It is like the Timothy was killed in Opportunity thing. No matter how much facts there are to say it wasn't people are going to cling to the idea no matter what. It makes more scene that Jack was manipulating Rhys or the memory is too painful that he buried it deep enough that he convinced himself it didn't happen. Angel died before he was shot in the sternum and he remembers being shot. Maybe it's just easier for people to make Jack's character one dimensional, and not accept that he was`a complex human with all the same range of emotions and attachments we all have.
Finally there is proof that Jack was a regular user of the eco system before he died, if you use the eco eye before the Jack upgrade, and before Jack was even implanted in Rhys' head. It would only make sense that he would make regular downloads and remain connected to it at all times:
How would Nakayama know to put the memories of the Wallethead sagas, or Henderson's kitten fighting ring, or Jack punching his mother? Or an… more infinite amount of the other random crap that Jack has spurted over the course of the episodes?
I know it's not canon because it was never used, but those cut voicelines that suggested the AI was a direct copy of Jack's consciousness seem the most fitting. I mean, the AI is Jack. And while I do like the idea of there being incomplete memories for certain reasons, why would you just remove her death and not her in her entirety?
Unless someone wanted him to experience the 'pain' of losing her all over again?
Did anyone of you realized that after Scooter died Fiona mentioned that it was the "FIRST casualty on their mission" - So that means there are more to come, am I right?
Who do you think is gonna die?
When he calls you on Helios, he just get to say "Rhys? Rhys, are you there?" or something like that, before the connection is cut off. I wonder if he somehow escaped Vallory's goons?
Oh damn, that's cold, Cassius!
Plus one for Telltale's choices having consequences, though.
Do you get any further details in your conversation with him? Other than the static-filled "I'm eating drakefruit"?
Not getting to talk to my nerd friend for a whole episode really bummed me out! Especially since his observations during the whole Facequez fiasco was hilarious. : )
Also just started the second playthrough and if you agree to kill Cassius, he'll bring Vaughn to Vallory?! Damn son.
But then you could chat with him on the way to the Old Haven! Bro-Knee option FTW.
You can tell Fiona and Sasha that ''Handsome Jack is in my head'' when they were talking about the plan in caravan. So in the end, it will affect his dialogue.
Mikey Neumann (VO of Scooter, writer of BL1) will most likely write BL3 (cause Anthony Burch, writer of BL2 and Pre-Sequel) left Gearbox. Maybe he doesnt have the time anymore to voice Scooter?
Just my train of thought.
Yup, I'm also wondering this... If this is the case, then WOW Telltale, great job at shocking me! Poor Fiona if she got betrayed by both Felix and Sasha...
Can someone clear something up for me, towards the ending with Fiona, did Sasha betray us or just got caught by Yvette? The whole little mystery buildup to who was telling Gortys to be quiet made it seem like she ratted us out.
I just finished my first playthrough. My normal one is where I trust Jack overall but I read SOOO much stuff about not trusting him. So, naturally I played my "don't trust Jack AT ALL" playthrough first and....I regret everything...
Boy that episode was brilliant, I loved it. I'm so excited, I have so many feelings, I need to calm down, but for now I want to address a few things...
The opening sequence in the present time - Fiona is a Vault Hunter (!!!), Rhys trying to run from the Stranger (hilarious!).
The opening song was cool, had its 'space' feel to it.
Poor Scooter... 'Step three' is the only right thing to do there.
Yvette's betrayal was a bit disappointing, I don't know, maybe because it felt quite obvious and called for.
Face pizza - I'm super relieved it wasn't Vaughn's face after all. Overall action as Rhys/Vasquez was wonderful, I'm so glad we got to hear Patrick Warburton once again. Also gotta love that 'shootout' in the hall of Hyperion, I was laughing so freaking hard the whole time.
Gortys is still the cutest robot ever.
Not enough Vaughn... AT LEAST HE'S NOT DEAD, I'M SO HAPPY.
Handsome Jack talking about Angel and Nisha, I could kiss TT's writers just for that!
And that ending caught me off guard, it was intense and epic, I can't wait to see the finale.
This was an extremely good penultimate episode. Extremely funny, yet also extremely heartwrecking...
My favorite scene of all time was the fake gun shooting. Never has a scene have so much action and hilarity without anyone dying or dropping a single drop of blood.
I loved the episode! I thought the same thing. I rejected Jack and ooooh boy, when the options started to glitch it was genuinely terrifying. Amazing job!
Glad to year y'all are enjoying the latest episode! It sure was a heart rending one, and has some of my favorite gags of the whole series!
… more I think the end segment was the first time I thought Jack was truly scary (in the entire franchise). He's always shown moments of being unhinged, but the way he reacts to you (especially if you reject him) is terrifying.
This episode was amazing! Although it wasn't TWD S1 episodes long which a few people might find as dissapoiting but still personally I enjoyed every minute of this episode. Can't wait for the big finale! It's going to be released soon!
No, sasha has been captured - why would she betray her on sister? She isnot like yvette whose opinion you can buy with a lunch :P
Well, we know they are both on pandora in the future and we know that Gortys has no longer the energy chassis - my guess is that jack doesnt really wanna share power and is gonna get rid of rhys real soon
That was a really good episode, it had some really funny moments like the imaginary shoot out but also ram sad moments (RIP Scooter ), i ch… moreose [Step Three].
In the end i decided to rule Hyperion but Jack does seem a bit crazy when he gets into the system so it might not go so well, it's going to be hard to wait for the next episode :P
The Intro was also really awesome, i uploaded it to youtube if anyone wants to watch it again.
enter link description here
More thoughts after food-break and ruminating - I didn't need to spoiler tag the above post, woops! Thank you so much for an incredible epis… moreode, Telltale! Tales from the Borderlands is one of those few extremely well-paced and exciting experiences where it is nothing but a constant joy to play. It's my absolute GOTY, even over Bloodborne and the Witcher 3. Thank you for such a great series.
Plot revelations:
* Finch wanting Kroger to hold his hand at take-off! D'aww.
* Scooter is still totally fine and alive and catching a ride. Totally fine. TOTALLY. I totally didn't tear up, either. Totally. Totally. Everything is fine.
* Sasha potentially selling out Fiona for Yvette genuinely shocked me. (I pointed and the screen and yelled, 'WOAH!' It was very mature.) Props to Telltale, it was set-up well - Sasha would do anything for Fiona, but she also desperately wants to leave Pandora more than anything else. Time will tell if she's p… [view original content]
More thoughts after food-break and ruminating - I didn't need to spoiler tag the above post, woops! Thank you so much for an incredible epis… moreode, Telltale! Tales from the Borderlands is one of those few extremely well-paced and exciting experiences where it is nothing but a constant joy to play. It's my absolute GOTY, even over Bloodborne and the Witcher 3. Thank you for such a great series.
Plot revelations:
* Finch wanting Kroger to hold his hand at take-off! D'aww.
* Scooter is still totally fine and alive and catching a ride. Totally fine. TOTALLY. I totally didn't tear up, either. Totally. Totally. Everything is fine.
* Sasha potentially selling out Fiona for Yvette genuinely shocked me. (I pointed and the screen and yelled, 'WOAH!' It was very mature.) Props to Telltale, it was set-up well - Sasha would do anything for Fiona, but she also desperately wants to leave Pandora more than anything else. Time will tell if she's p… [view original content]
I highly doubt Sasha would betray her own sister like that, I saw it as she got caught and captured, there's nothing to Sasha's character that would in anyway make me think she ratted us out, and if she did, then that is just shit writing in my opinion.
Can someone clear something up for me, towards the ending with Fiona, did Sasha betray us or just got caught by Yvette? The whole little mystery buildup to who was telling Gortys to be quiet made it seem like she ratted us out.
Two things!
What happens if you reject to rule Hyperion?
Also for those who worked with Jack through the whole game (like me) I'm so glad we got to ask about that picture with angel, but he thinks she is still alive @HandsomeJack
My bets on captured, there's no way Sasha would betray her own sister to the company she loathes unless she's pulling a very elaborate con, so it's either that or she was captured.
the moment that got me most (after scooter catching his final ride) was when jack was talking about angel and nisha. well, he wasn't really talking about nisha, but the jack-a-pedia-article that only said "I miss my girlfriend" can I say, I could feel his desperation and desire. and angel...holy hell, the look on his face...I suddenly regret what I did in borderlands 2. you know me, I enjoyed the slaughering, the blood, but after seeing jacks face, I felt like the greatest asshole of all times, even thou that I dealed with a sadistic psychopath. this says "look at me, I'm all bloody and funny!" and then it betrays you and kicks you in the feels while you're not looking!
I-... I.... DAMMIT. All I can think about- I can't handle this, it... Holy fuck. I just finished my first playthrough and I made horrible decisions and LOVED it.
Maybe I'll talk about how great the rest of it is later because the whole episode was amazing but that ending really has me stunned at the moment. It was all going great and Jack was being so disgustingly nice to 'Release' and I loved it but every time he said something I was so uncomfortable like, "You fucking asshole stop acting like we're friends you are not nice." But I had to play Rhys like Rhys so he just went along with it with minimal hesitation the stupid fuck(I love him actually, sorry Rhys). He ALMOST ruled Hyperion, he almost did but got squeemish about shoving that thing in his head godd... Oh and every so often I remember that Sasha my queen was captured and feel horrible but mainly all I worry about is...
It is like the Timothy was killed in Opportunity thing. No matter how much facts there are to say it wasn't people are going to cling to the idea no matter what. It makes more scene that Jack was manipulating Rhys or the memory is too painful that he buried it deep enough that he convinced himself it didn't happen. Angel died before he was shot in the sternum and he remembers being shot. Maybe it's just easier for people to make Jack's character one dimensional, and not accept that he was`a complex human with all the same range of emotions and attachments we all have.
Finally there is proof that Jack was a regular user of the eco system before he died, if you use the eco eye before the Jack upgrade, and before Jack was even implanted in Rhys' head. It would only make sense that he would make regular downloads and remain connected to it at all times:
Soo, anyone knows what happens if you don't try to run at the beginning from the Stranger? Does Fiona still end tied up?
Shit guys, I'm too hyped (and a little bit too sloshed) to read all the previous comments, but, hell...
Ok, I'll calm down now, and probably play again, but... damn. Awesome.
Did anyone of you realized that after Scooter died Fiona mentioned that it was the "FIRST casualty on their mission" - So that means there are more to come, am I right?
Who do you think is gonna die?
Yes. And she complains and says "i didnt even try to run" the stranger then answers "thats why you are still conscious"
When he calls you on Helios, he just get to say "Rhys? Rhys, are you there?" or something like that, before the connection is cut off. I wonder if he somehow escaped Vallory's goons?
Well, I don't really hold it against him. You told Athena to kill him after all.
That was a 'rewind' moment if I ever saw one lol.
Not getting to talk to my nerd friend for a whole episode really bummed me out! Especially since his observations during the whole Facequez fiasco was hilarious. : )
What if Scooter pulls a Kenny?
Just a question - is this determined by whether you tell Vaughn about HJ, or whether you go 'I have HJ in my head' in ep.4 like an idiot?
You can tell Fiona and Sasha that ''Handsome Jack is in my head'' when they were talking about the plan in caravan. So in the end, it will affect his dialogue.
Pretty sure Scooter isn't gonna stay dead. Doubt Gearbox would allow him to be killed off in a spin off but who knows.
Mikey Neumann (VO of Scooter, writer of BL1) will most likely write BL3 (cause Anthony Burch, writer of BL2 and Pre-Sequel) left Gearbox. Maybe he doesnt have the time anymore to voice Scooter?
Just my train of thought.
You mean that he blew up on top of a rocket and survived? No way, he is dead. Gearbox's given a lot of responsibility to Telltale, rightly so.
Yup, I'm also wondering this... If this is the case, then WOW Telltale, great job at shocking me! Poor Fiona if she got betrayed by both Felix and Sasha...
I'd say August, with Jack in the system he'd probably kill him for all the times he tried killing Rhys which would also kill Jack.
What I want to know is if you go against Jack the entire game does he still tell Rhys he is a worthy successor?
I just finished my first playthrough. My normal one is where I trust Jack overall but I read SOOO much stuff about not trusting him. So, naturally I played my "don't trust Jack AT ALL" playthrough first and....I regret everything...
Sasha? August? Idk.
Sooo... Sasha's just been captured or also betrayed us?
And you can't honestly tell me it will be f*cking Handsome Rhys in the end? Like, really?
I have no idea yet, but I'll try this scenario cause I'm dying to know what if.
What a shocker IGN gave the episode a 6/10. They are always crapping on telltale fourth episode
Just played the episode.
Boy that episode was brilliant, I loved it. I'm so excited, I have so many feelings, I need to calm down, but for now I want to address a few things...
The opening sequence in the present time - Fiona is a Vault Hunter (!!!), Rhys trying to run from the Stranger (hilarious!).
The opening song was cool, had its 'space' feel to it.
Poor Scooter... 'Step three' is the only right thing to do there.
Yvette's betrayal was a bit disappointing, I don't know, maybe because it felt quite obvious and called for.
Face pizza - I'm super relieved it wasn't Vaughn's face after all. Overall action as Rhys/Vasquez was wonderful, I'm so glad we got to hear Patrick Warburton once again. Also gotta love that 'shootout' in the hall of Hyperion, I was laughing so freaking hard the whole time.
Gortys is still the cutest robot ever.
Not enough Vaughn... AT LEAST HE'S NOT DEAD, I'M SO HAPPY.
Handsome Jack talking about Angel and Nisha, I could kiss TT's writers just for that!
And that ending caught me off guard, it was intense and epic, I can't wait to see the finale.
Phew, I think that's it for now.
This was an extremely good penultimate episode. Extremely funny, yet also extremely heartwrecking...
My favorite scene of all time was the fake gun shooting. Never has a scene have so much action and hilarity without anyone dying or dropping a single drop of blood.
Unlikely - we saw the rocket exploding in space. I m pretty sure he is dead
I loved the episode! I thought the same thing. I rejected Jack and ooooh boy, when the options started to glitch it was genuinely terrifying. Amazing job!
This episode was amazing!
Although it wasn't TWD S1 episodes long which a few people might find as dissapoiting but still personally I enjoyed every minute of this episode. Can't wait for the big finale! It's going to be released soon!
No, sasha has been captured - why would she betray her on sister? She isnot like yvette whose opinion you can buy with a lunch :P
Well, we know they are both on pandora in the future and we know that Gortys has no longer the energy chassis - my guess is that jack doesnt really wanna share power and is gonna get rid of rhys real soon
I still can't get over Fiona's face when Rhys looks over at Sasha, it's so funny I couldn't stop laughing.
Why would you think Sasha would betray her own sister like that? I just took it as Sasha got caught, not that Sasha ratted them out.
Aw, I loved that little moment between Finch and Kroger. I was waiting for someone to mention it. I'd love to know more about them!
I also found very interesting how Sasha seemed to be very comfortable in Helios...
I highly doubt Sasha would betray her own sister like that, I saw it as she got caught and captured, there's nothing to Sasha's character that would in anyway make me think she ratted us out, and if she did, then that is just shit writing in my opinion.
Can anyone tell me how the scene plays out if you accept Handsome Jack's offer?
Two things!
What happens if you reject to rule Hyperion?
Also for those who worked with Jack through the whole game (like me) I'm so glad we got to ask about that picture with angel, but he thinks she is still alive
My bets on captured, there's no way Sasha would betray her own sister to the company she loathes unless she's pulling a very elaborate con, so it's either that or she was captured.
He does, I'm assuming he just wanted Rhys to sit down, butter him up.
I know. It was more of a pun/dream
the moment that got me most (after scooter catching his final ride) was when jack was talking about angel and nisha. well, he wasn't really talking about nisha, but the jack-a-pedia-article that only said "I miss my girlfriend" can I say, I could feel his desperation and desire. and angel...holy hell, the look on his face...I suddenly regret what I did in borderlands 2. you know me, I enjoyed the slaughering, the blood, but after seeing jacks face, I felt like the greatest asshole of all times, even thou that I dealed with a sadistic psychopath. this says "look at me, I'm all bloody and funny!" and then it betrays you and kicks you in the feels while you're not looking!
I-... I.... DAMMIT. All I can think about- I can't handle this, it... Holy fuck. I just finished my first playthrough and I made horrible decisions and LOVED it.
Maybe I'll talk about how great the rest of it is later because the whole episode was amazing but that ending really has me stunned at the moment. It was all going great and Jack was being so disgustingly nice to 'Release' and I loved it but every time he said something I was so uncomfortable like, "You fucking asshole stop acting like we're friends you are not nice." But I had to play Rhys like Rhys so he just went along with it with minimal hesitation the stupid fuck(I love him actually, sorry Rhys). He ALMOST ruled Hyperion, he almost did but got squeemish about shoving that thing in his head godd... Oh and every so often I remember that Sasha my queen was captured and feel horrible but mainly all I worry about is...