What are the chances of a season 2?

I'm already depressed by the idea of seeing this season end and then waiting in agony for any possible news of a season 2 like TWAU fans. Do you think there is any hope?



  • This season isn't even finished yet, but well fuck it, THIS is my favourite TTG, it's so awesome I need more! I don't know what are the chances of getting another season, but I'd be soooooo happy if there were more :) Like Cry said there's some magic that TFTB has!

  • edited June 2015

    Even though this is my favorite TTG, I think chances of a second season are slim. I think it will be more likely to see a continuation in Borderlands 3.

  • weeeeelll the story of this game is important for the story of Borderlands 3. If the 5 episodes are enough to tell all necassary points for the "core" story of BL3 I doubt there will be a Season 2 :/

  • edited June 2015

    Tales from the Borderlands could easily end up being Telltale's best game made to date if the last two episodes are as awesome as the first three. If they feel they can tell another tale, they should make another season definitely, but if not, then they shouldn't. There's nothing worse than having a lackluster sequel, and there's too many films out there that have done that.

    So yesh, if they feel they can do a Season 2, I'd say do it.

  • I want a season 2 so badly.. but.. I don't know why, but I have the feelings that telltale will tear my hopes and dreams apart. (Just like TWAU.)

    So I don't know. Maybe they will make a second season, maybe not. I really, really.. REALLY don't know.

  • I would absolutely love a Season 2 of Tales, depending on how the last two episodes go, it may become my new favorite Telltale game, but the chances of a Season 2 feel very slim to me.

  • I know that probably the biggest deciding factor is sales (so, buy, buy, buy - and tell your friends to, too!) and man-power (as we know Telltale have a lot on their plate, especially in the not-too-distant future) - but I'm fairly certain that Gearbox are already completely on board for as many seasons as Telltale could physically produce.

    I remember in the lead up to the launch of the first episode, and in particular the live stream, Randy was already urging fans to get into Tales in the hopes of it getting a second season. We hadn't seen or played a single episode and he was already talking about a second season!

    That being said, that magical bastard seems to be the most overly enthusiastic person in the world!

    But I really think BL3 is going to be a long way off - even longer than most people realistically think - primarily because they have to build an entire new engine (just look at how long Battleborn has been in development, and that still doesn't come out until next year). So I think that unless the first season story really ties together with BL3 and leaves very little wiggle room (which I don't imagine they would have done), that a second season could be entirely plausible from a Gearbox/BL3 perspective - it would also help keep people interested in the franchise while they were hard at work on BL3.

    So hopefully the episodes keep getting awesome reviews/a few GOTY noms and wins/bigger audiences/more sales, and hopefully TT can find the time in their ridiculously busy schedule and/or hire enough new people to make it work!

    Fingers crossed!

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  • the story of this game is important for the story of Borderlands 3.

    wait what, when was this said?

    Kruzii posted: »

    weeeeelll the story of this game is important for the story of Borderlands 3. If the 5 episodes are enough to tell all necassary points for the "core" story of BL3 I doubt there will be a Season 2

  • 99% chance TFTB will become another TWAU I'm afraid :(

  • Probably not gonna happen because of their deal with Gearbox, and I figure with everything they have going on they wont have time to make room to secure a new one. I figure Rhys and Fiona and everyone else will probably be tied into BL3 in someway though

  • Sales are a factor but I don't think they're the deciding one, it's probably the deals that the Telltale and the other company make when they first sign on for the game. So even if Gearbox is open to another season, Telltale will have to secure another deal and considering how many projects they have planned I don't know if they will go through that trouble. At least, not anytime soon so a Season 2 might not happen until maybe 2018 when their Marvel game wraps up.

    I know that probably the biggest deciding factor is sales (so, buy, buy, buy - and tell your friends to, too!) and man-power (as we know Tel

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    Harian96 posted: »

    99% chance TFTB will become another TWAU I'm afraid

  • Maybe as Vault Hunters...

    Probably not gonna happen because of their deal with Gearbox, and I figure with everything they have going on they wont have time to make ro

  • They've been saying forever it sets BL3 up.

    Aaira posted: »

    the story of this game is important for the story of Borderlands 3. wait what, when was this said?

  • Maybe Fiona but I doubt Rhys will become one

    aDg2k14 posted: »

    Maybe as Vault Hunters...

  • Although this is NEARLY my #1 Telltale Game, I'd say the chances are pretty slim.

  • Seeing as this is a setup for Borderlands 3...Although it's also nice to take what HandsomeJack said into consideration.

  • well that info clearly didn't reach the rock i'm living under

    They've been saying forever it sets BL3 up.

  • edited June 2015

    I'm with HandsomeJack on this (GAH, I can't believe I've just said that ;) !) : BL3 is far from us, more likely not before 2017/2018, and I'm not sure we'd even hear marketing hype about it in 2016 either since they'll focus tons on Battleborn.

    Also when I see the speed at which this forum is going, it does seem TFTB is very popular and has brought money.

    And then looking at how big they want Battleborn to be content wise : aka 25 characters each with x4 dev time accross the board compared to BL2 and TPS, I doubt they'd make BL3 any smaller, so it could require lots of additional lore and NPCs and that also could factor in TFTB season 2 being needed, if not to fill the time gap for players eager to play something new in the Borderlands universe before BL3 is out, then maybe to fill more possible "plot holes" (sorry for lack of a better word) to set up BL3.

    I know that probably the biggest deciding factor is sales (so, buy, buy, buy - and tell your friends to, too!) and man-power (as we know Tel

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

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  • I want a Season Two, but I'm apprehensive about the idea of this game setting up Borderlands 3. Tales doesn't deserve to be just a stepping stone, and I feel like this alienates players. Not everyone is good at first-person shooters or the main Borderlands games, but if I'm a Tales fan, then I may have to buy the main games in order to find out what happens? And people who play just the main games have to check out Tales in order to know how the third game's events came to be? I just don't like it.

  • Well to answer part of your question, I don't think that Rhys and Fiona's impact will be big enough for Borderlands fans to have to play Tales in order to understand. Even if Fiona is a playable Vault Hunter, all of the Vault Hunters in BL2 had no previous info given except for an ECHO log. And Rhys could just be a secondary character we meet during a quest, nothing that forces us to have extensive prior knowledge of him.

    But Tales fans who don't like the original Borderlands game will likely get fucked, sorry

    The_Duck posted: »

    I want a Season Two, but I'm apprehensive about the idea of this game setting up Borderlands 3. Tales doesn't deserve to be just a stepping

  • And people who play just the main games have to check out Tales in order to know how the third game's events came to be? I just don't like it.

    It's more than that for people that play BL before they played TFTB, or those that play BL without TFTB. It's not only the setup of BL3 that would be missed, it's also some kind of important lore part I don't want to unveil too much that is tied to Pre-Sequel. I mean : for those interrested in the lore of course.

    The_Duck posted: »

    I want a Season Two, but I'm apprehensive about the idea of this game setting up Borderlands 3. Tales doesn't deserve to be just a stepping

  • Hopefully 100%. I would pre-order that shit right now!

    I think the Borderlands universe is perfect for this kind of adaptation. There are so many interesting characters and environments. And a really rich and flexible backstory already in place. I would love to see more Tales from the Borderlands with Fiona and Rhys threading their way through all the legends and lore.

  • Sadly, probably as much of a chance of Wolf Among Us Season 2 ;-;

  • I hear you. I really would love to play the original Borderlands games, i love the world and characters. I just cannot play first person shooters though, they give me massive migranes. Poor me :(

    Luckily there are tons of other fans out there who have taken pity on me whenever i have questions about the history.

    The_Duck posted: »

    I want a Season Two, but I'm apprehensive about the idea of this game setting up Borderlands 3. Tales doesn't deserve to be just a stepping

  • Agreed. But.......Cry kinda sucks at adventure games. I mean, he doesn't explore every option like a neurotic basement dweller, and he cuts people off mid-conversation! HE MISSES SO MANY JOKES! But yeah, he giggles like a little girl when bad things happen to Vasquez, so it balances out. ;)

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    This season isn't even finished yet, but well fuck it, THIS is my favourite TTG, it's so awesome I need more! I don't know what are the chan

  • You bastard, don't give me hope!

    I know that probably the biggest deciding factor is sales (so, buy, buy, buy - and tell your friends to, too!) and man-power (as we know Tel

  • I agree :( When he misses out someting I'm screaming internally. He missed the tie-joke too. But when he laughes it makes me laugh so hard, I swear his silly laughter has a curing power. And I love the choices he make.

    J_E_K posted: »

    Agreed. But.......Cry kinda sucks at adventure games. I mean, he doesn't explore every option like a neurotic basement dweller, and he cuts

  • I watched him because on my playthrough, I chose Jack, so I wanted to see what would happen if you went the other path.........it was worrisome, at times. Jack gets incredibly scary and makes ominous sounding remarks, Vaughn gets paralyzed (well, not TECHNICALLY "paralyzed", but.......close enough), Fiona's hat/Dumpy died, no Jack-a-pedia, and Rhack slapped himself in the face. Repeatedly....heh. Okay, that one was kinda funny! ;)

    But seriously! WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND CALLS A DELUSIONAL PSYCHOPATH A DELUSIONAL PSYCHOPATH??? Just....just play along, Cry..........just play along, or he'll kill you..........

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I agree When he misses out someting I'm screaming internally. He missed the tie-joke too. But when he laughes it makes me laugh so hard, I swear his silly laughter has a curing power. And I love the choices he make.

  • He could conceivably become the villain (or at least, Rhack could). Which would be equal parts awesome and depressing......

    Maybe Fiona but I doubt Rhys will become one

  • Heh :D Jack, yeah he's a scary fella "enjoy that body while you still have it" doesn't sound so promising. Dumpy and the Jack-a-pedia was great but I still feel like trusting Fiona was the better path to take ;) Even though Vaughn is "paralyzed" at least he doesn't seem as sad as in the Jack path (he even needed a hug, come on!), also he doesn't fuck up the thing with Sasha (but it was hilarious). God I love this game so much. One way or another Jack's gonna do something terrible.

    J_E_K posted: »

    I watched him because on my playthrough, I chose Jack, so I wanted to see what would happen if you went the other path.........it was worris

  • edited June 2015

    well it all depends on what gearbox does and says. BL3 is coming and maybe this sets up something for BL3. lets looks at the time line, as im sure you all know it though:

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    PS: has anyone played the 1st one and 2 and the prequel.. sequel?? how many characters that we've met so far are in those games? i have BL 2 but yet to play it. any details?

  • Definitely my favorite Telltale series and I would love a season 2, but I have a real bad feeling it's gonna be The Wolf Among Us all over again. Where everyone really wants it, but it won't happen. :(

  • I kinda feel like they'll finish telling the story next episode and the entire last episode takes place in the present

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    We've met a few, some who only appeared in DLC. I'll do the appearances in order.

    • Marcus (All three Borderlands games)
    • Shade (Borderlands 2 DLC: Captain Scarlet and Her Pirate's Booty)
    • Tector Hodunk (Borderlands 2)
    • Zer0 (Borderlands 2)
    • Moxxi (All three Borderlands games)
    • Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel)
    • Scooter (All three Borderlands games)
    • Athena (Borderlands 1 DLC: Secret Armory of General Knoxx and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel)
    • Janey Springs (Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel)
    • Brick (All three borderlands games)
    • Mordecai (All three borderlands games)

    There are many references to more characters (especially in some scannable objects), but those are the ones who appeared.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    well it all depends on what gearbox does and says. BL3 is coming and maybe this sets up something for BL3. lets looks at the time line, as i

  • Wasn't it said recently in a hint TWAU might be something they'll go back to? I can't remember how it was said exactly but they'd heard people's demands for more but nothing's happening presently.

    I want a season 2 so badly.. but.. I don't know why, but I have the feelings that telltale will tear my hopes and dreams apart. (Just like T

  • I think that a simple equation will explain everything.

    High sells= Lot of cash= New season.

    So as you see there's a direct connection between sold copies and new season.

  • Shade the museum creepy guy is an NPC in BL2 Captain Scarlett DLC. Most of the people in his museum are from BL1/BL2 and DLCs.

    Zer0 is a playable character in BL2.

    Moxxi is an NPC in every BL games (she's the one on the phone with Zer0).

    Scooter : NPC in BL1 and BL2.

    Jack Obviously.

    Tector Hodunk (bouncer at the purple skagg) : NPC BL2

    Athena is an NPC in BL1 General Knoxx DLC, and a playable character in TPS.

    Janey : NPC in TPS

    Brick & Mordecai : Playable characters in BL1, NPCs in BL2.

    If I forgot some I'll edit this post and add them later

    jamex1223 posted: »

    well it all depends on what gearbox does and says. BL3 is coming and maybe this sets up something for BL3. lets looks at the time line, as i

  • V.V sadly I do think sales are important, at least from what I've heard from games in the past. I've heard of titles not continuing because the sales weren't enough to carry on with one.

    But I don't believe Tales from the Borderlands will have much trouble there. The extra advantages Telltale has is that they're an indie company and aren't cashing out the crazy amounts like other bigger gaming companies do for triple AAA games. So even if the game didn't bring in as much as something like TWDG, it'd still make a profit. Them taking the extra months to work on the episodes too could imply it's because they're able to and aren't sticking a strict budget or deadline.

    I'd cheer if there was a second game on this thing, definitely.

    Sales are a factor but I don't think they're the deciding one, it's probably the deals that the Telltale and the other company make when the

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