So, where's Vaughn? (Ep 3 Screenshots)
Am I the only one who wants to know where Vaughn is? Out of the 6 screenshots we only see him once which is the intro. Where do you think Vaughn is? Is he with Rhys and Sasha? Fiona and Athena? Captured?
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They said our choices matter, so there's a chance that some of the screenshots could be completely different based on our choices (standing with Fiona and Athena, or even helping Rhys while on that truck chasing the core)
From the current screenshots, maybe the playthrough they showed us had him being captured.
pls no
sry bud
Saving the best part until episode release :P
He's working on his abs
He got shot.
Imagine if Vaughn turns out to be.....
Oh dear.
Well the description does describe Vaughn like this:
Sounds like a determinant character.
I just realized. Vaughn's abs are bullet proof, so we have nothing to worry about.
Awww yusss.
I hope we kicked him to the curb. The traitor.
I don't trust him one bit. He is obviously the one giving Vasquez all the info about the Gortys core, as he was the only one there with Fiona and Sasha when they figured out that the halves shock everyone else. Even Rhys wasn't there for that.
One of the screenshots has Loader Bot carrying everyone including Vaugn.
Hey, it takes time to build that bod. He needs exercise bike time.
install exercise bike in your office
+800% damage reduction
wut if vaughn is kill but not kill?
Finally! Someone who doesn't trust Vaughn!
He's shifty.
It's easy to forget while playing as Rhys, because they Are likeable, but these 2 guys are Hyperion. At the beginning of ep.1 Rhys goes out of his way to tell us that the place is overflowing with assholes, that if you want to get anywhere you'll have to do horrible things. Then Vaughn confirms that yes, they have done awful things themselves, things that make it hard to sleep at night.
Then, Vasquez says to August that he will need a couple of hours to get the $10 million cash. Meanwhile Vaughn can get his hands on it within seconds of the decision being made. And really, what's up with him being so buff?
I just have this feeling that he's not really at all what he seems. And with what information has been leaked to Vasquez (and not leaked to August) i don't really see how it could be anyone else but Vaughn.
If it was only that our group was being followed by Hyperion, i would assume (as i do) that Rhys is being tracked by his 'upgrades'. Which makes sense for Hyperion to be capable of. But, then how did Hyperion come to know about Gortys at all? Nobody spoke to anyone else on screen about it at all after they found it and all left in the caravan. We know for certain that Rhys and Fiona didn't speak about Gortys to anyone, because we decide what they say. And Sasha would hardly tell a Hyperion douchebag, she would be more likely to have told August or someone like him if she was going to spill the beans.
Which really only leaves Vaughn, who knew the specifics of the core shocking anyone but Rhys and Fiona, and has the 'connection' to Vasquez to get him to come to Old Haven at exactly the right moment.
There is unused Audio of August saying that Vasquez knows everything about Rhys, Vaughn, FIona, and Sasha because he can see through loaderbot
Yeah, but maybe something happens to him later on. Or maybe that's a determinant shot, and he can die in the shootout. Telltale was very careful to clarify that "Fiona and Rhys" were the ones who made it out, and so far, Vaughn doesn't seem to play any central role in the episode. So yeah. Maybe he can die or something.
Oh really, that's interesting. I wonder why they cut it?
But, did they ever even speak about Gortys when Loaderbot was around?
Vaughn and Rhys on loaderbot, talking about going to Old Haven because thats where the Gortys project is . I mean also, it could just be overlooked, technically no one ever tells Rhys that Old haven is where the Gortys project is, he just knows.
Thanks for clarifying for me Poogers555. I totally forgot about that scene on the back of Loaderbot.
I still don't think anyone mentioned the shocks in front of Loaderbot, but it makes me feel a bit better about Vasquez being on top of their asses all the time
Well when they're all in the pit, Loader Bot could have overheard them about the shocks while he was waiting at the top of the hole, who knows how good his hearing is, I mean he can tell what tone of voice you're using when you yell up to him.
You could be right. I just don't trust Vaughn at all i guess
And to be fair. their father dies with one of your choices... So it's not like anyone is on clear 'won't die' page, like Bolton in Game of Thrones.
Ho, alright. Haven't played GOT but okay.
He's out making arrangements for Rhys and Sasha's marriage
Could be determinant.
also dont forget yuvvet, if you choise to say "yuvvet sent you?" when vasquez come down to pandora he says "that girl you think nobody knows you talking to? nah no need." and in episode 1 choise screen you could see vasquez call under yuvvet's name but it was changed
It's simple. Bolton in 'canon' books, so we KNOW he can't die or even get harmed by us: he wasn't in books. So it makes all our actions toward him useless. Borderlands isn't so.
Yeah. You shouldn't be spoiling all this for people.
Right, Yvvette too. But i feel like if she's doing any of this, it's more out of 'what else is she gonna do while she's stuck on Helios?' Than out of spite or any kind of active choice to sabatoge us.
I fail to see spoilers. Game of Thrones exists for years, books even more so, Bolton is in them almost from start, and in game - since 1st episode. If someone still didn't read them, their fault.
dead bro,bro's dead, bro bro bro.... (continues)
Ramsay? He's in the books and the show, so obviously we can't hurt him. I don't know what you're saying by "He wasn't in the books", he was, he's the entire reason Theon has his ADWD character arc.
Wow. So I'm guessing you wouldn't mind if I listed the endings to 30 different 20-year-old books? By your logic, it would be your fault for not reading them.