Episode 4 "Escape Plan Bravo" Discussion Thread



  • Yes it is all canon, which, unfortunately, means, R.I.P Scooter, looks like he caught his last ride.

  • I just replayed the whole episode again on a save where I sides with Jack. Gotta say, the ending felt damn good and it feels good to have lots of power. :D

  • (I wrote this for another reply, but I'll just add a little bit to it, too!)

    What made me think that Sasha had betrayed Fiona was that when they made eye-contact, Sasha immediately looked off to the side, almost ashamed. Fiona looked pretty horrified to see her. I wouldn't have thought the last scene would have been paced in such a way if they weren't leading up to a big shocking reveal, ie. suspense pacing, Gortys having a one-sided conversation with someone she recognises (Gortys is being told be quiet by Sasha), and a slow-pan with a shocked Fiona. The scene was purposefully built up over a minute - and more than that, Sasha was hidden behind Yvette for the viewer, and then was revealed with a slow-camera pan. Her presence there is supposed to be shocking. (To be honest, the scene was paced in such a way, that I thought the Stranger, Scooter or Vallory was going to be around corner! I got a bit of a shock when it was Sasha!

    I also would have thought if Sasha had been captured, she would have immediately said so, instead of being ashamed and avoiding prolonged eye-contact. It would have been easy for her to say - "They got me, Fi, I'm sorry." (Considering the last bit of dialogue we heard from Sasha prior to that was her admiring the tour guide's office, it made me assume she was enjoying her time on Helios. Unlike Fiona, Sasha seems to thrive there.) That being said, it could easily be a long-con from Sash -> pretend to work with Yvette to save Fiona. I still love-love-love Sash to bits either way, but it makes her even more compelling as a character if she loathes what Felix did to her and Fiona, but in her desperation to leave Pandora once and for all, she betrays Fiona as well. (Telltale went to the effort of having a scene where she's talking about how much she doesn't want to go back to Pandora.) Unlike Fiona, Rhys, and Vaughn, Sasha hasn't had much of a character arc yet. This gives her a pretty amazing one, and Erin Yvette is an incredible actress that would just knock it out the ballpark. Give me all the angst, Telltale!

    Why would you think Sasha would betray her own sister like that? I just took it as Sasha got caught, not that Sasha ratted them out.

  • Annnnnnd as the new President of Hyperion my first order of business shall be to airlock Yvette!

    enter image description here

  • Meh, IGN is shit anyways.

    What a shocker IGN gave the episode a 6/10. They are always crapping on telltale fourth episode

  • edited August 2015

    I'M IN LOVE...with this game, with the story, with every single character. How can this be so damn good?
    I'm really happy right now, there was absolutely no sign of the penultimate curse, the whole episode was pure awesomeness! :3

    Things I loved:

    • The intro: It made me giggle so much again. It was so cool again, nice song choice with funny and cute scenes (Finch and Kroger's handholding) ... it just made me think, how much I'll miss all of them after the final episode.
    • The opportunity to make a reaaally bad mom joke, I couldn't resist.
    • Zapping that traitor B, I always knew it was her... You can't trust someone with a hair like that!
    • The Jack tour that I managed to screw up somehow.
    • The shootout, it was so ridiculous and epic at the same time!
    • The credits.. yes it gave me goosebumps, that creepy Jackass.. ooh boy what'll happen next.

    Things I regret:

    • I don't know what came over me but I lied to the girls about Jack, and started to trust him o.O It was so stupid, now I'm so screwed. I also accepted his deal, but I rejected the Jack-in because then I realized he tricked me... only then... Too bad it was already late x)
    • I didn't scare Sasha with the "mask" I wonder how it would have played out.
    • Not being prepared to the feels that losing "the hero" gave me. Hugs
    • Hurting Butt Stallion
    • Even though I played BL2 and the pre-sequel I still feel a little lost in this universe sometimes. Like why the hell did Yvette seemed more powerful than Vasquez?

    The lenght of the episode was great too, took me 2 hours exactly to finish it. Can't wait to replay the episode again, and again and again.

    Oh yeah and ENHANCE!

  • enter image description here

    Ruling Hyperion = BEST CHOICE

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    It's more a case of Handsome Helios than Handsome Rhys at this point

  • Im more worried about Butt Stallion :(

  • Well it depends. I mean, if we're agreed he said that Rhys is a new CEO. Plus this jackass still can control Rhys.

    Deltino posted: »

    It's more a case of Handsome Helios than Handsome Rhys at this point

  • LOVED THIS EPISODE. Quite possibly the best penumilate episode Telltale has ever done.

  • Man, I worry for Sasha now. :(

    I chose to reject the power, as it was too much of a risk to trust Jack. Plus, in my view, Hyperion is doomed because it's full to the brim with douchebags. No saving it.

    But yeah, this is by far the best episode of the series. What a cliffhanger! And the intro sequence really was kickass. The tone throughout was pitch-perfect. The shoot-out scene was funnier and more epic than I could ever imagine. Everything perfect. 10/10 Game of the Year

  • What happens if you tell Fiona and Sasha about Jack?

  • I also chose to refuse, and that was because it was too much of a risk to give in to Jack voluntarily. Also, in my opinion, Hyperion is full of douchebags and is beyond saving. And, for me, it felt like anatural part of his journey. His whole life, he has bought into and served a flawed company. In the past few days, my Rhys has been able to see the irrepairable flaws, and would not want to become just another Jack. It's like making a deal with the Devil

    Just wondering, why did you refuse? I did because I thought he'd betray me anyway once I plugged him in, so I thought I could try and stop him

  • I saw a screenshot where Jack helps Rhys punch a bandit, but I didn't get that scene. Did anyone else? Or did I get the scene and just have a really terrible memory?

  • AND, he tells Fiona as Rhys something like "I'm just getting plugged in. Everything's fine". They are walking into a trap, making it such a terrible wait for the next episode

    Jack takes you over, plugs into the system by controlling you and goes crazy. He's now controlling EVERYTHING

  • edited August 2015

    It's when the first Psycho wakes up, I think. You can have Dumpy stun him or you can knock him out with your robofist.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I saw a screenshot where Jack helps Rhys punch a bandit, but I didn't get that scene. Did anyone else? Or did I get the scene and just have a really terrible memory?

  • I really think it'll be Sasha. She's in harm's way now, and has an uncertain fate. I really don't want her to die, damnit.

    But, saying that, Fiona didn't seem to be too sad about it. I mean, yeah she did look sad, but not at the extent you'd expect if she was referring to her sister. That's what I will tell myself to get to sleep tonight

  • They are both furious for not telling them earlier, and then talk about now having trust-issues with Rhys, if I remember correctly. It also comes up again later when Rhys is talking to Jack while Fiona is still on the comm. line - she thinks Rhys is talking to her (and gets offended), then realises he's just talking to Jack.

    What happens if you tell Fiona and Sasha about Jack?

  • I read somewhere though that Rhys can apologize and make it up to them. Is that true?

    blue_pen posted: »

    They are both furious for not telling them earlier, and then talk about now having trust-issues with Rhys, if I remember correctly. It also

  • Apologies, my memory of the scene is a bit hazy, but I think you could apologise to them, or go on the defensive?

    I read somewhere though that Rhys can apologize and make it up to them. Is that true?

  • I have a suggestion to how you're gonna achieve that.

    Annnnnnd as the new President of Hyperion my first order of business shall be to airlock Yvette!

  • A really good episode, but..... unfortunately, the first episode is still the best one.

    Who would resist Jack?
    If I ruled Hyperion, I would start with the workers (and yeah, Yvette is one of them).

    And the mom joke!

  • I think she's been forced into giving away her position. Perhaps she's been told that they will be treated with more leniency.
    I doubt she would sell out Fiona, because she hates Hyperion so much. The only thing she wants is to be able to leave Pandora behind, not power or a position within a terrible company

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    Can someone clear something up for me, towards the ending with Fiona, did Sasha betray us or just got caught by Yvette? The whole little mystery buildup to who was telling Gortys to be quiet made it seem like she ratted us out.

  • Yes, you can apologize to Sasha just as she's changing into her Hyperion clothes. They seem less furious than they were if you go that route but, at least for Fiona, there's still some residual anger whenever the subject gets brought up.

    I read somewhere though that Rhys can apologize and make it up to them. Is that true?

  • What's happening if you don't accept to rule Hyperion ? Im just curios , because i chose to rule Hyperion ( i mean come on , who doesn't - 47 % only accept - wtf ?)

  • edited August 2015

    Yes, you can kinda make up for it. After getting the Vasquez skin, you have a dialogue with Sasha. There, you can attempt to scare her, or start apologising. And in the situation, it seems like Sasha forgives him, as she isn't angry with him and starts acting nice towards him.

    And I'm not sure whether that option affected the rest of the gameplay. But throughout the rest of the episode, Sasha and Fiona didn't really show anger at Rhys, and didn't mention the whole Jack thing. Really, I thought it was best to be honest with them, and that it meant they would trust Rhys more due to his somewaht belated honesty

    I read somewhere though that Rhys can apologize and make it up to them. Is that true?

  • "It's good to be the king, baby."

    In my opinion, every episode is amazing, and I can't decide a favorite. But if I could, this one would definitely have a lot of positives to it. I mean, the amazing music they play somethings when you're on the title screen for the game fits PERFECTLY with you now ruling Hyperion!

    And then it's just how the lit up sphere in the middle of Helios turns orange? AMAZING.

  • Basically you call Jack a psycho asshole loser, and then he gets super pissed, takes over your body, and says he's going to make you murder Fiona.

    HoudiniBg posted: »

    What's happening if you don't accept to rule Hyperion ? Im just curios , because i chose to rule Hyperion ( i mean come on , who doesn't - 47 % only accept - wtf ?)

  • Oh! I had Dumpy take care of him for me.

    It's when the first Psycho wakes up, I think. You can have Dumpy stun him or you can knock him out with your robofist.

  • edited August 2015

    heyhey, easy there, kiddo! why are you calling me a bastard? because I choose the way you were to afraid of? because I took the chance while you weren't tough enough to grab the triumph while you get? you were to scared of the power, you thought too much, like "what's happening, I'm scared, boohoo ;_;" I understand that, really. well, actually, I don't. I'm a winner-type, I saw the chance and took it. but you? you didn't, and that makes you a total failu-

    yeah, Yeah, YEAH! Glory isn't for the week. While they dip their toes and test the waters heroes dive in head first!

    **starts chanting "Jack, Jack, Jack" like a crazed soccer fan.* *

    Dracu98 posted: »

    heyhey, easy there, kiddo! why are you calling me a bastard? because I choose the way you were to afraid of? because I took the chance while

  • Anybody else think it's funny that there's an option to say "Jack, help!" almost half a dozen times in this episode? I'm like, "Whoa, Rhys, you're being a little neurotically codependent here!"

  • I LOVED this episode. But, now I'm scared... The season has been so well paced, but we are no where near the present. I feel like we need one more episode after the next one to bring everything to the present and to conclude the story smoothly. It's not that I don't trust TellTale. It's just that I can't wrap my head around the fact that everything is going to click into place and be resolved in one episode. I also want this season to end well, going 5 for 5. I'm excited and scared for episode 5. Guys, so much is on the line...

  • Well, you know...hypocrite. But executes for swearing? Where?

    LawmanZero posted: »


  • If you tell Vaughn then you still get this dialog because Fiona and Sasha still don't know.

  • This worries me, I hope the humor stays ratcheted up. I liked BL 1 more subtle humor, but not as much as BL2.

    Lewt_Shogun posted: »

    Mikey Neumann (VO of Scooter, writer of BL1) will most likely write BL3 (cause Anthony Burch, writer of BL2 and Pre-Sequel) left Gearbox. Maybe he doesnt have the time anymore to voice Scooter? Just my train of thought.

  • So you do it without even trying to find another way? Because no one ever makes a bad choice when they are desperate?

    DeityD posted: »

    and angel...holy hell, the look on his face...I suddenly regret what I did in borderlands 2 But you know that she was the one who asked us to do it so...

  • edited August 2015

    I'm kinda worried that the last episode will be rushed and ends with a cliffhanger like all previous Borderlands games did.

    eRock92 posted: »

    I LOVED this episode. But, now I'm scared... The season has been so well paced, but we are no where near the present. I feel like we need

  • Best. Episode. Ever.

  • I don't think there's nothing much to say. I laughed, I cried, I applauded. 10/10 on my book.

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