Recently saw Gone Girl and I have to say it was for sure one of the more disturbing films that I've seen this year.
Don't look up anything if you haven't seen cause much like Fight Club or Seven (other films by David Fincher) spoiling the ending kind of ruins a huge majority of enjoyment the film has.
Gone Girl was awesome. It pulls a twist on the whole "who did it?" murder mysteries. Rosamund Pike also delivered one of the best performances I've ever seen last year. Definitely one of the best of 2014.
Recently saw Gone Girl and I have to say it was for sure one of the more disturbing films that I've seen this year.
Don't look up anythin… moreg if you haven't seen cause much like Fight Club or Seven (other films by David Fincher) spoiling the ending kind of ruins a huge majority of enjoyment the film has.
Part of me is mixed about seeing this but it has William Dafoe and Sam Neil so has anyone here seen this before? And if so, would you recommend it?
"The Hunter" is about Martin David(Willem Dafoe), a hired mercenary who travels to Tasmania and has been hired to track and kill but take blood and other samples from the rumored last remaining Tasmanian Tiger by a mysterious biotech company called "Red Leaf". Martin poses as a professor and when he's not up in the mountains, he stays with a family of 3: a mom and 2 kids but the father went missing ,supposedly also looking for the Tiger a while earlier and the family is checked up on by local guide Jack Mindy (Sam Neil). As Martin continues his search, he starts to put the pieces together about the disappearance of the kids father, starts getting suspicious of Jack Mindy, and starts to connect with the family as he learns more about the Tiger and he asks himself "Is something else going on here?"
Willem Dafoe and Sam Neil both did fantastic jobs with their roles as I expected and the film is a little slow at times but it's a good thriller and has its moments but something about the ending just seemed empty to me, I would watch the trailer above to see if you're interested or not.- B or B+
Part of me is mixed about seeing this but it has William Dafoe and Sam Neil so has anyone here seen this before? And if so, would you recommend it?
The Hunter Review
"The Hunter" is about Martin David(Willem Dafoe), a hired mercenary who travels to Tasmania and has been hired to track… more and kill but take blood and other samples from the rumored last remaining Tasmanian Tiger by a mysterious biotech company called "Red Leaf". Martin poses as a professor and when he's not up in the mountains, he stays with a family of 3: a mom and 2 kids but the father went missing ,supposedly also looking for the Tiger a while earlier and the family is checked up on by local guide Jack Mindy (Sam Neil). As Martin continues his search, he starts to put the pieces together about the disappearance of the kids father, starts getting suspicious of Jack Mindy, and starts to connect with the family as he learns more about the Tiger and he asks himself "Is something else going on here?"
Willem Dafoe and Sam Neil both did fantastic jobs with their roles as I expected and the film is a little slow at times but … [view original content]
At first I didn't know who that was but when I looked him up, I realized I've seen some of his movies and I like them.
(Goodfellas, The Aviator, The Wolf of Wall Street, etc. are some that stick out to me)
It's one of those movies with great actors (Like Leo) and it got pretty positive reviews from critics but yeah, it is mostly boring (kind of because of the tone or something, idk why it just is....) Have you watched Raging Bull yet? If you have, how is it?
I recently bought a copy of Raging Bull off Amazon. So fucking happy right now!
I'm gonna be honest, The Aviator looks a little boring. Is Leo still awesome at least?
I guess it wasn't like his crime flicks like Taxi Driver or GoodFellas. No real excitement really. But I'm still open to watching it.
I most certainly have seen Raging Bull, and it is one of his best films to date. It may seem a little boring at some parts, but the acting is what really pulls you in. It was also filmed in black and white which surprised me because I usually get bored with those types of movies. Robert De Niro is A-mazing as usual. I recommend it, but only if you have time and enjoy sports movies because this is a pretty long one.
It's one of those movies with great actors (Like Leo) and it got pretty positive reviews from critics but yeah, it is mostly boring (kind of… more because of the tone or something, idk why it just is....) Have you watched Raging Bull yet? If you have, how is it?
Well....I'm watching the Rocky marathon on spike right now and for some reason, I'm attempting to make a list of every movie I've ever seen on IMDb, I'm on about 300 now but I'm still going....this might take a while and ill still probably forget some...
Well....I'm watching the Rocky marathon on spike right now and for some reason, I'm attempting to make a list of every movie I've ever seen … moreon IMDb, I'm on about 300 now but I'm still going....this might take a while and ill still probably forget some...
Jesus Christ that was dark. The animation, while looking ugly and decrepit, worked really well. I'm not too big on the religious themes because they don't really interest me, but I did kind of understand some of the aspects of it. Man, that priest was a dick. I love these short animations as they tell really well crafted stories.
I loved it when the priest left a pistol inside of his bible too.
I just saw it. Looks pretty good. Michael B. Jordan has been in Chronicle and Fruitvale Station, so I don't think we have to worry about his performance.
Jesus Christ that was dark. The animation, while looking ugly and decrepit, worked really well. I'm not too big on the religious themes beca… moreuse they don't really interest me, but I did kind of understand some of the aspects of it. Man, that priest was a dick. I love these short animations as they tell really well crafted stories.
I loved it when the priest left a pistol inside of his bible too.
Well....I'm watching the Rocky marathon on spike right now and for some reason, I'm attempting to make a list of every movie I've ever seen … moreon IMDb, I'm on about 300 now but I'm still going....this might take a while and ill still probably forget some...
And Action Movies I'm probably gonna watch for the hell of it.
Yeah, I've see all of those except for Unknown which i'll probably see soon, I would LOVE to see Nesson keep going but he's said in some interviews that he's thinking about steping away from action. I was gonna see 3 Days to Kill with some friends but I forgot what happened there and Pound of Flesh was recommend to me on Amazon and it looks interesting.
I don't blame him for wanting to step away. His action streak was literally non stop. (pun intended maybe not who knows).I heard 3 Days to Kill was kinda bad. I don't buy Costner as an action hero honestly. Every time I see him, I think of political movies like 13 Days and JFK.
Yeah, I've see all of those except for Unknown which i'll probably see soon, I would LOVE to see Nesson keep going but he's said in some int… moreerviews that he's thinking about steping away from action. I was gonna see 3 Days to Kill with some friends but I forgot what happened there and Pound of Flesh was recommend to me on Amazon and it looks interesting.
3 Days to Kill was mixed on IMDb but I'm gonna see it for the hell of it but you're about Costner not really being an action hero, guess i'll see what I think of it.
I don't blame him for wanting to step away. His action streak was literally non stop. (pun intended maybe not who knows).I heard 3 Days to K… moreill was kinda bad. I don't buy Costner as an action hero honestly. Every time I see him, I think of political movies like 13 Days and JFK.
The only thing I didn't like was that Jason Statham didn't have as much screen time as I was hoping since i'm a big fan of him but other than that I really liked it.
Saw it
The only thing I didn't like was that Jason Statham didn't have as much screen time as I was hoping since i'm a big fan of him but other than that I really liked it.
Hello again! I know I haven't been very active on this thread, but that's because I've had a lot of schoolwork to do. On top of that, I was actually writing another review for another site. Now that I'm back, I figured I would share my thoughts on Martin Scorsese's masterpiece, Raging Bull.
Raging Bull movie review
Raging Bull would be considered Martin Scorsese's comeback. Why? It's because Scorsese was at an all-time low back in the 70's when he was hospitalized due to cocaine usage. De Niro wanted to help him get back on his feet, and decided he should direct Raging Bull. Now, we have one of the greatest films of all time.
Raging Bull is an autobiographical sports drama starring Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, and Cathy Moriarty. The story follows the real life Jake La Motta. It shows us his promising boxing career, and his sad and abusive home life. However, he’s not the one being abused. He’s the one causing the abuse. While Jake is an absolute animal on the ring, he brings his animalistic side to his personal life - constantly causing trouble for those around him.
The Positives
Robert De Niro nails LaMotta’s character. He’s a hot tempered prick on and off the boxing ring. De Niro was so dedicated to this character, that he took boxing lessons with the real life Jake La Motta and participated in actual boxing events. He even gained 60 pounds to present LaMotta’s older years. Another great performance was by Joe Pesci, who plays LaMotta’s brother/manager. He also has a bit of a temper, but only uses it when provoked. Ironically, Pesci’s character is the one who has self-control. Cathy Moriarty plays LaMotta’s wife, and she delivers a solid performance. For her debut, she really impressed me. Despite being constantly abused by LaMotta, she manages to show that she can be strong at certain times. She was actually one of my favorite parts of the movie. I don’t buy that she’s 15 though. In real life, LaMotta’s second wife was 15, and she don’t look 15 to me. The way the boxing matches were directed was great. It’s violent and intense, and it makes you feel like you are in the ring. There are two scenes especially where the cinematography was really good. An interesting choice for the movie’s color scheme was that it was filmed in black and white. I honestly don’t know why. It could be to signify the past, the dark undertones of anger problems, or maybe it’s just to get away with all the blood that is spewed out during the boxing matches. Another thing I would like to mention is the movie’s soundtrack. While it is only one track, it has a beautiful angelic tone to it. It plays during some of the boxing matches, and I think it works really well. What really gets to me about this film is the story. It's a very good character study of a man that lets his anger dictate every single move he makes. It’s important on the ring, but dangerous at home. Whenever he’s mad, he lets his fists do the problem solving. Once he’s started to cool down, he realizes how much damage he has done. This constantly happens throughout the film, until the film reaches its final act. That is when LaMotta fucks up, and I mean he really fucks up. I actually felt pretty bad for him in the end.
The Negatives
I don’t have any negatives for the movie. None. Some may think that the black and white color scheme can make the film boring, but with the great acting and story, who cares? The film isn’t even that long either, only having a run time of 2 hours.
Overall: Raging Bull is what I would define as a perfect movie. The film is well acted, has a great personal story, and was beautifully directed. This has to be Robert De Niro’s best performance. As a matter of fact, this is what got him the Oscar. I used to regard Taxi Driver as Scorsese's best, but I honestly think this is his masterpiece. The final verdict for Raging Bull is...
How is he no longer respected?
Recently saw Gone Girl and I have to say it was for sure one of the more disturbing films that I've seen this year.
Don't look up anything if you haven't seen cause much like Fight Club or Seven (other films by David Fincher) spoiling the ending kind of ruins a huge majority of enjoyment the film has.
Part of me is mixed about seeing this but it has William Dafoe and Sam Neil so has anyone here seen this before? And if so, would you recommend it?
Gone Girl was awesome. It pulls a twist on the whole "who did it?" murder mysteries. Rosamund Pike also delivered one of the best performances I've ever seen last year. Definitely one of the best of 2014.
Grade: A
People call him a red flag, failure, money-whore...
Meh, people have also said that about a lot of other high-profile actors so I don't think it's any thing too new.
But it's sad that Sly will never get his best-of acting in like Copland, Rocky 1 etc. I hope he'll get some success with Creed.
According to Rotten Tomatoes it has 69%, so it might be good/ok. If you're curious you can go ahead and watch it.
The Hunter Review
"The Hunter" is about Martin David(Willem Dafoe), a hired mercenary who travels to Tasmania and has been hired to track and kill but take blood and other samples from the rumored last remaining Tasmanian Tiger by a mysterious biotech company called "Red Leaf". Martin poses as a professor and when he's not up in the mountains, he stays with a family of 3: a mom and 2 kids but the father went missing ,supposedly also looking for the Tiger a while earlier and the family is checked up on by local guide Jack Mindy (Sam Neil). As Martin continues his search, he starts to put the pieces together about the disappearance of the kids father, starts getting suspicious of Jack Mindy, and starts to connect with the family as he learns more about the Tiger and he asks himself "Is something else going on here?"
Willem Dafoe and Sam Neil both did fantastic jobs with their roles as I expected and the film is a little slow at times but it's a good thriller and has its moments but something about the ending just seemed empty to me, I would watch the trailer above to see if you're interested or not.- B or B+
Short and sweet.
Though, I would've liked to have heard a little bit more from your point of view, but nonetheless good review.
I'll def. take a look into it later.
Hey @Saltlick123
How much do you like Scorsese movies?
At first I didn't know who that was but when I looked him up, I realized I've seen some of his movies and I like them.
(Goodfellas, The Aviator, The Wolf of Wall Street, etc. are some that stick out to me)
I recently bought a copy of Raging Bull off Amazon.
So fucking happy right now!
I'm gonna be honest, The Aviator looks a little boring.
Is Leo still awesome at least?
It's one of those movies with great actors (Like Leo) and it got pretty positive reviews from critics but yeah, it is mostly boring (kind of because of the tone or something, idk why it just is....) Have you watched Raging Bull yet? If you have, how is it?
I guess it wasn't like his crime flicks like Taxi Driver or GoodFellas. No real excitement really.
But I'm still open to watching it.
I most certainly have seen Raging Bull, and it is one of his best films to date.
It may seem a little boring at some parts, but the acting is what really pulls you in. It was also filmed in black and white which surprised me because I usually get bored with those types of movies. Robert De Niro is A-mazing as usual.
I recommend it, but only if you have time and enjoy sports movies because this is a pretty long one.
Well....I'm watching the Rocky marathon on spike right now and for some reason, I'm attempting to make a list of every movie I've ever seen on IMDb, I'm on about 300 now but I'm still going....this might take a while and ill still probably forget some...
What do you think about Slys new spin-off of Rocky, Creed?
Did you see the trailer? I did and It looks good to me, what do you think?
Who doesn't say that about people in Hollywood these days?
An animated tale that shows how quickly people will resort to violence out of fear.
Jesus Christ that was dark. The animation, while looking ugly and decrepit, worked really well. I'm not too big on the religious themes because they don't really interest me, but I did kind of understand some of the aspects of it. Man, that priest was a dick. I love these short animations as they tell really well crafted stories.
I loved it when the priest left a pistol inside of his bible too.
I just saw it. Looks pretty good. Michael B. Jordan has been in Chronicle and Fruitvale Station, so I don't think we have to worry about his performance.
Here's another really well done short film. It's not animated, but it's still really good.
cool. Me too maybe.
More Recommended Movies... (I could make a million of these posts)
And Action Movies I'm probably gonna watch for the hell of it.
Man Liam Neeson has had a shitload of action movies lately.
Taken, Run All Night, Non-Stop, A Walk Among the Tombstones, Unknown.
Hell yea! I friggin love Hot Fuzz! I would have to say the whole Cornetto Trilogy is literally perfect.
I'd give every single one an A+
Yep, Hot Fuzz is my favorite out of all of them though
I'm at a 3 way tie. If I had to pick one, I think I'd choose The World's End.
Yeah, I've see all of those except for Unknown which i'll probably see soon, I would LOVE to see Nesson keep going but he's said in some interviews that he's thinking about steping away from action. I was gonna see 3 Days to Kill with some friends but I forgot what happened there and Pound of Flesh was recommend to me on Amazon and it looks interesting.
I don't blame him for wanting to step away. His action streak was literally non stop. (pun intended maybe not who knows).I heard 3 Days to Kill was kinda bad. I don't buy Costner as an action hero honestly. Every time I see him, I think of political movies like 13 Days and JFK.
3 Days to Kill was mixed on IMDb but I'm gonna see it for the hell of it but you're about Costner not really being an action hero, guess i'll see what I think of it.
Saw it
The only thing I didn't like was that Jason Statham didn't have as much screen time as I was hoping since i'm a big fan of him but other than that I really liked it.
The ending with him, tho. lmao
"Wait, this is a fucking lake!"
I saw it. I posted my review on it on the 2015 movie thread.
Hello again! I know I haven't been very active on this thread, but that's because I've had a lot of schoolwork to do. On top of that, I was actually writing another review for another site. Now that I'm back, I figured I would share my thoughts on Martin Scorsese's masterpiece, Raging Bull.
Raging Bull movie review
Raging Bull would be considered Martin Scorsese's comeback. Why? It's because Scorsese was at an all-time low back in the 70's when he was hospitalized due to cocaine usage. De Niro wanted to help him get back on his feet, and decided he should direct Raging Bull. Now, we have one of the greatest films of all time.
Raging Bull is an autobiographical sports drama starring Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, and Cathy Moriarty. The story follows the real life Jake La Motta. It shows us his promising boxing career, and his sad and abusive home life. However, he’s not the one being abused. He’s the one causing the abuse. While Jake is an absolute animal on the ring, he brings his animalistic side to his personal life - constantly causing trouble for those around him.
The Positives
Robert De Niro nails LaMotta’s character. He’s a hot tempered prick on and off the boxing ring. De Niro was so dedicated to this character, that he took boxing lessons with the real life Jake La Motta and participated in actual boxing events. He even gained 60 pounds to present LaMotta’s older years. Another great performance was by Joe Pesci, who plays LaMotta’s brother/manager. He also has a bit of a temper, but only uses it when provoked. Ironically, Pesci’s character is the one who has self-control. Cathy Moriarty plays LaMotta’s wife, and she delivers a solid performance. For her debut, she really impressed me. Despite being constantly abused by LaMotta, she manages to show that she can be strong at certain times. She was actually one of my favorite parts of the movie. I don’t buy that she’s 15 though. In real life, LaMotta’s second wife was 15, and she don’t look 15 to me. The way the boxing matches were directed was great. It’s violent and intense, and it makes you feel like you are in the ring. There are two scenes especially where the cinematography was really good. An interesting choice for the movie’s color scheme was that it was filmed in black and white. I honestly don’t know why. It could be to signify the past, the dark undertones of anger problems, or maybe it’s just to get away with all the blood that is spewed out during the boxing matches. Another thing I would like to mention is the movie’s soundtrack. While it is only one track, it has a beautiful angelic tone to it. It plays during some of the boxing matches, and I think it works really well. What really gets to me about this film is the story. It's a very good character study of a man that lets his anger dictate every single move he makes. It’s important on the ring, but dangerous at home. Whenever he’s mad, he lets his fists do the problem solving. Once he’s started to cool down, he realizes how much damage he has done. This constantly happens throughout the film, until the film reaches its final act. That is when LaMotta fucks up, and I mean he really fucks up. I actually felt pretty bad for him in the end.
The Negatives
I don’t have any negatives for the movie. None. Some may think that the black and white color scheme can make the film boring, but with the great acting and story, who cares? The film isn’t even that long either, only having a run time of 2 hours.
Overall: Raging Bull is what I would define as a perfect movie. The film is well acted, has a great personal story, and was beautifully directed. This has to be Robert De Niro’s best performance. As a matter of fact, this is what got him the Oscar. I used to regard Taxi Driver as Scorsese's best, but I honestly think this is his masterpiece. The final verdict for Raging Bull is...
Grade: A+
So, what would you guys say your top 10 movies of all time would be?
Mine are:
10.) Forrest Gump
9.) Whiplash
8.) A Clockwork Orange
7.) The Shining
6.) Oldboy (2003)
5.) GoodFellas
4.) Schindler's List
3.) Persepolis
2.) Taxi Driver
1.) Raging Bull