Opinions about episode 3



  • And you shouldn't be. I mean, even JACK is psyched about Gortys (ok, mostly because she's not Claptrap, but still).

    The-Qing posted: »

    "Good riddence then!" Gortys is the super cutest. Sorry, Claptrap. Actually, scratch that. I'm not sorry.

  • Did you see him waving at Rhys?

    Yes, but mere seconds later he starts giving him the finger.

    Goddamn, I love that adorable bastard.

    J_E_K posted: »

    "STOP LOOKING AT GODDAMN MUSHROOMS!" Oh, Jack. Don't you know that saying that means that I'm going to look at every mushroom I possibly can? Plus, all that stuff about staring at Vaughn's abs. And the waving. Did you see him waving at Rhys?

  • I was kinda annoyed with episode 3 to be honest. Mind you, I had very low expectations of this game when I picked up during the Steam sale, but I think episode 1 and 2 are great for what they are. Then episode 3 happened and it become obnoxious for me. For example, there's a joke where loader bot touches a statue's butt and Rhys is for some reason embarrassed about that? What? Had a lot of cringe-worthy, over-explained/obvious jokes like that.

  • This episode was a turnaround for me. Prior to this episode, I didn't like this game that much and thought it was just ok. But this episode was great, and hopefully Ep4 continues that trend for me.

    I wouldn't say this episode pushed this series above any other Telltale game for me, but maybe that'll change if the next episodes are just as enjoyable for me if not more.

    Sucks that I couldn't play it myself though, since for some reason it's not on Xbox 360 yet. Had to watch a playthrough

  • It wasn't even 30 second he wasted two and a half episodes with just one slap....damn.

    Totally! Even I was like, "dammit HJ - 2 and a half episodes worth of careful relationship building decimated by 30 seconds of Jackassery!"

  • Wow, I've just finished my 2nd playthrough where I trusted Jack . I really appreciate the effort they made, it was a totally different experience. :D I feel like I need to play the ep again, because I couldn't explore everything. Jack was hilarious, I loved it, but I still prefer the trust Fiona route, which is my canon one. :) Oh man I can't wait to see episode 4!

  • edited June 2015

    My gosh, this episode was awesome. Well worth the wait! The title sequence was superb, as ever, and everything seemed to fit. It had the humour, the action and the tension. Seriously it's just hyped me up, TALES FROM THE BORDERLANDS FOR GAME OF THE YEAR! Damn I loved this episode, love this series!

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Definitely cemented this as one of my favorite games of all time, probably my favorite. The best part is that it's not even over.

  • Poor Gary though :(

  • honestly loaderbot and gortys are my OTP

  • edited June 2015

    That scene had me for a minute, I thought we were about to lose her, so relived to see we were so close to the ground.

    Also, why would you slap Sasha's ass, what's up with that?

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who genuinely fell for that. Yes, it seemed completely un-Tales-like (I actually yelled, "this isn't TWD

  • Took me like 2 hours.

    talk about a short episode, too bad telltale is busy with tales from minecraft and HBO's the game of thrones rpg maker, see you all in 6 months for episode 4!

  • This episode was

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    Easily one of the best Telltale episodes ever, I still think Episode 1 is the best, but this is a close second easily. It was greatly written, this episode had some awesome choices, especially the choice of who you picked in the previous episode, I thought the Rhys and Sasha moments were great, and, of course, Vallory.

  • Don't forget Handsome Jack breaking the forth wall xD.

    This episode was Easily one of the best Telltale episodes ever, I still think Episode 1 is the best, but this is a close second easil

  • When ?

    Don't forget Handsome Jack breaking the forth wall xD.

  • How could I forget about that, that was freaking hilarious.

    Don't forget Handsome Jack breaking the forth wall xD.

  • Aw please, Rhys, you're killing me with this... Again.

    I don't know, this whole "touching robo-hand when sad/feeling awkward" thing is so stinking cute.

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  • Keep the Hodunk using the machine gun in every "next time on TFTBL". On Ep. 5 put a next time on tftbl that only shows Tector shooting the machine gun. It should be a running joke.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    Sure if you like that sort of thing.

    Cyanistic posted: »


  • edited June 2015

    This was the the biggest, the best, the most amazing 100% episode ever. It had a lot of actions and confirmed Rhysha. This episode completely deserves 10/10 rate.

  • I'm going with Jack as my canon playthrough. 'Cause Dumpy......wait, what happened to Dumpy! I didn't see him at the end! VAUGHN! GO FIND DUMPY!

    ..........anyway, I think it'll be amazing watching Rhys try to explain away all of that crazy, Rhack stuff. Heh. Cupcake. Heh. But seriously, Rhys is going to have brain damage by the end of this if people/people's things/Sasha/animals/plants/random pieces of metal/the universe in general, keeps hitting him in the head........

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Wow, I've just finished my 2nd playthrough where I trusted Jack . I really appreciate the effort they made, it was a totally different exper

  • edited June 2015

    I loved it! The voice acting is superb (as always), the dialogue was hilarious, and Gortys is the cutest robot I've ever seen.

    My only criticism is how hard they were pushing Rhys and Sasha. The only way you could break out of the romantic undertone to their conversations was by being rude to her. :( However, I think they're gonna make it somewhat optional to have a relationship with her because the description on if Rhys or Sasha picked the flower asks whether you're warming up to her or she leaves a "bad taste in your mouth".

    But everything else was amazing! Good job, TT.

  • I loved Dumpy! Hope they're all right! In the next episode shit is probably going down :D

    J_E_K posted: »

    I'm going with Jack as my canon playthrough. 'Cause Dumpy......wait, what happened to Dumpy! I didn't see him at the end! VAUGHN! GO FIND DU

  • Great episode! Very satisfying story (except the shipping development - but hey... there's still time). Also, wanted to point out that the ep had a satisfying ending. This is how I like to end episodic games, a good ol' end to a chapter and looking forward to the next big thing... not liek with episode 2's horrible cliffhanger (no more of those please).

  • OH shit, is he supposed to be pointing at the marker? I just thought he was talking about the dome. Oh wow.

  • I just finished the episode, and felt now was as good a time to join the forums as any so I will. I thought it was the best episode yet! I loved it from the start, and it kept up a really good pace. I loved how Brick and Mordecai were bought into the story, and Gortys was amazing. That being said, I felt Vasquez's death was a bit unnecessary. I thought he was a really interesting character, and was kinda sad when he was killed off. I guess it helped show how unpredictable Vallory is, but...eh... just felt like it wasn't necessary.


    Also, I have found my new robotic OTP:


  • The stuff with Rhys and Sasha being shipped was just painful.

  • "Who?"

    Heh. Nice, August. Very nice.

    Poor Gary though

  • edited June 2015

    Yeah, I really didn't like that. I mean, I tried to steer clear of the more overtly romantic options (like saying the cutesy Avatar-esque wander through the jungle was romantic!), just because I thought that was cheesy (not that I don't ship Rhysha, but......so. damned. CHEESY.) and went for the more moderate options (like saying the jungle was beautiful; Rhys seemed to be having a COMPLETELY different conversation than Sasha by the end of THAT..........seriously, bro?) and it STILL seemed like I was the male lead in a romantic drama!

    Are we not allowed to be just friends, or failing that, at least a little bit subtle? Does Rhys have any kind of game at all? "sighs"
    .........ok, I MAY have found it the tiniest bit adorable. Fine! There! I admit it! Don't judge me! Besides, I think the shipping scene was meant to be over the top? Like the "Sacrifice" scene......damn it, Rhys. Just....just look down next time, okay?

    But the rest of the episode was spectacular. I mean, REALLY freaking spectacular. God, I love Jack. ;)

    quinnics posted: »

    I loved it! The voice acting is superb (as always), the dialogue was hilarious, and Gortys is the cutest robot I've ever seen. My only cr


                 -Vaughn, 2015
    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    This was such a good episode. There was so much incresible stuff going on. From Gorty's ridiculous adorability to Fiona stepping up and, ov

  • edited June 2015

    Loader Bot: "I was a hat rack, back on Hyperion.........."

    Gortys: "Hey, everyone needs hats!"

    or how about

    G, watching Rhys argue with Jack: "Uh.......why is he talking to himself?"

    LB: "He's going through some stuff."

    Love it. So. Damn. MUCH. ;)

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I liked it a lot, and how they set up TPS was very well done. I also geeked over GUNSLINGER MORDECAI, OH MY GOD HE WAS SO OVERPOWERED IN THE

  • edited June 2015


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    Now I need to think of a name...

    J_E_K posted: »

    Loader Bot: "I was a hat rack, back on Hyperion.........." Gortys: "Hey, everyone needs hats!" or how about G, watching Rhys argue

  • Love Gortys, such a lil cutie....like BB-8...why are round Robots so cute?

    And I really loved the Fourth Wall breaking of Jack, didn't realised that at first but when i did i was really amused by it.
    Well its a bit sad that Athena is already gone, but at least we know WHERE she will be.

  • Yep. I didn't get it my first time either, had I realized it, I would've laughed my ass off, but someone had to point it out to me as well. Still hilarious though.

    ActionHank posted: »

    OH shit, is he supposed to be pointing at the marker? I just thought he was talking about the dome. Oh wow.

  • edited June 2015

    I loved the episode, even tho I haven't got a chance to play it by myself yet (Since I have so crappy internet right now and I can't download it till tomorrow) but I watched my friend's stream and got to pick Fiona's choices so yeah, anyways...

    I love Athena (She's my favorite vault hunter), I was so happy that she got to be so huge part in this and even when me and my friend stole her shield and made her girlfriend angry at her, she still wasn't mad (which is kinda weird tbh :D) and it was really painful to watch her to get hurt and now Janey will probably go after her ;_; (as there was some Sasha & Janey clip in one of the trailers, it surely seems like it and that is pretty much only logical explanation for her to appear again) and I'm really looking forward for that!

    Other than that I love Gortys, she's soo damn adorable and that you got to choose new clothes was really cool too, even tho I couldn't afford to buy loader bot the tuxedo skin! I give this episode 9/10, it would be 10 but that whole Sasha/Rhys thing was so awkwardly done that it made my eyes bleed.

  • My favorite episode so far! The dialogue and voice acting was top notch. It was a really neat touch that you could see Jack with the echo-eye as you scanned around, and his hilarious comments when you scan things was unexpected but awesome. The only negative was the awkward Rhys/Sasha that I could not escape from. I'm probably going to have to laugh my way through that scene when I replay.

  • I enjoyed the episode, but I realized one thing bugged me. With the introduction of three long-term female characters (Athena was in 2, but only barely) and Vaughn spending most of the episode paralyzed, it's becoming more than a little glaring that male characters in TFTB are buffoons, jerks, or sinister... And more often at least two out of the three at a time.

    Now, don't get me wrong. Athena, Gortys, and the Queenpin are all fine additions. But the closest thing this episode has to a likable male character who gets to show competence without almost immediately getting a compensating kick in the tail is Loaderbot. And that's kind of sad. I wish the writers would wrap their heads around the idea that it's possible to have strong female characters without setting up their male counterparts for humiliation.

  • Absolutely. I loved TWAU a lot, but this has blown it out of the water for me

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Definitely cemented this as one of my favorite games of all time, probably my favorite. The best part is that it's not even over.

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