Transgender student sues school, citing restroom policy

in General Chat
Something seriously wrong with this world...
Not trying to bash .But this is the dumbest thing I've read all year...
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Indeed, they should just allow him to use the boys room. You would think adults would be above t his kind of "bullying."
He's a she .And this is a high school that is being sued. The boys don't feel comfortable with a female wanting to use their restroom .Which is understandable.
You sure?
you have right to your opinion.
However in my opinion it's "he" and he has a right to be treated like his own mental gender.
I agree with the school.
The transgender boy (female to male) at my old high school is allowed to use the boy's restroom and locker room, but we're more open-minded up north. Still, any teen that truly identifies as transgender should be able to use the restroom they feel comfortable in. There comes to a point where it is basically like asking a biological male to go use the girl's room. That's how the transgender boy feels. And besides, wtf are people expecting he will do in there? Paint a mural on the wall with period blood and decorate the place with tampons as streamers? No, he'll go in a stall, do his business, wash his hands, and leave. It really isn't that much different than a biological guy.
I definitely don't agree with the school's position. No one is hurt by him using a boy's washroom, but banning him from using a male washroom is likely to be psychologically damaging to him. That kind of sums up my feelings on the whole issue. I get that trans issues are confusing, but just letting them be who they want to be doesn't hurt you, at least not anywhere close to the psychological damage caused by forcing them to live as the gender they don't identify with.
Transgendered people are something like 10 times more likely to commit suicide. Telling them to just be normal is not a solution. Therapy not centered around self-acceptance has also been shown to be ineffective. So I would love to hear a solution from people who agree with the school.
They should let him use the male restroom, he's clearly not a bluff pretending to be a guy for fun. He's already taking hormone treatment which'll make him more masculine and it may be even so that he might decide to have a gender change once he's old enough. I mean imagine being a lady and being told 'nope you gotta go in the men's room' that'd be humiliating and offensive. God knows what could happen with the risk of bullying if any harsh kids find out he was born a girl because he wanted to keep it secret, and what if his friends aren't accepting of him and loses them over it? There's a high risk of transgender committing suicide, I mean look at what happened to Leelah because his parents just wouldn't accept him for who he was.
That boy should be allowed to use that restroom without having to go as far as sue have the right to, fact.
Let him use the bathroom he wants. It's a little, unimportant issue, certainly not worth all the drama and litigation.
But they didn't tell them to go back to their original sex's restroom, they told him to use a restroom specifically for them.
I think it should be voted upon and decided by the majority. What if the boys in that school are uncomfortable with it? Why should the many bend to the whims of the few? The majority decides when it comes to this.
It doesn't matter, they should use the bathroom they feel comfortable in.
It doesn't work that way in America.
They can vote all they like. It's a judicial matter and the courts will have the final say.
That hardly seems fair to the others that find it uncomfortable. Why do we have different bathrooms to seperate the sexes to begin with might I ask? I think the obvious answer would be to prevent the uncomfortable interaction with the other sex when relieving yourself. And you would force this uncomfortable interaction when you can simply make another bathroom for Transgenders (two, if necessary) and negate the problem all together? That seems.... unreasonable.
It's insulting to the transgender person. If someone speaks, acts, and looks like a guy but just happens to need to sit down while they pee, what is the big deal? People's close-minded views and ignorance towards being transgender shouldn't determine if the BOY in almost every aspect is allowed to use the boy's bathroom. I think it's more important to ask oneself why they find it so uncomfortable to begin with.
Who cares? I agree with the school.
Why? Shouldnt he/she have the right to go into the washroom for the gender they identify with? My school is putting a one stall neutral gender bathroom for trans gendered students. More schools should do the same or let there students go into the washroom they identify with.
It's insulting to the Transgender boy to tell him that he is different from other boys? Well... honesty can be surprisingly brutal I suppose. I feel bad that he couldn't have been born a boy, but he wasn't. The almighty heavenly father failed again. (Jab jab ;p )
"In almost every aspect"
I think we should ask ourselves why we have sex divided restrooms before we can start asking your question. To me it's simple, it's to seperate the sexes. Unless you have a different reasoning behind different restrooms for the different sexes I don't think your question is particularly relevant.
So because he's different from other boys that means he doesnt get the right to go into the boys bathroom, well then i guess inter-sex boys shouldnt be allowed to go into the bathroom either because they can have vaginas. With the whole 'making uncomfortable' logic wouldnt it be more uncomfortable for him to be in a girls washroom since he acts/feels and is now a female.
No.. Maddi's question was perfectly relevant.
Yes, you're correct. He is hugely different from the sex the restroom is intended for and used by. I think intersex people should be treated the same way, with their own designated bathrooms. As for it being more uncomfortable for him to use the women's bathroom? As stated in this post, and my original post, they should have their own bathroom, because they are not the same sex as the sex the bathrooms are used for. There is nothing wrong with these people, they simply should have their own bathrooms so they don't need to feel uncomfortable in their own sex's bathroom and don't need to make others feel uncomfortable in their sex's bathroom.
No, it's not.
Why the fuck do people actually care what restroom he uses? Just let him go in whichever he wants. Another example of the pettiest shit turning into a problem.
...and if he used the female's bathroom, girls would probably complain about that either. And no, HE is a he.
Why should they feel uncomfortable with it though? When they go to the bathroom they go to do their own business, not worry about other peoples business.
Uncomfortable isn't a very good reason. I'm sure people were uncomfortable when they got rid of the black and white washrooms. They got over it.
Exactly. Piss and shit wherever you want to.
I wouldn't have a temper tantrum like a 5 year old if I saw a guy in the bathroom who identifies as a girl. Who cares? Wash your damn hands and leave.
If you don't care, you should probably be on the kid's side. If it's so important to him where he does his business, let him use the boy's washroom. The court case is a big waste of taxpayer's money.
This is why there should just be one fucking piss bucket in the corner and no fucking bathrooms with gender labels
Uncomfortable is the same reasoning they are using. Using a bathroom appropriate for their sex is nothing to be ashamed of.
I figured someone would try to make this comparison. Humans are a dichotomous species. Sex and race are not the same thing. It has absolutely nothing to do with viewing someone as wrong/immoral/inferior/or anything of the sort.
It's a difference in degrees of discomfort. The trans suicide rate is ten times that of the general population, and I'm reasonably sure that it's due to them feeling like they don't fit into society. Do you think that allowing a trans person into their chosen washroom will cause others to spiral into depression? Maybe using their birth washroom should be nothing to be ashamed of, but it is, in most cases. I really think it's more helpful to ask the other students to be more accepting than to ask the trans student to be segregated. Not to mention that it's the kind thing to do.
If you're going to argue dichotomy, then you have to agree that we should only have two washrooms. It's outrageous to suggest that a FTM trans should use a female washroom. In a school where everyone knows each other, it could work. In public, someone who looks like a man (complete with facial hair, in some cases) entering a women's washroom is a recipe for trouble.
Yeah I agree with the school also on this one. I say homeschool the kid and be done with it.
so hes/she's(??) is a hemephorite, or however its spelled?
should allowed to use both
She should use the girls.
This is a big deal?
If the student doesn't walk into the bathroom and scream out they're transgender then no one would know. I don't think they do so I don't see the issue...
She** by birth...
Hormones can't make you grow a penis ..or a set of balls. Sorry.
But it is her life. But *she made a personal change in her life and now aspects the rest of the world to accommodate her. It's not right.
Birth doesn't matter if he wants to identify as a male then why not refer to him as one
Meh, he should use his house bathroom then, it isn't that big of a deal.
Do you think that not allowing a transexual into a restroom that is not intended for their sex, solely, will cause them to commit suicide? Assuaging such trivialities is largely inconsiquential in the grand scheme. Overall acceptance should be worked towards sure, but not in cases were purposeful division of sex is the entire point.
Why do people keep saying they shouldn't have to use the bathroom appropriate for their birth sex? I never said they should, and I don't support that.
The kind thing to do is to reinforce the idea that there is nothing wrong with transexuals while still maintaining the separation of the sexes where it is implimented.
No, I don't need to admit that. Because what you are making is a false dichotomy, wherein transexuals are either male or female and therefore there should be only two, one male and one female, bathrooms. Even in a dichotomous species there are outliers. They are different, and deserve their own bathrooms because of these differences.
Again I don't know where you're getting this argument about them using their original sex bathroom. Are you trying to strawman, or is it accidental?
The point is it's a girl identifying as a male going into the male bathroom and the guys don't get why he is going to the boys bathroom