Another inbetween study breaks drawing! Some mother daughter moment! Inspired by @nohuhhuh 's comic
It'll be a while till I start doing digital drawings again...
I'm going to write a fanfic were Rhys and Fiona fall out of the carrivan instead. I don't know if anyone has written a fanfic of that already but I'm going to for it. lol I hope you all like it. It may take awhile. (I'm awake now)
I'm going to write a fanfic were Rhys and Fiona fall out of the carrivan instead. I don't know if anyone has written a fanfic of that already but I'm going to for it. lol I hope you all like it. It may take awhile. (I'm awake now)
I'm going to write a fanfic were Rhys and Fiona fall out of the carrivan instead. I don't know if anyone has written a fanfic of that already but I'm going to for it. lol I hope you all like it. It may take awhile. (I'm awake now)
**Falling out of the Carrivan**
Fiona saw Vaughn and Rhys fly out of the back of the carrivan. Noo! She can't let Rhys fall out. She reached her hand out to him with the other holding onto the carrivan. Rhys reached out and they managed to grab hands. Fiona yells to him, with an idea in her head. "Rhys! Swing Vaughn to the carrivan, tell him to try to reach it and get back on!" Rhys nodded and told Vaughn the plan, with that he swung Vaughn over to the carrivan were Vaughn got a hold of it and climbed on. Fiona struggled to hold onto the carrivan. She could hear her sister, Sasha's voice from the front of the carrivan, " Hurry up! There is a huge bump ahead!" Before Fiona could help Rhys a bump knocked her and Rhys out of the carrivan.
They were left tumbling out and hit the ground hard. She heard Rhys moan in pain. She suddenly put her hand on her head. Her hat was not there! Where could it be? Fiona looked up and saw Rhys pick her hat up and put it on. "How do I look?" He laughed teasingly. Fiona got up and talked towards him, reaching for her hat. "Rhys, give me my hat back." Rhys did not give in so she daringly kissed him. She felt Rhys put her hat on her own head. Maybe this would not be so bad.
I'm going to write a fanfic were Rhys and Fiona fall out of the carrivan instead. I don't know if anyone has written a fanfic of that already but I'm going to for it. lol I hope you all like it. It may take awhile. (I'm awake now)
Ok so I posted it, sorry that it is so short. I thought it would be much longer. I'm not that good of a writer. And It's in red letters so I don't know If you can see it. I still have it written on paper. I just don't think this website likes me.
I'm going to write a fanfic were Rhys and Fiona fall out of the carrivan instead. I don't know if anyone has written a fanfic of that already but I'm going to for it. lol I hope you all like it. It may take awhile. (I'm awake now)
In the first walkthrough trusting Jack I bought her black steampunk outfit ('cause he likes hats, u know ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) ).
In the second wal… morekthrough trusting Fiona I bought her white-orange-green outfit without hat ('cause Rhys said it made her head big).
And I prefer second one even if canon Fiona without our control bought a hat.
Another inbetween study breaks drawing! Some mother daughter moment! Inspired by @nohuhhuh 's comic
It'll be a while till I start doing digital drawings again...
Well I was outside until a storm started , so I'll be on this thread 'till I go to sleep.Anyway my amazing Rhyiona shippers , what'cha doing?
That moment when you've played the games. They were nice actually X3
We're... talking about Dora.
In the Rhyiona thread.
Yeah well that little girl has schizophrenia , she keeps talking to herself.
I actually played one called Diego Safari Rescue on playstation.
It wasn't that bad, at all.
She... needs help.
Aww I luv it!
I'm going to write a fanfic were Rhys and Fiona fall out of the carrivan instead. I don't know if anyone has written a fanfic of that already but I'm going to for it. lol I hope you all like it. It may take awhile. (I'm awake now)
True. I hate Dora so much...
Yeah! The games were good. I never even watched the show (wasn't broadcasted where I live).
I'm glad you do! ^^
Good luck!
good morinig

sounds like a good idea
Memorable Movie Remake to Garry's Mod.
Original Picture.
Remade to Garry's Mod.
Original Picture.
Remade to Garry's Mod.
Rhys and Me.
Original Picture.
Remade to Garry's Mod.
Dance to Win the Trophy.
Original Picture.
Remade to Garry's Mod. (I know some didn't match because I didn't see it properly!)
So, here it is.
Exuse any mistakes.
Rhys is really flexible. :^)
Good morning!
Ok so I posted it, sorry that it is so short. I thought it would be much longer. I'm not that good of a writer. And It's in red letters so I don't know If you can see it. I still have it written on paper. I just don't think this website likes me.
:O Your scaring me.
I used to do that a lot. lol
or his head big ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Rude Dora. Very Rude.
We got four likes in the five minute gap I went to eat?
A mans ship is more important then anything else he has.
This is so cute! I hope we get to hug Gortys at some point! ;_;
whos creating alt accounts to quench my thirst?
Whoa, today sure is a good day to Rhyiona
pucker up Green you got some candidates
Every day is a good day for Rhyiona.