Opinions about episode 3
So, what do you guys think about it? I personally enjoyed it very much, it's got a special vibe and the story is moving in a really interesting way. It took 3 damn months but it was worth it. I give it 9.5/10.
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Let me quote this dialogue: - Awesome - Awesome - Awesome... - Awesome. (?) Awesome...
I added a spoiler tag to the thread so that people don't get spoilt by accident.
I really enjoyed this episode as it had some great funny moments and some serious ones, i really liked the Gordys core and some of her random chats with Loader Bot
I would rate this episode 10/10
Gortys is the super cutest.
Sorry, Claptrap.
Actually, scratch that. I'm not sorry.
I liked everything but the way the shipping went. But I still thought it was a really fun and cool episode and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes next.
I felt a little awkard with Sasha, but the bridge scene was golden nonetheless.
I have literally just finished it this second and my only reaction was:
And I mean that in the best possible way... I just... there was so much to process. What an action-packed ep!
I will post more in-depth thoughts soon, but right now I'm still reeling.
Overall though, killer episode TT - and I get the feeling it'll only get better during different playthroughs.
100% worth the wait.
And randomly inserting the Tector shot into the (awesome Hyperion propaganda themed) episode 4 preview was the perfect ending to an already perfect episode. I laughed so hard!
I think this has become Telltale's best series, it is just awsome. Also i assume the events with Athena then leads into the opening of the Pre-Sequel
The reveal trailer shows the official timeline. Even has Handsome Jack saying it all. Who's memory DOESN'T that burn into?
Also, if you let Jack take over your cybernetics you get the chance to be extremely rude with Sasha. In fact Jack takes over Rhys'entire body transforming him in Handome Rhys, for s couple of minutes. That's not to lose.
You also get the "Jack-Apedia" for your echo eye if you choose Jack and it will give you funny alternate information when you scan things :P
I know the feeling, can't wait to see Rhys take over Helios and do something so crappy to get Fiona and co. Extremely pissed.
Wait - you only get the Jack-Apedia if you chose him?!
Okay, that alone makes it a million times worth the choice!
What about him just chilling out on the mushroom and stuff when you view it from the Echo-Eye?
I think I may do a second playthrough tonight - I'm so curious what other changes there are.
I audibly gasped when Gortys pointed to Elpis - and then I was like, wait you idiot, you already knew they were back on Helios for episode four.
Still, I'm massively pumped to head back there - and genuinely intrigued why a piece of Atlas technology would be on Elpis!
And let's not forget the 'Hotness scale" given for every character.
We've got a lot of ehhhhhh things to do and watch.
So... is there something building between Rhys and Sasha or...?
"Back so soon? What's the rush?"
Ahaha, yes! Everyone except Athena which reminded me of this:
Depends which choices you picked...
However, I believe Jack blew any semblance of a chance my Rhys had .
Watch there be a three month wait in between all episodes. :^)
That freakin' timeline will be the death of me...
The MAIN GAME of TPS is set before both BL2 and Tales - yes.
But the Athena interrogation/narration scenes that BOOKEND TPS are set at an indeterminate time after BL2 - considering Athena was brought to Lilith by Brick and Mordi (after severely kicking their butts), it is very, very, VERY likely that Catch a Ride has just shown how she was captured, making the official timeline look like this:
I don't want to spoil too much to give people chance to play both versions but there is another "soon" joke if you choose Fiona at the end of episode 2 and select the right dialogue option in episode 3.
I chose Fiona... what's the dialogue option you have to click?
When Loader Bot is moving the debris from the door select the dialogue option soon. If we're lucky and Loader bot will make a sarcastic comment about the word "soon", i think this will only work if you don't tell him to self district.
I recorded a video of it.
Just a warning it does have a possibly major spoiler for the Fiona choice which can't be removed from the video.
Well, I did put the flower in her hair, compliment her and all that jazz.
Everything was going so well until Jack slapped her booty -.-
...I'm tempted to say the wait was worth it just for this joke. Thanks a lot!
Yep - he's the ultimate AI cockblocker... >_<
Well I still want them to bang so... please forgive me?
yayyyy I was wondering how long it would take for someone here on the forums to find that joke.
Even I was like, "dammit HJ - 2 and a half episodes worth of careful relationship building decimated by 30 seconds of Jackassery!"
Please tell me I'm not the only one who genuinely fell for that. Yes, it seemed completely un-Tales-like (I actually yelled, "this isn't TWD!"), and it seemed so bizarre to me that Sasha would sacrifice herself, but when she let go my heart sank...
...and then I laughed at my gullibility - I'm more like Rhys than I care to admit.
Jackassery... I see what you did there
I felt the same, that scene was really funny once i realised she was joking.
Yeah, I picked that too. From now if we get a "Soon" instead of episode, I'm using this.
This episode was amazing. Few things.
RIP Fiona's hat.
RIP Vasquez.
RIP Loader Bot's legs. ;_;
Gortys is adorable.
Moments with Sasha were super sweet.
I'm really excited for the next episode. Looks like Yvette will finally get more screentime. I see that random Hodunks shot has become a running gag. I wouldn't even be surprised if they didn't appear in the next episodes as well. And then after the credits of episode 5 there'll be a post-credit scene where Jimbo plays on banjo or something.
Also I'm a bit disappointed that Athena didn't even mention that I took her shield. And the notification said she would REALLY remember that.
Oh you're not, when she fell I was like "No goddamit I wanted the romance to happen!" And then I saw her, and I was like "oh... She just... Ok..." And so the "real frantic" evening went on. Luckily I trusted Fiona in my main playthrough.
Is Vasquez always dead? Regardless what you say to Vallory?
I guess, but I blamed him. So it's kinda my fault? Oops.
I don't trust Vaughn :P