Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • edited September 2015

    So yeah finally my editor edited my work. It will be more than one part I hope so :D So yeah enjoy and say what you think about it. By the way it is my first work ever. I never had wrote anything.
    It do not have name still :D
    Good reading. :P

    "Climb faster you Hyperion scum!" Sasha retorted, looking down at him.
    "Uhh, pardon me? I am trying my best Pandorian trash." Rhys responded without making any eye contact with her. They both ascended to reach the bird nest for some eggs as they needed some food for breakfast. The only reason why Rhys agreed to climb with Sasha is because he did not want to look like a coward and he secretly developed an infatuation towards her so he was taking his time to be finally alone with her even though he is terrified of heights.

    Meanwhile, the rest of the group stayed near the caravan. Rhys looked down at his friends and he noticed that they where so high up that their caravan was like a little dot on the ground. His head started spinning and he eventually felt sick.

    "I can't climb anymore, please stop." He pleaded, almost letting go of the rocks he was holding on.

    "I told you not to come with me and now, it is too late to go back and there is nowhere we can stop. So...that means we have to continue and remember don't look down." Sasha affirmed, giving him quick glances while climbing further.

    "Well, for the record, I already looked down and it is literally making me sick...I am going to throw up." Rhys croaked while looking at Sasha, technically he was looking at her butt.

    "Oh wait I can see the cliff! If you are able to climb a little further, we could take a short break and just for the love of skags, don't let go. I'm pretty sure Vaughn and the Loader Bot will kill me and you are responsible for the vault key." She spoke, finally reaching the edge of the cliff with her hands.

    "So if I die you aren't gonna miss me? Not a little?" Rhys stopped in the middle of climbing and looked up. He couldn't see Sasha. She disappeared out of the blue. "Hey Sash, Sasha!!! Where are you!? It's making me more sick than before." He trailed off until his words turned to a whisper. Suddenly, he saw Sasha's green eyes and her face with a smile curled up from her lips as she sat down at the edge of the cliff.

    "Yeah I am here, what's wrong? If you want to live, climb up here." Just before Sasha end her statement, she disappeared again. This time, Rhys knew where she went. He started to climb nearer the cliff, with more energy than before. Just as he reached the cliff his, leg slipped. The only thing that is saving him were his hands on the cliff, holding on to his dear life. A swarm of thoughts from his past life made him all think it through at the near death situation as panic raced through his nerves.

    "SASH HELP ME!!!"He cried,trying not to look below. Luckily, he saw Sasha looking down at him from the cliff with pure terror in her eyes. Without wasting any second, she extended her arms to reach him. "Grab my arm and hold tight!" Quickly, Rhys grabbed hers with his normal arm.

    "Shit! You are so heavy!" Sasha exclaimed, pulling him up with all of her strength. He tried to catch the gaps with his own legs. When Sasha pulled him for last time he went up fast and accidentally fell on top of her.

    "Get off me!" She threw him away from her body. "It was such a bad idea to take you with me." Sasha added, her face contorted from anger. They sat at the cliff near each other. Sasha looked at Pandora from the cliff. Rhys looked at Sasha who is beautiful and dreamy, he find it impossible to stop staring at her.

    "Seriously? You are creepy you know that? I can feel it if you are staring at me and it makes me uncomfortable. So please, stop or else I will stab you in your sleep." She threatened him with an annoyed look at her face, but Rhys found it amusing.

    "Soo... Uhm what are you thinking a-about? And I am sorry for staring at you. Uhm you just looked ahem pr-pretty." Rhys mumbled, feeling the butterflies in his stomach. "I was just amazed on how beautiful and not deadly Pandora looks from up here. It always was our plan. To leave Pandora. I think it is not normal to hate the place where you came from.But, Pandora did nothing good for both of us." She grimaced, avoiding his gaze. She didn't want him to see her eyes welling up with tears. After all, she was known as a strong and independent woman. But deep down in her heart, she abhorred her life and hated the fact that she was born.

    "Uhm, don't say that it haven't done anything good for you." Rhys replied.

    "Didn't you hear what I said? It did nothing good, only bad! This place is full of misery; It took our parents away, our dreams, our lives. Basically everything. I never wanted to be a thief or a notorious liar. But what can we do? We needed to survive while you people in Hyperion are living the lives and not even giving a single shit to any of us.This- this...homeland...turned me to a horrible person." Sasha muttered, concealing the pain and sadness that is filling her up.

    "Wow...It seems like I now know nothing about you."He spoke, not knowing how to reassure her. Deep down, he felt bad for her history and made him think through on how he spent his life.

    "Well, if you are feeling well enough we can continue to climb because I hate where this conversation is going. I am not gonna tell you about our past. It just too brutal and most importantly, I don't trust you."She trailed off with a narrow smile plastered in her face. In all honesty, she really wanted to just tell someone about everything and just let it all out. However, she is afraid to open up as it could make her feel vulnerable and that notion terrifies her.

    "You can trust me besides, I wanna know how it feels to live in Pandora. I will not tell anyone especially Fiona." Rhys assured, looking at her eyes. Sasha stared back right at him, "Then listen, because I won't repeat it again. And, if you tell someone I will kill you. And I am not joking." She said in a stern voice. Rhys understood how hard it is for her to open up especially to someone she barely knew.

    "Hey, I will not tell anyone what I will hear on this cliff from your lips."He smiled.

    "Alright if you want to know. From where I should start?.... "

  • enter image description here

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    So yeah finally my editor edited my work. It will be more than one part I hope so So yeah enjoy and say what you think about it. By the way

  • Today I'm going to a wedding.


  • :D U hate weddings? :P

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Today I'm going to a wedding. Ugh.

  • Its just I had other things planned

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    U hate weddings? :P

  • But think from good side. You will get free food, drinks.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Its just I had other things planned

  • I did not realise that...

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    But think from good side. You will get free food, drinks.

  • so admit it is not so bad :)

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I did not realise that...

  • enter image description here

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    So yeah finally my editor edited my work. It will be more than one part I hope so So yeah enjoy and say what you think about it. By the way

  • enter image description here

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    So yeah finally my editor edited my work. It will be more than one part I hope so So yeah enjoy and say what you think about it. By the way

  • Oh, you're going to the Twins too?

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Today I'm going to a wedding. Ugh.

  • Im working on more right now

    enter image description here

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I call it, "Sasha scares Rhys at the theater while heavy smiles and eats a sandvich" Im working on more right now

  • Weddings are cool. Lots of food there.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Today I'm going to a wedding. Ugh.

  • Hey, just so you know I'll be closing the poll I shared in the Steam group in a few hours, so if you haven't voted which game to play tomorrow yet, you can still do so HERE.

    Also, if you're not in the Steam group yet and would like to get added, just say so and I'll take care of it. :P


    Such a small girl lifts

    A bellyful of ice cream

    And a metal arm

  • Dude i know you like to talk about stuff and all, but please not on the thread, we've got a chat for that.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Today I'm going to a wedding. Ugh.

  • To be honest, chat is not the best place to talk casually right now...

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Dude i know you like to talk about stuff and all, but please not on the thread, we've got a chat for that.

  • Yeah, we don't want this thread to turn into... Well, y'know...

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Dude i know you like to talk about stuff and all, but please not on the thread, we've got a chat for that.

  • enter image description here

    I DON'T KNOW HOW HAIKUS WORK BUT HERE GOES ANYWAYS Such a small girl lifts A bellyful of ice cream And a metal arm

  • Hey guys I guess I'll just chill in the chat...

    enter image description here

  • Eh, I wouldn't be that strict. As long as it's not pages of random chat, I'm fine with it.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Dude i know you like to talk about stuff and all, but please not on the thread, we've got a chat for that.

  • Yeah, the chat was kinda dead yesterday. :D

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Hey guys I guess I'll just chill in the chat...

  • Hey hey hey, it's time to close the poll!

    enter image description here

    And Team Fortress 2 won!

    enter image description here

    See ya in 10 hours!


  • Why not?

    armis37 posted: »

    To be honest, chat is not the best place to talk casually right now...

  • I forgot to mention, i almost done a Rhysha fan art too.

  • I once tried speaking in haiku for an entire online game... It was not successful to say the least.

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah, the chat was kinda dead yesterday.

  • I'm both terrified and amazed

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I call it, "Sasha scares Rhys at the theater while heavy smiles and eats a sandvich" Im working on more right now

  • Aww, that's nice of you. Can't wait to see it! :D

    I forgot to mention, i almost done a Rhysha fan art too.


    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey hey, it's time to close the poll! And Team Fortress 2 won! See ya in 10 hours! Countdown

  • Kazotsky Kick> Conga

    Conga is outdated.

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey hey, it's time to close the poll! And Team Fortress 2 won! See ya in 10 hours! Countdown

  • Conga is a legend thank you.

    Kazotsky Kick> Conga Conga is outdated.

  • It was a legend.

    It died as a hero.

    Conga is a legend thank you.

  • 8 mins till the event fellas! :P

  • comes back in

    realizes the lack of contribution

    jumps off Helios

  • ports you back into thread you ain't gonna get away that easy, kiddo. makes you watch the empty thread look at it. LOOK AT IT! LOOK AT IT AND SCREAM IN DESPAIR!

    comes back in realizes the lack of contribution jumps off Helios


    comes back in realizes the lack of contribution jumps off Helios

  • Hello guys, I've been off for a couple weeks, how is everyone holding up with the painfull waiting, no-one gone insane yet?

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