Episode 4 "Escape Plan Bravo" Discussion Thread



  • I never thought I'd see the day where Telltale could make a penultimate episode that I'd enjoy. Some bugs, and cheeseyness though. Still a good episode and way better than A Nest of Vipers

  • Nisha is canonly killed in the second arc by all 6 Vault Hunters (They must have misheard the "Come alone" bit). Curiously, Jack seems to care about her, but is very indifferent about her death, which displeased me to no end. HELLO, YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS ACTUALLY POLITE TO ME, AND SHE'S YOUR GIRLFRIEND THAT YOU FLIRTED WITH, WHAT HAPPENED?

    And I think it's more obvious that he chose to repress the memory, pretend it never happened or Nakayama simply left it out due to sympathy or, more likely, laziness.

    Yeah, the Nisha thing completely confused me as well - it really made it seem like he was aware she was dead, and as you say time-line-wise

  • So, I decided to do a second playthrough (shut up, I have no life), and the game completely froze up just as we hit Henderson. I couldn't even force quit, so I had to restart, and when I came back my save file had completely deleted. Fortunately it was just my alternate, 'choose-Fiona' one, and the others remained unscathed - but still,
    WHY MUST THE UNIVERSE PUNISH THE GOOD? I contacted support, but I don't like my chances - and I play my douchebag and silent playthroughs on iOS, so I have to wait until Friday until I can play again.

    I guess it's my own fault for getting greedy and wanting to play twice when half the fandom haven't even had a chance to play the first five minutes. BUT STILL, I WANT TO SEE SCARY JACK!

  • No, I don't think it would be a lie, if Jack is capable of loving anyone it was Angel and in heart of hearts believes he was protecting her. It might be that he doesn't have all memories stored or chose some to remove in the process, never really believing that he would need it. How would Dr. N know to put the memory of Angel in the AI?

    Yeah, the Nisha thing completely confused me as well - it really made it seem like he was aware she was dead, and as you say time-line-wise

  • edited August 2015

    So glorious:
    enter image description here

    Also, I'm completely convinced that the whole idea for Rhysquez came from the live play with Troy and Laura where Troy kept impersonating Patrick and was surprisngly good at it.

    g3tty posted: »

    Rhysquez was AMAZING. Oh that shootout...

  • edited August 2015

    BEAUTIFUL, if slightly creepy, BUT STILL GLORIOUS.

    So glorious: Also, I'm completely convinced that the whole idea for Rhysquez came from the live play with Troy and Laura where Troy kept impersonating Patrick and was surprisngly good at it.

  • edited August 2015

    alright then, this episode hit me like the last episode of season 5 from GoT. scooter is gone, yvette betrayed me, so now she's on my "kill-those-assholes"-list, sasha maybe sold out fiona (which I actually don't think, I guess she was just forced to do so by yvette for some reason. well, I hope it's like this for sashas well-being. I would hate to kill her), and, greatest thing ever, I freaking rule Hyperion! too bad that the episode ended shortly after this so I couldn't get some killing done (the battle in the hub of heroism does not count. felt like I was playing borderlands fsk 6. still awesome thou), but HELL, the last episode is gonna be awesome! We're gonna scorch the freaking planet on fire! There's gonna be screaming, bandits are gonna die left and right...I can't wait!

  • I always thought Jack's "hunh" at the end spoke volumes - like he was genuinely surprised he was capable of feeling anything/that her death actually affected him. I think he cared about her more than he ever realised while she was alive.

    That's not to say that she didn't deserve a million times better!

    And it was obviously not as dramatic as his reaction to Angel, but that still felt more like he was playing the part of the hero more than anything else - I mean, he basically has to step over her corpse to entrap a certain someone and there's nothing - he doesn't even glance down.

    As for Nakayama forgetting I don't think it's likely - well, actually it's totally likely - but Tales has (paradoxically) set the AI up to be a technological wonder, so you've just got to accept it's the one thing Nakayama did right. I mean, it's Jack, through and through - and it knows the weirdest crap - stuff that Nakayama could have never known. I think it's literally a direct copy of Jack. But I quite like the idea of him leaving it out of sympathy (though Jack just being delusional and pretending it never happened is equally likely).

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Nisha is canonly killed in the second arc by all 6 Vault Hunters (They must have misheard the "Come alone" bit). Curiously, Jack seems to ca

  • How would Nakayama know to put the memories of the Wallethead sagas, or Henderson's kitten fighting ring, or Jack punching his mother? Or an infinite amount of the other random crap that Jack has spurted over the course of the episodes?

    I know it's not canon because it was never used, but those cut voicelines that suggested the AI was a direct copy of Jack's consciousness seem the most fitting. I mean, the AI is Jack. And while I do like the idea of there being incomplete memories for certain reasons, why would you just remove her death and not her in her entirety?

    Unless someone wanted him to experience the 'pain' of losing her all over again?

    No, I don't think it would be a lie, if Jack is capable of loving anyone it was Angel and in heart of hearts believes he was protecting her.

  • The prophecy shall be fulfilled:

    enter image description here

    Dracu98 posted: »

    alright then, this episode hit me like the last episode of season 5 from GoT. scooter is gone, yvette betrayed me, so now she's on my "kill-

  • Now to listen to the episode 4 intro music on an endless loop till episode 5 drops.

  • Can't believe all you bastards chose to rule hyperion. Jack's reaction when you go against him though is kinda scary...

  • "KINDA" ? Its frickin scary ... ;_;

    Burricho posted: »

    Can't believe all you bastards chose to rule hyperion. Jack's reaction when you go against him though is kinda scary...

  • I adore those missions, frustrating as the area is sometimes, because she's actually respectful to you. She makes a few jabs at times, but on the whole, yo simply find out you've impressed her rather than pissing hero off, and it's a really, really, really lovely change from the utter douchenozzle she is in TPS. I wanted to bury her, dammit!

    I'm going with "Repressed Memory."

    I always thought Jack's "hunh" at the end spoke volumes - like he was genuinely surprised he was capable of feeling anything/that her death

  • What happens if you chose to rule Hyperion? Is he less...forceful, than the alternative?

    Burricho posted: »

    Can't believe all you bastards chose to rule hyperion. Jack's reaction when you go against him though is kinda scary...

  • It's not scary, it's HORRIFYING.

    Burricho posted: »

    Can't believe all you bastards chose to rule hyperion. Jack's reaction when you go against him though is kinda scary...

  • heyhey, easy there, kiddo! why are you calling me a bastard? because I choose the way you were to afraid of? because I took the chance while you weren't tough enough to grab the triumph while you get? you were to scared of the power, you thought too much, like "what's happening, I'm scared, boohoo ;_;" I understand that, really. well, actually, I don't. I'm a winner-type, I saw the chance and took it. but you? you didn't, and that makes you a total failu-

    smacks head

    gosh, sorry. jack kinda took control over me. again. I thought we were past this now that he's inside helios' system.

    Burricho posted: »

    Can't believe all you bastards chose to rule hyperion. Jack's reaction when you go against him though is kinda scary...

  • I got Fiona that cool expensive outfit from Ep 3, and she suddenly changes back to her normal outfit (with hat included) after I finished the Quick Change session this episode. Kinda wish that bug get fixed soon.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I never thought I'd see the day where Telltale could make a penultimate episode that I'd enjoy. Some bugs, and cheeseyness though. Still a good episode and way better than A Nest of Vipers

  • He's downright friendly and makes you president! I mean, he's probably going to screw you over horribly, but in the meantime, still BFFs! (My Rhys isn't very bright.)

    Yhrite posted: »

    What happens if you chose to rule Hyperion? Is he less...forceful, than the alternative?

  • edited August 2015

    Ask him if he wants the moonbase to be shaped like his head, I'm consulting with the board.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    heyhey, easy there, kiddo! why are you calling me a bastard? because I choose the way you were to afraid of? because I took the chance while

  • Jack scared the hell out of me! I'm a bit concerned what Handsome Helios will do to Rhys for not agreeing. (At least he'll get some nice clothes and an arm upgrade regardless, judging by present day. Jack has to keep his minions in the finest fashions.)

    Burricho posted: »

    Can't believe all you bastards chose to rule hyperion. Jack's reaction when you go against him though is kinda scary...

  • .............I just had this horrifying image of Dameon Clarke casually stepping into the game, kicking the crap out of his character, and then peeling his face off.......................blech/

    Stick a mask on Dameon Clarke and he could finally embody Jack to the fullest degree!

  • And then Rhys starts being all nice and friendly to Pandoran people, and then Jack loses it because "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU BRING ORDER."

    blue_pen posted: »

    He's downright friendly and makes you president! I mean, he's probably going to screw you over horribly, but in the meantime, still BFFs! (My Rhys isn't very bright.)

  • ........well, this is why YOU DO WHATEVER THE FUCK HE SAYS!!!!


    EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    TURKEY DINNER'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Seriously.......brother freaks me out. So I play nice. And awkwardly high five him at every opportunity. ;

    blue_pen posted: »

    Jack scared the hell out of me! I'm a bit concerned what Handsome Helios will do to Rhys for not agreeing. (At least he'll get some nice clo

  • Yes, it's possible that everything's just part of Jack's Grand Plan. He is really manipulative, of course, can't never forget that. He is so nice to Rhys. I questioned myself many times during episodes, especially during episode four (is Jack really that bad after all? What a good guy). But you can't let him fool you, just have to think about everything that happened in Borderlands 2 and not feel too sorry for him. After all, no matter how "close" people are to Jack, he doesn't care about anyone (to mention Nisha or Wilhem, it was part of his plan that Wilhem gets killed, I guess he was just an expendable soldier among others). I really do think that he cared about Angel though, in some really twisted way that doesn't justify anything he has done. Of course Rhys isn't able to resist Jack's charisma, at least mine isn't.

    God I love Borderlands.

    Yeah, the Nisha thing completely confused me as well - it really made it seem like he was aware she was dead, and as you say time-line-wise

  • Oh-my-gooood, I just let out an extremely undignified guffaw, that was a reply of utter beauty!

    Yep-yep-yep, that was basically my reasoning for BFF-ing it with Jack. I tried the reject ending first - NOPE, JACK'S NOW A SCARY SPACE STATION - and then I restarted the chapter to be the bestie of the big scary space station.

    ...emphasis on the fact he is now a space station. In the Tales from the Borderlands, you win or you get Jack'd. I'll be a sycophant for awhile, methinks!

    J_E_K posted: »


  • It's going to be the best episode of The Office, ever.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    And then Rhys starts being all nice and friendly to Pandoran people, and then Jack loses it because "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU BRING ORDER."

  • edited August 2015

    I would watch that all the damn time.

    Also, starring Martin Freeman as Jack's Typist.

    blue_pen posted: »

    It's going to be the best episode of The Office, ever.

  • One thing I didn't understand about the ending of episode 4 was whether or not Sasha betrayed Fiona or not? It seemed to me like she'd been arrested sometime after walking off with the tour guide lady, and possibly got the Fiona's location interrogated out of her by Yvette/Hyperion Goons.

  • enter image description here

    J_E_K posted: »

    .............I just had this horrifying image of Dameon Clarke casually stepping into the game, kicking the crap out of his character, and then peeling his face off.......................blech/

  • I don't know why everyone immediately thinks she betrayed Fiona, I just thought she was found to be not Hyperion at all and therefore taken with them. The second option would be that it's only a con, if she did "betray" her I guess. Of course it seems that betrayal is a quite big theme in this season (Yvette, Felix, Vaughn, now possibly Sasha after all that how nice and comfortable it is to be "working" for Hyperion, even Rhys himself if you choose that way), so it is possible that everyone is really just betraying everyone. Wow.

    Yhrite posted: »

    One thing I didn't understand about the ending of episode 4 was whether or not Sasha betrayed Fiona or not? It seemed to me like she'd been

  • A guy like Lester Nygaard would totally be in for Jack's shady business.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I would watch that all the damn time. Also, starring Martin Freeman as Jack's Typist.

  • Oh-my-god, I'm not sure who would be more horrifying to work for - the Handsome Jack Space Station, or the David Brent Space Station. The poor, poor employees.

    Slowly starving on Pandora seems to be the more relaxing third option.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I would watch that all the damn time. Also, starring Martin Freeman as Jack's Typist.

  • It could be that they apprehended her at first, but then Sasha probably gave the team out either because she was threatened with a Jack style death (outta the airlock) or maybe she struck a deal. Or it is all a con, although that's more a delusion than anything.

    Yhrite posted: »

    One thing I didn't understand about the ending of episode 4 was whether or not Sasha betrayed Fiona or not? It seemed to me like she'd been

  • edited August 2015

    Teltale,you're fucking monsters.

    I understand,you like killing important characters for the sake of drama,and it works,but killing off one of the MOST ICONIC CHARACTERS IN THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE?



    No,I refuse to believe it.

    He'll be alright. He got his hand off at the last second and got to Helios,for sure...
    Or... I dunno,Fiona was telling the story,maybe she... exaggerated?

    Yeah,I'm going with that one.

  • What made me think that Sasha had betrayed Fiona was that when they made eye-contact, Sasha immediately looked off to the side, almost ashamed. Fiona looked pretty horrified to see her. I wouldn't have thought the last scene would have been paced in such a way if they weren't leading up to a big shocking reveal, ie. suspense pacing, Gortys having a one-sided conversation with someone she recognises (Gortys is being told be quiet), and a slow-pan with a shocked Fiona. I would have though if Sasha had been captured, she would have immediately said so. Example: "They got me, Fi, I'm sorry." (Considering the last bit of dialogue we heard from Sasha prior to that was her admiring the tour guide's office, it made me assume she was enjoying her time on Helios.)

    I still love Sash to bits either way, but it makes her even more compelling if she loathes what Felix did to her and Fiona, but in her desperation to leave Pandora once and for all, she betrays Fiona as well. Give me all the angst, Telltale!

    Yhrite posted: »

    One thing I didn't understand about the ending of episode 4 was whether or not Sasha betrayed Fiona or not? It seemed to me like she'd been

  • He got lucky ... REAL lucky

  • edited August 2015

    "bows, with a little bit of a flourish"

    I do try. ;)

    But...uh.....yeah. Handsome Jack? Scary mofo. But you can run away from him (or fight him, if you're not a Vault Hunter and want to die......). Handsome Helios? HE'S ALL AROUND YOU. US. WE'RE INSIDE OF HIM. "queue Jack making inappropriate jokes all the way through E5, and then feeling awkward about it and zapping Rhys by overloading electrical sockets".

    And you get the FUCK out of....uh.....him......as soon as mostly humanly possible. Go somewhere nice. And not orbited by a megalomaniacal, murderous space station. Maybe one of the Eden's? I hear one or two of them might be.....not....terrible? Show me that hustle, Rhys!

    blue_pen posted: »

    Oh-my-gooood, I just let out an extremely undignified guffaw, that was a reply of utter beauty! Yep-yep-yep, that was basically my reason

  • Can someone explain me what was the thing with the pony? Why was he bleeding?! It's from original series or it's just some telltale's idea?

  • If you told me at the beginning of the episode that we would have gone from Jack being inside Rhys, to Jack being inside Rhys who was being Vasquez, to Rhys now inside Jack... er...

    The thought of trying to get away from a sentient, murderous space station is quality nightmare fuel! (2001: A Jack Odyssey?) AH-HA! So that's why the Stranger wants the Gortys project, he wants to get the hell outta Jack-dodge.

    J_E_K posted: »

    "bows, with a little bit of a flourish" I do try. But...uh.....yeah. Handsome Jack? Scary mofo. But you can run away from him (or fig

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