As a villain yes, but as a game character no. I would still want him around in Borderlands 3 as part of the game but not the main antagonist. Too much of the story involves him not to tight it up.
I'm still not over the culty picture and now I'm laughing because all those masks have blush on them like Jack is a cutesy little shojo anime character. They're cheap mass-produced ripoffs. I really hope this isn't embellishment, I really do.
I'm still not over the culty picture and now I'm laughing because all those masks have blush on them like Jack is a cutesy little shojo anime character. They're cheap mass-produced ripoffs. I really hope this isn't embellishment, I really do.
I'll elaborate on Leluch's thing:
The group arrives back to Pandora, minus Finch and Kroger because they died, and Scooter because he's c… moreurrently driving back to Sanctuary
Vallory: Excellent.
Rhys: Wait wait wait. Where's Vaughn?
Vallory: Hm?
Rhys: WHERE'S-
August: Rhys, chill. He'll be fine, I promise. Ma, where's his buddy?
Vallory: Oh...come on out, slave.
Vaughn staggers out
August stares in shock
Rhys starts choking up
Fiona and Sasha gasp
Loader Bot shields Gortys
Vaughn: R-R-Rhys, i-i-is that y-y-you?
Rhys: B-B-Bro...what happened to your FACE?
Vaughn: I-I-I c-can't see...w-w-why can't I SEE?
Vallory: Your friend got a little stubborn, so I had to...silence him.
Vaughn: R-R-Rhys...i-i-is there anything wrong with my f-face? I t-think I'm blind...
August: MA-
Vallory: Hm?
Vallory… [view original content]
Though to be honest, it's always been at the back of my head - especially considering the parallels to TPS/Felicity (he'd kind of deserve it/it would be an incredibly apt way for him to go out).
But I just don't understand why they'd go to the trouble of what was effectively resurrecting a character only to kill him within the same series... The only time I could see it being justified is (as you said) if he were given a redemption arc, and finally died the hero he thought he was.
I hate...really hate to say it. But I think it will be Jack. Only hope it is a moment of redemption. Had that feeling since episode three. A… morefter Rhys tells the story about him and Jack on the roof of the caravan. Fiona makes a crack about Jack and Rhys gets a forlorn look on his face and doesn't want to talk anymore. And there is the fact that his digi-eye has changed.
Yeeeah, I... wouldn't really like that, I think. I may be a special case, but I personally prefer stories about unrepentant assholes, who learn nothing and end up as karma houdinis anyway, I find them uplifting because... hell, life ain't fair and I like when someone actually admits it instead of feeding me cheesy aesops. I'm contrary like that :P
Though to be honest, it's always been at the back of my head - especially considering the parallels to TPS/Felicity (he'd kind of deserve it… more/it would be an incredibly apt way for him to go out).
But I just don't understand why they'd go to the trouble of what was effectively resurrecting a character only to kill him within the same series... The only time I could see it being justified is (as you said) if he were given a redemption arc, and finally died the hero he thought he was.
It's actually scared me even more given Anthony's latest tweet:
Yeeeah, I... wouldn't really like that, I think. I may be a special case, but I personally prefer stories about unrepentant assholes, who le… morearn nothing and end up as karma houdinis anyway, I find them uplifting because... hell, life ain't fair and I like when someone actually admits it instead of feeding me cheesy aesops. I'm contrary like that :P
Ahaha, yeah I'd much prefer a scene with Vaughn surrounded by shoeboxes full of crumpled receipts going full Hyperion and yelling about how primitive Pandorans are.
I'll admit to having an affinity to the unapologetic asshole. Had a boss was a total douche canoe most of the time. He called me sweetie and told me once I didn't have the balls for corporate law (he was right but he said it like the douche canoe he was). He was also the guy who gave me a payed week off when my mother died without asking for it, and stayed with me in the emergency room for 7 hours telling me jokes from Playboy and giving the nurses hotness ratings.
I have that same affinity toward Jack. No matter what I want him to be a part of the game, but I want him to be the lovable asshole he is, even if only a couple of people can appreciate it. Long periods of self-reflection isn't Jack.
As for the twitter question; A little redemption and tolerance is needed. We all have to be forgiven for something and as nice as we like to think we are, there is someone out there who thinks we are total assholes.
Yeeeah, I... wouldn't really like that, I think. I may be a special case, but I personally prefer stories about unrepentant assholes, who le… morearn nothing and end up as karma houdinis anyway, I find them uplifting because... hell, life ain't fair and I like when someone actually admits it instead of feeding me cheesy aesops. I'm contrary like that :P
And at least in the BL universe I think Jack summed it up best himself - 'Sure, it's a tough universe, but there's no excuse for being an asshole. Unless you're funny with it, then it's kinda totally fine'. I love him as the hypocritical, cruel, egotistical, hilarious, heroic visionary that he is, I don't want him to change so the story can have some stock moral.
I'll admit to having an affinity to the unapologetic asshole. Had a boss was a total douche canoe most of the time. He called me sweetie and… more told me once I didn't have the balls for corporate law (he was right but he said it like the douche canoe he was). He was also the guy who gave me a payed week off when my mother died without asking for it, and stayed with me in the emergency room for 7 hours telling me jokes from Playboy and giving the nurses hotness ratings.
I have that same affinity toward Jack. No matter what I want him to be a part of the game, but I want him to be the lovable asshole he is, even if only a couple of people can appreciate it. Long periods of self-reflection isn't Jack.
As for the twitter question; A little redemption and tolerance is needed. We all have to be forgiven for something and as nice as we like to think we are, there is someone out there who thinks we are total assholes.
I'll admit to having an affinity to the unapologetic asshole. Had a boss was a total douche canoe most of the time. He called me sweetie and… more told me once I didn't have the balls for corporate law (he was right but he said it like the douche canoe he was). He was also the guy who gave me a payed week off when my mother died without asking for it, and stayed with me in the emergency room for 7 hours telling me jokes from Playboy and giving the nurses hotness ratings.
I have that same affinity toward Jack. No matter what I want him to be a part of the game, but I want him to be the lovable asshole he is, even if only a couple of people can appreciate it. Long periods of self-reflection isn't Jack.
As for the twitter question; A little redemption and tolerance is needed. We all have to be forgiven for something and as nice as we like to think we are, there is someone out there who thinks we are total assholes.
The Thing i noticed is that on the first picture - Fiona (normal outfit-no hat) Rhys (hyperion arm) sasha (pandoran googles) and Loderbot (hyperion paint) Kroger (has his hair) Scooter (no hitmark on his face) , does that mean our choices don't matter/they just did it to tease us without thinking about the Customizables on the PCs/Npc's
They probably ran through with a default gameplay. Meaning they didn't use the customization or anything to affect characters. Besides, the first screenshot is most likely an embellishment as like 90% of us say
The Thing i noticed is that on the first picture - Fiona (normal outfit-no hat) Rhys (hyperion arm) sasha (pandoran googles) and Loderbot (h… moreyperion paint) Kroger (has his hair) Scooter (no hitmark on his face) , does that mean our choices don't matter/they just did it to tease us without thinking about the Customizables on the PCs/Npc's
So I'm getting excited for Ep. 4 and I just realized less than an hour ago that Cherami Leigh (Gaige) and Stephanie Young (Nisha) are at a con in my hometown going on right now. I know they're not in TFTBL but I'm still going-
So I'm getting excited for Ep. 4 and I just realized less than an hour ago that Cherami Leigh (Gaige) and Stephanie Young (Nisha) are at a con in my hometown going on right now. I know they're not in TFTBL but I'm still going-
Actually, THAT could be where the yelling into a mic is from...
Ahaha, yeah I'd much prefer a scene with Vaughn surrounded by shoeboxes full of crumpled receipts going full Hyperion and yelling about how primitive Pandorans are.
That'd actually be a good set up. I mean, what were Angel's last words to Jack? "You're an asshole". Eventually, Rhys is going to mention this to Holo-Jack.
I can picture Jack looking at this Handsome-Cult and being so amused by it, and then Rhys comes in talking about his daughter and what it's like to worship someone who doesn't give a damn about anybody. You can see Jack brushing it off like always, will guilt him in a way few others can.
See, we all want to be that guy at some point: The person who is so detached and committed to himself he isn't bothered by anyone's opinion: He's in it to WIN. You don't like it? You get run over. Jack is an example of that guy, with absolute POWER. He went further than ANYONE. Little wonder so many weak people want to be him; Jack showed them you could, if you committed to it. In the end, though, Jack's going to realize he's not that desirable...and paradoxically, this will lead him to being heroic. He WANTS to be a hero, an he'll do it right eventually, if nothing else than to spite his daughter.
Though to be honest, it's always been at the back of my head - especially considering the parallels to TPS/Felicity (he'd kind of deserve it… more/it would be an incredibly apt way for him to go out).
But I just don't understand why they'd go to the trouble of what was effectively resurrecting a character only to kill him within the same series... The only time I could see it being justified is (as you said) if he were given a redemption arc, and finally died the hero he thought he was.
It's actually scared me even more given Anthony's latest tweet:
That'd actually be a good set up. I mean, what were Angel's last words to Jack? "You're an asshole". Eventually, Rhys is going to mention th… moreis to Holo-Jack.
I can picture Jack looking at this Handsome-Cult and being so amused by it, and then Rhys comes in talking about his daughter and what it's like to worship someone who doesn't give a damn about anybody. You can see Jack brushing it off like always, will guilt him in a way few others can.
See, we all want to be that guy at some point: The person who is so detached and committed to himself he isn't bothered by anyone's opinion: He's in it to WIN. You don't like it? You get run over. Jack is an example of that guy, with absolute POWER. He went further than ANYONE. Little wonder so many weak people want to be him; Jack showed them you could, if you committed to it. In the end, though, Jack's going to realize he's not that desirable...and paradoxically, this will lea… [view original content]
He WANTS to be a hero, an he'll do it right eventually, if nothing else than to spite his daughter.
This is actually really fitting - only Jack would do the right thing for all the wrong reasons.
The Thing i noticed is that on the first picture - Fiona (normal outfit-no hat) Rhys (hyperion arm) sasha (pandoran googles) and Loderbot (h… moreyperion paint) Kroger (has his hair) Scooter (no hitmark on his face) , does that mean our choices don't matter/they just did it to tease us without thinking about the Customizables on the PCs/Npc's
What if Tales turns Jack into a Hero? What if he has an epiphany because of Rhys and the group, and decides to renounce his evil ways and be a good guy?
Extremely unlikely i know, but from what i understand of the Borderlands universe, War is apparently coming. They will need all the help / Vault Hunters they can get, and Jack has knowledge that could be used to advantage.
I'll elaborate on Leluch's thing:
The group arrives back to Pandora, minus Finch and Kroger because they died, and Scooter because he's currently driving back to Sanctuary
Vallory: Excellent.
Rhys: Wait wait wait. Where's Vaughn?
Vallory: Hm?
Rhys: WHERE'S-
August: Rhys, chill. He'll be fine, I promise. Ma, where's his buddy?
Vallory: Oh...come on out, slave.
Vaughn staggers out
August stares in shock
Rhys starts choking up
Fiona and Sasha gasp
Loader Bot shields Gortys
Vaughn: R-R-Rhys, i-i-is that y-y-you?
Rhys: B-B-Bro...what happened to your FACE?
Vaughn: I-I-I c-can't see...w-w-why can't I SEE?
Vallory: Your friend got a little stubborn, so I had to...silence him.
Vaughn: R-R-Rhys...i-i-is there anything wrong with my f-face? I t-think I'm blind...
August: MA-
Vallory: Hm?
Vallory kicks him in the gut
Vallory: QUIET, SON.
Meanwhile, Rhys hugs Vaughn as they both cry
Another cult? I will fuck someone up if i have to, and depending on who it is, no pauses on that.
As a villain yes, but as a game character no. I would still want him around in Borderlands 3 as part of the game but not the main antagonist. Too much of the story involves him not to tight it up.
I'm still not over the culty picture and now I'm laughing because all those masks have blush on them like Jack is a cutesy little shojo anime character. They're cheap mass-produced ripoffs. I really hope this isn't embellishment, I really do.
OMG they are Jackaboos! Now I'm really ascared.
Ahaha... No?
T-that... That would be preposterous...
Ooh, if we got to wear the gold one from my pic that might finally be enough for me to spend some dosh in my canon playthrough...
Though to be honest, it's always been at the back of my head - especially considering the parallels to TPS/Felicity (he'd kind of deserve it/it would be an incredibly apt way for him to go out).
But I just don't understand why they'd go to the trouble of what was effectively resurrecting a character only to kill him within the same series... The only time I could see it being justified is (as you said) if he were given a redemption arc, and finally died the hero he thought he was.
It's actually scared me even more given Anthony's latest tweet:

The blush reminds me of this every time I look at them (and immediately descend into a fit of giggles):
Yeeeah, I... wouldn't really like that, I think. I may be a special case, but I personally prefer stories about unrepentant assholes, who learn nothing and end up as karma houdinis anyway, I find them uplifting because... hell, life ain't fair and I like when someone actually admits it instead of feeding me cheesy aesops. I'm contrary like that :P
that comment was really offensive
I'm exactly the same - it's one of the reasons why I like Jack so much.
Ahaha, yeah I'd much prefer a scene with Vaughn surrounded by shoeboxes full of crumpled receipts going full Hyperion and yelling about how primitive Pandorans are.
I'll admit to having an affinity to the unapologetic asshole. Had a boss was a total douche canoe most of the time. He called me sweetie and told me once I didn't have the balls for corporate law (he was right but he said it like the douche canoe he was). He was also the guy who gave me a payed week off when my mother died without asking for it, and stayed with me in the emergency room for 7 hours telling me jokes from Playboy and giving the nurses hotness ratings.
I have that same affinity toward Jack. No matter what I want him to be a part of the game, but I want him to be the lovable asshole he is, even if only a couple of people can appreciate it. Long periods of self-reflection isn't Jack.
As for the twitter question; A little redemption and tolerance is needed. We all have to be forgiven for something and as nice as we like to think we are, there is someone out there who thinks we are total assholes.
I like your boss already...
And at least in the BL universe I think Jack summed it up best himself - 'Sure, it's a tough universe, but there's no excuse for being an asshole. Unless you're funny with it, then it's kinda totally fine'. I love him as the hypocritical, cruel, egotistical, hilarious, heroic visionary that he is, I don't want him to change so the story can have some stock moral.
Not going to lie, I kinda want to be best friends with your ex-boss...
I.......................................don't believe you xD
The Thing i noticed is that on the first picture - Fiona (normal outfit-no hat) Rhys (hyperion arm) sasha (pandoran googles) and Loderbot (hyperion paint) Kroger (has his hair) Scooter (no hitmark on his face) , does that mean our choices don't matter/they just did it to tease us without thinking about the Customizables on the PCs/Npc's
They probably ran through with a default gameplay. Meaning they didn't use the customization or anything to affect characters. Besides, the first screenshot is most likely an embellishment as like 90% of us say
So I'm getting excited for Ep. 4 and I just realized less than an hour ago that Cherami Leigh (Gaige) and Stephanie Young (Nisha) are at a con in my hometown going on right now. I know they're not in TFTBL but I'm still going-
Gaige. Nisha. AWESOME!
Handsome Drag Queen.
Actually, THAT could be where the yelling into a mic is from...
That'd actually be a good set up. I mean, what were Angel's last words to Jack? "You're an asshole". Eventually, Rhys is going to mention this to Holo-Jack.
I can picture Jack looking at this Handsome-Cult and being so amused by it, and then Rhys comes in talking about his daughter and what it's like to worship someone who doesn't give a damn about anybody. You can see Jack brushing it off like always, will guilt him in a way few others can.
See, we all want to be that guy at some point: The person who is so detached and committed to himself he isn't bothered by anyone's opinion: He's in it to WIN. You don't like it? You get run over. Jack is an example of that guy, with absolute POWER. He went further than ANYONE. Little wonder so many weak people want to be him; Jack showed them you could, if you committed to it. In the end, though, Jack's going to realize he's not that desirable...and paradoxically, this will lead him to being heroic. He WANTS to be a hero, an he'll do it right eventually, if nothing else than to spite his daughter.
This is actually really fitting - only Jack would do the right thing for all the wrong reasons.
He'll probably end up like the talking 1340 shield, except to warn you of incoming threats and yell stuff when you're idle.
Also, he could very well change as much as an Orwellian psychopath can and decide that you need to make a planet love you for absolute POWAAAAAH.
And in all the shots Fiona's missing her '1' bruise from Brick - goddamn unreliable narrators!
Damn, I didn't even realize that. Maybe she has the same regeneration powers as Gryff?
And with a quick rub of the hand, Huzza the bruise is gone!
Best response ever!
What if Tales turns Jack into a Hero? What if he has an epiphany because of Rhys and the group, and decides to renounce his evil ways and be a good guy?
Extremely unlikely i know, but from what i understand of the Borderlands universe, War is apparently coming. They will need all the help / Vault Hunters they can get, and Jack has knowledge that could be used to advantage.
So it's not going to be at sea?
Very well. FLIGHT MODE ON!