It's interesting to see that the ending is mostly the same, yet pretty different. Both sides end with Jack being released from Rhys's system, yet if you choose to rule, Rhys is able to walk wherever he pleases, while if you reject Hyperion, Jack is actually in charge, with Rhys tied down to the chair (will probably need Fiona and Sasha to come save him).
It's interesting to see that the ending is mostly the same, yet pretty different. Both sides end with Jack being released from Rhys's system… more, yet if you choose to rule, Rhys is able to walk wherever he pleases, while if you reject Hyperion, Jack is actually in charge, with Rhys tied down to the chair (will probably need Fiona and Sasha to come save him).
Question...if you choose not to plug Jack into the jack, do you still get the effect where the end credits flicker and change from things like Programmers to People Fired By Handsome Jack? I thought that was funny and nice touch, and nicely tied into Jack gaining control of Helios.
First - i will buy lunch for the entirety of Hyperion, every single one of them. And force Yvette to watch.
Woah. Cold-blooded, Arya........cold-BLOODED!
If you refuse Hyperion Handsome Jack will forcefully take control of Rhys who then takes control of Hyperion.
So basically the same thing happens with the difference that if you accept, you get a mixed feeling of "I'm on top of the world!" and "What the hell have I done?!", if you refuse "I regret everything."
Question...if you choose not to plug Jack into the jack, do you still get the effect where the end credits flicker and change from things li… moreke Programmers to People Fired By Handsome Jack? I thought that was funny and nice touch, and nicely tied into Jack gaining control of Helios.
Yeah you still get the effect.
If you refuse Hyperion Handsome Jack will forcefully take control of Rhys who then takes control of Hyperi… moreon.
So basically the same thing happens with the difference that if you accept, you get a mixed feeling of "I'm on top of the world!" and "What the hell have I done?!", if you refuse "I regret everything."
... Seriously, angry Jack is scary as hell.
Yeah you still get the effect.
If you refuse Hyperion Handsome Jack will forcefully take control of Rhys who then takes control of Hyperi… moreon.
So basically the same thing happens with the difference that if you accept, you get a mixed feeling of "I'm on top of the world!" and "What the hell have I done?!", if you refuse "I regret everything."
... Seriously, angry Jack is scary as hell.
Lots of emotional moments (Scooter, Springs on her GF ...)
Lots of mad BL humor (tearing off Vasquez' face, man, crazy ! and the presetation of said face to the digi ..., Fink's "I should have baggies in the car"). There's actually more in this one than previous, and every reason to therefore rejoice.
Is it me of this one is way longer than the previous ones ? I think I did put 3 hours in 1st PT ...
The superb intro scene put right in the middle of the PT
Was I the only one who turned to the dark side when Yvette revealed herself to be a traitor? I have Rhys stun her and it felt good. I think … moreif I have the option to kill her, I wouldn't have hesitated.
Rhys was surprisingly threatening in that scene, even if he was using Rhys-quez disguise.
Sorry for the late answer, but you should defenitely play the Borderlands series (somehow, don't know if it's on the iOs), it will give you a LOT of background on everything.
Borderlands 1 is not THAT important in the series as it's not very story driven, however Borderlands 2 is truly an AWESOME game, which explains mostly what is Hyperion, and then, the Presequel which shows Jack's rise to power, which will make you understand a LOT more. The Tales seems to be more oriented by the content on the presequel though.
After playing the whole series I will say, Jack did nothing wrong!
Soooo, I'm not really a gamer, and I only recently discovered Telltale games (iOS), and I played TWD seasons 1 & 2, GoT, and TWAU, and t… morehen finally TFTB because hey, it's another Telltale game, and they're fun.
You guys, I am straight obsessed with this game. And I've never played any of the Borderlands games or know anyone who does, least of all this one, and it was finally this episode where I felt the need to seek out a forum and make an account so I could fangirl with other like-minded people who play multiple save files at once and obsess over every interaction and facial expression and speculate wildly on the identity of the stranger. After this episode, I need to be with my people. Hello.
Was I the only one who turned to the dark side when Yvette revealed herself to be a traitor? I have Rhys stun her and it felt good. I think … moreif I have the option to kill her, I wouldn't have hesitated.
Rhys was surprisingly threatening in that scene, even if he was using Rhys-quez disguise.
actually there s this item on borderlands the pre sequel named: Yvette s Regret
so it might mean Yvette might come back to our team
(probably with a choice tho)
Killing her is tempting, but if i get the chance i'm gonna destroy her.
First - i will buy lunch for the entirety of Hyperion, every sing… morele one of them. And force Yvette to watch.
Second - Drop her on Pandora with no supplies in the middle of a psycho settlement and tell her they might share their 'pizza' with her if she's lucky.
Fuck You Yvette!
It's interesting to see that the ending is mostly the same, yet pretty different. Both sides end with Jack being released from Rhys's system, yet if you choose to rule, Rhys is able to walk wherever he pleases, while if you reject Hyperion, Jack is actually in charge, with Rhys tied down to the chair (will probably need Fiona and Sasha to come save him).
In the 'reject Hyperion' ending he only broadcasts in that single room not the whole of Helios so no one seems to know he's in the system.
True, but it shouldn't take long for Jack to raise hell.
Question...if you choose not to plug Jack into the jack, do you still get the effect where the end credits flicker and change from things like Programmers to People Fired By Handsome Jack? I thought that was funny and nice touch, and nicely tied into Jack gaining control of Helios.
Why thank you J_E_K.
I don't really deal well with betrayal
and i find that using ones own weaknesses against them really brings the point home.
I disagree. There isn't enough evidence for either side.
Yeah you still get the effect.
If you refuse Hyperion Handsome Jack will forcefully take control of Rhys who then takes control of Hyperion.
So basically the same thing happens with the difference that if you accept, you get a mixed feeling of "I'm on top of the world!" and "What the hell have I done?!", if you refuse "I regret everything."
... Seriously, angry Jack is scary as hell.
It's not really regret, more fear. My Rhys wouldn't change his choice if he had the option.
I didn't really get the final Fiona bit, are we supposed to think that Sasha betrayed us? Or was just caught?
Probably just caught, Sasha may have accidently spoiled the beans and is feeling guilty.
I don't regret refusing him. I'd make that choice again in a heartbeat.
Loved this ep.. The best yet of the serie IMO !
Lots of emotional moments (Scooter, Springs on her GF ...)
Lots of mad BL humor (tearing off Vasquez' face, man, crazy ! and the presetation of said face to the digi ..., Fink's "I should have baggies in the car"). There's actually more in this one than previous, and every reason to therefore rejoice.
Is it me of this one is way longer than the previous ones ? I think I did put 3 hours in 1st PT ...
The superb intro scene put right in the middle of the PT
Superb !
Late answer, but I just got into the train! I am expecting to be able to airchamber her ass out of Helios!
Sorry for the late answer, but you should defenitely play the Borderlands series (somehow, don't know if it's on the iOs), it will give you a LOT of background on everything.
Borderlands 1 is not THAT important in the series as it's not very story driven, however Borderlands 2 is truly an AWESOME game, which explains mostly what is Hyperion, and then, the Presequel which shows Jack's rise to power, which will make you understand a LOT more. The Tales seems to be more oriented by the content on the presequel though.
After playing the whole series I will say, Jack did nothing wrong!
Just like Handsome Jack. Betrayal made him kill people
it would have been cool if there were that option
actually there s this item on borderlands the pre sequel named: Yvette s Regret
so it might mean Yvette might come back to our team
(probably with a choice tho)