Whenever I feel like it PSA: Remember, if you're a lurker it's never too late to join us. We love to have anyone who's willing to come and spread their love for Rhyiona.
This isn`t really Rhyiona, and not even RJack, buuut... Yup. Yesterday this one was just a sketch. Jusk like second Rhyiona art. First day - sketch. Second day - completed work. But... Yeah. That was extreme. Just after second Rhyiona, next day - BooOuuum! XD Sometimes it happens... I make those pictures very fast, when i have some motivation, even if i planned only one for TFTB - the first Rhyiona art. In the moments like that i can not even see what happening around me! Even if it will be war, i will do not see it! XDDD It is just like a hypnose! I see a picture in my head, and the more I realize it in the picture, the more it melts in my imagination and in the eyes, it is becoming more transparent and fuzzy. Sometimes i can not stop, and telling to myself, when i get another idea: Okay, one more. This one will be last! No, no! THIS ONE REALLY WILL BE NEXT! No, last! LAST! Nooooo, it will be neeeext, oooh yeeeaaah baby you can dooo it for ONE daaaaay, youuu caaan. But no, enough! This one - last! And... omg i need to draw what i see in my head agaaaain!". hahahah
aw i'm glad you like it uvu just be careful not to drool on fiona's shoulder.........
They are too cute together so I had to make something
You're free to rule.
I smell love in the air
It's super cute
Telltale do you see this? Good MAKE THIS HAPPEN!
soon we're gonna have ten boats! kenny is gonna like this shit even more.
Thank you so much for doing this!! ;---; Oh god I can't..waht is thsi..hhk..
Oh, right xD
He had Fiona very surprised when he took good care with the babies :P
Now I wanna write a story like this.
That's because they're glowing perfection when they're together
(thanks btw)
Does this mean more Rhyiona story time? :0
no, thank YOU for appreciating!! you guys are the reason i feel it's worth the effort
Hia there!
This is so beautiful
Very beautiful
thank you!! it makes me happy that you find it so
Thank you (:
Sorry but the Queen of Hell is here, Wolf has given me full rights ;3
another masterpiece from @bembiann! damn, this gurl works fast.
May I join this Rhyiona family?
Well, we're already married
Woah, this is basically FLAWLESS. :O
Tein sen sinulle
It was a while ago since I last drew something, so this was refreshing for me :^)
Wow she IS FAST!
hey maan welcome to the zoo
damn........ that handsome jack is handsome
is bembiann some kind of deity tho, it would take me like 30000000 years to draw a slightly detailed eye that looks a bit realistic lmao
This isn`t really Rhyiona, and not even RJack, buuut... Yup. Yesterday this one was just a sketch. Jusk like second Rhyiona art. First day - sketch. Second day - completed work. But... Yeah. That was extreme. Just after second Rhyiona, next day - BooOuuum! XD Sometimes it happens... I make those pictures very fast, when i have some motivation, even if i planned only one for TFTB - the first Rhyiona art. In the moments like that i can not even see what happening around me! Even if it will be war, i will do not see it! XDDD It is just like a hypnose! I see a picture in my head, and the more I realize it in the picture, the more it melts in my imagination and in the eyes, it is becoming more transparent and fuzzy. Sometimes i can not stop, and telling to myself, when i get another idea: Okay, one more. This one will be last! No, no! THIS ONE REALLY WILL BE NEXT! No, last! LAST! Nooooo, it will be neeeext, oooh yeeeaaah baby you can dooo it for ONE daaaaay, youuu caaan. But no, enough! This one - last! And... omg i need to draw what i see in my head agaaaain!". hahahah
Trying to fluctuate myself here but beautiful this is still the best word!
Oh hybbyy!

I hate to nitpick when it comes to grammar (because my grammar sucks lol) but....
it's "Tein sen sinulle" ;D