Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Have you ever discused about Sashas height? Because I am curious if I am taller than her :D looks like I am not. I am only 152centimetres:D

  • There was a nice height comparison I found on tumblr.

    enter image description here

    Looks like you're even smaller than Vaughn. :P

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    Have you ever discused about Sashas height? Because I am curious if I am taller than her looks like I am not. I am only 152centimetres:D

  • Mordecai is the stranger. Case closed.

    Pipas posted: »

    There was a nice height comparison I found on tumblr. Looks like you're even smaller than Vaughn. :P

  • One day, Rhys accidentally called Sasha "Smolsha".

    He was sorry.

  • Buuut I am taller than Gortys that means something right? :D

    Pipas posted: »

    There was a nice height comparison I found on tumblr. Looks like you're even smaller than Vaughn. :P

  • edited September 2015

    everything means something ^_^ so i guess lol. Thats a pretty decent height if you ask me, especially if your a girl.

    Im 182cm so im taller than alot of boys my age and practically every girl i know(which is alot), i kinda sucks actually. I always wished i look a bit more feminine stature wise xD.

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    Buuut I am taller than Gortys that means something right?

  • It is not normal for 17 years old girl be like 152cm because everyone says that I am 14 years old :D it will be hard for u to get boyfriend as to me to hug somone :D

    UmbraCode posted: »

    everything means something ^_^ so i guess lol. Thats a pretty decent height if you ask me, especially if your a girl. Im 182cm so im tall

  • Wow were the same age :), 152cm is pretty short but your still have time to grow. Even then their are alot of guys who like short girls(because they think its cute) and hugs are overrated anyway lol.

    On the boyfriend part about tall girls your spot on(at least for guys my age) since im taller than the majority of boys in my class. I know it may be bit weird having a girlfriend whos taller than you, oh well im only above average in height and there's always the really huge guys so i wont that tall in comparison to them.

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    It is not normal for 17 years old girl be like 152cm because everyone says that I am 14 years old it will be hard for u to get boyfriend as to me to hug somone

  • At least doctor said that I wont be abel to grew up more. Sorry for grammar. But I had boyfriend it was hard to hug kiss him. I hope u will find true love :)

    UmbraCode posted: »

    Wow were the same age , 152cm is pretty short but your still have time to grow. Even then their are alot of guys who like short girls(becaus

  • why are you so obsessed with smol and tol?

    One day, Rhys accidentally called Sasha "Smolsha". He was sorry.

  • I find their height difference hilarious and it reminds me of so many hilarious things in my life.

    And smol and tol are like the best ways to phrase the differences.

    why are you so obsessed with smol and tol?

  • Poultry I'm curious are you smol or tol?

    I find their height difference hilarious and it reminds me of so many hilarious things in my life. And smol and tol are like the best ways to phrase the differences.

  • I'm middol

    BionicPaint posted: »

    Poultry I'm curious are you smol or tol?

  • And i'm Smeagol.

    I'm middol

  • I'm 5'2" so I guess I'm smol

    I'm middol

  • Sasha carrying Rhys bridal style has already happened in canon and they ain't even married.

    That's true love right there, guys.

  • I knew it!

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    And i'm Smeagol.

  • edited September 2015

    Episode 5 is almost here. Telltale you gotta add the kissing scene in or we will riot.

  • Yeah, and not a quick peck on the cheek, either! We need a full-blown make-out session complete with QTEs!

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Episode 5 is almost here. Telltale you gotta add the kissing scene in or we will riot.

  • THAT would be awesome.

    Yeah, and not a quick peck on the cheek, either! We need a full-blown make-out session complete with QTEs!

  • if this happens this will become my game of the year no doubt about it.

    Yeah, and not a quick peck on the cheek, either! We need a full-blown make-out session complete with QTEs!

  • Makin s'more of dem glorious gmod pics for you guys

  • 2 smol

    BionicPaint posted: »

    I'm 5'2" so I guess I'm smol

  • You're making Gmod pictures and s'mores for us?

    Best person ever, right here.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Makin s'more of dem glorious gmod pics for you guys

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    cough cough

  • True, I admit that was back then.

    But now:

    enter image description here

    Telltale showed people the light, and nearly 76% accepted it.

    Eryka posted: »

    cough cough

  • I only gave her the flower because Rhys was so shy and I was laughing so hard.

    True, I admit that was back then. But now: Telltale showed people the light, and nearly 76% accepted it.

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    cough cough

  • I chose those choices ftw

    True, I admit that was back then. But now: Telltale showed people the light, and nearly 76% accepted it.

  • I didn't see the prompt to pick up the flower on my first playthrough. :/

    True, I admit that was back then. But now: Telltale showed people the light, and nearly 76% accepted it.

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    I FINALLY found a sasha ragdoll so I hope you guys like it :)

    Also YAAY I have 300 likes on my profile now

  • Makes you wonder out of the small percentage that didn't even touch the flower would've given it to her if they knew they could have.

    No_username posted: »

    I didn't see the prompt to pick up the flower on my first playthrough.

  • Now it's 301 :-P

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I FINALLY found a sasha ragdoll so I hope you guys like it Also YAAY I have 300 likes on my profile now

  • More of them to come in the future

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I FINALLY found a sasha ragdoll so I hope you guys like it Also YAAY I have 300 likes on my profile now

  • enter image description here


    You're making Gmod pictures and s'mores for us? Best person ever, right here.

  • damn I remember back when it was like 98.5% didnt let Sasha go and I was the douche bag in the 1.5% who told her to let go. lmao

    True, I admit that was back then. But now: Telltale showed people the light, and nearly 76% accepted it.

  • Im gonna write a Rhysha fanfic tommorow so I hope I will be good at it :S

  • How could you do something like that?!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    damn I remember back when it was like 98.5% didnt let Sasha go and I was the douche bag in the 1.5% who told her to let go. lmao

  • Middol??? No in this life you're either tol or either smol! >:C So decide!


    btw, if im 5'4" am i tol or am i smol??

    I'm middol

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