Telltale, make Rhyiona and Rhysha

They are both the 2 most popular ships, dont just force players into 1, let people choose and let them be with who they want
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They are both the 2 most popular ships, dont just force players into 1, let people choose and let them be with who they want
yes pls
I will take one for the team and sell my soul to Satan for this.
I must sacrifice to make everyone happy.
Farewell, my friends. It has been good.
Can I fight that jackass again? Please? It'll be funny to see him destroy his office again after I show up with millions of dead demon guards behind me.
Well, I mean, it's worth a shot...
Alright. Afterwards I'll trek down to Hell again and fight Satan's mooks, again. Bastard's been refusng to fight me one on one after I trashed his Italian suit.
Wow, what an absolute sore loser. Satan's going down.
He's like "I'M ULTIMATE EVIL HUEHUEHUHUHAAAAABAAAARAAALAAAHAAA", and all it takes to defeat him is a Tommy Gun, a Wild West revolver, fists and sitting on his face when he goes down.
Kick him while he's down!
Or maybe... don't, he might go easy on my soul.
Rhysha is the only thing necessary.
I made him promise. He will hopefully not need his wisdom teeth for a few millenia.
Alright, good, I can rest easy now.
All of the hope of the sailors on the battleship S.S Rhyiona go with you. Good luck, Bigby.
Aye, my friend, may the tides be with you too.
I also think they should add an option where you don't romance either. Like if I had to choose, I'd pick Rhyiona but otherwise I kinda don't want either. I personally don't like Sasha as a person, and I see Rhys' and Fiona's relationship developing more as good friends than a love relationship.
I agree, players should have the option of who they want to pursue, if they want to pursue anyone at all.
Rhyiona ftw
I agree with this so much. Pretty much whoever isn't into the shipping can just be bros with Vaughn forever. XD
It seems we need Tenacious D to help us here...
Yes please!
stands on top of his ship, a foot resting on a barrel lying sideways as he takes a puff of his cigar with a mischievous grin
sails into dusk with the flag of rhysha waving in the wind
My ship is absolute.
I'm sorry but romancing another PC is just weird and forced.
My sides. My freaking sides.
I love you.
I don't know. I like both ships but...dammit, Rhys and Sasha were adorable this episode, just leave them beee.
There must be a sacrifice!
But your stories on Rhys and Fiona are fabulous! ;_; how are we going to cope without you!?
Telltale can fill in for me if I just do this.
I mean, how bad can hell be anyway?
Lakes, frozen lakes everywhere.