We were promised Claptrap

I remember someone from Gearbox saying “it wouldn’t be a Borderlands game without Claptrap” about TFTB. I demand my healthy amount of Claptrapiness in the next EP! And I hope it's not just a we-dropped-the-character-ramdomly-in-for-a-short-scene-to-please-fans. I would love to see interaction between the robots. Maybe Gortys and Clappy can become friends...until Gortys dies and Claptrap falls into depression...no wait, that's upsetting. But it would be fun and I'm really interested how our gang would react and if you have the choice to be nice or mean to Claptrap. And Gortys and Clappy could dance together since she seems to enjoy it too, yay!

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  • edited August 2015

    Since Claptrap is the first talking thing that all Vault Hunters meet at the start of their adventure, Rhys and Fiona would meet Claptrap at some point in episode 5 hence most people thinking that they will be VHs in Borderlands 3.(Which I'm pretty sure that at least one of them will be a VH). Bad Theory? Ikr.

  • edited August 2015

    What're you talking about? I'm right here!

    (I seem to see my idea of Gortys and Claptrap are getting to people. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

  • Actually when I saw Gortys dancing in EP4 I instantly thought these two would be great dance partners.

    What're you talking about? I'm right here! (I seem to see my idea of Gortys and Claptrap are getting to people. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

  • Then you and I must have a similar mind.

    However, I do not remember Gortys dancing. I just heard people SAY she danced. When did that happen?

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Actually when I saw Gortys dancing in EP4 I instantly thought these two would be great dance partners.

  • edited August 2015

    In the Hub of Heroism I believe. Here!

    enter image description here

    Then you and I must have a similar mind. However, I do not remember Gortys dancing. I just heard people SAY she danced. When did that happen?

  • Well, hopefully she can dance to dubstep.

    That's all Claptrap knows. I'm not even joking.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    In the Hub of Heroism I believe. Here!

  • But he does beatbox in BL2 also! Heh, imagine all the robots making music together as the intro or outro of the EP. That would be some majestic shit.

    Well, hopefully she can dance to dubstep. That's all Claptrap knows. I'm not even joking.

  • What about Dumpy?

    "Take the chorus, Dumpy!"


    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    But he does beatbox in BL2 also! Heh, imagine all the robots making music together as the intro or outro of the EP. That would be some majestic shit.

  • Of course, all of them! It would be amazing. And for the playthrough without dumpy they can include awkward silence or someone random, would still be funny.

    What about Dumpy? "Take the chorus, Dumpy!" "RAEEREAGHAHT!"

  • Friendly (completely off-topic) community service announcement:

    If anyone in this thread just went "oh wow, Borderlands comics - I wonder if they're any good?"

    Yes. Yes they are, and you should definitely check them out. They're criminally under-appreciated within the fandom. I was always like "ehhhh, I don't know", but someone on this forum actually recommended them to me and I'm so glad I checked them out!

    Origins is a nice insight into the backstories of the original BL1 Vault Hunters, but IMO Fall of Fyrestone is where stuff gets really good.

    Also, Mikey wrote them, so reading them is the perfect way to honour Scooter while we're all in mourning (though fair warning, FoF tugs on the ol' hearstrings, too).

    And yeah, I hope all the Borderlands ro-bros (and broettes, in Gortys case) get a chance to meet up!

  • I know some people hate him, but I adore Claptrap. He's my second favorite Borderlands character, right behind Jack. I would love for him to show up in Tales, but at this point, I think it's just going to be a short cameo, if anything at all. ;_;

    I mean, there's already so many things that episode five needs to do... The two different Jack endings, wrapping up the past storyline, picking up where we are in the present, revealing who the stranger is, where Vaughn and Sasha are, why the Gortys pieces are scattered again, getting to the vault... That's probably not gonna leave much room for Clappy or any other absent characters.

    I'd love to be wrong, though! Ever since episode three, I've been wanting to see Gortys and Claptrap interact. I think they'd get along!

  • Why not AI Jack? He can TECHNICALLY be classified as a robot.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Of course, all of them! It would be amazing. And for the playthrough without dumpy they can include awkward silence or someone random, would still be funny.

  • I did. I recommended them to you. Hah!

    Friendly (completely off-topic) community service announcement: If anyone in this thread just went "oh wow, Borderlands comics - I wonder

  • He's likely to appear in episode 5 sadly, I don't find him funny at all so I'm OK with the lack of Claptrap

  • Would be cool if he could join the group for a bit so while the other things "solve themselves" you can witness them interact. Would be very amusing!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I know some people hate him, but I adore Claptrap. He's my second favorite Borderlands character, right behind Jack. I would love for him to

  • edited August 2015

    In Episode 4 I saw two (dead looking) Claptraps.

    Someone pointed it out on my live stream, so I replayed and saw them as well. But I still want Claptrap to be in it...

  • If they want to please both sides they should include friendly and mean options. Like be nice to him or tell him to piss off or something similar |D

    kaleion posted: »

    He's likely to appear in episode 5 sadly, I don't find him funny at all so I'm OK with the lack of Claptrap

  • edited August 2015

    I think he's gonna stay up on Helios though so I don't know about that

    Why not AI Jack? He can TECHNICALLY be classified as a robot.

  • I always thought the hate was supposed to be a gag. Like Gearbox making fun of the fans by making everyone in the Borderlands universe hate him. Yet people hate him, and I adore him. He and Jack are my favorite characters equally, I don't love one over the other. Hopefully it isn't just a short cameo though.

    They could make a longer episode, or pull an amazing stunt and add another episode to the storyline. But that's just wishful thinking.

    What's funny is how different they are. Gortys is a cute, loveable, innocent robot. Claptrap is an inappropriate, hilarious, empathetic character.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I know some people hate him, but I adore Claptrap. He's my second favorite Borderlands character, right behind Jack. I would love for him to

  • Gah, sorry - I'm an idiot/have a shocking memory - but thank you so much for said recommendation!

    Now, I'll just try and awkwardly slink out with at least some of my dignity intact...

    enter image description here

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I did. I recommended them to you. Hah!

  • edited August 2015

    My idea is that Jack could demand someone to make a almost humanized robot version of him, which Jack would then put himself into.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I think he's gonna stay up on Helios though so I don't know about that

  • What colours were they? I must have missed them. Most claptraps are pretty dead so it was probably just remains of some. However one Claptrap is still active as Rhys echo eye told us in Episode 2 I think, so at least our little Fyrestone Claptrap is not dead or deactivated.

    In Episode 4 I saw two (dead looking) Claptraps. Someone pointed it out on my live stream, so I replayed and saw them as well. But I still want Claptrap to be in it...

  • I'd hope that that would be one of the choices that Telltale shows at the end of an episode. I'd HOPE the majority were nice to him.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    If they want to please both sides they should include friendly and mean options. Like be nice to him or tell him to piss off or something similar |D

  • Wouldn't really work, the problem with Claptrap is that he's meant to be annoying so the people that don't like him can't stand him, just having him there would be annoying, I just hope he doesn't get too much screen time.

    I mean I get nothing from insulting him and causing him to be even more annoying, still they should probably include him considering he appears in every game and a lot of people like him, he's still going to annoy me though.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    If they want to please both sides they should include friendly and mean options. Like be nice to him or tell him to piss off or something similar |D

  • Fixd

    That sounds like something that just can't end well. Robo Jack? Creepy

    My idea is that Jack could demand someone to make a almost humanized robot version of him, which Jack would then put himself into.

  • I saw a dead Claptrap in the jail area, right where all the trash and body parts are below Jack's secret office entrance. It was the default yellowish colored Clap.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    What colours were they? I must have missed them. Most claptraps are pretty dead so it was probably just remains of some. However one Claptra

  • Space Station Jack is a lot worse. OR BETTER. Seriously Jack and Claptrap are my favorite. (spoiler for BL: TPS Claptrap DLC) Their interaction in the Claptrap DLC just showed how good of a man Jack was before he went coo-coo. Still love him, though. Hopefully he redeems himself.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Fixd That sounds like something that just can't end well. Robo Jack? Creepy

  • Rest in piece my yellow brother.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I saw a dead Claptrap in the jail area, right where all the trash and body parts are below Jack's secret office entrance. It was the default yellowish colored Clap.

  • edited August 2015

    After playing the Claptastic Voyage, I desperately want there to be a [hug claptrap] option. My canon playthrough Rhys is mostly an asshole, but I'm willing to break character to give Claptrap a hug. :P

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    If they want to please both sides they should include friendly and mean options. Like be nice to him or tell him to piss off or something similar |D

  • At least it wasn't me, though, right guys?

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Rest in piece my yellow brother.

  • That would remind me too much of that scene where Claptrap shows Handsome Jack the clip where normal Jack finishes giving Claptrap his upgrade. That was such a nice scene.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    After playing the Claptastic Voyage, I desperately want there to be a [hug claptrap] option. My canon playthrough Rhys is mostly an asshole, but I'm willing to break character to give Claptrap a hug. :P

  • Yes, no typo. It's literal.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Rest in piece my yellow brother.

  • Maybe Telltale's writing could make him more tolerable to you? I've seen some people say that they didn't care much for Scooter until Tales. Maybe they can do the same for Claptrap.

    kaleion posted: »

    Wouldn't really work, the problem with Claptrap is that he's meant to be annoying so the people that don't like him can't stand him, just ha


    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Yes, no typo. It's literal.

  • Probably not.

    At least it wasn't me, though, right guys?

  • Oh.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Probably not.

  • I mean that when you keep being a mean bean he wouldn't stick around for long. Like if there would for example be an option for him to come along or something you could just be like "nope"

    kaleion posted: »

    Wouldn't really work, the problem with Claptrap is that he's meant to be annoying so the people that don't like him can't stand him, just ha

  • edited August 2015

    I think Ep. 5 will end with Marcus narration simmiliar to Tiny Tina's DLC. It would be revealed that he is telling the story to people in Sanctuary. Then Clappy will say something stupid and ruin everything. Fade to black. fin

  • "And then Claptrap said something stupid and ruined everything. Again."

    I think Ep. 5 will end with Marcus narration simmiliar to Tiny Tina's DLC. It would be revealed that he is telling the story to people in Sanctuary. Then Clappy will say something stupid and ruin everything. Fade to black. fin

  • Nah man its fine. If I'd remember every person on the Internet I interacted with I would probably explode.

    Gah, sorry - I'm an idiot/have a shocking memory - but thank you so much for said recommendation! Now, I'll just try and awkwardly slink out with at least some of my dignity intact...

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