The group image has got to be an embellishment...I cannot foresee August, Kroger and Finch cooperating with the Fiona or Rhys. The only inst… moreance that is possible is under Vallory's command...which, actually, could be plausible given that they need Rhys to access Helios.
There seems to be a Handsome Jack cult on Helios, too...not to good for Rhys, considering someone up there wants Jack's A.I.
Jack using Rhys to fight psychos is cool...and it looks like psychos are invading Helios. Also, that psycho is wearing skin torn from someone's face...that is horrifying.
The caravan upgrade is cool. I wonder if different upgrades give them different functions.
The group image has got to be an embellishment...I cannot foresee August, Kroger and Finch cooperating with the Fiona or Rhys. The only inst… moreance that is possible is under Vallory's command...which, actually, could be plausible given that they need Rhys to access Helios.
There seems to be a Handsome Jack cult on Helios, too...not to good for Rhys, considering someone up there wants Jack's A.I.
Jack using Rhys to fight psychos is cool...and it looks like psychos are invading Helios. Also, that psycho is wearing skin torn from someone's face...that is horrifying.
The caravan upgrade is cool. I wonder if different upgrades give them different functions.
This is gonna be a heist. Kinda like Ant-Man. (That was beautiful, Marvel. Thank you. Also, go Luis.) Or like a stealth-playthrough in Payday 2, except it hopefully doesn't end in a giant gun battle with a literal army of cops.
The group looks badass, but Vallory's goons are hesistant. Also, Scooter is here. If you want to find the's a link.
So, some of the outfits we saw in the Pre-Sequel are actually used now. And so are the creepy, plastic imitation Handsome Jack masks among his more...loony fans.
Butt Stallion is...DEAD? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Or it's a replica.
Yep, the moon looks EXACTLY like it was in BL2. Those big-ass craters are a result of Colonel Tungsteena Zarpedon, the "antagonist" of TPS attempting to blow up the moon with Helios's massive laser. What happened to that laser, you ask? Play the Pre-Sequel!
Jack is gonna teach Rhys how to punch. Nice.
What...WHAT HAS THAT PSYCHO DONE TO HIS MASK? WHO'S FACE IS IT? Interesting Fact-This might be a reference to an infamous fan theory that Jack's Mask was him wearing the face of his boss. Unfortunately, Tassiter looks way different.
The first screenshot really looks like a staged scene for some movie about super heros, where the gang walks up to the camera in slowmotion with the epic music playing on the background.
Bet it's from Armageddon.
I love that Finch and Kroeger are still around. I love making fun of them, and needling Finch about his hair!
Also, what's up with all the Handsome Jack lookalikes?
Because I don't have access to the Telltale image hosting network from home, and that screenshot came in super late, so I cheekily hosted it on imgur until I got to the office in the morning and switched it over. Didn't think you guys would notice... I need to work on my image ninja skills.
The first thing I realised was; where the heck is Vallory?
Does no one find it suspicious that everyone seems to be working together in the first screenshot WITHOUT the Queenpin herself?
Kinda makes you think.
I really want to know what's up with the Butt Stallion image. Mainly why those employees are wearing Handsome Jack masks. Are they on some s… moreort of Jack tour? Are they at some sort of event honoring his death? Are they just a bunch of fan boys? Who knows.
As soon as I saw the pinstripe I pretty much started hyperventilating because they reminded me of Timothy's pants.
But now I'm terrified this really is the Hyperion version of Shade's World of Curiosities, and they just inexplicably have his corpse strung up as part of their weird Jack shrine... O_O
That yellow stripe reminds me of the Jack/Doppelganger's pants from TPS. I know the boots aren't the same but, hey, wishful thinking!
… more I honestly have no idea what this is or if it's even feet, but it looks really out of place whatever it is. Odd....
As soon as I saw the pinstripe I pretty much started hyperventilating because they reminded me of Timothy's pants.
But now I'm terrified … morethis really is the Hyperion version of Shade's World of Curiosities, and they just inexplicably have his corpse strung up as part of their weird Jack shrine... O_O
So, it looks like we have confirmation that this is what Butt Stallion actually looks like. Previously it was speculated that because we only ever saw her in TTAODK that her design was just Tina's interpretation of her...
Considering the episode description includes this sentence: "Rhys and Fiona are forced to continue the search for the Vault beacon - at gunpoint", it's probably fair to say that the first pic is an embellishment.
The Psycho's (creepy) double mask strikes me as the kind of thing a Psycho would consider a legitimate/believable disguise - "Yup, I'm just a normal human being-MEAT BICYCLES-may I stowaway on your vehicle?"
Despite Jack taking over Rhys' arm, his ECHOeye remains blue.
The lack of Vaughn is seriously concerning me...
Nothing in this world has ever made me more hyped than that second image - I just - it's too much. It's perfect and perplexing in every way.
Does anyone else think it's weird that the episode description has switched to using 'Vault Beacon' as opposed to 'Gortys Upgrade?
EDIT: Also, I find it interesting that Jack uses Rhys non-dominant/robo-arm to punch the Psycho. You know when else Rhys uses his non-dominant arm:
The Psycho's (creepy) double mask strikes me as the kind of thing a Psycho would consider a legitimate/believable disguise - "Yup, I'm just a normal human being-MEAT BICYCLES-may I stowaway on your vehicle?"
Random thoughts:
* So, it looks like we have confirmation that this is what Butt Stallion actually looks like. Previously it was specul… moreated that because we only ever saw her in TTAODK that her design was just Tina's interpretation of her...
* Considering the episode description includes this sentence: "Rhys and Fiona are forced to continue the search for the Vault beacon - at gunpoint", it's probably fair to say that the first pic is an embellishment.
* The Psycho's (creepy) double mask strikes me as the kind of thing a Psycho would consider a legitimate/believable disguise - "Yup, I'm just a normal human being-MEAT BICYCLES-may I stowaway on your vehicle?"
* Despite Jack taking over Rhys' arm, his ECHOeye remains blue.
* The lack of Vaughn is seriously concerning me...
* Nothing in this world has ever made me more hyped than that second image - I just - it's too much. It's perfect and perplexing in every way.
* Does an… [view original content]
The Psycho's (creepy) double mask strikes me as the kind of thing a Psycho would consider a legitimate/believable disguise - "Yup, I'm just … morea normal human being-MEAT BICYCLES-may I stowaway on your vehicle?"
The lack of Vaughn is seriously concerning me.
I have a bad feeling about that too
Well I'm saying that TT doesn't re use models and this might be the case.....BUT Doesn't that face, nose for example look familiar
or that the eyebrows happens to be the exact same color as his....and we don't see him on any screen shot....or that Vallory doesn't strike me as mercifull type....
Well I'm saying that TT doesn't re use models and this might be the case.....BUT Doesn't that face, nose for example look familiar
or… more that the eyebrows happens to be the exact same color as his....and we don't see him on any screen shot....or that Vallory doesn't strike me as mercifull type....
Random thoughts:
* So, it looks like we have confirmation that this is what Butt Stallion actually looks like. Previously it was specul… moreated that because we only ever saw her in TTAODK that her design was just Tina's interpretation of her...
* Considering the episode description includes this sentence: "Rhys and Fiona are forced to continue the search for the Vault beacon - at gunpoint", it's probably fair to say that the first pic is an embellishment.
* The Psycho's (creepy) double mask strikes me as the kind of thing a Psycho would consider a legitimate/believable disguise - "Yup, I'm just a normal human being-MEAT BICYCLES-may I stowaway on your vehicle?"
* Despite Jack taking over Rhys' arm, his ECHOeye remains blue.
* The lack of Vaughn is seriously concerning me...
* Nothing in this world has ever made me more hyped than that second image - I just - it's too much. It's perfect and perplexing in every way.
* Does an… [view original content]
They unfortunately haven't been very consistent with Rhys' echo eye which is a shame since I really liked the idea of blue eye turning into yellow when Jack takes over him. I hope that Rhys using his robot arm in that picture actually means something. I've been waiting Handsome Rhys to happen so long!
Random thoughts:
* So, it looks like we have confirmation that this is what Butt Stallion actually looks like. Previously it was specul… moreated that because we only ever saw her in TTAODK that her design was just Tina's interpretation of her...
* Considering the episode description includes this sentence: "Rhys and Fiona are forced to continue the search for the Vault beacon - at gunpoint", it's probably fair to say that the first pic is an embellishment.
* The Psycho's (creepy) double mask strikes me as the kind of thing a Psycho would consider a legitimate/believable disguise - "Yup, I'm just a normal human being-MEAT BICYCLES-may I stowaway on your vehicle?"
* Despite Jack taking over Rhys' arm, his ECHOeye remains blue.
* The lack of Vaughn is seriously concerning me...
* Nothing in this world has ever made me more hyped than that second image - I just - it's too much. It's perfect and perplexing in every way.
* Does an… [view original content]
I think the yellow is supposed to have something to do with Jack "upgrading" his eye or getting further into his cybernetics. Considering that the (two, right?) times it was yellow was when he upgraded the eye to hack Vasquez(and afterwards learned he could control Rhys' arm) and when you let him in to take over the facility(and consequently give him Jackapedia and full body possesion), it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Jack being in control, but just when he's gaining more control...
They unfortunately haven't been very consistent with Rhys' echo eye which is a shame since I really liked the idea of blue eye turning into … moreyellow when Jack takes over him. I hope that Rhys using his robot arm in that picture actually means something. I've been waiting Handsome Rhys to happen so long!
I don't think the psychos are invading Helios. In episode 1, we saw two small psychos
fighting with knives in a lounge. They were already there.
Eh i think the 1st image is just a fragile alliance
Anyone else notice how the screenshots look a lot more detailed and have higher quality?
First things first:
(distant fanboy screaming)
Alright, observations:
This is gonna be a heist. Kinda like Ant-Man. (That was beautiful, Marvel. Thank you. Also, go Luis.) Or like a stealth-playthrough in Payday 2, except it hopefully doesn't end in a giant gun battle with a literal army of cops.
The group looks badass, but Vallory's goons are hesistant. Also, Scooter is here. If you want to find the's a link.
So, some of the outfits we saw in the Pre-Sequel are actually used now. And so are the creepy, plastic imitation Handsome Jack masks among his more...loony fans.
Butt Stallion is...DEAD? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Or it's a replica.
Yep, the moon looks EXACTLY like it was in BL2. Those big-ass craters are a result of Colonel Tungsteena Zarpedon, the "antagonist" of TPS attempting to blow up the moon with Helios's massive laser. What happened to that laser, you ask? Play the Pre-Sequel!
Jack is gonna teach Rhys how to punch. Nice.
What...WHAT HAS THAT PSYCHO DONE TO HIS MASK? WHO'S FACE IS IT? Interesting Fact-This might be a reference to an infamous fan theory that Jack's Mask was him wearing the face of his boss. Unfortunately, Tassiter looks way different.
I love that Finch and Kroeger are still around. I love making fun of them, and needling Finch about his hair!
Also, what's up with all the Handsome Jack lookalikes?
That's what i thought too! Lol
He had a very strong cult of personality, I guess.
Because I don't have access to the Telltale image hosting network from home, and that screenshot came in super late, so I cheekily hosted it on imgur until I got to the office in the morning and switched it over. Didn't think you guys would notice... I need to work on my image ninja skills.
Don't think so. Those aren't his shoes at all.
Nice spotting, here is a video of the walk in anyone is interested.
enter link description here
I imagine she's got Vaughn as a hostage and she can't go to Helios herself so she sent them all up to get the Gortys upgrade.
That yellow stripe reminds me of the Jack/Doppelganger's pants from TPS. I know the boots aren't the same but, hey, wishful thinking!
I honestly have no idea what this is or if it's even feet, but it looks really out of place whatever it is. Odd....
What I love is August and Sasha walking beside each other. I'm loving this omen. Augasha confirmed please.
This will now be in my dreams forever....
Huh, I thought they looked a bit odd, lmao.
As soon as I saw the pinstripe I pretty much started hyperventilating because they reminded me of Timothy's pants.
But now I'm terrified this really is the Hyperion version of Shade's World of Curiosities, and they just inexplicably have his corpse strung up as part of their weird Jack shrine... O_O
There's too much red, though, and too much silver and yellow.
Then again...
I'll put that on TV Tropes.
Quick, run before the Rhysha navy's searchlights spot your submarine!
Random thoughts:
So, it looks like we have confirmation that this is what Butt Stallion actually looks like. Previously it was speculated that because we only ever saw her in TTAODK that her design was just Tina's interpretation of her...
Considering the episode description includes this sentence: "Rhys and Fiona are forced to continue the search for the Vault beacon - at gunpoint", it's probably fair to say that the first pic is an embellishment.
The Psycho's (creepy) double mask strikes me as the kind of thing a Psycho would consider a legitimate/believable disguise - "Yup, I'm just a normal human being-MEAT BICYCLES-may I stowaway on your vehicle?"
Despite Jack taking over Rhys' arm, his ECHOeye remains blue.
The lack of Vaughn is seriously concerning me...
Nothing in this world has ever made me more hyped than that second image - I just - it's too much. It's perfect and perplexing in every way.
Does anyone else think it's weird that the episode description has switched to using 'Vault Beacon' as opposed to 'Gortys Upgrade?
EDIT: Also, I find it interesting that Jack uses Rhys non-dominant/robo-arm to punch the Psycho. You know when else Rhys uses his non-dominant arm:
Oh shiiiiiiiiit...
The second I saw the first screenshot, I knew this was gonna suffer the penultimate curse.
I have a bad feeling about that too
Sasha is standing too close to August and Fiona is standing too close to Rhys.
Ahahaha - Oh, you shippers!
Don't do this to me...
Vaughn has a beard, man - VAUGHN HAS A BEARD!!!
I find it a bit weird that the episode clearly has a lot to do with Yvette yet she;s not in any of the screenshots
Hmmmmm...this is true
Good one Megami hahaha
I thought the same, but in all fairness, potentially only one of those are actually on Helios...
Well I'm saying that TT doesn't re use models and this might be the case.....BUT Doesn't that face, nose for example look familiar
or that the eyebrows happens to be the exact same color as his....and we don't see him on any screen shot....or that Vallory doesn't strike me as mercifull type....
Haha git gud
Imagine the scene when Rhys see Vaughn disfigured face....
< Rhys
Ooh, nice find about Rhys' hand, I've never paid any attention to this before. So HJ could be the main reason their group fell apart after all...
What's wrong Rhys? Don't you recognize your Bro?
They unfortunately haven't been very consistent with Rhys' echo eye which is a shame since I really liked the idea of blue eye turning into yellow when Jack takes over him. I hope that Rhys using his robot arm in that picture actually means something.
I've been waiting Handsome Rhys to happen so long!
Bro? Is that you?
I think the yellow is supposed to have something to do with Jack "upgrading" his eye or getting further into his cybernetics. Considering that the (two, right?) times it was yellow was when he upgraded the eye to hack Vasquez(and afterwards learned he could control Rhys' arm) and when you let him in to take over the facility(and consequently give him Jackapedia and full body possesion), it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Jack being in control, but just when he's gaining more control...