Opinions about episode 3



  • I didnt see that coming.

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who genuinely fell for that. Yes, it seemed completely un-Tales-like (I actually yelled, "this isn't TWD


    I also loved you have a choice with Sasha. If you like her go for it, if not just go the other way. Happy about that. Also where is my bro?

  • edited June 2015

    I didnt get anything and I tried twice (since I thought I screwed up near the end and redid it)

    Ooh, can someone please tell me what the notification for skipping the credits was? My douchebag playthrough is on my iOS save so I have to wait until Thursday.

  • You mean that an ending where a big robot runs with his own arms pursuing a ride that is pursuing another little robotwhich subsequently pursues two guys and a robot on the top of another robot with badass legs and all this while dodging and parrying a series of missiles coming from more dudes at the end of the road whom you jump over by rotating on a damn branch a slow ending? Considering also that roughly at the same time of what said above there was a vault hunter battle where everybody got the shit punched, shot and blowed out of them?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I loved the beginning, the middle kinda dragged, and the ending was kinda slow. But overall I loved it. I really liked the intro montage. Also talking with jack on the roof was just really cool. Also, Fiona slow-mo hour :P

  • Well, by slow I guess I mean it wasn't as dramatic I guess? I mean I already knew Athena would get captured and then we all kinda just stood there.

    You mean that an ending where a big robot runs with his own arms pursuing a ride that is pursuing another little robotwhich subsequently pur

  • It IS longer indeed, two hours, I wouldn't call it short.

    I got like 110 minutes, not bad and it felt WAY LONGER than Episode 2!

  • After this episode i'm really starting to think that the ending of this game will lead up to Borderlands 3, how awesome will that be?

  • Sorry than,for slow I mean an ending which finds its purpose in a long, boring and arduous way, and this is not the case of this episode

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, by slow I guess I mean it wasn't as dramatic I guess? I mean I already knew Athena would get captured and then we all kinda just stood there.

  • Then*

    Sorry than,for slow I mean an ending which finds its purpose in a long, boring and arduous way, and this is not the case of this episode

  • Pretty awesome, hope Gearbox trusted Telltale with that.

    TheJack posted: »

    After this episode i'm really starting to think that the ending of this game will lead up to Borderlands 3, how awesome will that be?

  • This was a great episode I knew this waiting/long night was good sign for the quality of the episode. Great job Telltale.

  • I hope Telltale trusts Gearbox with that...Sorry I couldn't help it ;)

    Pretty awesome, hope Gearbox trusted Telltale with that.

  • Yeah, same as Miny -- I don't think there was one :(

    Ooh, can someone please tell me what the notification for skipping the credits was? My douchebag playthrough is on my iOS save so I have to wait until Thursday.

  • You're not. The whole time she was saying she was going to let go I kept yelling "Nobody dies, Sasha!" I was so into it I gasped when she actually let go... and when there was no scream I realized "We're, like, a foot above the ground, aren't we?"

    Cue awkwardness.

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who genuinely fell for that. Yes, it seemed completely un-Tales-like (I actually yelled, "this isn't TWD

  • Fiona is building to be a new Vault Hunter or at least I got that impression

    TheJack posted: »

    After this episode i'm really starting to think that the ending of this game will lead up to Borderlands 3, how awesome will that be?

  • Awesome! Awesome plot, awesome choices, awesome everything! Besides two things: No option of determinant shipping and some glitches I've encountered.

  • Wait, really? That is... awesome? Awesome. I can't believe I have to go back through now and see what not-Jack-Apedia has to say.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    You also get the "Jack-Apedia" for your echo eye if you choose Jack and it will give you funny alternate information when you scan things :P

  • Don't you have to skip the credits for the past 2 episodes as well to get the Notification? That's how it worked with Episode 2.

    Yeah, same as Miny -- I don't think there was one

  • The episode was

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    A lot of moments which made me laugh, really cool intro (another great song, I was doing a little dance while sitting on my chair, so good!), a lot of badass action moments, which is always appreciated. Though I'd love, if there were a bit more hubs...

    It also seems like there were really a lot of choices involved this time, which is always great! I feel like I'll be replaying all 3 episodes in the next few months to see everything.

  • I am headed to the things you didn't know section. I'm gonna take this with me. Check it out if you want. :P

    Well, here it is, if somebody needs it too. Dang it, Jack is truly Handsome.

  • The sentence was deliberately constructed with the past simple because I think that such a thing is essential to the plot and so Telltale would need Gearbox's trust before game production, not during it. As for the subject, it is implied in the sentence since I am the one speaking. No grudge held, don't worry.

    I hope Telltale trusts Gearbox with that...Sorry I couldn't help it

  • It...Was a joke dude. I'm just implying Telltale are fantastic writers,and they wouldn't want Gearbox hurting their babies (characters) chill...

    The sentence was deliberately constructed with the past simple because I think that such a thing is essential to the plot and so Telltale wo

  • No it's determ. If you blame August he dies, if you choose Felix, Vasquez dies too I think, no idea if you stay silent

    Is Vasquez always dead? Regardless what you say to Vallory?

  • "oh well, sure, I mean, that's where I wanted the discussion to land, you see what we did? Do you finally see the new universe of possibilities where we are headed? What if we transform the misunderstanding in an overstanding? What if I we take the opportunity and finally strike the final blow to the cosmos? What if we win freelancepolicefan? Are you ready to win?

    Ok, I really looked like a douchebag, and I'm really sorry for that.

    It...Was a joke dude. I'm just implying Telltale are fantastic writers,and they wouldn't want Gearbox hurting their babies (characters) chill...

  • I did not like this Episode as much as the previous two, I have to give it a shameful 9/10.

    Kidding, I freakin' loved it. I loved... well, just about everything. With the exception of Vasquez's death and the intro song (Wasn't a huge fan of it, but it fit) everything was so damn cool. And Gortys is just so goddamn adorable I don't even...

  • Yes?...

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    "oh well, sure, I mean, that's where I wanted the discussion to land, you see what we did? Do you finally see the new universe of possibili

  • I did.

    Don't you have to skip the credits for the past 2 episodes as well to get the Notification? That's how it worked with Episode 2.

  • Amazing, really. Action-packed, full of Borderlands material and humor, soaking with everything we could've wanted. Whole fight sequence between Fiona/Athena and Brick/Mordecai was amazing, it was very cool to see Vault Hunters fighting seriously among themselves. Don't get me started on the whole garden scene with Rhysha :)

    Plus, the Gortys is so adorable! She's like a grown-up child!

    10/10, beautiful and amazing experience, worth the wait.

  • Yes! I've blown your mind. Better than making your head spin I guess.


  • Hmmmm...That's strange, maybe they'll add one in an Update.

    I did.

  • I blew Vallory's mind LOVED that choice! Fiona and her dumb amazing dank ass memes.

    Yes! I've blown your mind. Better than making your head spin I guess.

  • There were so many incredible things about that episode, it'd be impossible to list them all.

    I loved the way that Athena and Fiona interacted. I loved playing as her this time - in previous episodes, I didn't feel very clever while playing as her, but I legitimately felt badass this time, and it was wonderful.

    I don't ship Rhysha, but their interactions were hilarious.

    I adored seeing Jack take over Rhys.

    The intro was fantastic, passing them time wonderfully, with tons of little tidbits. Seeing Bunkers and Badasses was really great. I loved how the action never stopped moving, how it was constantly changing and shifting. I loved being on the edge of my seat the entire time. I loved that Fiona got her own little embellishment moment similar to Rhys's in episode one.

    I loved - and hated - the ending. Loved it because it was so well done, hated it because how the hell are they going to get out of that situation?

    I can't wait to go to Helios, though.

    It was really a fantastic episode. I could go on and on and on for hours, but I'm not going to. It really was a spectacularly done episode, and I do think that these waits are worth it for such high quality episodes!

  • The fake sunglasses are a real classy thing indeed. Telltale puns, no better way to kickstart an episode.

    I blew Vallory's mind LOVED that choice! Fiona and her dumb amazing dank ass memes.

  • That's Ashley Johnson for you.

    Rock114 posted: »

    I did not like this Episode as much as the previous two, I have to give it a shameful 9/10. Kidding, I freakin' loved it. I loved... well

  • August can die?!

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    Holyy shit. I kinda figured that Vasquez always dies, but appearently not. Well done, Telltale.

    CarL_J posted: »

    No it's determ. If you blame August he dies, if you choose Felix, Vasquez dies too I think, no idea if you stay silent

  • They keep things this way, this is going to be their new TWD S1.

    There were so many incredible things about that episode, it'd be impossible to list them all. I loved the way that Athena and Fiona inter

  • Man he's messing with you, I blamed August in my second play and all what happened is he getting his nose ring pulled out of his nose by Vallory, and Vasquez dies anyway.

    Pipas posted: »

    August can die?! Holyy shit. I kinda figured that Vasquez always dies, but appearently not. Well done, Telltale.

  • Thumbs up for Al Bundy, my man.

    Pipas posted: »

    August can die?! Holyy shit. I kinda figured that Vasquez always dies, but appearently not. Well done, Telltale.

  • Really enjoyed that. Great work Telltale :)

    The new characters work well and the twist at the start was brilliantly handled.

  • Nevermind, I'm sorrry lol I messed it up, I meant she kinda made him bleed from his nose, I didn't mean to say she killed him, I'm sorry! My brain is still processing what happened... :(

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    Pipas posted: »

    August can die?! Holyy shit. I kinda figured that Vasquez always dies, but appearently not. Well done, Telltale.

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