I think he could be Marcus. Sure, he has a different accent but the mask he's wearing could change that. Also, at the beginning of every episode, Marcus tells the player what happened in the last episode of TFTB. I believe that Marcus found out about the vault of the traveller so decided to look for it and wore a mask so no one would recognise him, he then found Fiona and Rhys they tell him the story and then in the end Marcus tells the story to the player. Also Marcus would have a legendary weapon as he does sell guns. Just my thoughts
If you let her, Brick interrupts you before Athena can do anything. I would have stopped Athena, but then I heard Sasha say she'd never stop until she found the killers of her sister. I thought it would t be great loyalty to her her say that and then pronounce that I wouldn't do it for her in return.
But can't he die? In my playthrough I stopped Athena killing him, but I was under the assumption if you let her kill him... she kills him. N… moreot to mention the guy seemed pretty old and a bit on the frail side, I doubt he'd give a toss really about everything happening, I think he just wants to be left on his own.
The mystery really does thicken, doesn't it? With only 2 episodes to go, and I havn't a clue what is going to happen, who the stranger is, a… morend what has gone massively wrong since the end of Rhys's and Fiona's adventure. If I had to give a guess though who the stranger was at this point, I'd probably say... Timothy, Jack's body double from the Pre-Sequel. In all seriousness, I cannot think for the life of me of anyone we've met in Tales who could be the stranger. But I would assume that the stranger must have been met in his/her real identity by now, unless they pull a Wedding of River Song, and have the actual person only appear in episode 4.
It's also interesting thing about the time frame of all of it. It's unclear how many months it has been since the flashbacks, and also episode 3 confirming that Athena's narrating of The Pre-Sequel presumably roughly happens during episode 4. Not to mention the fact that in all the "present day" shots… [view original content]
Ha, I've been wondering about Helios as well, I've actually payed special attention to the part in ep.3 where Rhys looks at the sky and sees… more the hole in the rock, and there's no moon or space station visible then. Idk about the other 'modern' segments, but I don't think we see Helios in the sky at any time during those... Hmm... do we somehow cause Helios to fall on Pandora, maybe..?
The main problem I see with Timothy is that he's not necessarily known to people who haven't played TPS. Since TFTB is technically a standalone game, it should be someone they can recognize, especially considering Fiona's latest comments ('you either know us or need us', or the like). But then again, TFTB players didn't know Zer0, Moxxi, Janey, Scooter or Athena either, and they played a part...
Well I just re-did it today fast (that is : on normal mode with my lvl 70 Zer0) and well I'm disapointed because it's not what I thought it … morewould be...
The message says "0ne" and nothing else. We don't know if it's the name of the guy or a tally or a code or something else...
And Zer0 doesn't seem to understand what it is supposed to mean ("Well, that's irritatingly cryptic." he says to himself, not even speaking in Haikus like as usual).
Even though, if it works like the other VHs, there's supposed to be supposed to be someone killing the assassins beforehand, I'm not sure we can say this is a guy called 0ne ?
ALSO (!?) in this DLC it's not the usual voice actor for Zer0 !!!
But as each episode happens that grows less and less likely - you'd think there'd be some type of foreshadowing by now, - at the very least they'd acknowledge the fact that Jack had body doubles for those unfamiliar with the franchise.
Lol naw don't worry ! It's all good, it just is right now I'm not sure the 0ne thing is about the name of the character, but hey you could still be right you know !
Well the real disapointment though was it seemed to me it's not the same voice actor anymore.
The only proof you had for Athena was the Stranger's knowledge of the dome...However it's quite obvious that The Stranger was either hired or knew of everything. That doesn't mean it was Athena since that could mean anyone.
Why you presume Zer0 is working for One, from some long frogotten DLC, if we saw him in episode 1 taking orders from Moxxi? It's clear Zer0 is working for Moxxi in Tales from the Borderlands
So far, of all I've heard, the only one that seems plausible to me is the theory described by DaveTheArakin above : the guy talking to Zer0 … morein Crawmerax mini DLC for BL2.
EDIT : Well I doubled checked (see above) and I'm not so sure anymore about the 0ne theory...
The only proof you had for Athena was the Stranger's knowledge of the dome...However it's quite obvious that The Stranger was either hired or knew of everything. That doesn't mean it was Athena since that could mean anyone.
Why you presume Zer0 is working for One, from some long frogotten DLC, if we saw him in episode 1 taking orders from Moxxi? It's clear Zer0 is working for Moxxi in Tales from the Borderlands
right??? but i dont think its him xD unless there is a huge timeskip between those flashbacks and the present, where vaughn grew taller and fuller... but it would be a huge WTF moment... lol
The second side quest of Sir Hammerlock vs. The Son of Crawmerax. And it is totally different in each Vault Hunter's case. I just mentioned Zer0, because the one who aided him is the most mysterious.
Well I just re-did it today fast (that is : on normal mode with my lvl 70 Zer0) and well I'm disapointed because it's not what I thought it … morewould be...
The message says "0ne" and nothing else. We don't know if it's the name of the guy or a tally or a code or something else...
And Zer0 doesn't seem to understand what it is supposed to mean ("Well, that's irritatingly cryptic." he says to himself, not even speaking in Haikus like as usual).
Even though, if it works like the other VHs, there's supposed to be supposed to be someone killing the assassins beforehand, I'm not sure we can say this is a guy called 0ne ?
ALSO (!?) in this DLC it's not the usual voice actor for Zer0 !!!
timothy? but... playing as hm in TPS i dont think he's the type to wait and listen tp fiona and rhys lol... plus if you play as him to get to know him and how he talks or attitude... the stranger is pretty chill and firm. only speaks few words.. i dont think timothy is that kind of guy, BUT if he really is, then what he wants with R&F.. and how he knew about gortys? too many questions regarding timothy. i believe the vaughn theory more.
The mystery really does thicken, doesn't it? With only 2 episodes to go, and I havn't a clue what is going to happen, who the stranger is, a… morend what has gone massively wrong since the end of Rhys's and Fiona's adventure. If I had to give a guess though who the stranger was at this point, I'd probably say... Timothy, Jack's body double from the Pre-Sequel. In all seriousness, I cannot think for the life of me of anyone we've met in Tales who could be the stranger. But I would assume that the stranger must have been met in his/her real identity by now, unless they pull a Wedding of River Song, and have the actual person only appear in episode 4.
It's also interesting thing about the time frame of all of it. It's unclear how many months it has been since the flashbacks, and also episode 3 confirming that Athena's narrating of The Pre-Sequel presumably roughly happens during episode 4. Not to mention the fact that in all the "present day" shots… [view original content]
nooo dont say janey lol... what you think of her? i hope i dont see her in tales anytime soon. yeah, regarding timothy, i dont see him playing well in tales. we already have jack, having his body double will be confusing to people who did not play TPS lol... although i liked playing as him, but i reallly dont find him fitting well with the tales cast. because they already have jack.. one is enough... lol
plus regarding helios i really like TPS locations, unlike others. i like spacy things... more than BL2 if you believe but its just a personal preference anyway.. bu i hope we spend the whole episode or at least the second half of it in helios or hyperian. it will make things different not that different if you know what i mean lol and i HOPE that yvette doesnt sell us out. she seems sketchy in past 2 episodes... mainly because vasquez magically appears after rhys ended his phone call with her. and she looks nervous like someone is watching her.. so thats interesting!
Ha, I've been wondering about Helios as well, I've actually payed special attention to the part in ep.3 where Rhys looks at the sky and sees… more the hole in the rock, and there's no moon or space station visible then. Idk about the other 'modern' segments, but I don't think we see Helios in the sky at any time during those... Hmm... do we somehow cause Helios to fall on Pandora, maybe..?
The main problem I see with Timothy is that he's not necessarily known to people who haven't played TPS. Since TFTB is technically a standalone game, it should be someone they can recognize, especially considering Fiona's latest comments ('you either know us or need us', or the like). But then again, TFTB players didn't know Zer0, Moxxi, Janey, Scooter or Athena either, and they played a part...
dont you think that seeing one jack is enough? lol ... i love playing as timothy! but i cant see him fitting with the tales cast.. i love playing as him but in tales? idk...
I genuinely want it to be Timothy!
But as each episode happens that grows less and less likely - you'd think there'd be some type of fore… moreshadowing by now, - at the very least they'd acknowledge the fact that Jack had body doubles for those unfamiliar with the franchise.
actually the stranger DO have a hunch = he mentioned the dome. and fiona did not mention this information.. so HE WAS there with them. judging by the legendary i think its athena. dont ask why, but i really think that there is a chance its her. because the stranger does not know about gortys, JUST the dome part.. so thats interesting. found it weird that fiona did not catch on this, since she's the con artist
I doubt it's Vaughn : He was there with them, the guy doesnt have a hunch, and he's taller than vaughn. I think it's the Atlas scientist, he… more knew about the dome. He knew about the Gortys project. He knows loader bots. But theres some evidence against this too. Height, no hunch, legendary weapon.
moxxi is the tyype of character to pay someone off to do her dirty job for her.. i doubt she would drag rhys around the desert and listen to fiona and rhys bickering.. she'd rather offer someone something instead of her actually doing the work lol
There is no point stranger being Zer0:
a) Zer0 is already masked. Where is the point of another secret identity for unknown person?
b)… more Zer0 is actually just a pawn. He is hired by Moxxi.
When episode 1 was released, on another thread I've stated my theory that stranger is Moxxi, or new character not yet introduced.
At this point I think that new character is may be already introduced - Vallory.
if this happends then it will take away from the story.. i wont be as surprised because i know it might not be * cannon * in overall storyy.. idk.. i hope its the same for everyone..
Well. personally I'm a Hyperion loyalist, so I do hope nothing bad happens to our awesome space station. Shifty Yvette in ep.2 might have been a red herring, I wouldn't mind that since I rather like her.
I also actually don't mind Janey. I have to admit I played through BL2 and TPS paying very little attention to the plot, and often had to consult the menu to check what my next mission was, simply because I didn't listen to whoever was assigning me that quest at the time... I only ever listened attentively to Handsome Jack's logs and messages, since those were so damn hilarious... :P
But overall - good job Telltale, we still have no real idea who the Stranger could be.
nooo dont say janey lol... what you think of her? i hope i dont see her in tales anytime soon. yeah, regarding timothy, i dont see him playi… moreng well in tales. we already have jack, having his body double will be confusing to people who did not play TPS lol... although i liked playing as him, but i reallly dont find him fitting well with the tales cast. because they already have jack.. one is enough... lol
plus regarding helios i really like TPS locations, unlike others. i like spacy things... more than BL2 if you believe but its just a personal preference anyway.. bu i hope we spend the whole episode or at least the second half of it in helios or hyperian. it will make things different not that different if you know what i mean lol and i HOPE that yvette doesnt sell us out. she seems sketchy in past 2 episodes... mainly because vasquez magically appears after rhys ended his phone call with her. and she looks nervous like someone is watching her.. so thats interesting!
i played TPS to completion.. and trust me, janey quests were a pain. mostly fetching stuff and running around from one map to another. plus on top of that she's not my cup of tea, she's basically a scooter replacement on the moon. and she was not memorable.. its not that i hate her, bbut my favourite character is athena, and well.. we know what goes in the end. i find her OK. but please dont give her any missions to give me xD ...
I LOVE HYPERION! especially in TPS where we see the former bosses, gave me a cyberpunk feel. especially the lady with the cat xD she looked scarry! hoped we see more of that character design that immediately gave character depth without them being aroound us! and not like janey. lol i can be harsh on her but inly because she is pretty much linked with my favourite plus let athena be a vault hunter if she wants to! sheeeeshhh
Well. personally I'm a Hyperion loyalist, so I do hope nothing bad happens to our awesome space station. Shifty Yvette in ep.2 might have be… moreen a red herring, I wouldn't mind that since I rather like her.
I also actually don't mind Janey. I have to admit I played through BL2 and TPS paying very little attention to the plot, and often had to consult the menu to check what my next mission was, simply because I didn't listen to whoever was assigning me that quest at the time... I only ever listened attentively to Handsome Jack's logs and messages, since those were so damn hilarious... :P
But overall - good job Telltale, we still have no real idea who the Stranger could be.
I think he could be Marcus. Sure, he has a different accent but the mask he's wearing could change that. Also, at the beginning of every episode, Marcus tells the player what happened in the last episode of TFTB. I believe that Marcus found out about the vault of the traveller so decided to look for it and wore a mask so no one would recognise him, he then found Fiona and Rhys they tell him the story and then in the end Marcus tells the story to the player. Also Marcus would have a legendary weapon as he does sell guns. Just my thoughts
Nobody found anything about the "plate" he has on his shoulder ?
MES-102 (or is it 201-SEW
What if it's Grease face? x)
Nah, definitely the bandit that comes out the porta potty
Damn I should have known it xD It it random guy 999. But enough joking, it could be Vaughn or maybe someone we haven't even met?
I said earlier that he could be Marcus.
If it turns out to be Vaughn, I'm gonna scream.
If you let her, Brick interrupts you before Athena can do anything. I would have stopped Athena, but then I heard Sasha say she'd never stop until she found the killers of her sister. I thought it would t be great loyalty to her her say that and then pronounce that I wouldn't do it for her in return.
He might be, it'd make sense... but I have a feeling it's not him.
We see Helios in one of the first shots of the game:
I actually think it would be doubly shocking for players unfamiliar to TPS because they would be seeing a familiar face - Jack's!
I was half kidding with Timothy, purely because I really have no idea who the stranger could possibly be.
Sorry for disappointing you.
I genuinely want it to be Timothy!
But as each episode happens that grows less and less likely - you'd think there'd be some type of foreshadowing by now, - at the very least they'd acknowledge the fact that Jack had body doubles for those unfamiliar with the franchise.
Oooh, that's actually a big relief for me, haha. :P
Bad and not obvious joke...Mostly because there are people who do that.
Lol naw don't worry
! It's all good, it just is right now I'm not sure the 0ne thing is about the name of the character, but hey you could still be right you know
Well the real disapointment though was it seemed to me it's not the same voice actor anymore.
The only proof you had for Athena was the Stranger's knowledge of the dome...However it's quite obvious that The Stranger was either hired or knew of everything. That doesn't mean it was Athena since that could mean anyone.
In ep 1, if as Fiona we choose the "choke on it" choice as Felix opens the case, do we actually really see him die ?
Maybe his/her ultimate identity depends on the choices you make in the story.
Why you presume Zer0 is working for One, from some long frogotten DLC, if we saw him in episode 1 taking orders from Moxxi? It's clear Zer0 is working for Moxxi in Tales from the Borderlands
Remember General Pollux ? He "only" lost his eyes, for what it's worth it could be him, and this guy definitely know about the dome
Hell, it could be anyone. I'm saying it's Buttstallion!
Pretty interesting concept! But I'm not sure if it could work but I do like this idea.
Actually I don't, someone else above it did, you see that with him...
right??? but i dont think its him xD unless there is a huge timeskip between those flashbacks and the present, where vaughn grew taller and fuller... but it would be a huge WTF moment... lol
i'll make sure to re-check that out lol xD
THANK YOU for telling me .. no i guess i'll play that laterr
timothy? but... playing as hm in TPS i dont think he's the type to wait and listen tp fiona and rhys lol... plus if you play as him to get to know him and how he talks or attitude... the stranger is pretty chill and firm. only speaks few words.. i dont think timothy is that kind of guy, BUT if he really is, then what he wants with R&F.. and how he knew about gortys? too many questions regarding timothy. i believe the vaughn theory more.
nooo dont say janey lol... what you think of her? i hope i dont see her in tales anytime soon. yeah, regarding timothy, i dont see him playing well in tales. we already have jack, having his body double will be confusing to people who did not play TPS lol... although i liked playing as him, but i reallly dont find him fitting well with the tales cast. because they already have jack.. one is enough... lol
plus regarding helios i really like TPS locations, unlike others. i like spacy things... more than BL2 if you believe
but its just a personal preference anyway.. bu i hope we spend the whole episode or at least the second half of it in helios or hyperian. it will make things different not that different if you know what i mean lol
and i HOPE that yvette doesnt sell us out. she seems sketchy in past 2 episodes... mainly because vasquez magically appears after rhys ended his phone call with her. and she looks nervous like someone is watching her.. so thats interesting! 
dont you think that seeing one jack is enough? lol ... i love playing as timothy! but i cant see him fitting with the tales cast.. i love playing as him but in tales? idk...
Unless he has super powers that allows him to stay alive from getting shot and blown up.
actually the stranger DO have a hunch = he mentioned the dome. and fiona did not mention this information.. so HE WAS there with them. judging by the legendary i think its athena. dont ask why, but i really think that there is a chance its her. because the stranger does not know about gortys, JUST the dome part.. so thats interesting. found it weird that fiona did not catch on this, since she's the con artist
moxxi is the tyype of character to pay someone off to do her dirty job for her.. i doubt she would drag rhys around the desert and listen to fiona and rhys bickering.. she'd rather offer someone something instead of her actually doing the work lol
I LOVE AXTON! he's my boy.. i've missed him! hope we see him
you think it mean something? i will research this, hope you aint trolling me ha xD
yeah i chose that too. i remember seeing him blown up dude lol
if this happends then it will take away from the story.. i wont be as surprised because i know it might not be * cannon * in overall storyy.. idk.. i hope its the same for everyone..
Well. personally I'm a Hyperion loyalist, so I do hope nothing bad happens to our awesome space station. Shifty Yvette in ep.2 might have been a red herring, I wouldn't mind that since I rather like her.
I also actually don't mind Janey. I have to admit I played through BL2 and TPS paying very little attention to the plot, and often had to consult the menu to check what my next mission was, simply because I didn't listen to whoever was assigning me that quest at the time... I only ever listened attentively to Handsome Jack's logs and messages, since those were so damn hilarious... :P
But overall - good job Telltale, we still have no real idea who the Stranger could be.
i played TPS to completion.. and trust me, janey quests were a pain. mostly fetching stuff and running around from one map to another. plus on top of that she's not my cup of tea, she's basically a scooter replacement on the moon. and she was not memorable.. its not that i hate her, bbut my favourite character is athena, and well.. we know what goes in the end. i find her OK. but please dont give her any missions to give me xD ...
I LOVE HYPERION! especially in TPS where we see the former bosses, gave me a cyberpunk feel. especially the lady with the cat xD she looked scarry! hoped we see more of that character design that immediately gave character depth without them being aroound us! and not like janey. lol i can be harsh on her but inly because she is pretty much linked with my favourite
plus let athena be a vault hunter if she wants to! sheeeeshhh