#SaveTimothy Poll/Thread

Well, it was a long time coming - but with episode four at least partly taking place on Elpis I thought it was the perfect time to remind Telltale just how much we all love the real hero of Helios - Timothy Lawrence!

So please fill out the below poll, and feel free to use this thread to discuss all things Doppelganger!

Do you want Timothy (AKA Jack's Doppelganger) in episode 4?

I'd also love to see your (or others) Timmy fan art, too! ^_^

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And remember:




  • "Gha-nauseous again!" - Why Timothy should be in Tales

  • edited July 2015

    Jack has big dreams, and I have student loans.

  • I have a feeling Rhys and Timothy will get along nicely.

  • edited July 2015

    Must - resist the urge - to ship it...

    I have a feeling Rhys and Timothy will get along nicely.

  • What have I done?

    Must - resist the urge - to ship it...

  • It would've happened eventually regardless :P

    What have I done?

  • Rhys is seriously shipped with everyone, I'm surprised Rhys x Sky doesn't exist

    Must - resist the urge - to ship it...

  • Oh lets not have a Rhymothy, Hasn't the lad been through enough, with the destroying of his new shirt and all?

    I have a feeling Rhys and Timothy will get along nicely.

  • edited July 2015

    I'm just kidding guys :P But seriously, seeing Timothy make an appearance (whether it be cameo next episode or him being revealed to be the stranger) would make me so happy ;_;

    Rhys is seriously shipped with everyone, I'm surprised Rhys x Sky doesn't exist

  • Timothy the Jimbothy.

  • I'm waiting for Timothy and Vaughn to team up and become the Cinnamon Roll Duo.

  • cinnamon bicycle?

    I'm waiting for Timothy and Vaughn to team up and become the Cinnamon Roll Duo.

  • And Dumpy, too - all the little under-appreciated Cinnamon Rolls that are far too good/too pure for this world...

    I'm waiting for Timothy and Vaughn to team up and become the Cinnamon Roll Duo.

  • edited July 2015


    Alt text

    I have a feeling Rhys and Timothy will get along nicely.


  • A+ for enthusiasm!

    Also, I think the poll clearly speaks for itself.



    LawmanZero posted: »


  • edited July 2015


    A+ for enthusiasm! Also, I think the poll clearly speaks for itself. #LetThyWillBeDoneTelltale #PrettyPlease?

  • Agreed with Handsome Jack

    LawmanZero posted: »


  • I just need to know what we are saving Timothy from. I know a certain Doctor that can change his face back and maybe, maybe save him from the bomb inside his face.

  • Obscurity.

    I just need to know what we are saving Timothy from. I know a certain Doctor that can change his face back and maybe, maybe save him from the bomb inside his face.

  • Ughhh... lookit Tim in Rhys' outfit... I mean, Timmy is always hot, cause, Jack, but... Handsome Tim... c'mon people...

    Alt text

  • To add another 'o' word: obsolescence.

    We just want the writer's to know that he's loved and very much wanted, and that he doesn't deserve to disappear off the face of the planet.

    I just need to know what we are saving Timothy from. I know a certain Doctor that can change his face back and maybe, maybe save him from the bomb inside his face.

  • Alt text

    Ughhh... lookit Tim in Rhys' outfit... I mean, Timmy is always hot, cause, Jack, but... Handsome Tim... c'mon people...

  • HE'LL DROWN US ALL IN A SEA OF CHISELED JAWS (and colorful socks.)

    Ughhh... lookit Tim in Rhys' outfit... I mean, Timmy is always hot, cause, Jack, but... Handsome Tim... c'mon people...

  • big plans* p; i have too much dialogue memorised

    Jack has big dreams, and I have student loans.

  • edited July 2015

    Timothy is a good out for Borderlands 3, allowing Jack to die but keeping the snarky quips and basic character we all love and hate. Although I am still rooting for Jack being trapped as an AI with Claptrap. Claptrap would have a companion to teach the value of friendship to, Jack would be in the hell he so richly deserves. That would make him squirm in pain more than any sucking chest wound could manage to get from him.

  • eh, Timothy's too nice to replace captain asshole.

    Timothy is a good out for Borderlands 3, allowing Jack to die but keeping the snarky quips and basic character we all love and hate. Althoug

  • I've seen Rhys x Cactus on Tumblr.

    Rhys is seriously shipped with everyone, I'm surprised Rhys x Sky doesn't exist

  • Hey, Rhys and that Cactus had chemistry!

    Pipas posted: »

    I've seen Rhys x Cactus on Tumblr.

  • Yeah, I agree - IMO the best thing about Timothy is that despite being identical to him in every other way, personality-wise he's Jack's antithesis.

    Aaira posted: »

    eh, Timothy's too nice to replace captain asshole.

  • Wasn't there unused dialog to support that one? ;P

    Pipas posted: »

    I've seen Rhys x Cactus on Tumblr.

  • The weird thing is, I've seen the post BEFORE episode 3 got released, from there the unused sound file comes from. It's like Tumblr predicted it or something.

    Wasn't there unused dialog to support that one? ;P

  • They Need to Implant a head plugin thingy in Timothy and install Jack. Then, Jack gots a body that looks like him.

  • And you wondered why Timothy needs saving?!

    That would seriously be the most tragic end for the character...

    I want Jack back in corporeal form, but not at the expense of poor Timmy.

    He's his own character, not just a handsome meat bag ripe for the taking!

    They Need to Implant a head plugin thingy in Timothy and install Jack. Then, Jack gots a body that looks like him.

  • edited July 2015

    It's the only way unless we get Dr. Ted in there. I try to tell them, Dr. Ted can change his face back without the bomb exploding, but everyone just keeps walkin' over the idea like they never heard of Ted before tho. You get in the Ted cult, and he will help you with your Timothy Problem.

    And you wondered why Timothy needs saving?! That would seriously be the most tragic end for the character... I want Jack back in corpo

  • Oh, I have the upmost faith in Ted's abilities...

    I mean, the only reason the bomb was ever a threat to him is because he was on Elpis with that hack Nurse Nina. Everyone knows you need a real doctor for that kind of delicate work - medical certificate, schmedical certificate!

    It's the only way unless we get Dr. Ted in there. I try to tell them, Dr. Ted can change his face back without the bomb exploding, but ever

  • So I've just randomly watched an old TPS pre-Jack dlc release video with Randy Pitchford, and he was talking about how they 'purposely left it ambiguous which Jack was the real Jack', since it 'wouldn't make sense to have a body double and make it obvious you were the real thing at the same time'...

    Which, ok, while fun, doesn't really make much sense in the game itself? So, does anyone know if that was something they scrapped, or just PR talk to make the dlc more appealing, or what? Cause, you know, one - Timothy acts mighty different from Jack, all things considered, and two - that'd be some crazy mindscrew if it were true...

    I mean, if we were playing as the real Jack all that time, was it Timothy that got scarred? Is Tim's apparent disappearance, despite everyone else - even dlc Aurelia - being accounted for, more than a mere oversight? Who actually died at the end of BL2..? Who were we talking to? Who am I?!

    Lol, this is ridiculous, I know, but when you hear sth like that from the actual CEO of Gearbox (and you're on week 3 of TFTB withdrawal) it just makes you come up with crazy conspiracy theories... :P

  • Becoming that soulless body double in Opportunity, the bomb inside his face and from Hyperion, who's probably chasing him.

    I just need to know what we are saving Timothy from. I know a certain Doctor that can change his face back and maybe, maybe save him from the bomb inside his face.

  • Long story short, it was PR talk.

    The entire DLC was marketed as "play as Jack" because that was what everyone was asking for, but Anthony Burch thought that was both boring and lazy writing, and so, came up with the whole Timothy angle (because of this Anthony thought people would absolutely despise the character, and was genuinely shocked when he turned out to be something of a fan favourite).

    Randy supported this, but from a marketing perspective was worried how it would go down with the fans so he pushed the whole "oh which Jack is it really?" angle, despite the fact that anybody who played the DLC knew that the double was obviously an entirely different person to Jack and that he never went out of his way to convince you otherwise.

    This was also pre Tales being released, and people knew that Jack would somehow feature prominently in it, so a lot of people kind of ran with what Randy had said and assumed that we didn't kill the real Jack, and that's how he would appear in Tales. There were pretty fervent debates about it at the time and people were lapping up any new information about it (like the trailers) so all in all it was really good publicity for the whole franchise.

    Then we got the AI reveal and the theories were all put to rest...

    Of course, maybe all that was just a cunning ruse to hide the true identity of The Stranger - the REAL Jack - and the AI Jack is just a hologram of the real deal beaming from his hiding place (which is why we don't see the AI in the present day scenes - and mirrors Angel's reveal).

    I personally don't buy it, but it'd be pretty hilarious if The Stranger took off his mask to reveal "Handsome Jack" and we all went "aha - I knew it was Timothy!" - but then it really WAS Jack!

    So I've just randomly watched an old TPS pre-Jack dlc release video with Randy Pitchford, and he was talking about how they 'purposely left

  • Heh, yeah, I assumed it was mostly PR, because, really, that just didn't make sense at all. But I'm really enjoying all the mystery in TFTB, so it's fun to speculate and look for hints everywhere, haha.

    Man, I hope ep.4 gets here sooner than 2-3...

    Long story short, it was PR talk. The entire DLC was marketed as "play as Jack" because that was what everyone was asking for, but Anthon

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