Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Welcome to the Rhysha thread, Odin! :)

    Can I get a Rysha mark/ be added to the wall pic? I live in the South-East of England.

  • I feel like when she would be changing he would snoop about to get a peek.

    And there's that Echo Eye....

    He's never been a huge hit with the ladies, and Jack keeps making him paranoid like "oh she's totally going to find someone better than you" so he sort of subtly checks up on her.

  • Yeah I've decided to stay here and convert to Rhysha-ism (I was indifferent to both ships). The other thread and ship has just become too creepy lol. Besides Rhys and Sasha look cuter together and I feel like they have more of a connection plus it's been implied in game that Rhys likes Sasha.

    Well, after coming to a decision, I'm finally ready to join the Rhysha camp. I think they make the perfect couple. All hail Rhysha!

  • Welcome brother.

    Yeah I've decided to stay here and convert to Rhysha-ism (I was indifferent to both ships). The other thread and ship has just become too cr

  • Welcome, James! Do you want a Rhysha mark? :)

    Yeah I've decided to stay here and convert to Rhysha-ism (I was indifferent to both ships). The other thread and ship has just become too cr

  • We're finally on the same side, welcome :)

    Yeah I've decided to stay here and convert to Rhysha-ism (I was indifferent to both ships). The other thread and ship has just become too cr

  • Heck Yeah. Might as well make it offical.

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome, James! Do you want a Rhysha mark?

  • Nice! We're glad to have you dude.

    Yeah I've decided to stay here and convert to Rhysha-ism (I was indifferent to both ships). The other thread and ship has just become too cr

  • Soon no one Will be able to stop us Muhahahahaha

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Nice! We're glad to have you dude.

  • We're not a religion, we're just an idea, an inspiration you could say.

    Yeah I've decided to stay here and convert to Rhysha-ism (I was indifferent to both ships). The other thread and ship has just become too cr

  • What color do you want? and where're you from?

    Heck Yeah. Might as well make it offical.

  • What color, sir?

    I'm in New Zealand. And yeah, a mark would be cool.

  • I'm a not a pokemon dang it !

    Leluch123 posted: »

    No problem, where do you live? and do you want a Rhysha mark? Also GrumpyDof I summon thee!

  • What color my dear?

    Can I get a Rysha mark/ be added to the wall pic? I live in the South-East of England.

  • Pips you should add that in your post : i need the color for the "Rhysha" ! i'm spamming the same question !

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the Rhysha thread, Odin!

  • Red and I'm from the U.S, specifically Pennsylvania.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    What color do you want? and where're you from?

  • Ummmm.....yellow will do.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    What color, sir?

  • basically religion, yeah.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    We're not a religion, we're just an idea, an inspiration you could say.

  • That's why I said summon not chose ;)

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I'm a not a pokemon dang it !

  • Alt text

    Red and I'm from the U.S, specifically Pennsylvania.

  • Alt text

    Ummmm.....yellow will do.

  • Not quite but this discussion will be for later, young boy. basically religion, yeah.

  • My pleasure :)

    Oh I love it. Thanks man

  • ...I'm not a spell either ! Dang it , give me some Oreos at least !

    Leluch123 posted: »

    That's why I said summon not chose

  • Thank you :)

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the Rhysha thread, Odin!

  • Blue please!

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    What color my dear?

  • I'd say Rhys is like 27 or 28

    Nolonius posted: »

    I dont really think that Rhys is already 30

  • And where are you from?

    Alt text

    Blue please!

  • I think i like this thread.......

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited June 2015

    Here you go!

    Alt text

    Now all you need to do is update the wall and map...damn 3 guys in one day...

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    ...I'm not a spell either ! Dang it , give me some Oreos at least !

  • This thread will like you too if you want, good sir.

    S_O28046 posted: »

    I think i like this thread.......

  • There're others i missed...@Pipas or you need to fetch them :)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Here you go! Now all you need to do is update the wall and map...damn 3 guys in one day...

  • He's from england

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    And where are you from?

  • edited June 2015

    nie na długo :)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Oj tam oj tam ważne że właśnie zdobyliśmy prowadzenie. Nasi rywale są teraz cudownie wystraszeni hahahaha. Dobry dzień.

  • Oj daj spokój przyłącz się do nas, już 3 Polaków popiera ten Statek.

    xfuriouss posted: »

    nie na długo

  • rhyiona musi mieć choć jednego polaka :)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Oj daj spokój przyłącz się do nas, już 3 Polaków popiera ten Statek.

  • Nawet admin jest po naszej stronie, poza tym dobrze wiemy że Rhysha jest lepsza. Nawet zielony przyznał że na początku to był żart. Gdyby nie Wielki zły wilk to by tego tematu wogle nie było.

    xfuriouss posted: »

    rhyiona musi mieć choć jednego polaka

  • Holy shit! This thread is growing fast. (i am lazy to do it so, insert random clapping gif here)

    Speech time:

    I gotta say I am very proud to be a part of this and I am very proud of all of these great people on here. When I joined, I did prefer RhysXSasha, but I did it more out of fun and I seriously thought this was gonna last shortly, and I joined pretty early on... I had no idea this was going to be a great place with cool people who make me laugh and who are so devoted... In short, I love you guys!

    Also, Welcome to all the newcomers!

  • edited June 2015


    Leluch123 posted: »


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