Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Frank also mentions that he beat the crap out of the truck driver.

  • edited August 2015

    Remember that Chloe had not closed her laptop when she went with Max to the barn? I have assumption that since Chloe not appears at home at night because she's dead, that David would go to her room and found that she's not there.

    Depending on the choice of:

    David home - he and Joyce are beginning to worry.

    David in Hotel - Joyce calls him because Chloe is not at home.

    Then David comes into the room Chloe, inspects a laptop, understands that they went into the barn. Then he takes his car and goes to the barn, finds Dark Room and saves Max.

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    OMFG you are the first person I found in this foruns that watch The 100 :3

    The 100 is much better than this, GOT is just about talking #BORING

  • Rachel ♡♡♡

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • He's fascinated with death it seems - the way he looked at Kate on the roof, all those photos and movies, plus his f*cked up dad and Jefferson are not making his life easier plus Max if she decided to rat him out and didn't stop Warren (he then says "everybody hates me... everybody" and even "Everybody wants to hurt me, I didn't hurt Kate" in unused audio)... I won't be surprised if he's suicidal.

  • I loved her so much... :'(


    Clemenem posted: »

    Rachel ♡♡♡

  • that show...... GOD i can't really describe it it's so freaking amazing and it's nice that i'm not the only one who watch that show ;)

    OMFG you are the first person I found in this foruns that watch The 100

  • Wait... what?

    Nathan will have a picture of the dog after the accident in his collection.

    enter image description here

    That sick piece of... And we're supposed to be feeling sorry for that punk?

    DeityD posted: »

    Nope, he's alive (at least for now) but injured badly I think. He's in the trailer and obviously he won't come to bite you if you f*ck up -

  • Well, this is f*cked up, but like I said - he has some serious problems, but it seems he didn't want to hurt anyone. Like, yeah, he took that picture and it's not okay that he finds it fascinating but he wasn't the one who almost killed the dog. Even that whole thing with Chloe was an accident because honestly he didn't have the guts to pull the trigger this time or the second time in the end of fourth episode.

    Wait... what? Nathan will have a picture of the dog after the accident in his collection. That sick piece of... And we're supposed to be feeling sorry for that punk?

  • Who is Bulldog in Frank's account book?

  • Prediction:

    After you possible experience what Kate and Rachel had to go through when they were captured, Max manages to get the picture that she took with Warren to go back and change everything to the way she wants it to be. But, the storm is still a problem. Max realizes that all these phenomenons are happening because she saved Chloe from getting killed in that bathroom from episode 1. Just like Ms. Grant said "Time is a very sensitive thread." She will use her selfie that she took in episode 1. Instead of going to the bathroom, she will just stay away and let things play out how they're suppose to play out. After that, she will need to find all the evidence AGAIN to throw Nathan or Mr. Jeff to jail, except without rewind powers and no Chloe either.

  • best game ever!!! this song..... so many feels Chloe :( enter link description here

  • What really??? Omg... 0.o

    Well anyway I asked because it says that the transaction was a loan for $3000 dollars. It happened also on 9/30 which was like a week more or less before the party. Chole said she took out a loan for Rachel and her leave Arcardia Bay, but why get a loan 6 months into Rachel's disappareance? She must have lied about running away with Rachel to Max then. Why did she need $3000 dollars and what did she really do with it?? O.0

    That's Chloe. Why?

  • edited August 2015

    Deleted Nathan Lines at 2:17

    enter link description here

  • Just did a playthrough where i threw the bone in the road, Pompadou doen't die, just injured :(

  • No, I think it's meant to be implied that she took out the loan in case Rachel came back, so that they could leave Arcadia Bay together when she did, and if Rachel didn't come back soon, Chloe would just leave by herself anyway and not pay back the loan. Perhaps if Max hadn't come back into her life she would have already left by now. When Frank started hassling her about the money, she tried to steal some from Nathan to pay him back, and he drugged her.

    But you're right, the reasoning and timing does seem a bit off, though.

  • If the weird weather is caused just by Max saving Chloe in the bathroom, why is there weird weather in the alternate timeline where that never happened?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Prediction: After you possible experience what Kate and Rachel had to go through when they were captured, Max manages to get the picture

  • to me looks a model posed and then over collor.

  • I think It's will be in October of course.

    enter image description here

  • Guess he's not only good at dinner, but he's also a remarkable photographer. ;)

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Hm... Jefferson's name - It's another reference to TWD?

  • Plot twist: the laptop runs out of power.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    Remember that Chloe had not closed her laptop when she went with Max to the barn? I have assumption that since Chloe not appears at home at

  • edited August 2015

    I imagine that the earliest date possible will be late September.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    I think It's will be in October of course.

  • enter image description here

    Wonderfully made.

  • As far as I understand, time is very fragile, so a consecutive amount of reverse would alter/distort the order so the weird events are occurring in the AU as well because time is altered from a different timeline—and AFAIK, all timeline use the same "string" of time.

    Tl;dr = Shit happens no matter where you are in timelines.

    Flog61 posted: »

    If the weird weather is caused just by Max saving Chloe in the bathroom, why is there weird weather in the alternate timeline where that never happened?

  • What if Max just waits outside the girl's bathroom to stop Chloe from coming in?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Prediction: After you possible experience what Kate and Rachel had to go through when they were captured, Max manages to get the picture

  • Mid - late september is my bet.

    Or maybe they're making the finale super long which is why they deconfirmed the speculated release dates.

    Hm, I'll try to check about.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    I think It's will be in October of course.

  • enter image description here

    Plot twist: the laptop runs out of power.

  • to me looks like a model posed

    No shit Sherlock.

    to me looks a model posed and then over collor.

  • Damn, she really does look like Rachel. The Max one from earlier and this one are great!

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • The creator overdid the eyes.

  • edited August 2015


    22-th September (8 weeks) - 13-th October (11 weeks). I think 6-th.

    Mid - late september is my bet. Or maybe they're making the finale super long which is why they deconfirmed the speculated release dates. Hm, I'll try to check about.

  • Max uses the rewind time in an alternate universe too, so she also received forces there. But it is not written down in the diary, and she rewinds time already many times in AU.

    As far as I understand, time is very fragile, so a consecutive amount of reverse would alter/distort the order so the weird events are occur

  • Why u say khiset?

    to me looks like a model posed No shit Sherlock.

  • edited August 2015

    NO NO NO!
    The beta tester CONFIRMED THIS on the first week of octomber or the 2nd one(this is the planned release date),and if it isn't like that don't blame me or him for being delayed,it isn't either in september!

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    IMO: 22-th September (8 weeks) - 13-th October (11 weeks). I think 6-th.

  • Stop being so uninformed,i even posted here a post about the release date that no one cared.If they want proof so much i would'va put here a screenshot from episode 5 if that makes you belive it,but i will not!

    NO NO NO! The beta tester CONFIRMED THIS on the first week of octomber or the 2nd one(this is the planned release date),and if it isn't like that don't blame me or him for being delayed,it isn't either in september!

  • Same girl :)

    enter image description here

    Damn, she really does look like Rachel. The Max one from earlier and this one are great!

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