Wait, since the cover in the menu features 2 Loader Bots fighting and one of htme is our Loader bot almost for sure, what if he gets upgrade… mored with the guns he didn't get in episode 1? Like, if in EP1 he was given the Machine Gun and Rockets, in here he'll get the Shield and the Grenades and vice versa
what the hell is going on with that unicorn
How dare you not know the name of the greatest, most beautiful, most glamorous, and most… more graceful Borderlands characters of all time. That is the great Butt Stalion, and she is Jack's diamond pony.
enter link description here
Btw, I read somewhere that this was not originally written but was ad libbed by Dameon Clarke (the voice of Handsome Jack). Here's the link:
Our hope with Handsome Jack is that he could represent your one-stop-shop for all narrative importance. He could be your endgoal (“kill Jack”), could remind you of his own narrative importance as that endgoal (“you’re a bandit and I’m the hero”), and hopefully entertain the player while doing the first two (“these pretzels suck”*).
We wanted you to initially think of Jack as a funny, but ultimately harmless dick. That’s why the Butt Stallion monologue comes so early in the game – it’s too goofy to take seriously … [view original content]
Hey does anybody know where that incredibly funny gif is of Rhys and Fiona in bed and Sasha walks in and it's bunch of shocked faces? It was taken from that scene in the Game of Thrones episode and had their heads slapped on it.
I need it for something really, reaaaaally important.
Hey does anybody know where that incredibly funny gif is of Rhys and Fiona in bed and Sasha walks in and it's bunch of shocked faces? It was… more taken from that scene in the Game of Thrones episode and had their heads slapped on it.
I need it for something really, reaaaaally important.
Hey does anybody know where that incredibly funny gif is of Rhys and Fiona in bed and Sasha walks in and it's bunch of shocked faces? It was… more taken from that scene in the Game of Thrones episode and had their heads slapped on it.
I need it for something really, reaaaaally important.
Yup, I feel like ep 4 is the last episode we are playing in the past, the rest will be in the present.
I feel like the questions of Where Vaughn and Sasha are, The Fallout, and who the stranger are will all be answered
We've got our final size:
It's really real, you guys!
And looks like the shorter wait time doesn't mean a shorter episode (unless all those beautiful Helios assets are just super detailed).
Yup, I feel like ep 4 is the last episode we are playing in the past, the rest will be in the present.
I feel like the questions of Where Vaughn and Sasha are, The Fallout, and who the stranger are will all be answered
Guyss.. i had a dream that we had a TWAU S2 confirmation, with fiona and athena working for bigby.. as random as that was, it surly made my day!! ahahahaha
Guyss.. i had a dream that we had a TWAU S2 confirmation, with fiona and athena working for bigby.. as random as that was, it surly made my day!! ahahahaha
I suppose that the TT Staff likes the Shield and Grenades because of the Captain America vibes.
To be honest, why did you never follow that advice to wear sunglasses? You look so much better in them.
Don't want to hide the handsome, duh.
Imagining Handsome Jack riding the Butt Stalion, so happy and freeee.
AHHHH That episode!!!
Woah Really?! I'm not android user so I do not know about it
[offers clean pair of pants.]
What's everyone think of the episode size on the database?
We've got our final size:
It's really real, you guys!
And looks like the shorter wait time doesn't mean a shorter episode (unless all those beautiful Helios assets are just super detailed).
Think we'll find out why Fiona and Rhys hate one another by Episode 4?
Yup, I feel like ep 4 is the last episode we are playing in the past, the rest will be in the present.
I feel like the questions of Where Vaughn and Sasha are, The Fallout, and who the stranger are will all be answered
Why didn't I see this before:

Hey does anybody know where that incredibly funny gif is of Rhys and Fiona in bed and Sasha walks in and it's bunch of shocked faces? It was taken from that scene in the Game of Thrones episode and had their heads slapped on it.
I need it for something really, reaaaaally important.
I got you, fam.
You are my hero Pooger
I'm my hero aswell
ummm, wait how do i get it to work on here? o.o
Sadly imgur is dumb because the gif is really big
Here, Ill try to resize it so we dont need to go searching through hundreds of pages
Shaggy punching Joker in the face? I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THIS IS FROM.
There you go, nice and small
I think I remember hearing something about how Episode 5 is set in the present, but I'm interested in seeing how we get to that point.
It's slightly bigger than Ep3.
Thank you so much! =D
So. I was looking at this tweet from Laura, and....
A possible Season Two perhaps?
All of Telltale's episodic games are called seasons.
woaaaaaah we'll have another the wolf among us.....
He literally is Jack - which is just so delightfully terrifying...
''There you go, nice and small''
Bet it's the same thing Fiona said 8)
well its a skin mask... its not like his wearing his full head.
i dont believe it though. i mean that would be very dark.... so far has had good light hearthed violence but that shit would be too dark.
They called TWAU ep 5 the season finale and we all know how that went LMAO
pooger you set my expectation high, i'll blame you if nothing happens xD
i approve!! xD
Guyss.. i had a dream that we had a TWAU S2 confirmation, with fiona and athena working for bigby.. as random as that was, it surly made my day!! ahahahaha
into oblivion ..
dont put salt on my wound, /Green613 </3
I'd take that by now tbh
the same eyebrows, plus Rhys might not be Rhys. As you can see, It's handsome jack punching.