Forced cheesy romance moments with Sasha and Rhys .Gave me a very nauseated feeling. Felt very little mermaid to me with the glowing floating jellyfish type plants. The only thing that was missing was the song. With or without the song ..still super cheesy. Other than that great ep.
I thought ep 3 was pretty good..had a good amount of action in it, and lemme just say that gortys is the most adorable and cutest little robot ever!! I loved the little conversations between her and loaderbot , But yea overall I enjoyed this episode and can't wait till the next one.
Ahahaha xD
Love the Athena bit. He actually has a good deal of respect for Athena according to Jack-a-pedia which i found kinda nice touch. She stuck to the contracts and didn't betray Jack even if she despised him after all he did and thats something Jack would appreciate. That, and she's totally awesome at killing bandits.
Athena was a total boss in this one and now my Fiona is a graduate from 'Athena's school of badassery' and has aquired a taste for it
Loaderbro moments galore! Gorty! Dumpy! ITS TOO MUCH!
And so help me if we have another long wait ahead of us for the next episode.... >.<
Edit: And the whole garden was a nice reference to the OTHER Pandora. Heck, the cute little flower scene was practically lifted straight from Avatar right up untill it went pear-shaped.
Edit2: It seems that in the timeline the next episode happens when Athena is telling the story of TPS the first time to junkie mcstupidface at Sanctuary seeing as Brick and Mordy were both still messed up at the beginning of the story so they just got back from bringing Athena in. Could it be we will be seeing Athena/the rest of the vault hunters again as the Tales story progresses in time? I hope so
When Loader Bot is moving the debris from the door select the dialogue option soon. If we're lucky and Loader bot will make a sarcastic comm… moreent about the word "soon", i think this will only work if you don't tell him to self district.
I recorded a video of it.
Just a warning it does have a possibly major spoiler for the Fiona choice which can't be removed from the video.
This was such a good episode. There was so much incresible stuff going on. From Gorty's ridiculous adorability to Fiona stepping up and, over all, becoming kind of a bad ass. And while I generally don't ship, unless its done entirely for comedic value, the Rhysha stuff is kinda pulling me in.
Vaughn spending some time strapped to Loader bots back ala C-3PO had me chuckling every time i saw it.
I had notifications turned off for my main playthrough, so I thought Jack was trying to do that whole "look behind you" trick to distract me for some purpose or something.
Please don't tell me I was the only one who ran into a glitch in the beginning? I chose Fiona at the end of Episode Two, and during the snea… moreking-up-on-boxes-to-avoid-the-laser-turret-thing sequence (I assume choosing Jack would have a different plotline), I was prompted to save Rhys, and then the entire sneaking sequence reset and Rhys' model disappeared and only flashed for split seconds. And then Rhys was fighting off the man while the sneaking sequence played out without Rhys, it was definitely weird. I restarted the section and everything was normal again, but it's definitely something to check out since there might even be more day one glitches.
Just stood there? what were you expecting Rhys to do? take out all the guys around him all of a sudden with one hit KO karate moves and then fly kick that woman in the face, killing her instantly? then take on Brick and survive in hand to hand?
I loved the episode so much, but I don't know why Telltale sort of forced Rhys to be with Sasha and were forcing romance options down our th… moreroats. I just hope they're more considerate of other peoples ships next episode ;___;
Other then that and some INSANELY weird glitches 9.5/10 I loved it ^-^
I really hope Rhys, Sasha and Fiona are vault hunter characters for Borderlands 2 or at the very least, DLC characters.
Rhys' action skill could be to badassly use his stun baton or use his robot arm and echo eye to blow enviormental stuff up and eletronical stuff.
Fiona's could be to use an all elemental deringer and any nearby enemies, similar to John Marston's from Red Dead Redemption's "mark and execute" skill
How was her talking down to vault hunters "stupid" ? have you ever played a Borderlands game before? Vault Hunters are pretty much nothing more than glorified Mercs For Hire. Of course she can talk down to them, plenty of people you do quests for in that game talk down to you and you cant do much about it unless they become hostile. Not to mention, she's pretty intimidating at the time and was probably being an asset in locating Athena.
the episode almost made me lose interest, in a "did i seriously wait that long for this?" kind of way
it was a bit of a mess, especially … morethe second half, switching pov that often isn't a good idea imho
the main villain (the ugly fattie) was pretty good, but the fact that she could somehow order around (or talk down to) Vault hunters was a bit of a deal breaker, and she only survived her first scene due to plot induced stupidity, which is... pretty bad, it was like in those 200+ episoes long shows where, to make the new villain look scary they have the previous villain job to him, she ened up looking scary, sure, but in the worst way possible.
this time they gave a lot of spotlight to Fiona, (which was a given since the plot switched from wallethead main villain to landwhale main villain), but i still liked the Rhys parts better (minus the parts with him and Sasha flirting, which was all kinds of awkward), it seemed like they changed … [view original content]
Athena was a total boss i… moren this one and now my Fiona is a graduate from 'Athena's school of badassery' and has aquired a taste for it
Loaderbro moments galore! Gorty! Dumpy! ITS TOO MUCH!
And so help me if we have another long wait ahead of us for the next episode.... >.<
Edit: And the whole garden was a nice reference to the OTHER Pandora. Heck, the cute little flower scene was practically lifted straight from Avatar right up untill it went pear-shaped.
Edit2: It seems that in the timeline the next episode happens when Athena is telling the story of TPS the first time to junkie mcstupidface at Sanctuary seeing as Brick and Mordy were both still messed up at the beginning of the story so they just got back from bringing Athena in. Could it be we will be seeing Athena/the rest of the vault hunters again as the Tales story progresses in time? I hope so
It seemed longer than most episodes and I'm very appreciative of that. It did seem a bit stronger in terms of choices as well, though I'm not quite fond of the "shipping in the Jungle" scene (it just felt kind of forced), but overall it was a great development. The finale was fantastic and well, Fiona wasn't my favorite character by far, but she was absolutely stellar and shined in episode three. I love the direction that her character development is going in. As for Rhys, well, bonus points for his allies thinking that he's going crazy!
I think Athena and Gortys were both interesting additions to the cast and overall, I'd give it maybe an eight out of ten, since it wasn't my favorite, but it was still fantastic (nothing less than expected of TellTale, ha).
Brick punches gargantuan tentacle monsters as a hobby, Mordecai 360 noscoped an army of loaderbots once, and yet they're scared of a fattie with a shitty rocket launcher and a dozen bandits. this ignoring that Athena had no real reason not to murder her outside the Atlas facility (but instead had good reasons to do so) and then proceeded to complain about how she doesn't get to kill people on bodyguard jobs
also remind me of the last time they got talked down by kingpins of crime in an open environment while armed, been a while since i played bl1
How was her talking down to vault hunters "stupid" ? have you ever played a Borderlands game before? Vault Hunters are pretty much nothing m… moreore than glorified Mercs For Hire. Of course she can talk down to them, plenty of people you do quests for in that game talk down to you and you cant do much about it unless they become hostile. Not to mention, she's pretty intimidating at the time and was probably being an asset in locating Athena.
I see your point, this might sound ridiculous but I felt a little sad/jelous when she was talking about August. xD Just pls don't break Rhys' heart Telltale.
The way I think about it is; it's a choice-based game but not a dating sim. The story is designed to go in a certain direction and you can s… moreteer it to avoid obstacles and go on detours, but you'll always reach the same destination. Despite being able to control Rhys, the story isn't written around choosing who he ends up with and I guess one of the paths to our destination may be flirting around Rhysha Road. You can still dodge all the really romantic bits and maybe not end up with her I'm sure, but since it's not a dating sim they aren't obligated to give us a choice to live out any ships we want.
I'm sorry for actually enjoying them together myself, but there's plenty of evidence that Sasha might not want to be with Rhys if you needed reassurance that it can be avoided. She has that moment talking about August and doesn't really seem as happy as Rhys is in all those little romantic bits.
But still it wasn't neither Brick nor Mordecai to bring Athena down, it was Vallory, and that's not really a shitty rocket launcher. As for the Atlas facility, I guess that Athena would have had a bit of an hard time to not get wounded by Vallory or August, since the surprise effect was gone, so that's why she let them leave.
Brick punches gargantuan tentacle monsters as a hobby, Mordecai 360 noscoped an army of loaderbots once, and yet they're scared of a fattie … morewith a shitty rocket launcher and a dozen bandits. this ignoring that Athena had no real reason not to murder her outside the Atlas facility (but instead had good reasons to do so) and then proceeded to complain about how she doesn't get to kill people on bodyguard jobs
also remind me of the last time they got talked down by kingpins of crime in an open environment while armed, been a while since i played bl1
They werent "scared" they either a) didn't care. b) just accepted the job and did their work.
Work is work, you gotta do it regardless of how your employees (or aide in that matter) treats you, or you just dont get the reward from it.
and since they did I doubt they care. but regardless. This was all over you no longer caring for the game, so thus I dont care if you are no longer interested. Better change your profile picture now I guess.
Brick punches gargantuan tentacle monsters as a hobby, Mordecai 360 noscoped an army of loaderbots once, and yet they're scared of a fattie … morewith a shitty rocket launcher and a dozen bandits. this ignoring that Athena had no real reason not to murder her outside the Atlas facility (but instead had good reasons to do so) and then proceeded to complain about how she doesn't get to kill people on bodyguard jobs
also remind me of the last time they got talked down by kingpins of crime in an open environment while armed, been a while since i played bl1
I agree. It's nice they included them, but their scene was a mess. Come on, they introduce Mordecai with "Boom. Headshot" then let him miss Fiona like 10 times because she was rolling around the floor AND joke about the absurdity of dodging bullets some seconds before. Is this supposed to be some kind of meta-joke or what?
Brick punches gargantuan tentacle monsters as a hobby, Mordecai 360 noscoped an army of loaderbots once, and yet they're scared of a fattie … morewith a shitty rocket launcher and a dozen bandits. this ignoring that Athena had no real reason not to murder her outside the Atlas facility (but instead had good reasons to do so) and then proceeded to complain about how she doesn't get to kill people on bodyguard jobs
also remind me of the last time they got talked down by kingpins of crime in an open environment while armed, been a while since i played bl1
But still it wasn't neither Brick nor Mordecai to bring Athena down, it was Vallory, and that's not really a shitty rocket launcher. As for … morethe Atlas facility, I guess that Athena would have had a bit of an hard time to not get wounded by Vallory or August, since the surprise effect was gone, so that's why she let them leave.
Yeah, I really liked that Jack genuinely seems to respect her despite her walking away from him after the events of TPS.
It shows that he's not so black and white when it comes to "all Vault Hunters are bandit scum who I want to brutally murder" - nope, just the ones who betrayed him.
Ahahaha xD
Love the Athena bit. He actually has a good deal of respect for Athena according to Jack-a-pedia which i found kinda nice touch.… more She stuck to the contracts and didn't betray Jack even if she despised him after all he did and thats something Jack would appreciate. That, and she's totally awesome at killing bandits.
Mordecai basically said "don't speak ill of the insanely scary and competent new villain, or she'll spank us!" after Brick literally said he found her scary, they made every past threat either job or get scared by the new villain, it wasn't even subtle.
never said i dropped the series, just that this episode was a massive turn down, we waited months for something that really, really doesn't seem all that polished (that gunfight scene on the trust Fiona route had some pretty shitty animation, for example)
They werent "scared" they either a) didn't care. b) just accepted the job and did their work.
Work is work, you gotta do it regardless of… more how your employees (or aide in that matter) treats you, or you just dont get the reward from it.
and since they did I doubt they care. but regardless. This was all over you no longer caring for the game, so thus I dont care if you are no longer interested. Better change your profile picture now I guess.
Though, I don't mind not spending money on the cosmetics. Purely because I didn't see the point given that two of the main characters are bound to be wearing awesome tux-like clothing later on in the story, and me loving the Original designs.
This episode was amazing, just like the others. I'd still rate it 10/10, even if there were some little issues with 'Mord not hitting crap' and stuff like that. But you have no idea how many times I failed to make easy shots during Borderlands 1 with him.. :P
Forced cheesy romance moments with Sasha and Rhys .Gave me a very nauseated feeling. Felt very little mermaid to me with the glowing floati… moreng jellyfish type plants. The only thing that was missing was the song. With or without the song ..still super cheesy. Other than that great ep.
I am a sucker for romantic stuff, and the jungle scenes just made me fall in love with this episode :P
ALSO, I totally agree with the strong choice differences. Depending on who you sided with in EP2, the episode has a LOT of different, quite drastic, changes. Like how Vaughn gets paralysed, or how you get to have Dumpy.
It seemed longer than most episodes and I'm very appreciative of that. It did seem a bit stronger in terms of choices as well, though I'm no… moret quite fond of the "shipping in the Jungle" scene (it just felt kind of forced), but overall it was a great development. The finale was fantastic and well, Fiona wasn't my favorite character by far, but she was absolutely stellar and shined in episode three. I love the direction that her character development is going in. As for Rhys, well, bonus points for his allies thinking that he's going crazy!
I think Athena and Gortys were both interesting additions to the cast and overall, I'd give it maybe an eight out of ten, since it wasn't my favorite, but it was still fantastic (nothing less than expected of TellTale, ha).
Athena was a total boss i… moren this one and now my Fiona is a graduate from 'Athena's school of badassery' and has aquired a taste for it
Loaderbro moments galore! Gorty! Dumpy! ITS TOO MUCH!
And so help me if we have another long wait ahead of us for the next episode.... >.<
Edit: And the whole garden was a nice reference to the OTHER Pandora. Heck, the cute little flower scene was practically lifted straight from Avatar right up untill it went pear-shaped.
Edit2: It seems that in the timeline the next episode happens when Athena is telling the story of TPS the first time to junkie mcstupidface at Sanctuary seeing as Brick and Mordy were both still messed up at the beginning of the story so they just got back from bringing Athena in. Could it be we will be seeing Athena/the rest of the vault hunters again as the Tales story progresses in time? I hope so
Well, you're both charming and have great hair! And you both seem to completely forget the fact that you're no longer corporeal, and thus CANNOT HIGH-FIVE.
But yeah, I freaked the fuck out when Sasha pulled that hyper-dramatic "I will sacrifice myself!" move. A thousand "NOPE!'s" crossed my lips, and then........then I felt like an idiot. That shit ain't funny, Sasha! Even IF the crazy sense of humour just bumped you up to 9/10 on the Hotness scale!
Please tell me I'm not the only one who genuinely fell for that. Yes, it seemed completely un-Tales-like (I actually yelled, "this isn't TWD… more!"), and it seemed so bizarre to me that Sasha would sacrifice herself, but when she let go my heart sank...
...and then I laughed at my gullibility - I'm more like Rhys than I care to admit.
Wait - you only get the Jack-Apedia if you chose him?!
Okay, that alone makes it a million times worth the choice!
What about him just… more chilling out on the mushroom and stuff when you view it from the Echo-Eye?
I think I may do a second playthrough tonight - I'm so curious what other changes there are.
Now that I am more clear-minded (I played the episode way passed midnight) I have a more clearer view of the episode. Regarding the choices, this is the episode where our choices have the most impact so far. When I played it twice with either trusting Fiona or HJ, it was two different experiences that I got from it. And they are both very enjoyable. So yeah, I have to say that Telltale put a lot of effort into this episode and I love them for that.
Oh, you're just sore because Rhysha's now canon!
Heh. But, really, my condolence's. Even IF the whole "self-love" thing was weird. And I know it was weird, 'cause I looked it up on Jack-a-pedia.
Forced cheesy romance moments with Sasha and Rhys .Gave me a very nauseated feeling. Felt very little mermaid to me with the glowing floating jellyfish type plants. The only thing that was missing was the song. With or without the song ..still super cheesy. Other than that great ep.
It was a pretty damn god episode.
Two words.
Honestly stellar.
I thought ep 3 was pretty good..had a good amount of action in it, and lemme just say that gortys is the most adorable and cutest little robot ever!! I loved the little conversations between her and loaderbot
, But yea overall I enjoyed this episode and can't wait till the next one.
Handsome Jack takes over Rhys' body, and Handsome Rhys becomes the villain.
Ahahaha xD
Love the Athena bit. He actually has a good deal of respect for Athena according to Jack-a-pedia which i found kinda nice touch. She stuck to the contracts and didn't betray Jack even if she despised him after all he did and thats something Jack would appreciate. That, and she's totally awesome at killing bandits.

Athena was a total boss in this one and now my Fiona is a graduate from 'Athena's school of badassery' and has aquired a taste for it
Loaderbro moments galore! Gorty! Dumpy! ITS TOO MUCH!
And so help me if we have another long wait ahead of us for the next episode.... >.<
Edit: And the whole garden was a nice reference to the OTHER Pandora. Heck, the cute little flower scene was practically lifted straight from Avatar right up untill it went pear-shaped.
Edit2: It seems that in the timeline the next episode happens when Athena is telling the story of TPS the first time to junkie mcstupidface at Sanctuary seeing as Brick and Mordy were both still messed up at the beginning of the story so they just got back from bringing Athena in. Could it be we will be seeing Athena/the rest of the vault hunters again as the Tales story progresses in time? I hope so
Yeah... had that too. But couldn't record it.
Episode made me laugh. 10/10
This was such a good episode. There was so much incresible stuff going on. From Gorty's ridiculous adorability to Fiona stepping up and, over all, becoming kind of a bad ass. And while I generally don't ship, unless its done entirely for comedic value, the Rhysha stuff is kinda pulling me in.
Vaughn spending some time strapped to Loader bots back ala C-3PO had me chuckling every time i saw it.
I had notifications turned off for my main playthrough, so I thought Jack was trying to do that whole "look behind you" trick to distract me for some purpose or something.
Yeah, the section is different with Jack, it's more of a "rush through" Rhys controlled section :P
Just stood there? what were you expecting Rhys to do? take out all the guys around him all of a sudden with one hit KO karate moves and then fly kick that woman in the face, killing her instantly? then take on Brick and survive in hand to hand?
Well well. I just guess your ship isnt.. canon
insert picture of fiona "deal with it" here
I loved the Episode for sure. I may be replaying it before Ep4 comes out. Definitely worth the wait.
I really hope Rhys, Sasha and Fiona are vault hunter characters for Borderlands 2 or at the very least, DLC characters.
Rhys' action skill could be to badassly use his stun baton or use his robot arm and echo eye to blow enviormental stuff up and eletronical stuff.
Fiona's could be to use an all elemental deringer and any nearby enemies, similar to John Marston's from Red Dead Redemption's "mark and execute" skill
I guess that's likely going to happen in Episode 4 if you chose to trust Jack in Ep. 2
How was her talking down to vault hunters "stupid" ? have you ever played a Borderlands game before? Vault Hunters are pretty much nothing more than glorified Mercs For Hire. Of course she can talk down to them, plenty of people you do quests for in that game talk down to you and you cant do much about it unless they become hostile. Not to mention, she's pretty intimidating at the time and was probably being an asset in locating Athena.
oh I do wish Torque would show up. I love him.
It seemed longer than most episodes and I'm very appreciative of that. It did seem a bit stronger in terms of choices as well, though I'm not quite fond of the "shipping in the Jungle" scene (it just felt kind of forced), but overall it was a great development. The finale was fantastic and well, Fiona wasn't my favorite character by far, but she was absolutely stellar and shined in episode three. I love the direction that her character development is going in. As for Rhys, well, bonus points for his allies thinking that he's going crazy!
I think Athena and Gortys were both interesting additions to the cast and overall, I'd give it maybe an eight out of ten, since it wasn't my favorite, but it was still fantastic (nothing less than expected of TellTale, ha).
Brick punches gargantuan tentacle monsters as a hobby, Mordecai 360 noscoped an army of loaderbots once, and yet they're scared of a fattie with a shitty rocket launcher and a dozen bandits. this ignoring that Athena had no real reason not to murder her outside the Atlas facility (but instead had good reasons to do so) and then proceeded to complain about how she doesn't get to kill people on bodyguard jobs
also remind me of the last time they got talked down by kingpins of crime in an open environment while armed, been a while since i played bl1
I see your point, this might sound ridiculous but I felt a little sad/jelous when she was talking about August. xD Just pls don't break Rhys' heart Telltale.
I think it´s gonna happen no matter what. Crucial storylines that influence the entire game and possibly BL3 that are usually not up for choice.
But still it wasn't neither Brick nor Mordecai to bring Athena down, it was Vallory, and that's not really a shitty rocket launcher. As for the Atlas facility, I guess that Athena would have had a bit of an hard time to not get wounded by Vallory or August, since the surprise effect was gone, so that's why she let them leave.
They werent "scared" they either a) didn't care. b) just accepted the job and did their work.
Work is work, you gotta do it regardless of how your employees (or aide in that matter) treats you, or you just dont get the reward from it.
and since they did I doubt they care. but regardless. This was all over you no longer caring for the game, so thus I dont care if you are no longer interested. Better change your profile picture now I guess.
I agree. It's nice they included them, but their scene was a mess. Come on, they introduce Mordecai with "Boom. Headshot" then let him miss Fiona like 10 times because she was rolling around the floor AND joke about the absurdity of dodging bullets some seconds before. Is this supposed to be some kind of meta-joke or what?
never said the dynamic duo was the one who took Athena down, old villain jobbing to new villain is kinda cheap but not much of an issue
Vault hunters are overpowered. some boss woman with her cronies is everyday work for them
and wasn't that a bandit rocket launcher? bandit sucks.
Yeah, I really liked that Jack genuinely seems to respect her despite her walking away from him after the events of TPS.
It shows that he's not so black and white when it comes to "all Vault Hunters are bandit scum who I want to brutally murder" - nope, just the ones who betrayed him.
Mordecai basically said "don't speak ill of the insanely scary and competent new villain, or she'll spank us!" after Brick literally said he found her scary, they made every past threat either job or get scared by the new villain, it wasn't even subtle.
never said i dropped the series, just that this episode was a massive turn down, we waited months for something that really, really doesn't seem all that polished (that gunfight scene on the trust Fiona route had some pretty shitty animation, for example)
Though, I don't mind not spending money on the cosmetics. Purely because I didn't see the point given that two of the main characters are bound to be wearing awesome tux-like clothing later on in the story, and me loving the Original designs.
This episode was amazing, just like the others. I'd still rate it 10/10, even if there were some little issues with 'Mord not hitting crap' and stuff like that. But you have no idea how many times I failed to make easy shots during Borderlands 1 with him.. :P
I am a sucker for romantic stuff, and the jungle scenes just made me fall in love with this episode :P
ALSO, I totally agree with the strong choice differences. Depending on who you sided with in EP2, the episode has a LOT of different, quite drastic, changes. Like how Vaughn gets paralysed, or how you get to have Dumpy.
10/10, could use more Vaughn abs
It took me half a second to figure out who you were talking about - but when I did, I laughed.
Well, you're both charming and have great hair! And you both seem to completely forget the fact that you're no longer corporeal, and thus CANNOT HIGH-FIVE.
But yeah, I freaked the fuck out when Sasha pulled that hyper-dramatic "I will sacrifice myself!" move. A thousand "NOPE!'s" crossed my lips, and then........then I felt like an idiot. That shit ain't funny, Sasha! Even IF the crazy sense of humour just bumped you up to 9/10 on the Hotness scale!
Oh, Jack. Don't you know that saying that means that I'm going to look at every mushroom I possibly can?
Plus, all that stuff about staring at Vaughn's abs. And the waving. Did you see him waving at Rhys?
Now that I am more clear-minded (I played the episode way passed midnight) I have a more clearer view of the episode. Regarding the choices, this is the episode where our choices have the most impact so far. When I played it twice with either trusting Fiona or HJ, it was two different experiences that I got from it. And they are both very enjoyable. So yeah, I have to say that Telltale put a lot of effort into this episode and I love them for that.
Oh, you're just sore because Rhysha's now canon!
Heh. But, really, my condolence's. Even IF the whole "self-love" thing was weird. And I know it was weird, 'cause I looked it up on Jack-a-pedia.
She gets even MORE pissed off with you than she already is?
You can tell me that when they make out or something because I'm not quitting my ship over this.