What Weapon Manufacturer Are You?

As fans of the Borderlands franchise may already know, there are multiple weapon manufacturers/companies that are responsible for producing the weapons the Vault Hunters use. In addition, they are each a major superpower that, in essence, controls most of how the galaxy is operated. Each one has a unique style, and their weapons all have distinct traits.

My question is this: Which of these weapon manufacturers do you feel best represents your personality?

For quick reference:

Vladof- they love revolutions, fighting oppression and fast fire-rates. You will bury the overlords beneath a mountain of lead!

Maliwan- they are artistic, creative and use colorful elemental weapons. Shock, ignite, and melt your enemies.

Jakobs- they are a traditional Old West company, using revolvers and frontier weaponry. Packs a wallop, puts them six feet under.

Tediore- guns for the average citizen, these weapons can be thrown for damage and re-materialize in your hand. Sensible and convenient.

Hyperion- sleek, high-tech weaponry designed by corporate overlords that will grow more accurate over time. Innovation, baby.

Dahl- military organization, disciplined and regimented. Aim down the sights, and they'll get the message...or several.

Torgue- Ahem....EXPLOSIONS!!

Bandit- assembled from junk and scraps, these weapons appeal to the average psycho, murderer, cannibal or disgruntled internet user.

Atlas- formerly the most powerful company...has since fallen on hard times. Tenacious, if nothing else. Plus, make the best lattes.



  • Maliwan is actually them hipsters

  • Personality-wise I'd probably be a Maliwan or Hyperion, but I am loyal to Jakobs forever. Can go whole playthroughs using just Jakobs pistols and shotguns. Remember, if it took more than one shot, you weren't using a Jakobs!

  • I don't think I'm any gun. If anything, I'm probably a head mod; I get a free ride off of other people and spend my life doing absolutely nothing of value.

  • Dude, you forgot S & S Munitions!

    They were back in BL1... their guns had the largest magazines!

  • JAKOBS!... you know that one gun thats so powerful you dont sell it even tho you lvl'd up a couple of times? yeah.. that's me. when i get a good jakob i dont leave it easily. its not what i always use tho, but my favourite to play with. the only thing i hate about it is the designs.. most of 'em just not that interesting as far as other weapons go... but yeah, its my favourite :)

  • Maliwan.

    Why just shoot somebody when you can melt their face off? :)

    Alt text

  • Hyperion! I am literally super hesitant to use anything else. I don't use a lot of assault rifles or rocket launchers because Hyperion seldom manufactures them. Hyperion snipers and shotguns though? Best fire rates I've ever seen!

  • Sorry to bump this thread but ATLAS bruh it's still my favorite company in the borderlands universe! Now since Atlas is gone for good ;), it's Vladof, Dahl or Hyperion.

  • edited September 2015

    I could tell you something but not .

    But i could

    Sorry to bump this thread but ATLAS bruh it's still my favorite company in the borderlands universe! Now since Atlas is gone for good , it's Vladof, Dahl or Hyperion.

  • ^

    Note the winky face...

  • edited September 2015

    I know already bruh. I spoiled myself, no regrets.

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    I will put a spoiler tag because someone could connect the facts

    I know already bruh. I spoiled myself, no regrets.

  • edited September 2015

    Yea the spoiler tag should be put but anyways.......

    enter image description here

    SzymeG posted: »

    I will put a spoiler tag because someone could connect the facts

  • edited September 2015

    In Borderlands, I was 100% Maliwan, 50% Hyperion, and only used Torgue for it's Double Anarchy. Don't think too hard about that

    In BL2 and TPS, Maliwan got nerfed but I still loved them, and I didn't really care for Hyperion with the exception of their shotguns (which shotguns were now not completely useless). So, I was a 50% Maliwan, 50% Vladof. With the oddball, Dahl, Hyperion, Jakobs, and Bandit/Skav

    In truth, because every brand now has a gimmick, and they want only rarer guns to have crazy abilities, they have really limited variety and what is possible. One of the things I have disagreed with for a long time.

  • Man,weapon stats used to be shit back then :P

  • For pistols and revolvers, I usually end up using Jakobs, the damage and accuracy on them is great, but their recoil and magazine size suck. To be honest, I don't really like their weapons for those reasons, but I reluctantly use them, if I can find a Hyperion, Dahl, or Vladof pistol that has higher damage than a Jakobs (which is very hard to find), then I'll use that instead for their fire rate and low to almost non-existant recoil.

    Sniper rifles, again most of the time, I use Jakobs, these I actually like. They have a good magazine size, great damage, and high accuracy, that's exactly what I need in a sniper rifle. Other times, I may end up using a Hyperion sniper because it does greater damage, but I hate how I have to keep firing it to keep it steady.

    For SMG's, most of the time I end up using Maliwan due to the elemental effect it deals, but I also like Hyperion and Tediore SMG's. Hyperion because, once you start, they are probably the most accurate SMG's you will ever use, and Tediore because they explode when reloaded.

    Everything else is just whatever is the most powerful, I don't really pay attention to the company.

  • More like, everything wasn't bullet sponges

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Man,weapon stats used to be shit back then :P


  • Bruh..

    enter image description here

    More like, everything wasn't bullet sponges

  • Dahl. They have the best assault rifles :)

  • Are...Are you serious? I blew the Destroyer away so quickly. Were you just not trying to hit the crit spots? I mean that achievement was made for the second game but all the power to you.

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »


  • Okay,confession time.I only played BL2 and The Warrior was hard af for me,so I just assumed the same for him.


    Are...Are you serious? I blew the Destroyer away so quickly. Were you just not trying to hit the crit spots? I mean that achievement was made for the second game but all the power to you.

  • edited September 2015

    The Destroyer isn't mobile and there's always at least one area where you could crits off of it. The only really threat is that it is completely possible to go into the fight under leveled and that's the only threat. The Warrior clearly was a better boss.

    But as for bullet sponges. Here is something I noticed between the first 2 games. Because damage stats on guns are irrelevant without taking in the health off enemies. Sure BL2 guns can do up to a million damage per second but enemies then had at least 20x that.

    So this is what I noticed: At level 50 with the same level Hellfire smg, against a leveled bad ass bruiser. In the first game, I could drop him in just over a second. In BL2, it would take about five. Granted you could throw in the fact that elemental damage doesn't stack as strong in the second game. But anyway you break it down, BL2 just requires more bullets to actually kill.

    I often forget how so many haven't played the first. It's funny

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Okay,confession time.I only played BL2 and The Warrior was hard af for me,so I just assumed the same for him. Sorry.

  • I prefer Jakobs for sidearms. I have a thing for revolvers. What can I say, I'm a gunslinger at heart.

    Maliwan for SMGs and Dahl/Torgue for Combat Rifles.

  • I saw some playthroughs of BL,it honestly doesn’t feel as gorgious and fun as BL2,that’s why new players prefer it over the original.I’m planning to get the first one soon though.

    The Destroyer isn't mobile and there's always at least one area where you could crits off of it. The only really threat is that it is comple

  • edited September 2015

    The first Borderlands will always be number 2 to BL2. It's just as fun as the second, but it is more serious. It has the same humor but just not the overall good story. Borderlands 2 and on has made it more cartoony, and an actual variety of environments (I remember the joke that BL2 was the first time you'd see green on Pandora). But Borderlands does have a better variety of guns though. Cause most brands don't have a gimmick, there is more special ability guns that come at lower qualities. Revolvers and pistols are separated, so each type has different cool abilities. Like Mashers, every brand that made revolvers had a masher, in BL2, there's only the Maggie which is one brand and one legendary quality. One of the saddes things is that there's a gun called Double Anarchy in the first, it has a massive clip, an accuracy of almost zero, and it could empty itself in secs. It is the perfect gun for Gaige on every level and the closest thing to it in BL2 is the Slagga.

    Some tips: THERE IS FALL DAMAMGE and shotguns are almost entirely worthless.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I saw some playthroughs of BL,it honestly doesn’t feel as gorgious and fun as BL2,that’s why new players prefer it over the original.I’m planning to get the first one soon though.

  • Thanks for the tips,chum. <3

    And maybe BL3 will come and mash those two games into one massive masterpiece.

    The first Borderlands will always be number 2 to BL2. It's just as fun as the second, but it is more serious. It has the same humor but just

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2015

    Torgue for life! I love drowning out the agonizing screams of my foes with brash and overbearing explosions.

  • *Torgue

    Torgue for life! I love drowning out the agonizing screams of my foes with brash and overbearing explosions.

  • Fixed it.


  • S&S will always be my favorite! Bandit ain't shit.


  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2015

    Vladof! VLADOF!




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