I just started playing this game today, and I'm already glad he's dead. God, I could not stand this guy, not just because of the character - but because of the voice.
His voice is what made me like him the most. Despite the fact that I am somewhat attracted to the 'bad guys' on Pandora. For the record, I am a guy that likes Villians. Villians that have a god-like voice.
I just started playing this game today, and I'm already glad he's dead. God, I could not stand this guy, not just because of the character -… more but because of the voice.
He ruined Kronk for me.
He needs to go back to serving Yzma.
Edit: The guy who voices Assquez voices Kronk.
Oh, it's not the voice itself. It's just that I can't look at Vasquez without imagining Kronk saying all of these things, and that ruins stuff. The voice is pretty awesome, itself. Just not what it reminds me of.
His voice is what made me like him the most. Despite the fact that I am somewhat attracted to the 'bad guys' on Pandora. For the record, I am a guy that likes Villians. Villians that have a god-like voice.
Oh, it's not the voice itself. It's just that I can't look at Vasquez without imagining Kronk saying all of these things, and that ruins stuff. The voice is pretty awesome, itself. Just not what it reminds me of.
I think of Joe from Family Guy whenever I heard Vasquez.
If Family Guy ever makes parody episodes of Tales from Borderlands like they did with Star Wars, how much do you wanna bet that Joe will be Vasquez? That shit would be gold.
I just started playing this game today, and I'm already glad he's dead. God, I could not stand this guy, not just because of the character - but because of the voice.
He ruined Kronk for me.
He needs to go back to serving Yzma.
Edit: The guy who voices Assquez voices Kronk.
I thought there was going to be a choice of which bad guy will die, August or Vasquez, as I chose to blame Vasquez.
His voice is what made me like him the most. Despite the fact that I am somewhat attracted to the 'bad guys' on Pandora. For the record, I am a guy that likes Villians. Villians that have a god-like voice.
And holy shit, the scene after that. "Come on slowpoke, time's a wastin'!"
I felt really bad, but I laughed anyways because it was hilarious.
Oh, it's not the voice itself. It's just that I can't look at Vasquez without imagining Kronk saying all of these things, and that ruins stuff.
The voice is pretty awesome, itself. Just not what it reminds me of.
I am deeply sorry about that. Just uh, imagine Vasquez as a good person despite what he has done.
Can you tell me what she says if you name felix, im interested
I think of Joe from Family Guy whenever I heard Vasquez.
If Family Guy ever makes parody episodes of Tales from Borderlands like they did with Star Wars, how much do you wanna bet that Joe will be Vasquez? That shit would be gold.