What Do YOU Want Regarding Boderlands 3 and Handsome Jack (The Ultimate Poll Thread)



  • I'd love to see the Tales characters in Borderlands 3 (at the very least, Rhys and Fiona). They could be in any capacity, though I'd especially love it if Fiona was a Vault Hunter. :D

  • Give me playable Rhys as vault hunter with Handsome Jack stuck in his head. So basically Tales From The Borderlands, but in Borderlands 3.

  • edited July 2015

    Do you want Jack in Borderlands 3?
    Pish no question, but not as the main villain, I would love to see him as a narrator or in an role like Angle.A ghost in the machine. Killing him was never that satisfying. It was much more satisfying for Lilith and Moxxi, and I don't like either of them. They are just as much psychopaths as Jack ever was, only they where more restrained about it. They are two I would really like to kill.

    Can AI Jack turn out different than real life Jack?
    Of course, death is a traumatic event and as stated before AL Jack has had a chance to reflect on who he was and how it conflicted with what he wanted to be.

    Do you want Rhys to be a vault hunter?
    No, Rhys should be the new head of Hyperion and perhaps one who changed the company for good. If you play the game you know that there are more vaults on more planets. I think it's time to leave Pandora and head out to parts unknown and Rhys would be the one able to finance that if he was the head of Hyperion.

    What will be AI Jack's fate?
    Don't know, just hoping it isn't anything that it involves him not existing the the Borderlands universe.

    Who would YOU like to see in Borderlands 3?
    A.I. Jack, Rhys, Vaughn, Fiona, Sashay...pretty much the whole crew, but not as playable. As well as Athena, even if it means I have to put up with Jamie Sprigs to do it.

  • And we are back with:

    Who from the main cast as a vault hunter?
    Vaughn, he has the abs for it
    Loader Bot with Dumpy as his pet

    Who should be the starting vault hunters in Borderlands 3? (Pick 4 please!)
    I really don't know, I hope they progress the story a bit so we aren't dealing with vault hunters actually seeking out the vaults for fame and fortune. By now I would hope someone has caught on to the fact that this is a futile pursuit that brings nothing but pain and loss.

    Who will die by the end of Tales From the Borderlands?
    No one, I hope. You know this isn't The Walking Dead, the don't have to commit mass killings at the end of each season.

    Favorite Protagonist?
    A.I Jack of course and Loader Bot

    Do you want a season 2?
    Yeah! Of course! I would even say I would like to see the two titles diverge and tell two different stories with their own backgrounds as starting points. Let these characters grow and change in a story telling format, and let me continue to shoot things in the face in the FPS.

  • Personally, though, I would LOVE Rhys to fight like the Terminator.

    A noodly, wisecracking, dorky Terminator.

  • I really don't understand people who think Jack could be a good guy. Ever. He's a murdering, psychopathic, egotistical megalomaniac asshole.

  • edited July 2015

    Well.... you could watch this this It really changed my opinion about the guy :p

    LeFedore posted: »

    I really don't understand people who think Jack could be a good guy. Ever. He's a murdering, psychopathic, egotistical megalomaniac asshole.

  • Thanks for giving insight into your answers :D

    And we are back with: Who from the main cast as a vault hunter? Vaughn, he has the abs for it Fiona Loader Bot with Dumpy as his pet

  • Ditto. He's never come across as anything other than what you described to me.

    LeFedore posted: »

    I really don't understand people who think Jack could be a good guy. Ever. He's a murdering, psychopathic, egotistical megalomaniac asshole.

  • Personally, that video didn't change my thoughts on him at all. It seemed more like grasping at straws in a flimsy attempt to justify the actions (Which include attempted genocide) of a heinous villain.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Well.... you could watch this this It really changed my opinion about the guy

  • Intentions and what people actually do are two different things. Hitler wanted to make Germany strong again, so he started hoarding the "undesirables" into concentration camps and killing them, while promoting the birth of Aryan children.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Well.... you could watch this this It really changed my opinion about the guy

  • edited July 2015

    Welp, that was a double comment. Why is there not a delete comment option? Can a mod or someone delete this for me?

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Well.... you could watch this this It really changed my opinion about the guy

  • I don't know I guess it's just my personality. I like to usually give everyone a chance to prove themselves and if I see good intent I usually write the person off as misunderstood rather than a terrible person. I like delving into the psychology of why people are the way they are and it makes me feel like maybe I could revert them back to their better days. I guess that's what I'm trying to do currently with AI Jack, revert him back to his good intent :p

    Rock114 posted: »

    Personally, that video didn't change my thoughts on him at all. It seemed more like grasping at straws in a flimsy attempt to justify the actions (Which include attempted genocide) of a heinous villain.

  • Some people can't be reverted. You can't just meet Kim Jong Un and make him a friendly, charitable saint. Jack's a psychopath, you can't change that. It's like if the Joker opened an orphanage and give all the kids candy.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    I don't know I guess it's just my personality. I like to usually give everyone a chance to prove themselves and if I see good intent I usua

  • I don't know I like to think the intention really does matter though. If a child bakes his mom a cake for her birthday, but adds too much sugar, it'll be too sweet for the mom to eat. Doesn't take away from the fact that he still intended it to be a nice surprise.

    Also, the reason Hitler hated the jews so much was because it's easier to unite when you have a common enemy. He used his hate for the Jews as a stepping stone to unite his people and fight in a war. This is why he never visited any of his internment camps. He couldn't care less about the jews themselves, he wanted to get his goal done, defeat the allied nations and make them pay for the war costs instead of Germany. Jack did the same thing except he blamed the Pandorans. This united his Hyperion underlings and gave way to everyone's undying loyalty. He didn't really care about them because he wanted to rid Pandora of them so he could take over and make it a better, more orderly place to live in instead of the dog eat dog world it was.

    But whatever I respect your viewpoint as a lot of people do share it so I definitely see where you're coming from. I just wanted to express mine :)

    LeFedore posted: »

    Intentions and what people actually do are two different things. Hitler wanted to make Germany strong again, so he started hoarding the "undesirables" into concentration camps and killing them, while promoting the birth of Aryan children.

  • I still think you can, you just have to find the right way to do it. Did anyone ever try to help Kim Jong Un? No. Did anyone ever think about helping Joker? No. If those two had gotten help instead of being labled crazy and uncontrollable, then maybe they could've turned out different. I still think it's never too late, well unless they're dead.

    LeFedore posted: »

    Some people can't be reverted. You can't just meet Kim Jong Un and make him a friendly, charitable saint. Jack's a psychopath, you can't change that. It's like if the Joker opened an orphanage and give all the kids candy.

  • Jack in BL3?: Yes, but not as the villain. It would be cool to see a greater/more powerful evil emerge that makes the Vault Hunters and Jack form an unsteady alliance.

    Can the AI Jack be different?: Absolutely. However he still has the same base personality, and it would be foolish to (completely) trust him.

    Rhys as a VH in BL3?: Sure but only if A) Tales steers him towards that path (via training with Athena and Fiona maybe?) or B) they make him as a joke character for hard Play throughs.

    AI's fate?: Survives (for now at least). Too much set up for him to just be flushed down the drain like a dead fish. Plus he's a fan-favourite.

    Who would you like to see in BL3?: Every character from Borderlands who is still breathing as at least a cameo.

    Main cast as Vault Hunters?: Fiona definitely. Rhys maybe.

    Starting Vault Hunters?: 1) Fiona 2) a new Siren 3) Maybe Rhys 4) Other(s)

    Who wil die?: From most to least probable(but still semi-likely): Felix(He's a Telltale determinate people, let's be honest), Vaughn(if he's not the Stranger), Finch or Kroger, Vallory, Finch or Kroger, August, Yvette, and Saha(still get the feeling that Jack (as Rhys) will kill her in blind fury when he learns that a "certain someone" is dead.)

    Favourite protagonist?: Rhys, followed closely by Athena, Jack, and Sasha.

    Season 2?: Hopefully, although if it happens I bet it will be to tie BL3 together with either BL4, an expansion pack for BL3 or BL:TPS 2, regardless I think it will be awhile if it does happen.

  • I suppose that's understandable... but I'm going to have to disagree, especially as we're speaking of Handsome Jack here. He's a child killer on top of everything else he is. I just don't think that Jack, or the AI based on his mind when he was at his worst, can be redeemed in anyway. Motivation and intent are important, but the methods are equally so, if not more, since the method is what actually hurts people. And Jack hurt a lot of people.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    I don't know I guess it's just my personality. I like to usually give everyone a chance to prove themselves and if I see good intent I usua

  • Yes! I would love to see Jack form an unsteady alliance with the vault hunters to fight off a greater force! The enemy of our enemy is our friend.

    Thanks for explaining your answers too :D

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    Jack in BL3?: Yes, but not as the villain. It would be cool to see a greater/more powerful evil emerge that makes the Vault Hunters and Jack

  • if they merged minds, they would both become an entirely new character, though. And I wouldn't necessarily call it bad writing if they kept the franchise's best character around for a while longer. In all honesty, the other characters in Borderlands hardly cut it for me with the exception of Mr. Torgue and maybe tiny tina, though I find her at least as annoying as I find her awesome. She's a mixed bag. I came for the co-op fps and stayed because of the humor of which most was provided by Jack. I dread the day he will be gone for good.

    clap-tp posted: »

    whats the point in having a charcter killed, revive him and then kill him again, thats bad writing

  • He comes off as pretty okay when you trust him.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Ditto. He's never come across as anything other than what you described to me.

  • He is a psychopath of course, but that doesn't mean he couldn't be a hero in a place like Pandora. Who there hasn't attempted to kill off whole tribes of people? Unlike vault hunters there was an end goal for Jack that at least in his mind would make other people's lives better, not just enrich his own. He isn't a Joker like character at all, I would say more like the leaders of the original Marxist revolutions. They where going to make your life better whether you liked it or not, and of course, failed miserably at it.

    LeFedore posted: »

    Some people can't be reverted. You can't just meet Kim Jong Un and make him a friendly, charitable saint. Jack's a psychopath, you can't change that. It's like if the Joker opened an orphanage and give all the kids candy.

  • edited July 2015

    I wasn't just talking about the Jews. He also persecuted homosexuals, ethnic minorities, the disabled, etcetera etcetera. What I'm trying to say is you can't judge him based on his intentions. You can only judge him on what he DID, and that's murder a fuckton of innocent people.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    I don't know I like to think the intention really does matter though. If a child bakes his mom a cake for her birthday, but adds too much s

  • Have you even played the actual Borderlands games? You can't trust someone like Jack. He's deliberately trying to make Rhys trust him and using him to his advantage.

    The_Duck posted: »

    He comes off as pretty okay when you trust him.

  • In all the Borderlands games, he is always a man of his word. Whether he says he is going to pay you to do something, or promise to kill you if you say another world, As he said, "I'm always good to my team."

    LeFedore posted: »

    Have you even played the actual Borderlands games? You can't trust someone like Jack. He's deliberately trying to make Rhys trust him and using him to his advantage.

  • He's not a man of his word though.

    He promised to let Helena Pierce and the dozens of unarmed civilians with her leave if she told him what happened to her face. She told him, then he shot her in the head and had Wilhelm kill the unarmed civilians anyway.

    Real stand up guy, man of his word indeed.

    In all the Borderlands games, he is always a man of his word. Whether he says he is going to pay you to do something, or promise to kill you if you say another world, As he said, "I'm always good to my team."

  • Yeah I get where you're coming from though. It's hard to see a crazy person turn normal though, especially after seeing him do horrible things :p

    Rock114 posted: »

    I suppose that's understandable... but I'm going to have to disagree, especially as we're speaking of Handsome Jack here. He's a child kille

  • Yeah I guess so. But I just think there might be hope to change the AI version of Jack, since now he can't murder a fuckton of people without Rhys allowing acess into his mind to do so.

    LeFedore posted: »

    I wasn't just talking about the Jews. He also persecuted homosexuals, ethnic minorities, the disabled, etcetera etcetera. What I'm trying to

  • True, and it's why I am not a fan of the echos. They are often oddly mis-matched with the story or the characters they have set up.

    Rock114 posted: »

    He's not a man of his word though. He promised to let Helena Pierce and the dozens of unarmed civilians with her leave if she told him wh

  • I added some more strawpolls. Enjoy :D

  • That was actually a pretty good indication of who Jack really is. It was an establishing character moment if ever there was one. I never found any ECHOs to be mismatched to any noticeable degree.

    True, and it's why I am not a fan of the echos. They are often oddly mis-matched with the story or the characters they have set up.

  • In my game, I trusted him in the Atlas facility, so he is capable of taking over my body. He no longer really NEEDS me on his side all that much. The AI version of Jack hasn't given me much reason to distrust him, and I'm not going to just hold him accountable for all the real Jack's actions.

    LeFedore posted: »

    Have you even played the actual Borderlands games? You can't trust someone like Jack. He's deliberately trying to make Rhys trust him and using him to his advantage.

  • He let them leave.

    ...just not in the way they expected?>_>

    Rock114 posted: »

    He's not a man of his word though. He promised to let Helena Pierce and the dozens of unarmed civilians with her leave if she told him wh

  • I honestly wished Jack hadn't died at the end of BL2. I reaallly enjoy his character so much especially the last cutscene from Borderlands the presequel... I don't know exactly what it is about him but whether he's the hero or the villain my favourite parts of the game are when Jack has some kind of dialogue going on.

    if they merged minds, they would both become an entirely new character, though. And I wouldn't necessarily call it bad writing if they kept

  • "I'm always good to my team."

    He betrayed Claptrap, unused dialogue shows he poisoned Wilhelm so you could kill him and take the core to lower Sanctuary's shields, and he barely cares when Nisha dies.

    In all the Borderlands games, he is always a man of his word. Whether he says he is going to pay you to do something, or promise to kill you if you say another world, As he said, "I'm always good to my team."

  • It depends on how much of a person you feel you need to be that person, then. As far as I'm concerned, he has his memories and his mindset, therefore he is Jack.

    The_Duck posted: »

    In my game, I trusted him in the Atlas facility, so he is capable of taking over my body. He no longer really NEEDS me on his side all that

  • But he didn't commit any of his crimes.D :

    LeFedore posted: »

    It depends on how much of a person you feel you need to be that person, then. As far as I'm concerned, he has his memories and his mindset, therefore he is Jack.

  • But he remembers committing them.

    The_Duck posted: »

    But he didn't commit any of his crimes.D :

  • In this case, I'd say it's less about what he remembers doing, and more about how he feels about it. And to be fair, AI Jack certainly does not seem to feel much remorse over those actions.

    He does, however, acknowledge them as morally dubious (or 'ehhhh things', at least... ;P) which is more than the actual Jack ever did.

    Of course, it makes no difference to me, since I love Jack just the way he is.

    LeFedore posted: »

    But he remembers committing them.

  • He said he was going to destroy all Claptraps and he did, but one. He said he poisoned Wilhelm. He would take that victory from you a little. And Nisha being killed shut him up. Shutting Jack up is a sign that you really got under his skin. He didn't even have the ability to rage or make some sort of comment that would turn it around on you. Silence speaks volumes.

    LeFedore posted: »

    "I'm always good to my team." He betrayed Claptrap, unused dialogue shows he poisoned Wilhelm so you could kill him and take the core to lower Sanctuary's shields, and he barely cares when Nisha dies.

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