Best episode

I know this is early but ... What is your fav episode? (From best to worst)
I enjoyed every episode more than walking dead and end of episode 3 was sadder than all of twd s2.
My order: ep3, ep1, ep2
I thought 2 was ok but it was a filler episode imo. 3 best character development and choices and ep1 was unpredictable, like borderlands should be.



  • 3, 2, 1 or 3, 1, 2.

    3 is just my favorite so far, the other two are pretty equal to each other so far.

  • I'd say my favorite Episode was the first episode. I liked seeing how Rhys and Vaughn had trouble adapting to the oddities of Pandora, and the action scene with LoaderBot was pretty hilarious as well.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'd say it's either 3, 1, 2 or 1, 3, 2 I can't decide they're all so good.

  • 3-1-2 maybe. however i dont consider any of these episodes weaker. they all strong and deserve a globlen award for the comedy and writing. i realy enjoy all the episodes so hard to pick one. best telltale work so far. 10/10

  • 2-3-1. I'm insane, apparently.

  • Honestly? I don't know. I love them all.

  • Same here.

    Piggs posted: »

    2-3-1. I'm insane, apparently.

  • seconded, agreed, upvoted, replied

    I'd say my favorite Episode was the first episode. I liked seeing how Rhys and Vaughn had trouble adapting to the oddities of Pandora, and the action scene with LoaderBot was pretty hilarious as well.

  • Probably 3>1=2. 1 was a bit funnier than 2 imo, but 2 had that amazing intro. With that beeing said all of them are great, but 3 just edges 1 and 2 for me.

  • 3-1-2

    2 tried a little too hard.

  • What do you mean by tried too hard?(sorry if this sounds rude, i was just wondering)

    JackMarco posted: »

    3-1-2 2 tried a little too hard.

  • I agree 2 had best intro out of all episodes

    Probably 3>1=2. 1 was a bit funnier than 2 imo, but 2 had that amazing intro. With that beeing said all of them are great, but 3 just edges 1 and 2 for me.

  • Just wondering, why would you say 2 is thr best? I thought the action scenes in 2 were great.

    Piggs posted: »

    2-3-1. I'm insane, apparently.

  • Anyone feel that the action sequence at beginning of 3 was too overwhelming. Worst action scene imo but still not bad. I loved the action at the end of 3

    1. Zer0 Sum
    2. Catch a Ride
    3. Atlas Mugged
  • 3, 2, 1. Though it's very close between the 2nd and the 1st.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited June 2015

    I love the action sequence at the beginning of episode 3, purely because it is complete and utter chaos. Drones flying all over and shooting everywhere, goons dying left and right, goons and drones alike getting flung around the room by Loader Bot, drones crashing into people, gunfire all over the place, people running around and scrambling for cover, and so forth. It's exactly what I wanted and expected out of that scene since the episode 2 cliffhanger.

    Anyone feel that the action sequence at beginning of 3 was too overwhelming. Worst action scene imo but still not bad. I loved the action at the end of 3

  • I'd say 2-3-1, but my opinion can change based on my mood. For now I'm sticking with this, because reasons.

    Ep2 had insanely awesome intro, which is by far my favourite. Also dialogues with HJ, chance to brofist Loader Bot, interesting choice Old Heaven / Hollow Point with really different outcomes, return of hubs and the entire entourage of the Galatarium complete with the best soundtrack and tension and fear of losing your friends. I could go on and on about what I liked in that episode, it just plain awesome. Even the trailer for it was cool.

    Ep3 was great, for me mainly because of Gortys, vending machine with the clothes (I love those in Borderlands 2 and change my outfit every now and then) and Athena's school of badassery for Fiona.

    Ep1 was also great, our beloved characters were introduced here, but I've played it so many times by now that it kinda lost its charm for me.

  • I can't rank them, as I feel that whichever episode I mention last will make it seem inferior to the other two. But that isn't the case.

    I'd say every episode has been a fantastic fun-packed joyride thus far. But, if I did have to pick my favorite episode so far? I guess it'd have to be Ep3 by a slim margin.

    The chemistry between the pairings was most notable in Ep3. Gortys/Loader Bot, Rhys/Sasha and Fiona/Athena were all magic, and the introduction of Vallory as the main antagonist was refreshing.

  • edited June 2015

    They were trying too hard with the "wittiness" in my opinion. Too many awkward pauses and stupid moments that were supposed to be funny like the scene when Vasquez can´t figure out how his gun works or the first interaction with Jack. The puzzle wasn´t fun and the scene in Hollow point was boring except for the Athena/Janey part. The cliffhanger also seemed a little clumsy to me. Not really a properly crafted cliffhanger ending like in Episode 3 but rather just a cut to black before the payoff.

    It almost felt like there wasn´t a real structure to it, like they only had some story points they needed for future episodes but had to write some fillerish stuff around it. The intro was nice though.

    What do you mean by tried too hard?(sorry if this sounds rude, i was just wondering)

  • Which one do you mean, the one with Jack or the one with Fiona? I really loved the Jack one but disliked the Fiona one.

    Anyone feel that the action sequence at beginning of 3 was too overwhelming. Worst action scene imo but still not bad. I loved the action at the end of 3

  • I'm also going to break the system, and say all.

    There isn't one that stands out. All the episodes were pure gold from the beginning to the end for me. 10/10 would play (And will play) again.

  • 2>1>3
    played ep2 like 6 times, love it

  • Episode 1 and 3 are tied for me but I legit hated Episode 2 tbh

  • why? just curious :)

    Episode 1 and 3 are tied for me but I legit hated Episode 2 tbh

  • I just found it really boring, the only part I liked was the musical intro. When I first watched a playthrough of it (since I couldn't play it myself when it launched) I just shrugged and gave it a 8/10 but a couple weeks later when I played it for myself I had to take a break in between and just finish the rest of the episode the next day because I was getting bored. Imo of course

    Kruzii posted: »

    why? just curious

  • 1

  • The action scenes, the intro, Handsome Jack's lines, the wonderfully done characterization of Vasquez and August, the buildup to/execution of the ending... I dunno. I loved 2 and 3 almost equally, really. For whatever reason, I didn't like 1 as much. Not exactly sure why.

    Just wondering, why would you say 2 is thr best? I thought the action scenes in 2 were great.

  • My favourite is Ep3 so far. It had a lot of actions.

  • I know it may be cliché to say this lol, but I think the game just keeps getting better each episode. Each episode is awesome and definitely the best series telltale has done.

    My scores would go something like this:

    Catch A Ride: 9.75/10 (I would easily give this a 10, but I want to save room for the other episodes to over take it :P)

    Atlas Mugged: 9.5/10

    Zer0 Sum: 9/10

  • I'm probably the only person who feels this way, but I felt the trust jack action scene was a overwhelming mess of QTE's. They just didn't feel fun like the QTE's in the rest of the episode.

    Anyone feel that the action sequence at beginning of 3 was too overwhelming. Worst action scene imo but still not bad. I loved the action at the end of 3

  • edited June 2015

    Catch A Ride - 10/10 - SOOOOO GOOD!

    Zero Sum - 9.75/10 - Best first Episode of a Telltale Game I've ever played!

    Atlas Mugged - 8.5/10 - Despite some underwhelming action scenes, and some pacing issues it's a great second episode.

  • All of them, I love all of them ;.;

  • Does anyone else hate playing through the beginning of ep2? I dont kniw why but i dislike getting the eye?

  • It's 2>1>3 for me Episode 3 is the only one where the middle kinda dragged.

  • Yeah, ep2 was kinda boring

  • Why would you say 2>1>3? Wasn't Episode 3 more interesting to you?

    Pyro-Toxin posted: »

    It's 2>1>3 for me Episode 3 is the only one where the middle kinda dragged.

  • Episode 2 is first for me, because of it's intro. Oh my god, it was so good.
    The second place is a tie for both Episode 1 and 3.

  • I dont know why but i have noticed that tftb fans prefer action and speech and many people disliked the middle of ep3 which a hub. I really enjoyed having a hub like this and wanted to speak more to athena and fiona.

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