Did ***** betray us?



  • What happens if you do? I kept Jack a seccret throughout the season and he relished that fact at the end

    sSOPHOo posted: »

    tbh now I kinda regret telling them about Handsome Jack..... oh well....

  • On that topic, i felt like Royland really made more sense, even if it was painfully obvious. Duncan's reasons for betraying were pretty flimsy, especially after all the stock he'd put in the North Grove for saving the house

    Neither do I to be honest, I thought it was pretty good and is not really one of my major complaints with the episode (even though Duncan was my traitor, not Royland).

  • I feel like Telltale was foreshadowing her betrayal by showing her reaction to all the things Hyperion has to offer. We saw the Tour Lady talking about her potential in the corporation and we see her getting impressed with the office view. I think if Hyperion throws in a free trip to any planet but Pandora and yeah: she'll betray them as long as they promise not to hurt anyone.

  • But it doesn't make sense at all with her character and what she says/believes. Since episode 1 Sasha has been bastardizing Hyperion whenever it's been brought up, calling them monsters and soulless, she only really started to warm up to Rhys (the Hyperion employee) after spending more time with him. And for Sasha to become a traitor makes no sense at all after what Felix did, she cannot believe what he did and hates him for it, she even refuses Felix's final gift left for her. It's obvious that she wants to leave Pandora but there's no way she would sink so low to become everything she despises and betray her only remaining family.

    Bromid123 posted: »

    I feel like Telltale was foreshadowing her betrayal by showing her reaction to all the things Hyperion has to offer. We saw the Tour Lady ta

  • The Borderlands change people, man.

    Look at what happened to Jack, Zarpedon, Lillith, and Athena to name a few.

    You enter that quadrant one way and you kind of fester into something else while you're marooned there.

    I don't think she betrayed Team Awesome, but it's a legitimate possibility.

    But it doesn't make sense at all with her character and what she says/believes. Since episode 1 Sasha has been bastardizing Hyperion wheneve

  • I don't doubt that, but with all those people you mentioned they either suffered some great pain emotional/physical or got power hungry and greedy. The only thing Sasha has dealt with is Felix's betrayal, while he was more or less their father, that's the only instance where anything bad has happened to Sasha. Not to say I don't believe it can't happen, Jack being one of the best examples there, but w/o proper motive/incentive it just doesn't jive for me. We're already seeing it happen to Vaughn but Sasha hasn't changed much at all since we met her.

    The-Qing posted: »

    The Borderlands change people, man. Look at what happened to Jack, Zarpedon, Lillith, and Athena to name a few. You enter that quadran

  • Nope. Nope nope nope. I promised her a hundred times I'd get her off Pandora and if we can find the Vault, I will totally do that for her. I refuse to believe she betrayed me. Nope.

  • Sasha didn't betray anybody. It would be out of character if she did.

  • Among video game and comic book villains Jack is one of the more complex and uniquely humanly flawed. We all have blind spots for our favorite stories, so don't make me bring up The Walking Ex Machina

  • Indeed. I understand what you were trying to say, but this picture was too beautiful not to post.

    Well, of course that level of handsomeness is unrealistic by real-world standards, I assumed that was just a given! (I should have specified realistic characterisation, though).

  • Same here. I know the flaws of the Walking Dead cause I'm geeking out every Sunday night when they are running.


  • As incentive, I'd say that wealth and escape would do it. If she's been living in poverty and struggling to survive all her life and dreaming of leaving the hell hole of a planet she calls home, and then suddenly sees the wealth and opportunity of Hyperion, you dont think she would be a little tempted?

    Besides people are often hypocrites/make mistakes. Also it seems that becoming what you hate is a big theme in Borderlands and TellTale may be keeping true to that

    I don't doubt that, but with all those people you mentioned they either suffered some great pain emotional/physical or got power hungry and

  • She may have. There's one line that makes me think that - When they're on the ship, looking back at the planet, Sasha says something like "It's a shame we have to go back." and Fiona says "One day we won't have to." (I think, it may have been a choice for what Fiona says).

    I don't really think she betrayed the team, but it's quite believable that she may have changed her position once she was off the planet and looking down on it from space.

    also YTPED sasha says this: WOW EVEN THE BIT#H S UNIMPRESSED!

    To quote Cindy Lauper 'Money changes everything'. It would be easy enough to see her seduced by the money, the life of looking down on Pando

  • i just thought she got caught. but then i came here and it kinda made some sense.

    in the way to Helios, or whatever, she mentions like she kinda doesnt like pandora that is shitty. and how she loves the view from space. then we get kinda the moment in when there's the three way view/phonecall with rhy,fiona,sasha when she's all flabbergasted by the office view in where they took her. but who knows

  • I am kinda nervous about it seeing as she is pretty desperate to get away from Pandora. But then again I hope that's just my paranoia talking, my gut tells me she didn't betray us though.

  • I didn't chose to rule Hyperion with the idea that Rhys was betraying them. I did it thinking that with that kind of back up the Vallory situation could be solved without anyone else getting hurt. Now he has some control of the purse strings and moonshots, he could literally give an offer she can't refuse, unless she doesn't mind being collected out of the sands of Pandora with a litter scoop.

    My initial reaction was one of suspicion. But after seeing the "Rule Hyperion" ending, it couldn't possibly be her. Why would she

  • Im just waiting on Fiona or Vaughan to betray us.....since were putting everyone out of character.

  • Vaughn did already betray us when he made the deal with Vasquez.

    Im just waiting on Fiona or Vaughan to betray us.....since were putting everyone out of character.

  • So that means a betrayal from Fiona then?
    Plus did Vaughn go through with it?

    Vaughn did already betray us when he made the deal with Vasquez.

  • Nope, again with all of her (nearly) excessive hate about Hyperion I just can't see her turning on us, let alone her sister. And I understand that people make mistakes, like Vaughn did in episode 2, but Sasha has been hardened by living on Pandora for the last 20+ years and the only person she could really trust is Fiona. If she were to betray us for something like that it'd be sloppy writing all over again like the traitor from the 5th episode of Thrones, at least in my eyes.

    Not saying she wouldn't be tempted at the thought, but nothing past that. It simply doesn't fit her character or personality to do that.

    Bromid123 posted: »

    As incentive, I'd say that wealth and escape would do it. If she's been living in poverty and struggling to survive all her life and dreamin

  • edited August 2015

    No, remember back in episode 2 were Vasquez caught up to Rhys and Vaughn and Vaughn revealed that he accepted the deal? But after you get away Vaughn says how it was a lie and he was just tricking Vasquez... cause we're bros bro.

    So he didn't really betray us (at least how I see it and if you believe him), he just failed to mention that detail to us before things started going crazy.

    So that means a betrayal from Fiona then? Plus did Vaughn go through with it?

  • I lost a lot of respect for Sasha in this episode. I love how the episode ends with her being a major hypocrite. When Vallory holds her hostage she commands Fiona not to give in but does to Yvette anyway. A person who's willing to live by the gun but not by it. Do you know what we call that boys and girls? A PHONY A BIG FAT PHONY!

  • I know that, I was asking the one who quoted me.
    Yvette betrayed us, she went through with it, Vaughn didnt because it wasnt in his character to do that.

    No, remember back in episode 2 were Vasquez caught up to Rhys and Vaughn and Vaughn revealed that he accepted the deal? But after you get aw

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