Hm, ya know, I can't decide whether or not Episode 3 or 2 was my favourite episode. 2 had lots of humour, but 3 had lots of interesting scenes. I'll have to think about this as we wait... and wait... and wait... [collapses]
I'm not expecting a season 2. I feel like Fiona will be a Vault Hunter in Borderlands 3. Rhys will be taken over by Handomse Jack and be the villain for Borderlands 3 :P
I reeeaally hope two months is the waiting time for the next episode... I don't know if I can survive much longer than that..
The episodes just keeps getting better, tho, so I know it's worth the wait, at least!
And for some reason I became waay to excited to see a usable quickchange station in ep.3... It's the little things..
I loved the moments of romance between sasha and rhys, thankfully my main save had me not trust jack, so I didn't piss her off when jack took control, I had another save where I did trust jack and... uh... well, she punched him and was pretty pissed off at him, so glad I only have 1 save trusting jack, and 3 where I don't... also if u get vaughn to look at computers while everyone else is doing stuff, he finds out the vault is the "vault of the traveller" and that its function is apparently some sort of teleporter for travelling across the universe.
Knowing that the next episode is probably three months away kills me, yet I am certain that these longer gaps have directly resulted in higher quality episodes. So conflicting.
I loved the intro when they were playing bunkers and badasses, when athena threw the board off the table when she got 1 on the dice was hilarious, those of you who actually played tiny tina's assault on dragon keep will (or should) know that a 1 is a critical fail that can kill your character.
Whaat? You can actually avoid Sasha being pissed off at Rhys? Damn, I wish I knew that earlier. Though I'm not sure what is most important to me, their romance, or Jack/Rhys' friendship. I think I need two savefiles..
As long as you trust Fiona in episode 2, you can still make an alliance with Jack in episode 3 and your relationship with him won't be too bad. It'll save you from total Jack takeover too, which is probably a good thing.
Whaat? You can actually avoid Sasha being pissed off at Rhys? Damn, I wish I knew that earlier. Though I'm not sure what is most important to me, their romance, or Jack/Rhys' friendship. I think I need two savefiles..
Whaat? You can actually avoid Sasha being pissed off at Rhys? Damn, I wish I knew that earlier. Though I'm not sure what is most important to me, their romance, or Jack/Rhys' friendship. I think I need two savefiles..
Watch out for your eyes!
Okay THIS has to be the official picture. Rhys' super sad face just makes it.
God dammit.
Still waiting for episode 3 on Kindle...
Aw man, I feel sorry for you. Maybe you shouldn't be here though, seeing as there are probably episode 3 spoilers in an episode 4 waiting thread...
R.I.P AChicken, you will be missed. D':
The way the thread is called made me lol.
"No news yet."
Yet. The third episode literally just came out and here we all are.
[Rhys] : Formerly you. Now cooler than you
Well we can have some faith, since they basically said they started episode 4 development during the wait of episode 3
It's...always called like that.
It's always called like that, m80
Hopefully September instead of October...I'm realistic here xD
Thanks for the warning, kiddo!
So, Episode 2 took four months... Episode 3 took three months... maybe Episode 4 will only take two months?
Eh, close enough.
Chicken Funeral
So sad... -wipes away a solitary tear-
....Ok? I'm just saying I found it funny.
2 month and 30 days ,you mean, yes? ^^
I reeeaally hope two months is the waiting time for the next episode... I don't know if I can survive much longer than that..
The episodes just keeps getting better, tho, so I know it's worth the wait, at least!
And for some reason I became waay to excited to see a usable quickchange station in ep.3... It's the little things..
I loved the moments of romance between sasha and rhys, thankfully my main save had me not trust jack, so I didn't piss her off when jack took control, I had another save where I did trust jack and... uh... well, she punched him and was pretty pissed off at him, so glad I only have 1 save trusting jack, and 3 where I don't... also if u get vaughn to look at computers while everyone else is doing stuff, he finds out the vault is the "vault of the traveller" and that its function is apparently some sort of teleporter for travelling across the universe.
Knowing that the next episode is probably three months away kills me, yet I am certain that these longer gaps have directly resulted in higher quality episodes. So conflicting.
You know where to find us.
I'll just play episode 3 a million times like I did with the other two. It'll be fine.
That's only 2,191 hours of gameplay. It's fine.
No guarantees it will ever happen
That many play throughs in that much time would require you to finish 12.6 playthroughs per second
The episodes absolutely worth the wait, but it's so damn hard. I don't know how to survive until ep 4.
Thread: whats your guess on when episode 4 will be here
I know its early but just finished episode 3 and wondering if anyone else thinks ep4 will take as long as ep3 did
I loved the intro when they were playing bunkers and badasses, when athena threw the board off the table when she got 1 on the dice was hilarious, those of you who actually played tiny tina's assault on dragon keep will (or should) know that a 1 is a critical fail that can kill your character.
Whaat? You can actually avoid Sasha being pissed off at Rhys? Damn, I wish I knew that earlier. Though I'm not sure what is most important to me, their romance, or Jack/Rhys' friendship. I think I need two savefiles..
Here's to another four months.
As long as you trust Fiona in episode 2, you can still make an alliance with Jack in episode 3 and your relationship with him won't be too bad. It'll save you from total Jack takeover too, which is probably a good thing.
Ahaha, this is brilliant - though you need a second poster for the Jack playthrough.
Don't worry, they said "soon" so it's coming "soon"
Soooooo, yeah, the waiting part.
yeah if you trust jack in episode 2 he takes over and slaps her ass, if you trust fiona, then sasha will be helping rhys into the room
so glad I only trust jack in 1 of my 4 saves
Kinda late to the party