Step 3
Okay be honest and raise your hand if you didn't do step 3?
I did, and I'm ashamed of myself
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Okay be honest and raise your hand if you didn't do step 3?
I did, and I'm ashamed of myself
I did gave Scooter step 3 because I shipped Fiona x Scooter but then he died. I wanted Fiona to give something Scooter will die with. If that makes sense.
What was step three a hand job or something?
At first, no because I forgot about Step 3 and went for the hug. However, I actually had to go back and replay the episode again for my main save and this time chose the Step 3 option.
There needed to be a step 4.
A kiss on the cheek.
I WANTED TO! I WANT TO SO BADLY! I thought to myself "I'll kiss him" but when the options came up my mind didnt register the 'step three' I expected a 'kiss' or something so I just hugged him the while I did it I SAW THE GOD DAMN OPTION. I stick to my choices and felt so bad.
I kissed him because I knew it would make his day.
Also, Scooter is literally Mathew Mcconaughey.
I did the 'hug' as well..It just didn't register in my mind at first that would be what would happen when selecting 'step 3' right away.
When I played the episode the option was literally [Kiss Him]. Every play-through I have seen on youtube says step 3...
bow chicka wow wow
I never considered that Scooter would ever end up with anyone. That and the fact that he was drooling over Sasha in Ep. 2, I was kind of raising an eyebrow when he was trying to flirt with Fiona. I was freaking out when I saw those final options and I didn't want to do nothing so I clicked trade hats. Cause in my mind, Fiona loves her hat(s) so that in a way is just as symbolic.
But after the rocket exploded I really started beating myself up on not committing to step 3.
I panicked, I didn't want to kiss him but I didn't want to do nothing on my initial playthrough. After it blew, I was just thinking that he did deserve better (the cliche of the episode)
Same here! Would've given him a goodbye kiss at least. I'm not one of the shippers but at that point I felt he really deserved it
That's because they got Scooter to mention Step Three.
You don't catch a ride because it makes sense, you do it cause you love it
I was so tired I can't remember that detail, I need to replay, not just for that
Non-canon rocket sex death
It'd be better if the Stranger just cuts you off before you go into detail, and Rhys makes a terrible joke about everyone exploding (if you catch his drift)
When I hear of step 3 I can't stop thinking about the step 3 from Dead Space 2 and how gross, really gross, it might turn out if you get it wrong... Not exactly the romantic idea Scooter wanted to inspire I guess.
One of the options said: Trade Hats
I think Fiona needs a hat to be able to do it (I was wearing the one you buy that comes with a hat)
I didn't think about but, probably a lot of people didn't get that option cause they were wearing outfits without hats
I bought the Hyperion outfit which led me to use up around $1000 for Fiona and Sasha. I regret it.
Did you just find me on steam?
Wait what?
Someone with your exact profile pic just friend requested me and I really was like: "waitaminute......."
A little random I know but I guess its just a really weird coincidence
Lmao because it's doge related when I saw it on google I decided to use it since it looks fucking hilarious. Wow never knew "doge rabbit" was that popular. I'm only level 16 on steam anyways. Weird timing tho.
It is, isn't it lmao.
Yaa I mean, I don't think "fiona x scooter eh~" or anything but the guy was great and was about to die for us. A lil' smooch from a girl was all he ever wanted.
Depends on your choices. If you dont question the steps before going he doesnt talk about step three.
For NA Ps3 Step 3 got replaced with Kiss Him
My frantic logic was: one of the things Fiona holds very dear is her hat(s) so I went with a hat swap but afterwards I still felt
for not going all the way. But I guess I do have something to give back to Moxxi
I looked for a kiss option, and didn't see one, so I just went with a hug. The "step three" option didn't even register in my brain for some reason.
Step one: Climb inside.
Step 2: The screws go tight all around.
Step 3: Cross your heart and hope to die, stick a needle in your eye.
Mine said Step 3.
Nolan Stross was creepy as hell with that needle. Sometimes I still think of when he yelled "STEP THREE!! STEP THREE!" And we stuck the needle in his head. Good times when horror still had a slight chance...
Ps4 actually showed kiss as an option. The kiss option is what the dude deserved and it's a pretty touching scene.
It wasn't replaced, Step 3 is determinant based on whether or not you ask Scooter about Step Two.