigby threw his down and stomped it flat.
"Fine by me...." Al followed his example." Elephant in the room time, the Templars?"
"You are sleeping with one of them, you tell me." Bigby coughed and thumped his chest.
Al dusted himself off. "In that case, same as you with Snow. Tell her and she will decide whatever or not to inform her superiors.If there is a new Coven like this that doesnt play by the Accord rules, they have to be warned in the least."
"Explode the keg early so it doesn't build up and blow up in our face..." Bigby nodded." Right, let's get these corpses moving."
Al sighed and rolled up his sleeves." Cant we call Flycatcher or Boy Blue to help?"
"What's the matter, the Prince doesnt feel like working tonight?" Bigby picked up a corpse by it's elbows as Al picked it up by the legs.
"I'm merely asking since I know you have a busy day tommorow. With crossdressing as old women and laying in bed all day." Alucard opened the trunk of the car.
"Says the man who named himself by spelling his father's name backwards. On three." On the third swing they dropped the first corpse in the trunk.
"Weak rebuttal there, Bigby." both moved to the next corpse.
"Shut up."
Just wondering, did you by chance get the inspiration for the name 'Alucard' from the Hellsing anime?
Besides that, I of course, can't wait to see the next part - especially since the synopsis you made got me pumped!
Castlevania actually haha.
I think the sort of universal name for Dracula' son would be Alucard.
Chapter 2
Sickness spreads
The rain was seizing which made the infrared work slightly better.
Myrande and her fellow Templars observed the transaction that was going down below. A group of men in suits, of Middle-Eastern origins, were speaking to one of the vampires “on loan” from Prince Halmadir himself. The vampire in question was one of the Nosferatu, outcasts even among their fellow kindred. This one however managed to catch the prince’s eye and has been his double agent on several occasions, such as this.
Halmadir had a reason to believe that the Followers of Seth, a Vampire clan from Egypt, was planning to make a headquarters for themselves in New York and were looking for a suitable location and a possible blood farm so their number wouldn’t have to feed off the local populace and thus alert House Ventrue.
House Ventrue of course could not allow that so a covert operation was made in co-operation with the Knights Templar. So now Myranda and her fellow brothers were hidden among the rooftops of warehouses around the docks and waited for the ideal time to strike. The moment the hands were shook, was go time.
“Thank god for the Bluebeard Accord…” Myranda’s partner, Brother Ulric, said.” It would’ve taken us weeks to find these fangers and their hideouts but instead we can nip this in the bud.”
“Fabletown made our job a lot easier, I admit.” Myranda replied as she zoomed her visor in.
The thermal scan told her that of the meeting, only one vampire was present and that was Caliban, the Nosfaratu. It made sense that the Sethites would send their human handlers to deal with a potential hostile meeting.
Pawns always go first, her mother used to say, both in chess and the vampire slaying business. Myranda was the 6th generation of Harkers who did battle with the vampires and only the 2nd who enlisted in the Knights Templar.
Like all Harkers she had brown hair, she kept hers short, same goes with her eyes. However unlike her ancestor Jonathan Harker, she was more athletically built as her many hours of training and slaying had her body molded into its peak condition
Her combat armour was dark, much like a SWAT teams, save for the Templar cross on the spot where her heart was. They had silver swords, which were deadlier to vampires than stakes, and rifles with silver bullets which a few hours ago had been blessed by a priest. And of course a side arm for more the not so supernatural menaces.
Myranda listened to the com chatter in her earpiece as Caliban shook hands with one of the human servants of the Sethites.” Heads up, Ulric.” She patted his shoulder and pulled out her pistol.” We’re going in.”
As they got up the com nearly erupted.” Hold on, we got a third party.”
“Where?” another voice asked.
“Contact, north side.” One of the spotters shouted.
She turned her head north as she zoomed her visor in on the new comer. The thermal readings went out of the roof with a body temperature of 50 degrees Celsius. He moved rather sluggishly but seemed to pick up the pace when it saw the small group. “Myra, zoom in.” Ulric whispered.” You are never going to believe this.” She zoomed in further.
Inside the body there were dozens upon dozens of moving…things. Worms of some kind.
“What the hell is that…?” Myranda cursed as Ulric made a quick cross.
She pressed her com. “Paladin Cross this is sister Myranda…are you seeing what I’m seeing?”
“I am, sister.” Her mentor said over the chatter, his voice grave but assuring still.” This must be some kind of ghoul…or a new breed of vampire. ”
“ A vampire, Paladin Cross?” Ulric asked.
“Yes, but not from any clans or breed I know off. There is a thing like a hot vampire but those are very rare…”
Myranda gave a small smirk at that comment but kept her eye on the newcomer.
“Is it a Fable?” another brother asked.
“Negative.” Cross replied.” Nor is it any creature we have stored in our database. Keep your rifles ready. See how this plays out…”
And played out it did. The human servants of Seth turned to the newcomer and were shouting, Myranda couldn’t hear what. One pulled a gun and fired, but the creature didn’t drop. Instead it seemed to lunge back…and spat out its large tongue with a stinger. As the man screamed, Myranda could see with her visor that the creature was sucking blood…and infecting worms into the man’s bloodstream.
A few more cries came as more of these hot vampires came and ambushed the deal. Paladin Cross did not wait.” All units, open fire! Open fire! Team Riposte, grab the Nosferatu!”
Myranda and Ulric sprang into action and parkoured themselves off the building they were on and ran for the misshapen vampire. Once they hit the ground, the two Templars raised their rifles and stepped closer toward the carnage. Their brothers and sisters were firing at the hot vampires and the newly infected humans, thankfully silver seemed to hurt them. Caliban ran toward them as three of the stinger vampires ran after him, his vampire gift of speed being the only reason he managed to outrun the apparent ambush.
“Get out of the way!” Myranda shouted and pushed the Nosferatu aside and opened fire on his pursuers. The silver bullets pushed them back and a headshot did kill them. One of them came close and lurched back before it spat it’s stinger tongue at her. The Harker Templar quickly jumped back and kept firing until her attacker lay dead. She sighed of relief before she turned to Caliban.” Sorry about earlier, you alright?”
The vampire nodded as Ulric checked him over.” Caliban is fine, yes.” He pushed Ulric’s hand away.
Myranda activated her com.” Paladin Cross, we got the package.”
“Good job, don’t let him run yet. We need to ask him some questions first.”
A hour later Myranda was on her way home, a thousand thoughts running through her mind. The bodies, including that of the infected, were sealed up and shipped to the Templar Headquarters in Hell’s Kitchen for study. No-one, not even the Seer, knew what kind of creature they faced. This was obviously a vampire but it was unlike any other they faced. Caliban never saw this breed before either. The only information he had was that his clan heard ‘rumours’. According to clan Nosferatu, disappearances both human and kindred started around the time that strange plane accident occurred a few days back.
She recalled that news when she saw it on tv. A airplane landed in JFK airport but it went dark the moment it landed. No lights, no sound, nothing. The CDC had a official claim that everyone, save for four people, had died of some kind of oxygen loss or poison gas, she couldn’t recall. The Grandmaster had send several of her brothers to keep an eye on the survivors but reported nothing unusual yet.
“We’ll call it for tonight then…” Cross replied, his white beard giving him a sage like mane.” Get some rest people. If we’re lucky this is just a freak occurrence that is easily dealt with if not…” he paused.” We do the duty god handed us. Dismissed.”
She arrived at her apartment and closed the door behind her. She sighed of relief…but quickly stopped when she felt she wasn’t alone. Harker paranoia, some called it. She looked down and saw wet foot prints leading into her kitchen where a noise came as if someone was shuffling glasses.
Slowly she pulled out her knife and tip-toed to the kitchen. She kept her heart beat steady as she peered around the corner. A man with white hair in a black coat was stood in front of the fridge and seemed to root through it, making a bit of noise. Slowly she sneaked over, step by step. She kept her heartbeat slow and steady and held her knife at the ready.
As the white haired man stood up and lunged in and poked the knife in his back. A wry grin appeared on her lips.” You’re dead.”
The white haired man turned, his hands in the air. His right hand revealed a small plastic bag with a red fluid in it…and a straw.
“Oh dear, I’m afraid you have me officer.” The man said in a insincere tone.” What ever shall you do?”
“I’m afraid I will have to take you downtown, for questioning.” Myranda replied and she grabbed the man by his shirt and pulled him in…for a kiss. The man returned the kiss and placed his blood drink down as she put her knife away. They broke off.
“Good morning to you to, Miss Harker.” He held her hands.
“Good morning to you, Prince Alucard.” She smiled and kissed him again before she opened the fridge and took a can of beer.” When did you get in, babe?”
“Just now, me and Bigby had a bit of a skirmish tonight.” Al replied as he picked the straw through the plastic bag and drank it’s bloody contents.” Some strange kind of vampire popped up and attacked us.”
Myranda opened her can of beer but stopped after what her lover said.” You had them to?”
He frowned.” Stinger tongues, bit sluggish?”
She nodded.” Except the sluggish part, at first they were but then they hauled ass. Took several rounds of blessed silver bullets to get them down. Headshots to finish them.”
“Me and Bigby had the same thing. Rather he ripped them apart and I sliced them apart. Well good, spares me the effort of convincing you of their existence, my dear.” He drank some more blood.” Snow White wants to call you in for the autopsy tomorrow morning.”
“The Snow Queen mentioned me specifically? I feel honoured.” She rolled her eyes before she drank her beer.
“Well, someone from the Templar Order. Might as well be you. In fact…” he wrapped his arm around her waist.” I prefer if it is you.”
“Oh how so?” she strayed his cheek.
“Well you had combat experience with them, you are quite intelligent…and you have a nice bottom I can stare at.” He added the last with a cheeky laugh.
She mock slapped him.” You pig.”
“Swineheart will be there actually, not sure about Colin…” Al replied.” So since it is a few hours before we have to be at the Business office…how about we get some rest or…” he placed his fingers near her chin and moved them downward to her bosom.” Indulge in some carnal matters?”
Her reply came in a pull to her lips before she pushed him to the ground, him muttering a oh dear, and took him right there and then. Unlike her lover she didn’t waste much time on words but rather acted. After all, she was a Harker.
Blood Hounds
Chapter 3
A body of proof
“Rock star Gabriel Bolivar, one of the four survivors of the air plane accident a few days ago, has sold four times as many records since his near death experience. However according due to health issues his upcoming concert has been postponed.” A news reader said as the tv played, barely audible over the thumping and moans of the passionate couple on the nearby bed.” Together with attorney Joan Luss they are filing a lawsuit towards the airplane company. In other news numerous disappearances…”
He was holding his lover’s hips as she rode him, screaming his name as he moved with her. He had a girlfriend before yeah but this was different, fantastic on a whole new level. Not only was his lover his mentor in all things magic, not only was she FANTASTIC at what she did, who she was drove him to the edge as well. Peter couldn’t believe this was happening even after it happened ever since he began being tutored by her; he was sleeping with Tinker Bell! TINKER BELL of Peter Pan fame. It started last night when the rain came down hard still. They were supposed to do research together on how some Mundies were able to use magic and others didn’t.
“The mundane world is a microcosms of the Homelands.” She said in between kisses and state of undress.” The fact that most of our tales are known her implies some kind of sympathetic magic that bleeds through realms.”
“Is it true the more popular a Fable is, the stronger they are?” he pushed her down on the bed before he kissed her neck and went downward.
“Yes and no…” she moaned.” Fables like Bigby are more well-known and power full but others like Totenkinder are almost unknown and yet possess powerful magic.”
“Maybe it’s like a solar panel?” he undid her green robe with a butterfly motif.” Some manage to catch sympathetic magic better than others?”
“Full marks for the student.” She giggled and pulled him in for a kiss.
One theory was that those mundies who were able to do magic had some Fable DNA in them. In Peter’s own case his grandfather was Hadgar Dainson, one of the Seven dwarves of Snow White fame. Likewise several other more…amorous Fables spread their seed around in the mundy which sometimes resulted in a bastard birth that was only found out three generations later. However some of Fabletown’s earliest mundy refugees who fled the Salem witch trials had no such parentage. The few magical creatures that still lived in this mundane world, like Nick Slick and Grandfather Oak who lived near the Farm, claimed that more magic existed but due to humanity’s obsession with technology it began to dwindle. The remaining constants were the vampire and lycan populations that somehow managed to stay afloat for so long. Possibly the fact mundies loved their tale of vampires and werewolves so much they were kept alive because of it.
Tinker Bell believed, much like most residents of the 13th floor, that because this world’s magic is so meager that anyone who would be blessed with magic could be on par or even stronger than any warlock or wizard back in the Homelands because the magic did not have to be shared. Some mundies would go through their entire lives without realizing they have magic. Explaining happy or unhappy circumstances on luck.
“Oh, Peter!” she cried.” Oh, Peter YES!
Mundies wizards, she explained, were probably also quite powerful because like all mundies were quite mortal. They burn short but yet so bright.
With a final cry from both they were spend. The blonde haired, blue eyed lithe beauty rested her head on his hairy chest, a sad gift from his grandfather’s dwarven side, as both caught their breath.
“That was…” he panted.” Good.”
Tink nodded and kissed his nose.” Good.” She said with a giggle and jumped up.” Let’s go again!”
Peter blinked.” Tink, as much as I love this we’ve been going at it for…” he looked for his watch which was thrown at the side.” Seven hours?!”
“Oh, it’s six o’clock already?” she pouted, her big smile turning to a permanent scowl.” Damnit, I have a meeting with Ozma, that bitch.”
She threw the covers off and angrily went to the shower. Despite her human sized glamour, she still only had room in her tiny heart for one emotion at a time. Lust or love was now replaced by anger it seemed. Peter sighed and rested his head on the pillow as the sunrays came in through the window. He was grateful for the small respite at least. Tink came back to grab some clean clothes.” Clean up after your mess, would you?” she nearly snapped and stormed back to the bath room.” Hello Al” she said and slammed the door shut behind her.
Peter snapped to attention and put his glasses on as he sat up. And there he was, Alucard himself was seated near his doctorate project, reading its contents.
“Holy shit!” Peter exclaimed.” Alucard?!”
“The one and only.” Al said and flicked a page over.” Mundy-Magic relations interesting…” he smirked.” In all meanings of the term.”
Peter groaned annoyed.” Why are you here?”
“I left you several messages on your answering machine, Peter. Get dressed and oh…have you eaten anything this morning?” Peter shook his head.” Good, it might help!”
A quick shower later, both men were stood in the elevator. Peter wore some normal baggy trousers with a T-shirt, Jurassic Park, and a small vest with pouches. He adjusted his glasses, some embarrassment still on his face. Al lit a cigarette and had a pull. He offered one to Peter who refused.
“You know…” the vampire began. “Once Peter Pan comes back, he is going to kick your ass.”
“Maybe.” Peter said.” But unlike him I actually care about Tink.”
“Several times a night even.” Al smirked.
“Oh shut up.” Peter rolled his eyes.” Look I know she had mood swings, but she’s a good woman. Kind. Gentle. A fury when she needs to be.”
“You love her?” Al turned to him.
“Yeah…” Peter smiled.” I think I do.”
“Does Tinker Bell?”
There was a small uncomfortable silence.
“Look if it matters…I think you two are good together.” Al said.
“Yeah?” Peter asked to which the vampire nodded.
“Bit of a expert in that regard, who got Bigby and Snow together? If it weren’t for me they would still be pining…”
“Would’ve been awfull…” Peter agreed.
“So…” Al tapped some ash off.” According to the Fables gaining more power theory-“
“It’s a theory unless we can prove it, yes.” Peter interjected.
“After that ‘Hook’ movie, Pan will be more powered up. Right?”
“Maybe….” Peter leaned back as well.” Depends how popular it was. Who was the director?”
Al motioned to Peter’s Jurassic Park T-shirt. ”Spielberg.”
Peter sighed.” Oh fuck…”
An hour later in the business office, Peter in a fully covered HAZMAT suit (that he cast some protection spells on just to be sure) picked up a scalpel and began digging into the corpse.
Buffkin the blue furred and winged ape assisted with handing Peter his instruments. Deputy Mayor Snow White, Bigby Wolf, Alucard, Huntress Harker and two witches, Totenkinder and Aunty Greenleaf Pete wagered, were stood away with some distance as the bloody work began.
“Well this is curious…” Peter frowned as he opened the slain vampire’s maw.” Anyone seen the movie, Alien?”
Snow White frowned.” Be serious, Mr Dainson.”
“I am Miss White.” Peter replied. With a tong he took a hold of the creature’s tongue and pulled it out…and out, and out.
“Oh my god…” Greenleaf muttered.
“What is it, dear?” Totenkinder turned to her fellow-witch.” Can’t stomach 13th floor business?”
Greenleaf frowned. “You wish.”
Snow White turned to her husband.” You said these things used those tongues to infect people?”
“It tried to attack me with it, Snow.” Bigby replied.” But what Sister Myranda says is true, I think so.”
“It is, deputy mayor.” Myranda said, dressed in a formal business suit attire.” I saw them infect their prey with those worms that come from within the body. The Knights Templar also believe that even non-humans may get infected.”
Snow frowned. “Non-humans?”
“It tried to go after a vampire, more I am not at liberty to say.” Myranda replied.
Bigby nodded.” She has a point snow. Those things came after me and Alucard. Even when I went part wolf they came after me.”
Peter took out a piece of worm from the corpse and placed it on a petri dish Buffkin quickly sealed up and flew off.” Alright here we go…” Peter said as he continued his incisions. As he cut the chest cavity open, a horrible smell erupted into the room. Snow immediately covered her nose and mouth with a handkerchief as did Aunt Greenleaf. Alucard winced at the smell while Bigby, Totenkinder and Myranda seemed unphased by it. Bigby turned.” You alright, Snow?”
She nodded.” Yeah….you would think after seeing the horrors the Crooked Man did on those women, you would get used to sights like this.”
“You never get used to it, Deputy Mayor.” Totenkinder said.” The moment you do you lose a part of yourself you might never get back.”
Peter frowned as he dug through the body. After he was done stitching it back up he moved to the crowd.
“Okay so…here’s the rub. This…thing is a vampire like I’ve never seen.” He took off his headpiece.” This thing has no genitals.”
The crowd blinked.
“No what?” Alucard asked.
“No genitals.” Peter replied.” Also the internal organs are…molten into one big stomach like thing. Fingernails are dropping off, hair…it’s like it’s-“
“Shedding off body parts that are obsolete to its new life cycle.” A new voice rang through the room.
The crowd gathered turned quickly behind them as they saw a pale man with auburn hair and purple eyes in fine garb was seated in Snow White’s chair as he was drinking a cup of tea.
Bigby growled and came closer but was stopped when Snow placed her hand on his shoulder. “ Mr Everheart.” The door to the Business Office burst open as Grimble and Trusty John came through but they to were called off by Snow White.” What brings you here, as if I couldn’t tell?”
Everheart finished his tea.” What you found here my dear friends, is a Strigoi. A ancient threat we thought was gone a long, long time ago…the Prince would like to have a word with you all.”
Ah, gotcha. Probably Castlevania may be the first game/thing that came up with a name like it then.
Not bad, not bad! Just another question, is Myranda and Ulric part of these Templars? Or are they against them? Kind of confused in that regard.
They are part of the Templars.
Sorry if it's confusing.
Gotcha, gotcha. Btw, I added your name as a participant in the list above in the OP.
AWESOME! Thanks mayun!
Also if anyone wants me to tone down my saucy bits (i know what I said) lemme know!
Goddamn! Tinker Bell's hot in this. ;3 As for the grotesque form of ancient vampire your characters now face, shit's about to go down.
Gotta admit, i ripped off the Strain here for these Strigoi vamps. Massive crossovers all over the place!
And yeah, I wanted to give some smutty stuff here since I think that was one of the requirements and it shows how kinda messed up Peter's and Tinker Bell's love lives are.
Well, at least Al is giving her the satisfaction of a good relationship (and sex life). And I know I've seen or heard something about the show from a few weeks back. It looks to be doing pretty well in overall ratings, too!
Would you say The Strain is good?
I got a love/hate thing going with the Strain.
At one hand is a really good horror show when it gets moving but sometimes the characters act like such idiots you cant help but hate them.
As for Blood Hounds, Alucard and Myranda is a curious thing. She's a Harker and he is the son of the guy that caused her family such heart ache centuries ago. How they got together or this armstice between Alucard and the Harker is sometihng I wanna delve in to. It includes the Boxers rebelion in China!
Likewise Alucard' story as in how he became a member of Fabletown ties in to Bigby's, hence the friendship there. Ties in to "A wolf in the fold" kinda.
Peter and Tink, well I mentioned in my previous fanfic they are together if only because so Tink could spite Peter Pan/let him know she moved on. Ill try to mention Hadgar Dainson in the next chapter. Someone has to be making those Fabletown silver swords amirite?
Peter Dainson is more like, what if Harry Potter grew up, cursed a lot, shagged his fairy tutor....and he is the grandson of one of the Seven Dwarves.
Okay it doesnt have much to do with Harry Potter save the glasses and battle magicks.
Glad you like my story dude! And sorry for the mess, I think I prefer just posting my fanfiction.net links if thats alright? At least that's more decent looking.
Sounds a lot like the actual Walking Dead to be honest. XD
Oh sweet! Using actual history in fiction is always a plus with me, gives me a chance to learn something new anyway.
Yeah, you can continue posting links if you'd still like! Not a problem at all with me.
I have some bad news......
I have decided that I shan't continue posting chapters on this thread as I lack the internet to do so here and on DeviantART at the same time (Internet is more expensive here than in the states). If anyone wishes to follow the story forthwith, I shall be posting on DeviantART under the name of RammGott.
That said, my time on this thread has been one I will cherish for a while yet. It had provided me with my first outlet of which to use my writing skills effectively outside of school, I have had much entertainment from the stories posted here and I have made a few friends along the way. I extend my thanks to DragonButter for making this thread and I further extend my gratitude to those of whom have written on here and offered feedback to my peices as well. You all may help yourselves to the virtual cookie jar.
Bis später!
You contradict yourself dude, you say you won't be posting on DA but then you are posting on DA :P
I edited it. Does it make more sense now?
You are most welcome! I really need to comment on more of your guys' stuff on DA anyway, to which some I haven't yet.
It is quite alright. I literally posted my first new chapter since my last posting of one on here only today on DA. With me, you shan't be far behind.
Yes, like mine! XP
Aaaaaah, so many things to catch up on!!!!
But I brought virtual cookies as a form of apology, for what it's worth!
I wasn't dead, but may as well have been! Dealing with divorce+grad school+impending bureucratical crap and a mini project steered my away from here...
passes bribes-ahem-cookies
Well the main writer's have all abandoned the thread now...
And divorce?! Geez dude how old are you?! XD