Episode 4 "Escape Plan Bravo" Discussion Thread



  • I like how "to the top" is played as the Rhys is going back to Helios, but also as Jack is given back his kingdom. It really resonated with me, and it playing while the names of the credits all flickered on and off to "Handsome Jack" while playing the song just made me so happy.

  • It has already become clear I will get nothing done today. So much reading to do...

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Welcome. Enjoy your permanent stay. Muhahaha.

  • Why was ruling Hyperion the "bad" choice exactly ? I thought that Rhys could change things for the better, that's why I agreed to it.

    Just did a second play through with "bad guy" Rhys and I gotta say the ruling Hyperion ending is 10x cooler. I feel so evil, but choosing

  • They were there for me.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Just out of curiosity, did anyone notice that the choice notifications were disabled/missing? Not that it's a big deal or that the choices have a large impact, by and large, but it felt odd not seeing them.

  • Yes. It's awesome BUT..when Fiona had the option to kiss scooter I was like: "NO..NO.NO..NOOOOOOO"

  • Well, Handsome Jack did go back to the top. Long live the king! :D

  • And no, they're not heroes. But they're not evil, either. But there are some who commit evil acts, and will continue to do so

    You are what you do. You easily justify the actions of the vault hunters, while not saying I can't do the same for Jack.

    Understanding his actions isn't defending. I understand the vault hunters actions, and they don't deserve defending either. But as long as people are going to equivocate the actions of vault hunters I'll equivocate the actions of Jack.

    J_E_K posted: »

    Uh...........no? Because the whole "Get to the Vault now, and kill every Hyperion asshole in your way!" thing was because Jack was trying

  • Not at all. I didn't even enter the options menu and instead just played the episode. I checked afterwards and everything seemed fine.

    I asked someone on Steam and they said it worked for them. So, either I was blind (which I doubt as I always notice them), or it was a bit buggy. I'm guessing the latter, though it's hardly a big deal. I was just curious as to whether anyone else had the notifications appear. Anyhow, I'll probably try the end scene again or something and see if they pop up as I'm sure they'll be a notification there.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Did you accidentally turn them off in your settings?

  • Appreciate the response. Like I said to Dojo, I figure it's just a bug I ran into, or I'm going as blind as a bat. Hardly a big problem anyways.

    darkfoxTM posted: »

    They were there for me.

  • Could be you were just too focused on things or something.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Appreciate the response. Like I said to Dojo, I figure it's just a bug I ran into, or I'm going as blind as a bat. Hardly a big problem anyways.

  • I'm having the same problem! I didn't change any setting so I have no idea what is causing it. Not much of an issue, but it's odd to play without the notifications.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Just out of curiosity, did anyone notice that the choice notifications were disabled/missing? Not that it's a big deal or that the choices have a large impact, by and large, but it felt odd not seeing them.

  • Well it's seen as the 'bad' choice because Rhys willingly uploads Jack into Helios' system. Obviously the Jack we know and love is a villain and we've been toting around his AI duplicate that retains most of what made Jack, Handsome Jack. While it may seem like you did the best thing, Jack has actually successfully tricked you if you agreed. For w/e reason you choose it doesn't matter, Jack has full? control all over Helios now and realistically he has no limits now and can do as he wishes. There's no telling what he may or may not do. This is a case of the best intentions leading to the worst results.

    naik posted: »

    Why was ruling Hyperion the "bad" choice exactly ? I thought that Rhys could change things for the better, that's why I agreed to it.

  • If you look carefully you can see that it exploded in space :)

    J_E_K posted: »

    Did it explode in space, or did it explode upon impact with the ground?

  • Glad to hear someone else experienced this.

    And yep, agreed. Just odd is all with playing every TTG since TWD S1 with them on. :) I suppose I like knowing which decisions, no matter how much (if at all), change things slightly too. But yeah, again, hardly a big deal.

    Serazone posted: »

    I'm having the same problem! I didn't change any setting so I have no idea what is causing it. Not much of an issue, but it's odd to play without the notifications.

  • but he was going to die ;(

    Killah posted: »

    Yes. It's awesome BUT..when Fiona had the option to kiss scooter I was like: "NO..NO.NO..NOOOOOOO"

  • edited August 2015

    Was I the only one who turned to the dark side when Yvette revealed herself to be a traitor? I have Rhys stun her and it felt good. I think if I have the option to kill her, I wouldn't have hesitated.

    Rhys was surprisingly threatening in that scene, even if he was using Rhys-quez disguise.

  • you are not the only one, I was so pissed that I could kill her if there was an option.

    Was I the only one who turned to the dark side when Yvette revealed herself to be a traitor? I have Rhys stun her and it felt good. I think

  • You're not alone.

    Was I the only one who turned to the dark side when Yvette revealed herself to be a traitor? I have Rhys stun her and it felt good. I think

  • What I find interesting is that telltale hasn't made it clear whether Jack has been playing Rhys all along to get "Jacked in" or if he really is changing as a character. I really do find that interesting.

    Well it's seen as the 'bad' choice because Rhys willingly uploads Jack into Helios' system. Obviously the Jack we know and love is a villain

  • edited August 2015

    Nah...it's pretty great for the majority.

    Thin? Yeah, sure, whatever you want to think.

    DAISHI posted: »

    It has good moments but it's not a good episode. I had fun, I just kept thinking, damn, other companies are doing this better than Telltale these days. Episode 4 felt so thin.

  • You just made me realise that I probably would have killed her if it was an option

    Was I the only one who turned to the dark side when Yvette revealed herself to be a traitor? I have Rhys stun her and it felt good. I think

  • I hope there will be an option to slay her two faced butt in the last episode

  • if deus ex machina really does exist, i really hope he cut off his hand to get away (maybe he saw mad max/read the watchmen), i feel like that wouldnt be a problem on pandora (gaige can make prostetics) Nobody wanted him dead and i feel like bl3 w'ont have all the npc'sit needs without him.

    Roymiller33 posted: »

    If you look carefully you can see that it exploded in space

  • Dream killer.................

    Roymiller33 posted: »

    If you look carefully you can see that it exploded in space

  • I was actually looking for the "Shoot her!" option there. But now i think it will be much more satisfying doing it as President Rhys with Jack giving helpful tips on how to deal with traitors....

    Was I the only one who turned to the dark side when Yvette revealed herself to be a traitor? I have Rhys stun her and it felt good. I think

  • assuming we're talking about yvette, the first thing I'm gonna say that'll be heard all across helios: "Yvette, darling. Do you mind answering the question that came to my mind? I think you are just the person for it. How many bags do you want, dear?"

    I hope there will be an option to slay her two faced butt in the last episode

  • We still don't know if it is the bad choice. It will depend in how Rhys's (us) and Jack's actions.

    I also have agreed with it because of the following reasons: solving the Vault problem, getting an upper hand on the old lady, helping my companions, putting the Hyperion in order, futurely helping Pandora, and, hey, fulfiling my ambition (good or bad intentions can only be done with power).

    naik posted: »

    Why was ruling Hyperion the "bad" choice exactly ? I thought that Rhys could change things for the better, that's why I agreed to it.

  • I also like that. The fate of "Virtual Jack" is a thing that I really want to be affected by your decisions. And not only in terms of "lives or dies", but in terms of his mentality.

    Will Jack:
    -Stay blind to his own character to the end?
    -Start to see his mistakes but refusing to have a change of heart?
    -Abandon his ambiton because of someone (Angel? Rhys? His girlfriend?)
    -Fall in despair for his faults?
    -Fall in despair for seeing his ambition crushed again (like Original Jack?)

    Oh, the possibilities.

    Greenzoid2 posted: »

    What I find interesting is that telltale hasn't made it clear whether Jack has been playing Rhys all along to get "Jacked in" or if he really is changing as a character. I really do find that interesting.

  • I have tried to sweet talk her (since that is Rhys's forte) so that I could get, information, blackmail or something like that. But since she stayed an utter bitch. I made her crap her pants with a death threat while Jack applauded. Pretty sweet.

    Was I the only one who turned to the dark side when Yvette revealed herself to be a traitor? I have Rhys stun her and it felt good. I think

  • How did no one notice finch just hanging out in the hub? Guy had to of stood out lol. So are finch and kroger running around looking for the gang like august?

  • Welcome to the Forum friend. :)

    Tales from the Borderlands is the frikken best, and the rest of us are just as obsessed as you are, so don't feel too bad.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Soooo, I'm not really a gamer, and I only recently discovered Telltale games (iOS), and I played TWD seasons 1 & 2, GoT, and TWAU, and t

  • Killing her is tempting, but if i get the chance i'm gonna destroy her.

    First - i will buy lunch for the entirety of Hyperion, every single one of them. And force Yvette to watch.

    Second - Drop her on Pandora with no supplies in the middle of a psycho settlement and tell her they might share their 'pizza' with her if she's lucky.

    Fuck You Yvette!

    Was I the only one who turned to the dark side when Yvette revealed herself to be a traitor? I have Rhys stun her and it felt good. I think

  • "scary, ominous laughter"


    "small, scared. nervous laughter sounds in the background"

    ....eheheheheheheheeheeheeehe.............please don't kill me.

  • I wanted to take her to Strangulation Station!

    ..........alas, it was not in the cards for Rhys-quez.

    Was I the only one who turned to the dark side when Yvette revealed herself to be a traitor? I have Rhys stun her and it felt good. I think

  • First - i will buy lunch for the entirety of Hyperion, every single one of them. And force Yvette to watch.

    Woah. Cold-blooded, Arya........cold-BLOODED!

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Killing her is tempting, but if i get the chance i'm gonna destroy her. First - i will buy lunch for the entirety of Hyperion, every sing

  • Ooh, ooh! The one's with the pretty little ribbons, Rhys! They come in all sorts of colours!

    Dracu98 posted: »

    assuming we're talking about yvette, the first thing I'm gonna say that'll be heard all across helios: "Yvette, darling. Do you mind answeri

  • I used Dumpy on her lol.

    Was I the only one who turned to the dark side when Yvette revealed herself to be a traitor? I have Rhys stun her and it felt good. I think

  • edited August 2015

    Hyperion employees sneak psycho midgets aboard from time to time. Also, Hyperion employees see everyone as bandits. Finch doesn't really resemble one, and has a legendary, so they'll assume he's rich.

    And Rhys-Quez could have introduced them as his friends.

    zeke10 posted: »

    How did no one notice finch just hanging out in the hub? Guy had to of stood out lol. So are finch and kroger running around looking for the gang like august?

  • Likely that he used Rhys. His reaction when we refuse and the creepy credits say so.

    Greenzoid2 posted: »

    What I find interesting is that telltale hasn't made it clear whether Jack has been playing Rhys all along to get "Jacked in" or if he really is changing as a character. I really do find that interesting.

  • I had such mixed feeling about my ending (Chose to rule Hyperion) I felt so good yet worried at the same time. I was all "yes! I'm at the top of the frickin world!" "oh god what have I done" "It's good to be the king" "what am I doing!? I feel so sinister" then finally:


    Not to mention the specific lyrics in the credits "Back to the top" it made me feel great Rhys was at rock bottom then out of nowhere president of Hyperion.

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