I don't understand... How can something be forced if the writers wrote it to play out that way? It's a story, who people wrote, with certain plot points, a beginning, and an end. I can understand if you don't like the way the story is unfolding, but forced is a little strong IMO.
It's been pretty clear to me that Rhys is attracted to Sasha since the 'pinkie promise' in Episode 1 when they got seperated from Fiona and Vaughn. And the way that their flirtation has unfolded since then seems natural to me.. Fiona and Rhys are more like step-siblings or friends than anything romantic.
But you always have the option to be silent, or not say flirtatious things. And if the 'romance' is still there, then it's part of the actual storyline that the writers have included, and i guess we will all have to deal with the ramifications of that. Whether we like it or not.
I don't understand... How can something be forced if the writers wrote it to play out that way? It's a story, who people wrote, with certain… more plot points, a beginning, and an end. I can understand if you don't like the way the story is unfolding, but forced is a little strong IMO.
It's been pretty clear to me that Rhys is attracted to Sasha since the 'pinkie promise' in Episode 1 when they got seperated from Fiona and Vaughn. And the way that their flirtation has unfolded since then seems natural to me.. Fiona and Rhys are more like step-siblings or friends than anything romantic.
But you always have the option to be silent, or not say flirtatious things. And if the 'romance' is still there, then it's part of the actual storyline that the writers have included, and i guess we will all have to deal with the ramifications of that. Whether we like it or not.
I would say i'm pretty neutral in general when it comes to ships, unless i absolutely hate one of the characters for some reason. But, usually i am happy to just go where the story seems to be headed. And to me, it seems like Rhysha is where the story is headed. I actually like them together, they laugh and tease and crack jokes with each other. And as i said above, their flirtation seems to be a genuine pogression of them getting to know each other. And that's good enough for me.
I am also of the opinion that Jack is totally crushing on Fiona though, which should be interesting.
No intrusion InGen_Nate_Kenny!
I would say i'm pretty neutral in general when it comes to ships, unless i absolutely hate one of the ch… morearacters for some reason. But, usually i am happy to just go where the story seems to be headed. And to me, it seems like Rhysha is where the story is headed. I actually like them together, they laugh and tease and crack jokes with each other. And as i said above, their flirtation seems to be a genuine pogression of them getting to know each other. And that's good enough for me.
I am also of the opinion that Jack is totally crushing on Fiona though, which should be interesting.
This is what i'm expecting to happen actually. And you're right, it will be Hilarious!
Can't wait to see Rhys explain to Sasha why 'it wasn't really me! I would never hit on your sister Sasha. It was Handsome Jack, i swear!' And if you never told anyone about Jack.... Well who would believe him? Lol.
I am also of the opinion that Jack is totally crushing on Fiona though, which should be interesting.
What if Sasha and Rhys became an item, and then Jack took over and started off with Fiona?
That would be comedy gold.
"You better get an eye installed in the back of your head, 'cause, y-you never know when... I could be creeping up, behind you and you--" Punched by Vasquez
Yup. I like Rhys because I can play him as an awkward prick.
I'm playing the long game with Sasha; I'm gonna be all romantic and wait for the perfect moment in a later episode to royally fuck it up beyond all belief (assuming Jack didn't already do that for me, which I hope he didn't, because get out of the way Jack, this is MY relationship to fuck up)
It will be glorious
and hopefully funny
In all honesty though, I kind of feel like this is what the story is actually aiming for: build up this relationship with Sasha, only for Rhys to completely flub it up and ruin any chance he had (but maybe slip in a little hint afterwards that a spark is still there. You know, leave it open for imagination/interpretation, for the people that ship it)
Or they'll drop the good old "I'm not into guys" bomb, with Rhys realizing his efforts were (mostly) fruitless
I'm playing the long game with Sasha; I'm gonna be all romantic and wait for the perfect moment in a later episode to royally fuck it up beyond all belief
That's the evilest thing I can imagine... providing you'll have a chance, that is. Cause - "In all honesty though, I kind of feel like this is what the story is actually aiming for: build up this relationship with Sasha, only for Rhys to completely flub it up and ruin any chance he had".
I'm playing the long game with Sasha; I'm gonna be all romantic and wait for the perfect moment in a later episode to royally fuck it up bey… moreond all belief (assuming Jack didn't already do that for me, which I hope he didn't, because get out of the way Jack, this is MY relationship to fuck up)
It will be glorious
and hopefully funny
In all honesty though, I kind of feel like this is what the story is actually aiming for: build up this relationship with Sasha, only for Rhys to completely flub it up and ruin any chance he had (but maybe slip in a little hint afterwards that a spark is still there. You know, leave it open for imagination/interpretation, for the people that ship it)
Or they'll drop the good old "I'm not into guys" bomb, with Rhys realizing his efforts were (mostly) fruitless
I mean fuck it up in more of a comedic, for-the-laughs kind of way. Like going all romantic, then completely ruining the mood at the right moment by making Rhys do or say something extremely stupid
I'm playing the long game with Sasha; I'm gonna be all romantic and wait for the perfect moment in a later episode to royally fuck it up bey… moreond all belief
That's the evilest thing I can imagine... providing you'll have a chance, that is. Cause - "In all honesty though, I kind of feel like this is what the story is actually aiming for: build up this relationship with Sasha, only for Rhys to completely flub it up and ruin any chance he had".
Their interactions are "flirtatious" if you choose so. You don't HAVE to pinky-promise Sasha, you could choose to be cold to her if you want. But in this episode, they don't give you a choice, it's annoying. No matter what, you'll end up sounding awkward and shy, which is ridiculous.
I mean, if romance is done right like Rodrik and Elaena in GoT, or Lee and Carley in TWD, I have no issues because their attraction is real, and it's sweet. But in this case, it doesn't feel right or that it could work out. And I feel the same for Rhyiona, as much as I ship it. Romance and the like has no real place in the Borderlands universe.
I don't understand... How can something be forced if the writers wrote it to play out that way? It's a story, who people wrote, with certain… more plot points, a beginning, and an end. I can understand if you don't like the way the story is unfolding, but forced is a little strong IMO.
It's been pretty clear to me that Rhys is attracted to Sasha since the 'pinkie promise' in Episode 1 when they got seperated from Fiona and Vaughn. And the way that their flirtation has unfolded since then seems natural to me.. Fiona and Rhys are more like step-siblings or friends than anything romantic.
But you always have the option to be silent, or not say flirtatious things. And if the 'romance' is still there, then it's part of the actual storyline that the writers have included, and i guess we will all have to deal with the ramifications of that. Whether we like it or not.
I'm playing the long game with Sasha; I'm gonna be all romantic and wait for the perfect moment in a later episode to royally fuck it up bey… moreond all belief (assuming Jack didn't already do that for me, which I hope he didn't, because get out of the way Jack, this is MY relationship to fuck up)
It will be glorious
and hopefully funny
In all honesty though, I kind of feel like this is what the story is actually aiming for: build up this relationship with Sasha, only for Rhys to completely flub it up and ruin any chance he had (but maybe slip in a little hint afterwards that a spark is still there. You know, leave it open for imagination/interpretation, for the people that ship it)
Or they'll drop the good old "I'm not into guys" bomb, with Rhys realizing his efforts were (mostly) fruitless
Or they'll drop the good old "I'm not into guys" bomb, with Rhys realizing his efforts were (mostly) fruitless
As much as this would be comedy gold, Sasha 'dated' August, so she must have some thing for men?
"You better get an eye installed in the back of your head, 'cause, y-you never know when... I could be creeping up, behind you and you--" Punched by Vasquez
Yup. I like Rhys because I can play him as an awkward prick.
Their interactions are "flirtatious" if you choose so. You don't HAVE to pinky-promise Sasha, you could choose to be cold to her if you want… more. But in this episode, they don't give you a choice, it's annoying. No matter what, you'll end up sounding awkward and shy, which is ridiculous.
I mean, if romance is done right like Rodrik and Elaena in GoT, or Lee and Carley in TWD, I have no issues because their attraction is real, and it's sweet. But in this case, it doesn't feel right or that it could work out. And I feel the same for Rhyiona, as much as I ship it. Romance and the like has no real place in the Borderlands universe.
You're kind of awkward no matter what, tbh.
I didn't pick it because I ran out of time. Me: I got time! Sasha: I'm giving this to fiona. Me: well damn.
Didn't touch it. If there's an option to be flirty with Sasha I pass. And the whole 'go ahead pick a flower' thing was a huge trap alarm to me.
Have you met Rhys? He is awkward. Anytime i say what i think is gonna be the 'cool/tough' option, it turns into the most awkward thing ever.
I don't understand... How can something be forced if the writers wrote it to play out that way? It's a story, who people wrote, with certain plot points, a beginning, and an end. I can understand if you don't like the way the story is unfolding, but forced is a little strong IMO.
It's been pretty clear to me that Rhys is attracted to Sasha since the 'pinkie promise' in Episode 1 when they got seperated from Fiona and Vaughn. And the way that their flirtation has unfolded since then seems natural to me.. Fiona and Rhys are more like step-siblings or friends than anything romantic.
But you always have the option to be silent, or not say flirtatious things. And if the 'romance' is still there, then it's part of the actual storyline that the writers have included, and i guess we will all have to deal with the ramifications of that. Whether we like it or not.
Arya, pardon the intrusion, but are you a Rhysha, Rhyiona, or neutral?
I didn't, i think that this game doesn't need a romance.
No intrusion InGen_Nate_Kenny!
I would say i'm pretty neutral in general when it comes to ships, unless i absolutely hate one of the characters for some reason. But, usually i am happy to just go where the story seems to be headed. And to me, it seems like Rhysha is where the story is headed. I actually like them together, they laugh and tease and crack jokes with each other. And as i said above, their flirtation seems to be a genuine pogression of them getting to know each other. And that's good enough for me.
I am also of the opinion that Jack is totally crushing on Fiona though, which should be interesting.
What if Sasha and Rhys became an item, and then Jack took over and started off with Fiona?
That would be comedy gold.
This is what i'm expecting to happen actually. And you're right, it will be Hilarious!
Can't wait to see Rhys explain to Sasha why 'it wasn't really me! I would never hit on your sister Sasha. It was Handsome Jack, i swear!' And if you never told anyone about Jack.... Well who would believe him? Lol.
"You better get an eye installed in the back of your head, 'cause, y-you never know when... I could be creeping up, behind you and you--" Punched by Vasquez
Yup. I like Rhys because I can play him as an awkward prick.
I'm playing the long game with Sasha; I'm gonna be all romantic and wait for the perfect moment in a later episode to royally fuck it up beyond all belief (assuming Jack didn't already do that for me, which I hope he didn't, because get out of the way Jack, this is MY relationship to fuck up)
It will be glorious
and hopefully funny
In all honesty though, I kind of feel like this is what the story is actually aiming for: build up this relationship with Sasha, only for Rhys to completely flub it up and ruin any chance he had (but maybe slip in a little hint afterwards that a spark is still there. You know, leave it open for imagination/interpretation, for the people that ship it)
Or they'll drop the good old "I'm not into guys" bomb, with Rhys realizing his efforts were (mostly) fruitless
That's the evilest thing I can imagine... providing you'll have a chance, that is. Cause - "In all honesty though, I kind of feel like this is what the story is actually aiming for: build up this relationship with Sasha, only for Rhys to completely flub it up and ruin any chance he had".
I mean fuck it up in more of a comedic, for-the-laughs kind of way. Like going all romantic, then completely ruining the mood at the right moment by making Rhys do or say something extremely stupid
Complete and utter dropping of the ball
Their interactions are "flirtatious" if you choose so. You don't HAVE to pinky-promise Sasha, you could choose to be cold to her if you want. But in this episode, they don't give you a choice, it's annoying. No matter what, you'll end up sounding awkward and shy, which is ridiculous.
I mean, if romance is done right like Rodrik and Elaena in GoT, or Lee and Carley in TWD, I have no issues because their attraction is real, and it's sweet. But in this case, it doesn't feel right or that it could work out. And I feel the same for Rhyiona, as much as I ship it. Romance and the like has no real place in the Borderlands universe.
As much as this would be comedy gold, Sasha 'dated' August, so she must have some thing for men?
But it was all a con
That was the exact quote i was thinking of when i posted!
Cheers, LordGoss1138!
It's annoying to You, you mean.
Rhys IS awkward. And you're right, if you don't want to flirt with Sasha - you don't have to.
Thanks for your response fayescarlet, but we obviously have differing opinions, so lets just leave it at that.