Part of my thinks they won't make it - it'll drift out of their reach - they'll lose track of Gortys and her pieces - something will fall apart last second.
I actually think the Vault of the Traveler might be the set-up for BL3, I don't know if there's enough time in one episode to handle Jack's rise back to power AND finding the actual Vault, so ONE will be pushed aside for later (and I don't think Jack is going to be the big baddy of BL3, so I think they're more likely to focus on his subplot). PLUS, Gortys must be in pieces, right? They found her legs attachment while they were walking with the Stranger. I have an inkling that the Vault of the Traveler is for BL3 and will serve as a way to introduce us to the other planets (besides Pandora) which presumably have Vaults on them (as per the BL2 ending).
Part of my thinks they won't make it - it'll drift out of their reach - they'll lose track of Gortys and her pieces - something will fall ap… moreart last second.
I actually think the Vault of the Traveler might be the set-up for BL3, I don't know if there's enough time in one episode to handle Jack's rise back to power AND finding the actual Vault, so ONE will be pushed aside for later (and I don't think Jack is going to be the big baddy of BL3, so I think they're more likely to focus on his subplot). PLUS, Gortys must be in pieces, right? They found her legs attachment while they were walking with the Stranger. I have an inkling that the Vault of the Traveler is for BL3 and will serve as a way to introduce us to the other planets (besides Pandora) which presumably have Vaults on them (as per the BL2 ending).
Get out of it!
Trip on a rock.
"Oh crap!"
"Hellooo travelers, and welcome! I am a CL4P-TP steward bot, but you may call me Claptrap!"
Oh shit, I can actually picture that happening now. Claptrap is the guardian of the Vault of the Traveler confirmed.
"Turns out, the writers decided to make some strange twist and now I'M the vault monster!"
"And then Claptrap said something and ruined it for everyone."
two words:
Unce unce, wub wub wub.
Part of my thinks they won't make it - it'll drift out of their reach - they'll lose track of Gortys and her pieces - something will fall apart last second.
I actually think the Vault of the Traveler might be the set-up for BL3, I don't know if there's enough time in one episode to handle Jack's rise back to power AND finding the actual Vault, so ONE will be pushed aside for later (and I don't think Jack is going to be the big baddy of BL3, so I think they're more likely to focus on his subplot). PLUS, Gortys must be in pieces, right? They found her legs attachment while they were walking with the Stranger. I have an inkling that the Vault of the Traveler is for BL3 and will serve as a way to introduce us to the other planets (besides Pandora) which presumably have Vaults on them (as per the BL2 ending).
I actually like this theory.
Like, a lot.
Same thing that happens every time, a boss fight.
You'll find a potato......
Wait for it.....
Wait for it.....
Then You'll eat it.
enter link description here
We're all doomed.
Oh good, I thought we were going to have to fuck it.
You won't, but Cotter will. TFTB is his origin story.
We enter the vault only to get shot by Tector and Jimbo. I hope that's the end
"Hey look, a penny!"
Turns out inside of the vault of the traveler there's the vault of the dancer.
Rhys and Fiona have a dance battle with the vault monster while everyone else makes the music.
When whatever happens that causes Gortys to disassemble, one or more of our four main characters will be inside when it teleports away.