Hey Guys! First time posting something in the TTG forum for me but I have followed the discussions here almost daily since the end of episod… moree 3.
You guys are really cool, I just wanted you to know that
God, I'm excited for episode 4 - shit will go down!
So, while we wait, how do you guys use your save files?
For me, I've done 3 in which I experiment various choices, and I'm keeping the fourth one to do a longplay once EP5 is out with my "ideal" choices
Probably not. I think that he'll get shot in a scene only to find out that the shield blocked the bullets and he'll be like "WTF I'm immortal" then the shield runs out of capacity and he has to dodge the next bullets :P
now that would be awesome rhys getting shot, and fiona/sasha grabbing his "dead" body like "nooo, why did he had to die, I loved him so much!" and rhys stands up and says "good to know" screw the classic bible, tediore-shields are the new shit!
Probably not. I think that he'll get shot in a scene only to find out that the shield blocked the bullets and he'll be like "WTF I'm immortal" then the shield runs out of capacity and he has to dodge the next bullets :P
now that would be awesome rhys getting shot, and fiona/sasha grabbing his "dead" body like "nooo, why did he had to die, I loved him so much!" and rhys stands up and says "good to know" screw the classic bible, tediore-shields are the new shit!
is anyone here on steam? i love this community, so i thought why not add eachother on steam if anyone wants. i'll make this a spoiler tag because i dont wanna annoy people who dont care lol xDD
That would be great! I would imagine it like first there's an extremely violent scene (it's Borderlands, what do you expect) and afterwards all that tension is released when Mr. Blue Sky starts playing I'd burst into laughter for sure.
Holy crap I can actually picture this Just imagine sccoter riding on top like a mainic and then the camera pans to Helios as the caravan zoms past and wee the title screen, 'Tales from the Borderlands'
So, I just went through Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep again, and I don't think I've ever loved an NPC more than her.
I really hope w… moree see an appearance from her in the last couple of episodes. I can just imagine it:
Tina: "Hey, Rhys. Where's Sasha/Fiona at? You guys ever hang out, if you know what I mean, and I think you doooo..."
Rhys: "Tina, come one. That's a little personal."
Tina: "Oooohhh. You hit that, gimme high-five! RHYS! GIMME HIGH-FIVE CAUSE YOU HIT THAT!"
Rhys gives high-five
Tina: "That's my bro."
So, I just went through Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep again, and I don't think I've ever loved an NPC more than her.
I really hope w… moree see an appearance from her in the last couple of episodes. I can just imagine it:
Tina: "Hey, Rhys. Where's Sasha/Fiona at? You guys ever hang out, if you know what I mean, and I think you doooo..."
Rhys: "Tina, come one. That's a little personal."
Tina: "Oooohhh. You hit that, gimme high-five! RHYS! GIMME HIGH-FIVE CAUSE YOU HIT THAT!"
Rhys gives high-five
Tina: "That's my bro."
y'know, when ep 4 is out, we COULD actually say stuff like "omfg so many people died!" or "I was so sad when HE died" just to troll the people who haven't played it yet...it wouldn't be a spoiler, so it wouldn't be illegal...
y'know, when ep 4 is out, we COULD actually say stuff like "omfg so many people died!" or "I was so sad when HE died" just to troll the people who haven't played it yet...it wouldn't be a spoiler, so it wouldn't be illegal...
i'm a She not a He .. sorry for the confusion also xD lol
"You guys are really cool"
So far, I just have a main save and an alternate save where I trusted Jack over Fiona in Episode 2 so I could see how Episode 3 was different.
I've been wondering if the shield Rhys picks up in Episode 1 will ever get to be used :P
does he even know how to use it?
Probably not. I think that he'll get shot in a scene only to find out that the shield blocked the bullets and he'll be like "WTF I'm immortal" then the shield runs out of capacity and he has to dodge the next bullets :P
now that would be awesome
rhys getting shot, and fiona/sasha grabbing his "dead" body like "nooo, why did he had to die, I loved him so much!" and rhys stands up and says "good to know" screw the classic bible, tediore-shields are the new shit!
Screw One-of-a-kind Atlas SMG or Multi-Elemental Jakobs Derringers, White-quality Tediore shields ya bitchs!
is anyone here on steam? i love this community, so i thought why not add eachother on steam if anyone wants.
i'll make this a spoiler tag because i dont wanna annoy people who dont care lol xDD
I need more people on my Steam that play Tales from the borderlands, so sure why not. My steam id is sora11 and my nickname is WTF!?
Jeez, I have no idea why this is like the most hyped up I've ever been for a Telltale episode
just added you, hope its you tho xD
yeah, It's me. Added you back.
good to have ya pal
Take it easy, only 3 days left... now, uhmmm what was I doing?
2 days 7 hours 36 minutes 10 seconds (kinda)**** Corrected for u
That would be great! I would imagine it like first there's an extremely violent scene (it's Borderlands, what do you expect) and afterwards all that tension is released when Mr. Blue Sky starts playing
I'd burst into laughter for sure.
Sure. Steam name is JackBauer =XE=
I didn't choose the name though.
who did?
My older brother, he's a big fan of the TV show 24.
BananasTheKing is my steam username
Yes! We're so close fellas. Please let this be an amazing penultimate episode. cross fingers
I agree! TFTB is telltale's masterpiece til now. Loved the other games as well though
The hype is real! I can't wait
I am pretty sure it will be. I mean they are going to freaking Helios - how can that be not awesome
So, I just went through Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep again, and I don't think I've ever loved an NPC more than her.
I really hope we see an appearance from her in the last couple of episodes. I can just imagine it:
Tina: "Hey, Rhys. Where's Sasha/Fiona at? You guys ever hang out, if you know what I mean, and I think you doooo..."
Rhys: "Tina, come one. That's a little personal."
Tina: "Oooohhh. You hit that, gimme high-five! RHYS! GIMME HIGH-FIVE CAUSE YOU HIT THAT!"
Rhys gives high-five
Tina: "That's my bro."
That was probably one of my favorite Tiny Tina moments, she's got some great lines throughout the Pre Sequel.
But the best is when you trust Jack, and then turn on him on top of their car. Jack's response... it gives me goosebumps every time
Taking a cue from freelancepolicefan11 above- anyone on ps4 borderlands 2 wanna help me fight terramorphous tomorrow?
My bad it was mercyva who posted it!
Yeah I'm on Steam. Username is Kirimiya Mizuki. Its named after a character in a anime visual novel.
Added you.
Is it alright if I friend you on Steam?
First post here, but it whould be awesome if someone of u make a fangroup for TFTB at steam, whould be the easiest way :--P
y'know, when ep 4 is out, we COULD actually say stuff like "omfg so many people died!" or "I was so sad when HE died" just to troll the people who haven't played it yet...it wouldn't be a spoiler, so it wouldn't be illegal...
I was actually just looking for an excuse to use this gif, but still, I like the idea
Sorry i dont know if this is a dumb question but when is the trailer going to be realeased?
Job said they where tracking for a trailer release on Monday.
What is this blasphemy? I think a certain someone would like a word with you!