Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    Wait a moment ... he had a mind ?

    No_username posted: »

    Losing his mind.

  • enter image description here

    Farkyde posted: »

    Hello everyone new guy here, just wanted to say hi on my favorite couple's thread,So glad to see this

  • Welcome!

    Farkyde posted: »

    Hello everyone new guy here, just wanted to say hi on my favorite couple's thread,So glad to see this

  • enter image description here

    W E L C O M E

    Farkyde posted: »

    Hello everyone new guy here, just wanted to say hi on my favorite couple's thread,So glad to see this

  • I wonder if I were to leave the chat, would he keep rambling on?

    SzymeG posted: »

    Wait a moment ... he had a mind ?


    enter image description here

    Also, thx m8

    ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Feed me more t h r a s h telltale. I'm not gonna lie I actually thought you said trash for a sec. I bet it was on purposeヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ. nice work doe m8

  • edited September 2015


    No_username posted: »

    I wonder if I were to leave the chat, would he keep rambling on?

  • I'm out of smol & tol ideas.

    Help me. :c

  • Ok, I think he's finally done.

    SzymeG posted: »


  • Do it when they were kids and Sasha was taller, and then present day.

    I'm out of smol & tol ideas. Help me. :c

  • Seriously though after ep 3 and the pre sequel I think the world would be a touch bit better if they were all dead.

    Nah, i like them, even lilith

  • WELP

    Do it when they were kids and Sasha was taller, and then present day.

  • Modern setting, Rhys and Sasha meet as kids

    Sasha: -is taller than Rhys-

    Sasha: :^]

    Rhys: (:^/

    -the day Rhys outgrows Sasha-

    Rhys: :^]

    Sasha: >8[

  • Do you mean like, all vault hunters dead or only the first ones? And if thats the case can you please explain why?

    Seriously though after ep 3 and the pre sequel I think the world would be a touch bit better if they were all dead.

  • enter image description here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    EKM! I have bad news we Rhyshans suffered a terrible blow. One of our predecessor threads Will Rhys get that puss tonight got p

  • enter image description here

    Farkyde posted: »

    Hello everyone new guy here, just wanted to say hi on my favorite couple's thread,So glad to see this

  • Hello there... fresh meat

    Naah, I'm kidding. But seriously, welcome!

    Farkyde posted: »

    Hello everyone new guy here, just wanted to say hi on my favorite couple's thread,So glad to see this

  • enter image description here

    Farkyde posted: »

    Hello everyone new guy here, just wanted to say hi on my favorite couple's thread,So glad to see this

  • edited September 2015

    I cry every time.

    The feels are just too much.

    Modern setting, Rhys and Sasha meet as kids Sasha: -is taller than Rhys- Sasha: :^] Rhys: (:^/ -the day Rhys outgrows Sasha- Rhys: :^] Sasha: >8[

  • edited September 2015

    What would Sasha and Rhys do if they read this thread?

    My guess is "blush and look away" followed by a lot of awkward (sexual) tension.

  • Lilith and Mordecai, because he insulted Fiona's vault hunting abilities in Episode 3 if you chose that dialogue option.

    Pipas posted: »

    Only Lilith, the others are k.

  • edited September 2015

    Welcome to the OTP thread bruh.

    enter image description here

    Farkyde posted: »

    Hello everyone new guy here, just wanted to say hi on my favorite couple's thread,So glad to see this

  • Doesn't even need dialogue to deserve an oscar or whatever award you give to literature.

    enter image description here

    Modern setting, Rhys and Sasha meet as kids Sasha: -is taller than Rhys- Sasha: :^] Rhys: (:^/ -the day Rhys outgrows Sasha- Rhys: :^] Sasha: >8[

  • Fiona would mostly likely slap Rhys. Or punch him. Yeah.

    What would Sasha and Rhys do if they read this thread? My guess is "blush and look away" followed by a lot of awkward (sexual) tension.

  • Wow, such warm welcome...Thanks everyone, I can already tell I am really gonna enjoy being here :)

    Lokoso posted: »

    Welcome to the OTP thread bruh.

  • enter image description here

    Welcome to the Rhysha thread and to the forum as well, Farkyde! Hope you'll like it here. :P

    Farkyde posted: »

    Hello everyone new guy here, just wanted to say hi on my favorite couple's thread,So glad to see this

  • Nah, he's just not not high.

    No_username posted: »

    Guys, I think Toffe is losing it.

  • enter image description here

    Lokoso posted: »

    Fiona would mostly likely slap Rhys. Or punch him. Yeah.

  • Lel, it looks like he's dancing on his head.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Rhase (Rhys x Hyperion Case) Thumbs up for dancing rhys in the background

  • Right, I forgot. It's done now. :P

    Make sure to update the OP with it!


  • Relax, it's been only a month. :P Plus I think they'll mainly focus on propagating Minecraft in the upcoming weeks.

    Tcjmcd posted: »


  • enter image description here

    You are just jelly that i discovered the meaning to life

    No_username posted: »

    Ok, I think he's finally done.

  • If you talking about me. Yeah now is I can I wanna be with u guys. Do i need to do smth special some ritual or spawn satan? :D

    Enigma12 posted: »

    hmmm... a new player has entered the shipping game.. very interesting.

  • Hey it's only second day of mine too :D

    Farkyde posted: »

    Hello everyone new guy here, just wanted to say hi on my favorite couple's thread,So glad to see this

  • But we already knew that. It's 42.

    Toffe posted: »

    You are just jelly that i discovered the meaning to life

  • Not you, it's just that Rhys is being shipped with almost everyone/everything and by a new player he meant the case. :P

    And you're already considered as part of the family, so you don't really need to do anything special. :D

    If you'd like a Rhysha mark or a place in the map, then just say so. The thing is it might take a while for @GrumpyDof to get it done, because he's pretty busy these days.

    We also have a Rhysha chat, so if you want a password to get there, reply below. :P

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    If you talking about me. Yeah now is I can I wanna be with u guys. Do i need to do smth special some ritual or spawn satan?

  • Duh ofc i want password to chat I am here bc I wanna ship so hard those two. Rhysha forever and ever!!!
    If I wanna get in the map do I need to write where I am from?
    And besides I am still learning how to use this thing :D
    I have been reading your older posts I am so into this.
    Annd I am working on one fanfic :D but i still don't know if I will publish it.

    Pipas posted: »

    Not you, it's just that Rhys is being shipped with almost everyone/everything and by a new player he meant the case. :P And you're alread

  • Alright, check your PMs. Yeah, you need to tell me where you're from and I'll write it down.

    Annd I am working on one fanfic :D but i still don't know if I will publish it.

    enter image description here

  • I will ttell you fromwhere I am. I am from Lithuania. And I still can't upload it bc of grammar mistakes. But my friends helping me a lot with it :) I am gonna join chat now.

    Pipas posted: »

    Not you, it's just that Rhys is being shipped with almost everyone/everything and by a new player he meant the case. :P And you're alread

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