Goddamnit I just had a dream that I played episode 4, Max was stopping schoolyard fights, hiding from a group of kids and all this other weird stuff, Hurry up ep 4 pls.
This wait is starting to get me since it releases this month. I just want to hang around with Chloe. ;_;
Hey, Karnedg. Sorry I didn't get back to you on that game you linked to me, a lot of things been on my mind.
Yes, yes it would be a shame considering Chloe is awesome and my favorite character in the game . One of my top favorite characters of all time actually
Finally i got Max hair moved,and if you're asking if this is episode 4 it isn't, is episode 3 with camera mod,i fixed the ghost thingy etc.And now i'm able to walk everywhere on the map i want.Also in ep3 swimming scene,outside wasn't Rachel feather,was Chloe's key lol.
I'm assuming we get a short trailer this week and a release date next week. I'm sure LifeIsStrange/DONTNOD are getting sick of being asked about a release date on twitter lol.
At this point, them both coming on the same day is the most likely thing. GoT is pretty much guaranteed to come on the 21st, and I can't see Dontnod taking more than 9 weeks to release LiS
Umm Can someone replace Victoria with Chloe? For you know......reasons...
For reasons I will never understand, a large percentage of the fan base ships them.
Remember this old screen from episode 1?
It's from beta-version.
No inscriptions on the flag in the room Chloe.
It would be awesome to see Max and Chloe travel the world...
Goddamnit I just had a dream that I played episode 4, Max was stopping schoolyard fights, hiding from a group of kids and all this other weird stuff, Hurry up ep 4 pls.
I often wondered why they cut that detail out from the final version.
Maybe just to show Chloe's support for her country?
Have you guys seen twitter lately? While we're sitting here waiting, everyone there is just losing their minds from the wait.
It might raise some controversy as to why there are vandals on the US Flag.
I see they haven't been part of a long Telltale wait.
Let the wait continue.
In our community we noticed that the developers made a "calm before the storm." Maybe tomorrow will release-announcement-surprise?
Two days from now will be our 9th week mark. I really hope so.
After 2 days week 8 will be end and will start week 9 ;_;
Hello by the way
I don't really see the problem with a pm as long as the people don't go around and post it publicly
This wait is starting to get me since it releases this month. I just want to hang around with Chloe. ;_;
Hey, Karnedg.
Sorry I didn't get back to you on that game you linked to me, a lot of things been on my mind. 
I also want to Chloe!
You want to take me in "LIS" or...?
And I connected to you? What an honor! Thank you! You also to connected with me!
I need to push someone pasta in his mouth
Maxene Ish Evel
Do whatever you want Max, she ain't my favorite character.
No it wouldn't, it would be a God send.
Yes, yes it would be a shame considering Chloe is awesome and my favorite character in the game
. One of my top favorite characters of all time actually
I would practice punctuation first.
IIRC, not every first letter of word in a sentence are captialized, no?
Still nothing new yet. Guess the France holiday tomorrow really is making them skip a week. >.<
But.... maybe,,, maybe we just.... wait and....
Another week is nothing compared to the wait of some TTgames, bring it on!!
Maybe tomorrow we get release-surprise?
Telltale released Tales ep3 same day as the trailer, maybe they'll do the same? ;-;
I have no problem with that,i don't give the spoilers around.
Nah,telltale games and dontnod are different on releasing stuff.But rest the same.
In last time trailer "LIS" Ep3 was a day before release, sooo.... maybe :Р
cripple chloe seems nicer to be honest
I'm assuming we get a short trailer this week and a release date next week. I'm sure LifeIsStrange/DONTNOD are getting sick of being asked about a release date on twitter lol.
Just please don't meke it be on the same day as got i_i
It will happen. AGAIN!
At this point, them both coming on the same day is the most likely thing. GoT is pretty much guaranteed to come on the 21st, and I can't see Dontnod taking more than 9 weeks to release LiS
A week delay? Fuck that! Obviously I'll play GoT instead -.-'
So, when's this coming out? This is hella uncool to not give us any deets