Im a terrible procrastinator and this is one of the ways I do it, so Im trying to cut down and use my already limited spare time to work on some actual projects, like getting back into learning to draw.
Another thing is, these boards get kind of tiresome sometimes with all the "this game is better than that game" threads and all the infighting and negativity.
Folks are always going to make comparisons, but yeah, some of those discussions can get pretty negative.
Thanks for keeping this thread active as long as you have. I rarely post, but I do try to keep up with the thread. I'm enjoying the comic overall, and I'll definitely keep reading until the story concludes.
Another thing is, these boards get kind of tiresome sometimes with all the "this game is better than that game" threads and all the infighting and negativity.
I dont know. Maybe theyre taking a break to prepare for the next story arc. It cant be easy to put it out every week like clockwork. The crooked man is on the cover and the next one is for the 24th.
I dont know. Maybe theyre taking a break to prepare for the next story arc. It cant be easy to put it out every week like clockwork. The crooked man is on the cover and the next one is for the 24th.
Do you think they will show some Crooked Man backstory? When he had his first appearance he was kinda "nice" to Mary. Iam still trying to fi… morend out why Mary followed his commands in A Wolf Among Us. Was it really because he treated her well? Usually a "evil" leader is the strongest of them, but he had no real power (to fight other fables I mean). I hope they will show us some Crooked Man story, I want to know how he "really" thinks, and it would be a good moment to change from Marys point of view to the Crooked Mans. I would like to know how he became crooked and obsessed with money-making.
When I first played The Wolf Among Us I didnt thought the Crooked Man was the real boss. And even now Iam not really sure about that. I always thought the Headless Horseman was behind all that and that would be even more reason for Crane to be afraid. And the severed heads-scenario could be a indication for that. I mean if they ever make a Season 2 there… [view original content]
For me, this issue was worth the wait. There are some very interesting things going on here.
Has Johan the Butcher been written out of the story? I guess we'll see. For me, the butcher shop sequence in the game was one of the least interesting parts. There were some good visuals with Bigby walking through the meat locker, but that part of the story just wasn't all that exciting.
"Whoa" is right about the armory. We certainly didn't see that in the game.
The last panel appears to be a prelude to some unexpected and interesting backstory involving Faith and the Crooked Man. I'm looking forward to it!
Is it just me, or was anyone else disappointed that Bigby was once again nerfed (first time being when he faced Woody in issue #1, and this time, to the point of being helplessness by Jersey) compared to how he was portrayed in the game?
It's not like I expected him to be invincible, but I expected him to at least put up more fight than what was shown.
While I have no problem with them merging Jersey and Johan's routes into one storyline, I do wish they would have shown Bigby kicking Jersey's face, when Jersey taunts Bigby just before he leaves the Lucky Pawn.
As for flashbacks, it was considerably better, since it seemed like they were starting to move a little bit away from Bloody Mary and focusing more on the Crooked Man (and I am intrigued how Crooked Man's scheme relates to Faith's father's Kingdom).
Yeah, I too noticed that they nerfed Bigby here. I didn't really notice it in the Woody fight because I was using a touchscreen for input when I first started the game, and I died a few times fighting Woody because Telltale hasn't optimized their engine for PC touchscreen input (too bad about that, because TWAU plays fine as a touchscreen game on Android). In order to get past Woody, I switched to using a regular keyboard and mouse, which I was still using by the time of the Jersey fight. I handled Jersey easily in the game, so Bigby did seem a bit underpowered in these last two issues of the comic.
I was OK with Bigby not kicking Jersey in the face. I heard Jersey out when I played the game. He could taunt me all he wanted; it wasn't going to save him or the Crooked Man.
How much of a badass Bigby is would depend on the controls (in your case), or how experienced/used to you are in those QTE fight situations (that are present in Telltale games).
I played with keyboard and mouse every time, and I think I only remember stumbling the very first time I fought him (i.e. first time I played TWAU). Second time onwards, for both Woody and Jersey, I was just whopping them, without taking any damage (that is within the control of player).
I was just really disappointed that Bigby was in a so helpless state that he had to rely on Woody to save him (I mean even in the game, he was still banged up and in bandages due to Bloody Mary like in the comics, so why nerf him here?).
As for kicking Jersey's face in, first time I played I listened to everything he said, but from second time onwards, his taunts just became annoying. I just wanted him to shut the @#$#$ up, so I generallt ended up kicking his face.
Yeah, I too noticed that they nerfed Bigby here. I didn't really notice it in the Woody fight because I was using a touchscreen for input w… morehen I first started the game, and I died a few times fighting Woody because Telltale hasn't optimized their engine for PC touchscreen input (too bad about that, because TWAU plays fine as a touchscreen game on Android). In order to get past Woody, I switched to using a regular keyboard and mouse, which I was still using by the time of the Jersey fight. I handled Jersey easily in the game, so Bigby did seem a bit underpowered in these last two issues of the comic.
I was OK with Bigby not kicking Jersey in the face. I heard Jersey out when I played the game. He could taunt me all he wanted; it wasn't going to save him or the Crooked Man.
I only played TWAU once, but I might have watched more play-throughs of it than any other person on the planet. I've watched at least one full play-through on YouTube, but I've lost count of how many full and partial play-throughs I've watched on Twitch. It's fun to see the choices other people make. I've seen a ton of different choices, although I think there are still a few that I haven't seen.
I haven't watched any other game online nearly as much as I've watched TWAU. It's a great fit for the online play-through medium. The story doesn't change much, but that's OK because it's a good story. The acting, music, animation, etc. all make it very rewatchable.
How much of a badass Bigby is would depend on the controls (in your case), or how experienced/used to you are in those QTE fight situations … more(that are present in Telltale games).
I played with keyboard and mouse every time, and I think I only remember stumbling the very first time I fought him (i.e. first time I played TWAU). Second time onwards, for both Woody and Jersey, I was just whopping them, without taking any damage (that is within the control of player).
I was just really disappointed that Bigby was in a so helpless state that he had to rely on Woody to save him (I mean even in the game, he was still banged up and in bandages due to Bloody Mary like in the comics, so why nerf him here?).
As for kicking Jersey's face in, first time I played I listened to everything he said, but from second time onwards, his taunts just became annoying. I just wanted him to shut the @#$#$ up, so I generallt ended up kicking his face.
I think they're trying to make him closer to his Fables counterpart.
When Bigby fights in Fables, he frequently gets hit and as proven at some points, he doesn't always win without assistance; I find Bigby to be both stronger and weaker in TWAU compared to Fables...
But did Bigby actually fight anyone in his human form though? I remember in the comics almost all (if not all) of his fights were where either he transformed into his werewolf form, or his Big Bad Wolf form (his true form from the homelands).
Don't really remember him fighting anyone specifically in his human form (without any transformation)
I think they're trying to make him closer to his Fables counterpart.
When Bigby fights in Fables, he frequently gets hit and as proven at… more some points, he doesn't always win without assistance; I find Bigby to be both stronger and weaker in TWAU compared to Fables...
Same here, cant really remember any scene like that. Especially in the last issues of Fables where Bigby stays in his werewolf form (shattered Bigby) he has shown how strong he really is. He was stronger or at least on the same level as Totenkinder and Rose (with many powerful demons absorbed) combined. Especially the fate that he will outlive his cubs makes him kinda immortal.
But did Bigby actually fight anyone in his human form though? I remember in the comics almost all (if not all) of his fights were where eit… moreher he transformed into his werewolf form, or his Big Bad Wolf form (his true form from the homelands).
Don't really remember him fighting anyone specifically in his human form (without any transformation)
But did Bigby actually fight anyone in his human form though? I remember in the comics almost all (if not all) of his fights were where eit… moreher he transformed into his werewolf form, or his Big Bad Wolf form (his true form from the homelands).
Don't really remember him fighting anyone specifically in his human form (without any transformation)
He had a fist fight with Jack in Volume 13 (where he was pretty fucking strong!)
He outmaneuvered the Emperor in Volume 11.
Volume 1 he countered Jack and pinned him up against the wall...
But if I recall correctly, he didn't get hit even once by Jack though (if you exclude that cheap shot Jack made).
And I wouldn't exactly … morecall outmaneuvering the Emperor a fair assessment of a fight (since he had help from Boy Blue and the Vorpal Blade).
Oh did he? Well maybe he did. But I don't think I saw any bruises or noticeable marks on Bigby (he looked pretty clean). And knowing Jack, his few good licks would most likely have been cheap shots.
OH WAIT!!! Bigby fights in Jack of Fables volume 5 as well!!!
He has a bar brawl and he beats Jack senseless REMEMBER????
Tbh, in Fables Bigby fights like someone who is aggressive and has an idea on how to fight. Like he may know a few techniques to get the edge, but for the most part he does whatever hurts the most and hopes for the best. In TWAU, we need a Bigby who is capable enough a fighter to keep us entertained, but also to show that he isn't a world class martial artist like Cinderella.
I haven't read any of TWAU comic past issue 8, but from what I'm hearing, Bigby is really not great at fist fights this time around...
Oh did he? Well maybe he did. But I don't think I saw any bruises or noticeable marks on Bigby (he looked pretty clean). And knowing Jack, his few good licks would most likely have been cheap shots.
Yeah, I'd almost forgotten about that (good memory).
But Bigby basically trained Cinderella in all combat though (except fencing, that was all Bluebeard, since Bigby never once bothered to learn to wield a sword). It's just that they have different style of fighting (despite Bigby's training, we can't really expect Cindy to fight same way as Bigby can we? Since they both have different physique and personalities).
Probably Cindy looks more refined than Bigby because her focus is more on elegance than the brutality in combat (though she can be brutal too, when it needs to be).
They really nerfed Bigby in TWAU comics (not like I was expecting him to be invincible, but come on!!). So while I do enjoy it for them expanding upon the whole Fables mythology etc, nerfing Bigby does detract the overall fun
OH WAIT!!! Bigby fights in Jack of Fables volume 5 as well!!!
He has a bar brawl and he beats Jack senseless REMEMBER????
Tbh, in Fab… moreles Bigby fights like someone who is aggressive and has an idea on how to fight. Like he may know a few techniques to get the edge, but for the most part he does whatever hurts the most and hopes for the best. In TWAU, we need a Bigby who is capable enough a fighter to keep us entertained, but also to show that he isn't a world class martial artist like Cinderella.
I haven't read any of TWAU comic past issue 8, but from what I'm hearing, Bigby is really not great at fist fights this time around...
I have a horrifically good memory for games, comics and films dude :P I read that Volume ONCE as well!
Cindy probably took Bigby's rules of combat and then learned her own stuff on top of his training (call it 'basic training') but I still wager the 2 would be evenly matched in a straight up fight
I think I'm gonna complain a lot about the comics now.... Kinda like issue 150! (The review WILL come dude! I promise!!!)
Yeah, I'd almost forgotten about that (good memory).
But Bigby basically trained Cinderella in all combat though (except fencing, that wa… mores all Bluebeard, since Bigby never once bothered to learn to wield a sword). It's just that they have different style of fighting (despite Bigby's training, we can't really expect Cindy to fight same way as Bigby can we? Since they both have different physique and personalities).
Probably Cindy looks more refined than Bigby because her focus is more on elegance than the brutality in combat (though she can be brutal too, when it needs to be).
They really nerfed Bigby in TWAU comics (not like I was expecting him to be invincible, but come on!!). So while I do enjoy it for them expanding upon the whole Fables mythology etc, nerfing Bigby does detract the overall fun
Yeah, despite having died in issue #150 (R.I.P. Cindy......sniff), she was one tough cookie.
Haha, thanks mate.
Looking really forward to that review (don't worry, throw in plenty of complaints/criticisms - along with what you liked about it!! Would much rather have a totally honest, balanced review rather than a review saying it's perfect or it's just terrible).
I have a horrifically good memory for games, comics and films dude :P I read that Volume ONCE as well!
Cindy probably took Bigby's rules … moreof combat and then learned her own stuff on top of his training (call it 'basic training') but I still wager the 2 would be evenly matched in a straight up fight
I think I'm gonna complain a lot about the comics now.... Kinda like issue 150! (The review WILL come dude! I promise!!!)
Tbh dude, my review will be for every single story they used...
I have a complaint about almost every story in that Volume... That main o… morene has a lot
Compliments will be few I think. This last Volume has really crushed me. It's like Bill just wanted it to be over at last......
So not just the main storyline, but for every single story (i.e. every single last story, and summer of prophesies as well)?
Wow, that review sure will be extensive (most definitely will be longer than mine).
Now I'm really curious about it.
If I remember correctly, Blossom has two last stories (unlike other cubs). One like a prose short novel, and another one in comic format. Which one? Or both?
p.s. I won't ask why since you'd most likely explain your reasons in your review.
If I remember correctly, Blossom has two last stories (unlike other cubs). One like a prose short novel, and another one in comic format. Which one? Or both?
p.s. I won't ask why since you'd most likely explain your reasons in your review.
The prose short novel annoyed me :P
I will, but it's largely her selfish nature and the whole concept of the world she lives in, while it is cool, it is a bit extreme for her imo...
This issue was great. While Bigby was a bit of an a@#h@#$% to Woody (but given the bad blood in their history, I wasn't too surprised at his reaction even though Woody did save him), it was a nice change when Bigby gave him the cigarette.
Snow gently touching Bigby's arm (when she says to Bigby "Somehow, you look even worse now") was a nice touch, and I loved Bluebeard saying to them "Googly eyes" and Snow's reaction to it.
Regarding the flashback, I love how they moved their focus sort of away from Bloody Mary, and in this issue, focused on the Tweedle brothers. Now if they could just focus more on the Crooked Man and other characters (such as Tiny Tim, Georgie, Vivian etc) that would be great.
Totally respect that! I do the same thing.
Another thing is, these boards get kind of tiresome sometimes with all the "this game is better than that game" threads and all the infighting and negativity.
Folks are always going to make comparisons, but yeah, some of those discussions can get pretty negative.
Thanks for keeping this thread active as long as you have. I rarely post, but I do try to keep up with the thread. I'm enjoying the comic overall, and I'll definitely keep reading until the story concludes.
Just to let you guys know, theres no comic this week.
I dont know. Maybe theyre taking a break to prepare for the next story arc. It cant be easy to put it out every week like clockwork. The crooked man is on the cover and the next one is for the 24th.
Fair enough...
Believe me, I was disappointed too, lol
Thanks for the heads up!
I felt it was my duty lol
The Crooked Man is on the next cover, I guess that means we will get to know him better
For me, this issue was worth the wait. There are some very interesting things going on here.
Has Johan the Butcher been written out of the story? I guess we'll see. For me, the butcher shop sequence in the game was one of the least interesting parts. There were some good visuals with Bigby walking through the meat locker, but that part of the story just wasn't all that exciting.
"Whoa" is right about the armory. We certainly didn't see that in the game.
The last panel appears to be a prelude to some unexpected and interesting backstory involving Faith and the Crooked Man. I'm looking forward to it!
What about the fact that Abigail almost killed herself? Could losing Crane be that bad?
I'm liking this.
Is it just me, or was anyone else disappointed that Bigby was once again nerfed (first time being when he faced Woody in issue #1, and this time, to the point of being helplessness by Jersey) compared to how he was portrayed in the game?
It's not like I expected him to be invincible, but I expected him to at least put up more fight than what was shown.
While I have no problem with them merging Jersey and Johan's routes into one storyline, I do wish they would have shown Bigby kicking Jersey's face, when Jersey taunts Bigby just before he leaves the Lucky Pawn.
As for flashbacks, it was considerably better, since it seemed like they were starting to move a little bit away from Bloody Mary and focusing more on the Crooked Man (and I am intrigued how Crooked Man's scheme relates to Faith's father's Kingdom).
I think there's more to the Abigail story that I really understand.
Yeah, I too noticed that they nerfed Bigby here. I didn't really notice it in the Woody fight because I was using a touchscreen for input when I first started the game, and I died a few times fighting Woody because Telltale hasn't optimized their engine for PC touchscreen input (too bad about that, because TWAU plays fine as a touchscreen game on Android). In order to get past Woody, I switched to using a regular keyboard and mouse, which I was still using by the time of the Jersey fight. I handled Jersey easily in the game, so Bigby did seem a bit underpowered in these last two issues of the comic.
I was OK with Bigby not kicking Jersey in the face. I heard Jersey out when I played the game. He could taunt me all he wanted; it wasn't going to save him or the Crooked Man.
How much of a badass Bigby is would depend on the controls (in your case), or how experienced/used to you are in those QTE fight situations (that are present in Telltale games).
I played with keyboard and mouse every time, and I think I only remember stumbling the very first time I fought him (i.e. first time I played TWAU). Second time onwards, for both Woody and Jersey, I was just whopping them, without taking any damage (that is within the control of player).
I was just really disappointed that Bigby was in a so helpless state that he had to rely on Woody to save him (I mean even in the game, he was still banged up and in bandages due to Bloody Mary like in the comics, so why nerf him here?).
As for kicking Jersey's face in, first time I played I listened to everything he said, but from second time onwards, his taunts just became annoying. I just wanted him to shut the @#$#$ up, so I generallt ended up kicking his face.
I only played TWAU once, but I might have watched more play-throughs of it than any other person on the planet. I've watched at least one full play-through on YouTube, but I've lost count of how many full and partial play-throughs I've watched on Twitch. It's fun to see the choices other people make. I've seen a ton of different choices, although I think there are still a few that I haven't seen.
I haven't watched any other game online nearly as much as I've watched TWAU. It's a great fit for the online play-through medium. The story doesn't change much, but that's OK because it's a good story. The acting, music, animation, etc. all make it very rewatchable.
I think they're trying to make him closer to his Fables counterpart.
When Bigby fights in Fables, he frequently gets hit and as proven at some points, he doesn't always win without assistance; I find Bigby to be both stronger and weaker in TWAU compared to Fables...
But did Bigby actually fight anyone in his human form though? I remember in the comics almost all (if not all) of his fights were where either he transformed into his werewolf form, or his Big Bad Wolf form (his true form from the homelands).
Don't really remember him fighting anyone specifically in his human form (without any transformation)
Same here, cant really remember any scene like that. Especially in the last issues of Fables where Bigby stays in his werewolf form (shattered Bigby) he has shown how strong he really is. He was stronger or at least on the same level as Totenkinder and Rose (with many powerful demons absorbed) combined. Especially the fate that he will outlive his cubs makes him kinda immortal.
He had a fist fight with Jack in Volume 13 (where he was pretty fucking strong!)
He outmaneuvered the Emperor in Volume 11.
Volume 1 he countered Jack and pinned him up against the wall...
But if I recall correctly, he didn't get hit even once by Jack though (if you exclude that cheap shot Jack made).
And I wouldn't exactly call outmaneuvering the Emperor a fair assessment of a fight (since he had help from Boy Blue and the Vorpal Blade).
I recall Jack saying he got in a 'few good licks' :P
Oh did he? Well maybe he did. But I don't think I saw any bruises or noticeable marks on Bigby (he looked pretty clean). And knowing Jack, his few good licks would most likely have been cheap shots.
OH WAIT!!! Bigby fights in Jack of Fables volume 5 as well!!!
He has a bar brawl and he beats Jack senseless
Tbh, in Fables Bigby fights like someone who is aggressive and has an idea on how to fight. Like he may know a few techniques to get the edge, but for the most part he does whatever hurts the most and hopes for the best. In TWAU, we need a Bigby who is capable enough a fighter to keep us entertained, but also to show that he isn't a world class martial artist like Cinderella.
I haven't read any of TWAU comic past issue 8, but from what I'm hearing, Bigby is really not great at fist fights this time around...
Yeah, I'd almost forgotten about that (good memory).
But Bigby basically trained Cinderella in all combat though (except fencing, that was all Bluebeard, since Bigby never once bothered to learn to wield a sword). It's just that they have different style of fighting (despite Bigby's training, we can't really expect Cindy to fight same way as Bigby can we? Since they both have different physique and personalities).
Probably Cindy looks more refined than Bigby because her focus is more on elegance than the brutality in combat (though she can be brutal too, when it needs to be).
They really nerfed Bigby in TWAU comics (not like I was expecting him to be invincible, but come on!!). So while I do enjoy it for them expanding upon the whole Fables mythology etc, nerfing Bigby does detract the overall fun
I have a horrifically good memory for games, comics and films dude :P I read that Volume ONCE as well!
Cindy probably took Bigby's rules of combat and then learned her own stuff on top of his training (call it 'basic training') but I still wager the 2 would be evenly matched in a straight up fight
I think I'm gonna complain a lot about the comics now.... Kinda like issue 150! (The review WILL come dude! I promise!!!)
Yeah, despite having died in issue #150 (R.I.P. Cindy......sniff), she was one tough cookie.
Haha, thanks mate.
Looking really forward to that review (don't worry, throw in plenty of complaints/criticisms - along with what you liked about it!! Would much rather have a totally honest, balanced review rather than a review saying it's perfect or it's just terrible).
Tbh dude, my review will be for every single story they used...
I have a complaint about almost every story in that Volume... That main one has a lot
Compliments will be few I think. This last Volume has really crushed me. It's like Bill just wanted it to be over at last......
So not just the main storyline, but for every single story (i.e. every single last story, and summer of prophesies as well)?
Wow, that review sure will be extensive (most definitely will be longer than mine).
Now I'm really curious about it.
I have some of my own complaints obviously :P
Blossom's Last Story story certainly struck a nerve with me...
If I remember correctly, Blossom has two last stories (unlike other cubs). One like a prose short novel, and another one in comic format. Which one? Or both?
p.s. I won't ask why since you'd most likely explain your reasons in your review.
The prose short novel annoyed me :P
I will, but it's largely her selfish nature and the whole concept of the world she lives in, while it is cool, it is a bit extreme for her imo...
I thought the prose novel was pretty boring to be honest (though the concept of her being this jungle girl was a bit interesting).
Looking forward to your review
This issue was great. While Bigby was a bit of an a@#h@#$% to Woody (but given the bad blood in their history, I wasn't too surprised at his reaction even though Woody did save him), it was a nice change when Bigby gave him the cigarette.
Snow gently touching Bigby's arm (when she says to Bigby "Somehow, you look even worse now") was a nice touch, and I loved Bluebeard saying to them "Googly eyes" and Snow's reaction to it.
Regarding the flashback, I love how they moved their focus sort of away from Bloody Mary, and in this issue, focused on the Tweedle brothers. Now if they could just focus more on the Crooked Man and other characters (such as Tiny Tim, Georgie, Vivian etc) that would be great.
The sexual tension in this panel is crazy. The body language doesn't coincide.
Now kiss her! >:D
AI liked a nice reference to Chinatown when Woody said "forget It, it's Fabletown". Was this line also in the game?