Still cute I wonder how the next intro is going to start so far all of the intro's are awesome.C=
Ep2 is still my favorite intro but not… morehing can top Fiona thrown Rhys boot in his face so adorable just F### kiss already for the love of Rhyiona and wisemanwolfGODthing.|=<
Here is the link. Just copy and paste it, or click it. You should find my drawing. If not. Fail. lol
Still cute I wonder how the next intro is going to start so far all of the intro's are awesome.C=
Ep2 is still my favorite intro but not… morehing can top Fiona thrown Rhys boot in his face so adorable just F### kiss already for the love of Rhyiona and wisemanwolfGODthing.|=<
I suppose this question was asked ages before, but how old is Rhys? In your canon, of course. 'Cause we know Fiona's age 29 with help of Rhys' cybernethics, but what about Rhys himself?
Yes =D we got some good stuff going on here I love you guy's I just want to give you guy's hugs what am I say of course we have good stuff here nothing can beat the power of Rhyiona.C=
Hi! So I'm still kinda having that stupid art block but instead of rolling in self pity I decided to forget all of those big drawing project… mores for a while and just doodle some silly stuff. And then I had an idea. An Interactive comic. Jay!
Edit: Voting is over. Thank you in anticipation so far!
Still cute I wonder how the next intro is going to start so far all of the intro's are awesome.C=
Ep2 is still my favorite intro but not… morehing can top Fiona thrown Rhys boot in his face so adorable just F### kiss already for the love of Rhyiona and wisemanwolfGODthing.|=<
When Fiona pulls the hair too hard and it turns out it's a wig
I don't know who mentioned it but I'd love it if they used "Crazy" as an intro song. It's so good.
"nice beard" - Kenny
What if telltale sees my Rhyiona Google Drive Drawing?
My tablet crashes when I try to click it... maybe upload it on imgur and post it here?
In Ep 4 could be travel to Helios as opening.
He got hair implants from Vasquez. ;__;
27 or 28, because Vaughn confirmed they were juniors in college together, and considering Vaughn is 27 that would mean Rhys is 27 as well or maybe 28
Vaughn is gonna be jealous. </3
dats life
now do ur homework
Return of Rhyiona rocketship anyone?
I mean, that's a pretty top tier name let's be honest here.
poor Vaughn, he just wants senpai to notice him.
Yes =D we got some good stuff going on here I love you guy's I just want to give you guy's hugs what am I say of course we have good stuff here nothing can beat the power of Rhyiona.C=
I vote for #1 too ducky, but maybe I'm too late?
The wisemanwolfGODthing has spoken.C:
Senpai will only notice Vaughn if he dies now.
You know the first one still had the boot right? ;3
It says the author of document should accept my request.
Hey, Pipas specifically asked for a [Trust Fiona] one so at least now I'm completely sure this is what he wanted. ;P
Here's the winged cheetah for @TheWingedcheetah
And so far avery opening have been different from one another. Well they're all filmed in vehicles but the setting has different.
Ep 4 rocket ship to helios maybe?
yes, and then they can be together forever in the afterlife
OMG. Thank you so much Crips!
What wisemanwolfGODthing said he always delivers and I appreciate that he is awesome like that when you know he is BRO , BRO!!!!!!! C=
wtf celtic you're wishing vaughn's death?!
oh well
For Vausquez
Maybe, It could work.
Try it out, then.
Imgur is great.
what no :O I don't want Vaughn to die, he's Rhys' bro
and yet, I want him to be with Vasquez making him uncomfortable with his abs
Don't worry Wolf I always got your back C= .