Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 4: Gathering Intel
We decided that the best course of action was to ask around. We spread out and began … moreasking if there were any sightings of the kid. After a while of getting nowhere I began to grow suspicious, I knew that someone had to have seen the kid leave. With everything happening all at once it was hard to stay focused on one individual task. I couldn’t get past Rodriguez setting us up, he could have been watching us for months and supplied the Followers with information so they know every inch of our base. I was going to get him for this but now was not the time, I needed to focus on finding Gwendal. With all of the shit happening around us I would hate for a small child to get caught in the middle of it. I needed to get back to The Mountain Top as soon as I could, maybe Nozomi could gather the community and we could finally take a stand against The Followers. Suddenly a loud crash came from outsi… [view original content]
Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 4: Gathering Intel
We decided that the best course of action was to ask around. We spread out and began … moreasking if there were any sightings of the kid. After a while of getting nowhere I began to grow suspicious, I knew that someone had to have seen the kid leave. With everything happening all at once it was hard to stay focused on one individual task. I couldn’t get past Rodriguez setting us up, he could have been watching us for months and supplied the Followers with information so they know every inch of our base. I was going to get him for this but now was not the time, I needed to focus on finding Gwendal. With all of the shit happening around us I would hate for a small child to get caught in the middle of it. I needed to get back to The Mountain Top as soon as I could, maybe Nozomi could gather the community and we could finally take a stand against The Followers. Suddenly a loud crash came from outsi… [view original content]
The next chapter is going to take a while. I have cracked a bone in my wrist and I don't know when it'll be healed. In other news voting has closed, Rodriguez will be executed.
I pulled the trigger and watched as Rodriguez’s body fell to the ground. The blood ran to my boots. I holstered my pistol and examined the row of his people. “What the fuck!” Gavin yelled and tried to shift away from the dead body.
“Rodriguez sold us out to The Followers, let this be a lesson to anyone who tries to fuck us over.” I said with a deepness to my voice.
“What are you going to do with the rest of us?” asked Michelle
“I won’t kill you, but I can’t be sure that you won’t go back to The Sanctuary regroup and retaliate. So for now you’re going to stay here. Do you understand why I did what I did?” I questioned them
“Yes.” Tom replied. “He was a traitor, I think I can speak for the rest of us when I say that we won’t cause any trouble. As a matter of fact I want to join you and get rid of these bastards.”
“Is it true? Do the rest of you agree?” I asked
All but one of them agreed he looked me in the eyes with ferocity. “You think you’re helping people but all you do is kill and bark orders at everyone. When did you ever stop to think that maybe what you’re doing isn’t right?” He retorted
“What I’m getting from this is that you’re not going to be trying to help and that given the chance you’ll turn on me and the people of Wellington.” I said
“That’s the gist of it, yeah.” He grumbled
I grabbed him by the collar and drug him to the top of the wall. Morgan and Nico followed behind, the others watched. “Did you clear out all of the walkers when you showed up?” I asked him
“No, there’s still a lot out there. Have fun cleaning up the mess.” He said
“Morgan how far up would you say we are on this wall?” I asked
“I don’t know maybe twenty five feet.” She answered suspiciously
“Too small of a drop to kill you but once those walkers got to you you would be. Maybe it’s just me but that doesn’t sound like a great way to go out.” I spoke lightly
“Cody…” Morgan tried
“Now, I’ll ask again do you agree with Tom?” I said
“...Fuck you.” He growled
“I tried.” I said and threw him over the wall, a crack was heard from the ground accompanied by screams of pain. I turned and looked at Morgan, she seemed a little frightened.
“Jesus Cody…” Nico said with shock
“I’m done with the bullshit, come on.” I said to Morgan
Morgan followed but Nico remained at the wall looking over at the man. I met back up with David, George, Katrina, and Samantha. “I know he needed to die, but was the brutality necessary?” David questioned me
“Just think of it as a message to the rest of Rodriguez’s people.” I said
“Makes sense to me, less incentive to betray us.” Katrina thought out loud
“That was completely uncalled for!” Samantha argued
“And why’s that?” I asked
“You can’t just kill people because you think they’re going to attack you if you don’t.” She almost yelled
“It’s a crazy world we live in right now, you live or you die. I’ve had to kill people just so I can keep my friends from death just a little bit longer. Have you ever had to do that?” I said
“No.” She mumbled
“Then what have you done?” I asked
“I-I’ve sacrificed others for myself. I regret every decision, i’ve killed people and I now know that it’s wrong. Nobody should be sentenced to death because of someone else’s wants.” Samantha tried to make a point
“I don’t have time to argue with you on the philosophies of life.” I said
“Whatever.” She walked away.
Nico turned to me “I know she can be a pain, but she means well.”
“I know, she just doesn’t want anymore bloodshed and I get it but we’re in a war and I need to be able to count on people.” I said
“How are we going to win? I mean there’s too many for just us.” Nico was losing confidence
“I’m not gonna lie to you, I don’t know either but what I do know is that if we can rally The Mountain Top and The Sanctuary’s people together we’ll have a big enough army. The only real question I have is how we can-” I was cut off
“Cody, we’re surrounded!” Morgan warned
“Shit! Get a weapon and start firing!” I commanded
I started towards the back of the community. “Where are you going?” Nico demanded
“Join Morgan, keep them talking as long as you can!” I ordered
Nico made a beeline to the armory, he grabbed an assault rifle and positioned himself to Morgan’s left. “Shit, the walkers are gone but the damn Followers are here.” Morgan whispered to Nico.
“Where’s Cody?” Asked one of them in the front
“We’ve met your leader, where is he?” Morgan demanded
“He’s attending to other matters, we’re here for Rodriguez. Seeing as how you tossed one of his men over the wall I’d have to assume that you’ve captured him.” He laughed “Can’t say I’m surprised.”
More people joined Nico and Morgan on top of the wall. All their weapons were trained on the people outside of the wall. “Let us in now or we’ll just destroy your walls and we’ll come in anyway.” Another spoke
“The only way you’re getting in here is if you kill every last one of us.” Nico yelled
“I believe that’s the idea.” The Follower smirked “Ram the wall now!” A pair of semi trucks from behind came speeding forward and crashed into the wall, everyone was thrown off the platform and fell to the ground, a few people were ran over by the trucks. Morgan’s vision was blurry, she was hardly able to move but she managed to pick Nico and herself from the ground. David, George, and Katrina. Shot the people driving the trucks but The Followers opened the doors on the trailer and walkers came barreling out. Soon Wellington was filled with walkers and Followers. Morgan retreated behind cover with the others and fired at the Followers, the herd of walkers was so thick that they had a hard time distinguishing what was a walker or what was a Follower. “Why aren’t the walkers attacking them?” Samantha asked
“Their outfits must be covered in blood.” Morgan responded. Morgan heard footsteps from behind her and she turned with her gun close. “Shit, Maria you scared me.” She gasped
Maria didn’t say anything. “Maria, what’s wrong?” Morgan asked
“Goodbye.” She trembled and pulled a piece of glass out of her waistband. She lunged at Morgan, without hesitation Morgan fired her gun and landed a shot in Maria’s chest. “Why Maria!?” Morgan kneeled at her side.
“I didn’t have a choice.” She coughed
“Why didn’t you have a choice?” Morgan questioned her
“I needed to end it.” Maria’s voice was faint
“Damnit, don’t do this!” Morgan began to sob
“Stay strong.” She managed before fading away into Morgan’s arms.
“No. No!” Morgan cried
More walkers made it to their cover. Morgan got out of her position and fired her rifle at the walkers invading. They were screwed, only a few buildings in Wellington could keep them safe but she could also gather everyone and retreat. It was a difficult decision but she only had seconds left before they would be overcome.
Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 5: Into the Fire
I pulled the trigger and watched as Rodriguez’s body fell to the ground. The blood ran … moreto my boots. I holstered my pistol and examined the row of his people. “What the fuck!” Gavin yelled and tried to shift away from the dead body.
“Rodriguez sold us out to The Followers, let this be a lesson to anyone who tries to fuck us over.” I said with a deepness to my voice.
“What are you going to do with the rest of us?” asked Michelle
“I won’t kill you, but I can’t be sure that you won’t go back to The Sanctuary regroup and retaliate. So for now you’re going to stay here. Do you understand why I did what I did?” I questioned them
“Yes.” Tom replied. “He was a traitor, I think I can speak for the rest of us when I say that we won’t cause any trouble. As a matter of fact I want to join you and get rid of these bastards.”
“Is it true? Do the rest of you agree?” I asked
All but one of… [view original content]
Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 5: Into the Fire
I pulled the trigger and watched as Rodriguez’s body fell to the ground. The blood ran … moreto my boots. I holstered my pistol and examined the row of his people. “What the fuck!” Gavin yelled and tried to shift away from the dead body.
“Rodriguez sold us out to The Followers, let this be a lesson to anyone who tries to fuck us over.” I said with a deepness to my voice.
“What are you going to do with the rest of us?” asked Michelle
“I won’t kill you, but I can’t be sure that you won’t go back to The Sanctuary regroup and retaliate. So for now you’re going to stay here. Do you understand why I did what I did?” I questioned them
“Yes.” Tom replied. “He was a traitor, I think I can speak for the rest of us when I say that we won’t cause any trouble. As a matter of fact I want to join you and get rid of these bastards.”
“Is it true? Do the rest of you agree?” I asked
All but one of… [view original content]
Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 5: Into the Fire
I pulled the trigger and watched as Rodriguez’s body fell to the ground. The blood ran … moreto my boots. I holstered my pistol and examined the row of his people. “What the fuck!” Gavin yelled and tried to shift away from the dead body.
“Rodriguez sold us out to The Followers, let this be a lesson to anyone who tries to fuck us over.” I said with a deepness to my voice.
“What are you going to do with the rest of us?” asked Michelle
“I won’t kill you, but I can’t be sure that you won’t go back to The Sanctuary regroup and retaliate. So for now you’re going to stay here. Do you understand why I did what I did?” I questioned them
“Yes.” Tom replied. “He was a traitor, I think I can speak for the rest of us when I say that we won’t cause any trouble. As a matter of fact I want to join you and get rid of these bastards.”
“Is it true? Do the rest of you agree?” I asked
All but one of… [view original content]
Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 5: Into the Fire
I pulled the trigger and watched as Rodriguez’s body fell to the ground. The blood ran … moreto my boots. I holstered my pistol and examined the row of his people. “What the fuck!” Gavin yelled and tried to shift away from the dead body.
“Rodriguez sold us out to The Followers, let this be a lesson to anyone who tries to fuck us over.” I said with a deepness to my voice.
“What are you going to do with the rest of us?” asked Michelle
“I won’t kill you, but I can’t be sure that you won’t go back to The Sanctuary regroup and retaliate. So for now you’re going to stay here. Do you understand why I did what I did?” I questioned them
“Yes.” Tom replied. “He was a traitor, I think I can speak for the rest of us when I say that we won’t cause any trouble. As a matter of fact I want to join you and get rid of these bastards.”
“Is it true? Do the rest of you agree?” I asked
All but one of… [view original content]
Update: Currently working on the final chapter of Episode 3. I'm halfway through writing and wanted to inform you all that it's going to be as long if not longer than the opening chapter of season 3. Big things are happening and this is a key point in how the rest of season 3 plays out.
Update: Currently working on the final chapter of Episode 3. I'm halfway through writing and wanted to inform you all that it's going to be … moreas long if not longer than the opening chapter of season 3. Big things are happening and this is a key point in how the rest of season 3 plays out.
Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 6: Wellington Falls
Walkers flooded Wellington, the Followers amongst the herd. Morgan scanned the area and was horrified to see people being devoured by the walkers. Paige peered through the window to Morgan. Before Morgan could help the walkers surrounded the building, there was nothing else to do she was going to have to leave them behind. Nico unloaded a clip onto the herd, but not even a dent was made. “Nico get over here!” Morgan yelled.
Nico shouldered his assault rifle and brought out his pistol. “Go! I’m right behind you!” He fired more shots at the walkers. Morgan rushed through to a clearing and found Agobart lying on the ground with a gunshot wound, he was bleeding out.
“Come on Agobart we have to go now!” She urged him
“Mor-Morgan?” He asked. Blood seeped through his lips.
Morgan knelt beside him and held his hand. “You’re going to be okay. We just have to get you to Paige.” Morgan faltered
“I may be a kid but I know what happens next.” Agobart coughed “Please don’t let me turn.”
Morgan closed her eyes and tears formed at the edges. She looks behind her and see that she has no time left. She raises the gun to Agobart and keeps a steady hand. “Please take care of Gwendal.” Agobart cried.
“Goodbye Agobart.” Morgan grimaced and pulled the trigger.
There was no time for tears, Morgan had to leave now. She raced out of the opening and found herself being passed by others that found the opening. Everyone began to split up and go in different directions. Morgan would have called out to them but she didn’t need to bring anymore walkers down on her. Something slammed into the back of Morgan and they tumbled into the snow. Morgan brought out her knife and prepared to fight, but it was only Nico. “Where do we go?!” He asked.
“I have no idea.” Morgan paused “If we can get to my tower we’ll be safe from the walkers.”
“Doesn’t look like that’s gonna be a possibility.” Nico pointed at the tower which was collapsed upon another semi truck.
“Damn, do you have any idea where Cody is?” Morgan asked him
“I caught a glimpse of him running from a large group of walkers. I wanted to help but even if I caught up there’s nothing I could have done.” said Nico
“It’s ok he knows what he’s doing.” Morgan reloaded her rifle.
I got outside of the walls and rushed to the edge of the woods. I brought up my rifle and noticed through the scope the semi trucks from behind the group of Followers. I didn’t know what to make of it at first but then I realized. I quickly scanned the surrounding area and noticed that coming from behind the Followers was a herd of walkers that had to be made up of at least five thousand. “Holy shit.” I thought out loud. I shouldered my rifle and moved through the snow remaining undetected. I finally ended up at the tower, I climbed the ladder and found myself at the top within a minute. I took position by the window and aimed at one of the semi trucks. Before I could think of what to do the other semi trucks rammed into the walls and brought them down. The doors opened up and more walkers appeared, I feared for everyone in Wellington. Another of the semi trucks sped towards the tower, I quickly aimed at the window and began firing. Finally a bullet hit the driver but unfortunately I was too late, the semi truck crashed into the tower. I was thrown around as the tower came toppling down onto the semi truck. A passenger in the truck moved through the debris and was able to open the door. I was sprawled on the ground, my head was pounding. I had to get up but I could hardly walk, the Follower that opened the door was eaten by the walkers after making too much noise. I crawled along the ground trying to escape from the walkers that were surely following me. I clambered over a large portion of the tower and I was able to lift myself. The group of walkers chasing me consisted of thirty, way too many for me to handle alone. I picked up my pace and tried to lead the walkers away from Wellington as best I could no matter how many there were regardless. I saw many people rushing out of the same opening that I went through. It was relieving to see that at least some people made it. But I couldn’t think about that I had to narrow my focus and concentrate on the herd of walkers chasing me. My heart was pounding out of my chest, I wanted to just stop running but even one misstep and I was fucked. I looked to the opening I came from and saw people breaking through and shoving each other aside. They were splitting apart, too panicked to think. Morgan pushed through the opening and someone barreled into her, I was too far away to tell if it was a Follower or someone else. “Damnit!” I yelled out of rage and fear.
I made it another mile before I was about to collapse, usually this kind of running would be nothing but with the snow pulling me down it made it much harder. I knew I couldn’t keep this up much longer. Luckily after all the shouting I did I managed to get more walkers following, usually that would be unlucky for me but all I cared about was making sure everyone else was safe. In the distance I noticed a large RV, if I could get on top of it I would be safe. Out of nowhere a walker lunged at me from behind one of the trees I had passed. It collapsed on top of me and tried to bite my neck. With the herd not too far away I had to take care of this walker. One of my hands was pinned under the walker’s body and the other was being used to keep it from biting me. The herd was now six feet from me I had to act fast. I moved my hand under the walker’s body, still keeping the other on the collar bone, and latched onto it’s arm. I ripped the loose bone from its arm and used it to stab the walker in the head. I threw the body off of myself and rushed from the ground into a sprint towards the RV. I got onto the ladder and hoisted myself up, I sprawled across the roof and finally took a breath. I looked over the side and found that I was completely surrounded by walkers there was no way to escape.
“We need to brace the doors with everything we have!” Paige yelled to Maria, Dan, Cole, and Stacey.
She stopped Gwendals leg from bleeding, he was still unconscious. Paige joined the others and braced the door with the heaviest items she had with her. The windows were another problem without a way to board them up they were vulnerable, if only they could’ve made a break for the opening in time.
“We’re so fucked!” Dan started to panic
“We just have to stay quiet and they may not target this building.” Paige tried to comfort them
Maria remained calm and silent, she stared at the backdoor they hadn’t covered yet. She made a beeline to the door and burst through it. “Maria!” Paige called out and ran after her. Maria turned the corner and met a walker head on, it sunk its teeth into the trapezius muscle in her shoulder. She screamed and kicked it away, it just came back with more force. She countered it and threw the walker into the window next to her. It’s head bust through but it didn’t kill it. She picked up a shard of glass that made its way to the ground and stuck it through the walker’s forehead. She looked down and realized what she had to do to escape her pain.
Paige nearly made it to Maria but was attacked by a couple of walkers. She took out her knife and stuck the blade into the walker’s eye, it dropped but the other had managed to get it’s teeth around her forearm. It chomped down as hard as it could, Paige let out a cry of pain and jammed her knife into it’s head. She looked down at her forearm and sobbed, she retreated back to her clinic. She burst through the door and looked at the others. “You have to amputate my arm.” She tried to speak calmly.
“Holy shit Paige!” Cole nearly yelled
“Quickly use a tourniquet at about the elbow, then just take the hacksaw next to you and start cutting.” Paige managed. “After that you’re gonna have to cauterize the wound.”
“Fuck you’re the doctor, I don’t know if I can handle this!” Stacey grimaced
“Stacey you have to do this it’s the only shot we have, I need you to do this!” Paige urged her
“Oh fuck.” Dan sputtered
“Do it!” Paige commanded
Stacey, Dan, and Cole managed to amputate the arm and cauterize the wound. They had no idea if it worked and stood by with a knife in case it didn’t.
“What happens if she turns?” Dan asked
“Then we stop her.” said Cole
“She’s the only doctor, if we lose her we’re fucked!” Stacey whispered to the others
“We aren’t going to lose her, we can’t.” Cole spoke solemnly
At the Mountain Top the council gathered to discuss their future relations with Wellington and The Sanctuary. Nozomi stood up glowing after a successful delivery, it didn’t matter to her what happened before that led to her pregnancy she loved her baby. “This meeting has been called so that we may discuss what we are to do with the other communities. Do we trade with them? Do we grow with them? Or do we leave them the hell alone?” She spoke
“In my opinion it’s in our best interest to just leave the communities alone.” Dennis spoke “We can make our own food and we don’t need their protection. Besides they have this Follower problem to deal with us interacting with them puts us in the crosshairs.”
“We’re already in the crosshairs, just because we haven’t been attacked yet doesn’t mean that we’re safe.” Beatrice retorted
“They need all the help they can get if they want to deal with this Follower problem, perhaps they can offer us protection in exchange for food and purified water.” Mitch interjected
“Why the hell do we need their protection!?” Kyle interrupted
“Look around! We don’t have shit for protection. If someone wanted to they could just come along and kill everyone in this community!” Mitch fired back
“You’re all being ridiculous!” Susan yelled
“Let’s keep it civil everyone.” Nozomi managed to speak amongst the yelling “We’ll just cut to the chase, everyone in favor of trading with the other communities say I.”
Mitch, Beatrice, and Dennis said I which left Susan and Kyle along with Nozomi. Nozomi had to think for a moment. “Not such an easy decision when supplies is on the line, huh?” Kyle sneered
“Give me a second.” Nozomi thought of every possibility. “I” She finally said
“This is the wrong decision and you’re gonna regret it sooner than later.” Susan stormed off
“Bunch a bullshit.” Kyle left with Susan.
“Are we done for today?” asked Mitch
“Yeah, I guess.” She sighed
After Mitch and Dennis left Beatrice stayed behind to speak with Nozomi. “Are you okay?” She asked
“Yeah, I just need to get some more sleep it’s hard with the baby around.” She sighed
“It’ll be hard there’s no doubt about it but there’s nothing more precious than a child.” She smiled
“I know, I love the kid no matter what. Just wish I could catch a few winks at night.” Nozomi grinned
Nozomi looked out of the window. “It’s beautiful what we have here, I just wish I had someone to share it with.” She spoke lightly.
Beatrice came from behind her and wrapped her arms around her body and hugged her tight, she set her head on her shoulder. Nozomi placed her hands on Beatrice’s arms and accepted she tilted her head towards Beatrice’s and they shared a light kiss. “You do.” Beatrice smiled and kissed her again. A few hours later they lay in Beatrice’s bed together, their clothes thrown around the room. “Do you think the sitter’s doing a good job with Jacob?” Nozomi asked Beatrice and kissed her shoulder.
“I couldn’t tell you, I’ve never had a baby I needed watched.” She smiled
“I guess i’m just worried.” She sighed
Beatrice turned to her and looked her in the eyes. “You’re a mother now, it’s your job to be worried.”
“I guess, what do you really think about the trading system with the other communities?” Nozomi asked her
“It’s a good idea, we have plenty of food and water. If we have to give some of that up and in return we can sleep easy at night it’s worth it to me.” She said
“Sometimes I just wonder if it’s the right thing.” Nozomi questioned herself
“I wondered if this was the right thing.” Beatrice said “Jumping straight into bed with you I mean.”
“Shit in this world you have to make the most of the time you have, so I say why not?” Nozomi smiled
“You used to be so sad before, I’m glad i’m seeing the happy side of you.” Beatrice smiled back
“I guess being with you can do that.” Nozomi smiled and began to kiss Beatrice again.
David, Katrina, and George stuck together after the Followers and walkers invaded. With their experience and expertise they managed to stay alive and well. They got through the opening in the wall a while after Morgan. They looked around and couldn’t find anyone still running away. David looked to the ground and noticed that a couple were trampled in the panic. They had just turned a while before the trio got to them, perhaps their bones were broken, they couldn’t move. David and Katrina put their blades through the foreheads while George stood guard. They shared nods and moved on with no hesitation as the herd wasn’t too far behind. David felt horrible to think it but it was good for him that people in Wellington were making a lot of noise, it made their escape so much easier. They made it into the woods and put their wolf cloaks on, being in Wellington may have been comfortable living for them compared to their cave but they never lost their edge. “Stop.” Katrina told them
“What is it?” David turned back to look at her
“How can we just leave those people?” She asked
“We have to, they’re all dead anyway. A herd that large, they’ll be lucky to make it till nightfall.” said George coldly
“Maybe we can help them, we don’t always have to run away.” Katrina confronted David
“I’m looking out for you two above everyone else.” David got irritated
“You can’t save everyone!” David almost lost his temper
“You can try!” Katrina turned around and began marching back “I’m helping them with or without your help.”
“Stop, you can’t go alone!” said George
“Well, looks like I don’t have a choice.” She continued walking
David and George looked at each other and caught up to Katrina. “Now what’s your big plan, walkers are surrounding all of the buildings, even the wall. It’s bad enough we have to deal with walkers but with the Followers in the mix especially with us not being able to distinguish between them it makes it even harder.” David asked
“I guess you’re just gonna have to see what I have in mind.” She grinned
“I can’t follow you into battle not even knowing what I’m going to be doing. This is a huge risk and you know it.” George argued
“I’d rather try to help people trapped there then leave them to die and carry the guilt with me the rest of my life.” Katrina leveled with them
“So this is about you not wanting to feel bad?” George questioned her “I don’t buy it, you’ve never been like this.”
“I guess after all the time we’ve spent at Wellington I’ve grown pretty fond of the people there. I couldn’t live with myself if I abandon them. Yes there’s more but I don’t think it’s what we should be focusing on here.” She said
“Alright, but if any of us gets hurt or killed it’s on you.” David pointed at Katrina. Katrina looked at him and continued on.
They found the destroyed tower and decided to scope out Wellington from there. “There has to be some way we can make a noise big enough to draw those walkers away from the wall. From there we can make our way onto the top of the buildings. We can kill walkers from that position, hell they wouldn’t be able to reach us. Now, to deal with the Followers we’ll just have to dress like them. It shouldn’t be too hard, we’ll just find three of them and take them out.” Katrina planned it out
“Sounds fine, I just wish we had more fine details.” David commented
“Well we already have two outfits here.” Katrina pointed to the driver and passenger of the semi.
“There’s still the matter of a third outfit.” George pointed out
“Well who wants to go first?” David asked
After talking through everything they decided that Katrina and George would be the ones to go. David decided to just use his rifle and take them out from a distance. George and Katrina crept through the herd making sure to not make a sound, before they walked through they smeared walker guts on the outfit. George may not have acted like it but he was terrified of the walkers, the thought of being surrounded and eaten by them gave George nightmares at night. But he couldn’t let that stop him from doing what needed to be done. A few moments later they got through the gate and made their way to the nearest building. They found a ladder on the back side of the building. The only problem is that the walkers would notice them doing that and it wouldn’t end well. They had to take a leap of faith, George went up first and drew some attention, Katrina followed behind. Walkers started to take more notice of them, fortunately they got to the top of the building before the walkers got too riled up. “Well that was fucking terrifying.” George whispered
“You could’ve let David come with me.” Katrina pointed out
“I know, do you think it’s too late to switch jobs?” He joked
“Now that we’re on the top of a building what’s your next move?” George asked. Katrina looked back at him and grinned.
David kept his rifle propped up against a broken support beam. He started to regret staying behind, he feared for Katrina and George. He watched them through the scope and was impressed by their ability to blend in with the walkers. “We’ve made it this far, you don’t get to die not like this.” David thought out loud. He noticed them make it up the ladder and the lump in his throat went away. “Now what?” He thought out loud again
“You die.” said a voice from behind. A hand was placed across David’s mouth and a knife against his throat.
Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 6: Wellington Falls
Walkers flooded Wellington, the Followers amongst the herd. Morgan scanned the area … moreand was horrified to see people being devoured by the walkers. Paige peered through the window to Morgan. Before Morgan could help the walkers surrounded the building, there was nothing else to do she was going to have to leave them behind. Nico unloaded a clip onto the herd, but not even a dent was made. “Nico get over here!” Morgan yelled.
Nico shouldered his assault rifle and brought out his pistol. “Go! I’m right behind you!” He fired more shots at the walkers. Morgan rushed through to a clearing and found Agobart lying on the ground with a gunshot wound, he was bleeding out.
“Come on Agobart we have to go now!” She urged him
“Mor-Morgan?” He asked. Blood seeped through his lips.
Morgan knelt beside him and held his hand. “You’re going to be okay. We just have to get you to Paige.” Morgan … [view original content]
Holy damn, this was a great part, definitely one of my favourites in the whole story. Cody is in some serious trouble, but it's David I am worried about. I hope he does not die
Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 6: Wellington Falls
Walkers flooded Wellington, the Followers amongst the herd. Morgan scanned the area … moreand was horrified to see people being devoured by the walkers. Paige peered through the window to Morgan. Before Morgan could help the walkers surrounded the building, there was nothing else to do she was going to have to leave them behind. Nico unloaded a clip onto the herd, but not even a dent was made. “Nico get over here!” Morgan yelled.
Nico shouldered his assault rifle and brought out his pistol. “Go! I’m right behind you!” He fired more shots at the walkers. Morgan rushed through to a clearing and found Agobart lying on the ground with a gunshot wound, he was bleeding out.
“Come on Agobart we have to go now!” She urged him
“Mor-Morgan?” He asked. Blood seeped through his lips.
Morgan knelt beside him and held his hand. “You’re going to be okay. We just have to get you to Paige.” Morgan … [view original content]
Damn... definitely one of my favorite parts of the story so far. I can tell how much effort you put into it and why you took a long time to write it. Keep it going TKOW, this is great!
Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 6: Wellington Falls
Walkers flooded Wellington, the Followers amongst the herd. Morgan scanned the area … moreand was horrified to see people being devoured by the walkers. Paige peered through the window to Morgan. Before Morgan could help the walkers surrounded the building, there was nothing else to do she was going to have to leave them behind. Nico unloaded a clip onto the herd, but not even a dent was made. “Nico get over here!” Morgan yelled.
Nico shouldered his assault rifle and brought out his pistol. “Go! I’m right behind you!” He fired more shots at the walkers. Morgan rushed through to a clearing and found Agobart lying on the ground with a gunshot wound, he was bleeding out.
“Come on Agobart we have to go now!” She urged him
“Mor-Morgan?” He asked. Blood seeped through his lips.
Morgan knelt beside him and held his hand. “You’re going to be okay. We just have to get you to Paige.” Morgan … [view original content]
Damn... definitely one of my favorite parts of the story so far. I can tell how much effort you put into it and why you took a long time to write it. Keep it going TKOW, this is great!
If they decided to go after the followers immediately Maria wouldn't have been tortured and she would've escaped. But this would've led to Samantha and George dying. Cody would've been been shot in the leg and Nico would've had an injured leg.
[Put Maria out of her misery]
Maria would've thanked Cody and kissed him before he put her out of her misery. Cody would've been too distraught from having to do this to properly fight and lead for a while and Morgan would have been appointed as leader while Cody's grieving.
[Search outside the walls]
Cody and Morgan would have searched outside the walls for a while until they found Gwendal. Walkers would start to come out and surround them, they would have made a sprint to the gate. Gwendal would twist his ankle and Cody would carry him. A walker tries to bit Gwendals leg but Morgan shoots it in the head before it can. They make it safely.
[Imprison Rodriguez]
Cody would have ordered that they be held in one of the buildings. Once the walkers get through and overthrow Wellington they would have busted through the building that Rodriguez and his people were being held and they would be devoured.
[Take shelter in a building]
Morgan would have rushed into the closest building with Nico following her. Before they barricade themselves in they would have seen Paige being attacked by a couple of walkers and before one could bite her Morgan would pull off a shot and Paige would have been saved but more walkers would attack the building they were hiding in. Paige would've stayed in her clinic. Morgan and Nico's defenses wouldn't hold and walkers would be coming towards them. They can make it to the top of the building luckily and they would now be stuck on the roof.
So now I have some questions for you.
1. Who is your favorite character?
2. Which character would you like to see more of?
3. Which character would you like to learn more about?
First of all, this was a great episode. As I said before, it might be my favourite so far. Especially now that I see the alternative choices, I realize just how much stuff has been happening there. Sadly, it looks like we screwed up with quite a few of these choices. The first one, while it would have caused the deaths of Samantha and George, would have saved Maria, which would have been worth it in my eyes. Putting her out of her misery would have also been worth a try, considering how she commited suicide either way. At least that way she would have had one last moment with Cody. Gwendal's bite could have also been prevented... ah, damn it, I think the only choice where we haven't screwed up completely was the Rodriguez choice, which pretty much ended the same way with both choices. We're going to make it better next episode. I hope so at least
1. Who is your favorite character?
Little has changed from the last time I answered this question. It is still Morgan. She is tough and extremely useful to have around, so she is definitely my favourite character at the moment.
2. Which character would you like to see more of?
The Wolves, for totally not biased reasons. Well, perhaps a tiny bit of bias, but the whole idea of this group is just so cool. I liked that they got some focus in the finale, so it looks good for some more Wolves action Even though I don't particularly like him (or, not at all, to be honest), I'd also like to see a bit more of Clifford. By all the dislike I have for him, he is not a boring character, so it could be interesting to see what he is up for.
3. Which character would you like to learn more about?
Again, some Wolves backstory. How exactly have they met, how have they formed this badass survivalist group and why exactly have they started to live in a cave together with literal wolves? And since I am already including whole groups in this question, I would also like to learn a bit more about the Followers and how they started to exist as a group.
4. Where do you think the story is going?
Wellington is pretty much overrun and I don't think it can be reclaimed. I can see the survivors seeking shelter at the Mountain Top, to plan their next moves, but the people at the Mountain top should be more than worried that their community will be next. It's clear that they just suffered a grievous defeat, but there seem to be quite a good number of survivors, so I hope they can recover from this, to kick some Follower ass. Now that I think about it... these people are named the Followers. There is some kind of Leader, right? Maybe taking him out will cripple them.
Alternative Choices:
[Go after the Followers now]
If they decided to go after the followers immediately Maria wouldn't have been tortu… morered and she would've escaped. But this would've led to Samantha and George dying. Cody would've been been shot in the leg and Nico would've had an injured leg.
[Put Maria out of her misery]
Maria would've thanked Cody and kissed him before he put her out of her misery. Cody would've been too distraught from having to do this to properly fight and lead for a while and Morgan would have been appointed as leader while Cody's grieving.
[Search outside the walls]
Cody and Morgan would have searched outside the walls for a while until they found Gwendal. Walkers would start to come out and surround them, they would have made a sprint to the gate. Gwendal would twist his ankle and Cody would carry him. A walker tries to bit Gwendals leg but Morgan shoots it in the head before it can. They make it saf… [view original content]
First of all, this was a great episode. As I said before, it might be my favourite so far. Especially now that I see the alternative choices… more, I realize just how much stuff has been happening there. Sadly, it looks like we screwed up with quite a few of these choices. The first one, while it would have caused the deaths of Samantha and George, would have saved Maria, which would have been worth it in my eyes. Putting her out of her misery would have also been worth a try, considering how she commited suicide either way. At least that way she would have had one last moment with Cody. Gwendal's bite could have also been prevented... ah, damn it, I think the only choice where we haven't screwed up completely was the Rodriguez choice, which pretty much ended the same way with both choices. We're going to make it better next episode. I hope so at least
1. Who is your favorite character?
Little has changed from the last time I answered this q… [view original content]
Morgan and Nico had set up a shelter a few miles from Wellington, they were trying to find Cody but their efforts were seeming to be useless. It was night time now and they sat by the fire just trying to stay warm. Nico prodded the fire with a stick and set a few more logs on, they crackled from the heat and made a blast of heat warm their skin. “He can’t be far, we’ll find him.” Nico tried to lift Morgan’s spirits.
“It’s been a couple of days since Wellington fell. He had a herd of walkers on his back, there’s no way he’s alive.” Morgan kept her voice low and couldn’t find any hope.
Nico searched for something to say. “He could’ve gotten to a building or something.” He tried
“Then he’s trapped and unless we can find him soon they’ll break through and get him.” Morgan dropped her head and stared into the fire.
“You can’t think like that, it’ll eat you alive.” Nico tried to help
“That’s something to say.” Morgan sighed
Nico thought about what he said and realized. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even think-”
“It’s fine.” Morgan stopped him
“If we don’t find Cody we should go to The Mountain Top. They’ll take us in.” Nico mentioned
It took us a few days trip to just make it there with a vehicle.” Morgan pointed out
“Well, we can always walk.” Nico grinned
“Trying to walk there with little to no supplies is suicide.” Morgan snapped
“Ok ok but we have to try something.” Nico defended himself
Morgan sighed “You’re right.”
“Something’s wrong why are you acting so down?” Nico asked
“I can’t stop thinking about what happened with Maria. I feel terrible for how I feel.” Morgan admitted
“What does how you feel have to do with Maria dying?” Nico pressed
Morgan paused for a while. “I - I love Cody. I haven’t said anything to anyone about it, I figure it’s better to keep romance out of your life nowadays. Especially with what’s happened to Maria.” Morgan opened herself up to Nico
“We’re in the same boat.” He let out a small laugh
“How so?” Morgan asked
“I’ve kind of had a thing for Paige for a while now.” He laughed
“Is that why you always seemed to need to get a check up on your healed shoulder.” Morgan grinned
“Yeah, pathetic right?” Nico laughed
“Only a little bit.” Morgan laughed with him
Suddenly they heard a branch crack, Morgan and Nico brought their guns up and aimed in the direction. A few seconds of silence followed, after a while they decided to holster their guns and return to the fireplace. “We may have been too loud, keep your gun ready at all times.” Morgan instructed Nico. They spent the rest of the night on edge but it seemed in the morning they worried for nothing. They found a walker with half of its body trying to crawl towards them, Morgan walked to it and put her knife through its head. “Glad I stayed up all night worried about this damn thing.” Nico complained
“Let’s get going.” Morgan snuffed the fire.
Their day consisted of walking and more walking. “Fuck this snow.” Nico huffed
“I couldn’t agree more.” Morgan chuckled
Morgan spotted an RV in the distance, she used the scope on her rifle and got a better look at it. The RV was tipped over and a few walkers were eating something. “There’s an RV ahead, it could have some supplies.” said Morgan
“Fuck it, let’s go!” Nico became cheerful again
Morgan unsheathed her knife and stabbed a walker through the back of the head. Nico used a mini-axe and cut through another’s head. Morgan finished off the last one and looked at the body, she clutched her mouth and began to tear up. “Morgan, what’s wrong?” Nico asked. He looked at the ground and found a torn eyepatch.
“You die.” said a voice from behind. A hand was placed across David’s mouth and a knife against his throat.
“Who are you?” David demanded
“Just a simple man who wants nothing more than for you and everyone at Wellington to suffer.” He chuckled
“You’re the leader of these twisted fucks aren’t you?” David growled
“A position appointed to me by the others. It would be nice if you and everyone at Wellington would make this easier and let us kill you quick, otherwise I can promise that it will be slow and painful.” He grinned and pressed the knife harder against David’s throat.
David started to laugh. “Why are you laughing?” The leader grinned
David continued but more hysterically. “You have no idea who you’re fucking with.”
“Neither do you.” The leader slit David’s throat and threw him to the ground. “Take him away.” He ordered his servant.
Katrina jumped to the next building. “Come on!” She whispered to George
“Dammit fine!” He looked down through the gap of the building and swallowed what felt like a lump in his throat. He used all the strength in his legs and hit the edge of the building, only his arms were holding him up. “AAAGGGHHHH!” He screamed and scrambled to climb up. He drew the walker’s attention.
“George shut the fuck up!” Katrina warned him and grabbed his arms. She wasn’t strong enough to pull him up. She was soon slipping herself and it wouldn’t be long until she fell as well.
“Katrina, let me go.” He said
“No!” She defied him
“There’s no way I’m getting out of this and if you don’t let go of me it’ll be the same for you!” He said. “It’s the only way.” He smiled and released his grip on Katrina.
“No dammit I can’t lose you!” Katrina cried
“Goodbye Katrina.” He closed his eyes and fell into the crowd of walkers. They tore away his skin. “GAHHHHH!” George screamed in pain. A walker chomped his eye and another tore his face apart. They dug into his torso and pulled his guts out, blood painted the snow. George was still conscious until finally Katrina had to put a bullet in his brain. She collapsed on the roof into sobs, she couldn’t help but feel that it was all her fault. “Katrina!” Stacey called out from a rooftop over. Katrina hardened herself and charged at the gap in the buildings, she leaped over it and rolled onto the next rooftop. “Who’s with you?” Katrina asked her
“Cole, Dan, Gwendal, and Paige. Paige has been bitten but we cut it off.” Stacey informed her.
“We need to get out of here.” said Katrina
“I know, but Gwendal is missing a leg and Paige is missing her arm.” said Stacey
“Shit! At least the walkers are distracted.” Katrina grimaced at the thought of George. There was a chance that they could make it out of Wellington but they had to go now. “Get everyone on the roof, now!” She commanded. Stacey got everyone onto the roof, somehow, even Paige and Gwendal. “Everyone’s here.” Stacey said
“Alright let’s get the fuck out of here!” Katrina rushed to the edge of the building and hopped down. She helped the others get down and needed to find a walker. She spotted one that was stumbling past them, she stuck her blade through the back of its head and drug it closer to them. “We’re gonna use the walker’s guts to conceal us.” She said cut through the torso of the walker and brought out some of the guts. She smothered the others and finally herself.
“I don’t know about this.” said Dan
They marched slowly through the crowds and kept the opening in sight. A person dressed in the same outfit as Katrina turned at the corner and came face to face with the group. They had walkers all around and any sudden movements or noise could bring them down on them. Katrina walked as close as she could to the person and stuck her blade in their neck before they could even get their weapon. The group finally got to the opening and they rushed away from Wellington. Katrina led them to where David used to be. “Wait, where is he?” Katrina began to panic.
“Where’s who?” asked Cole
“David, he was supposed to be here!” said Katrina
Nozomi found herself spending a lot of time with Beatrice, what started off as a spur of the moment thing had turned into a relationship. After all of the horrible things that happened within the course of a year and a half it was nice to have a moment with someone else. Beatrice was supposed to come to her room in just a bit. Jacob began to cry which sprung Nozomi from her bed and to him. She coddled him in her arms and smiled. There was a knock at her door, she held onto Jacob in one arm and opened the door with the other. It was Leonidas. Nozomi’s happiness had been turned into anger. “What do you want?” She demanded
“I don’t see why you’re being so hostile, i’m just trying to show some neighborly friendship.” Leonidas gave her a crooked smile
“Take your neighborly friendship and shove it up your ass.” She snarled
“What did I ever do to you?” He asked
“Well you’ve been a grade A scumbag.” She said
“Everything was going fine until Cody showed up with his fucking group! All of you were happy until then. What changed?” He stammered
“He exposed just how much of a coward you were.” Nozomi was getting tired of him already
“Ha, me a coward? The one who is a coward is the one who just fell in line to whatever Cody demanded. I’m the only one that kept this place going, it’s going to fall apart without my leadership. You think you and your little group of dimwits can ever replace me?” He laughed
“Just shut the fuck up already!” Nozomi slammed the door in his face. Jacob began to cry.
“Shh shh it’s ok sweetie.” Nozomi began to rock Jacob back to sleep. After about ten minutes there was more knocking this time it was frantic. Nozomi answered the door. “What?” It was Beatrice.
“Get your stuff on and get to the gate now!” She took Jacob in her arms.
“What’s going on?” Nozomi demanded while she tied her boots and zipped her coat.
“There are people outside, we think they’re from Wellington. April’s with them!” Beatrice smiled
“You’re kidding!?” Nozomi smiled. “After Rodriguez left with her I thought she’d never come back!”
“Come on, we have to go!” They rushed out of the room.
“We can’t let these people in!” Kyle yelled
“They’re just looking for a place to stay!” Mitch fought back
“If we let these people in they could lead The Followers here and then we’ll be completely fucked!” Dennis pushed Mitch
“Don’t you put your fuckin hands on me!” Mitch pushed him back
“Hey hey hey!” Nozomi and Beatrice got in the middle. “What’s the big fucking deal?” She demanded
“They’re saying we should keep them out!” Mitch informed Nozomi
“What?” Nozomi looked at Dennis and Kyle
“This is a council discussion not a fucking dictatorship! Or is that something you and your lover forgot?” Dennis taunted them
“We haven’t forgotten shit, but maybe you’ve forgotten that you can’t go around starting fights. It’ll get you nowhere.” Nozomi defended Beatrice and herself.
“What’s all the ruckus about?” asked Leonidas
“Apparently we should let any random person that strolls up to the gate in.” said Kyle
“Well that’s quite dangerous.” Leonidas smiled and turned to Nozomi.
Nozomi glared at Leonidas. “What? It’s true if you let anyone inside of these walls then you’re eventually gonna let someone dangerous inside.” Leonidas snickered
“We know these people, they were with Cody!” Nozomi challenged Leonidas.
“Oh yeah your friend Cody! If I remember correctly he was the one who attacked me and gave me this.” He showed everyone his scar. “He was a maniac and i’m willing to bet that he would have killed all of us given enough time.”
“What kind of bullshit is that!” said Nozomi “Cody stopped someone from hurting or maybe even killing their wife, sounds like some maniac doesn’t he?” Nozomi was becoming infuriated with Leonidas.
“He could’ve talked to him instead of just attacking him. He’s dangerous and so are his people!” Leonidas was getting people riled up. It was clear that he still had some supporters. “Had it not been for our spectacular doctor I could’ve died!” He was trying to appeal to the people.
“It doesn’t matter what you think of him, we can’t leave these people out there!” said Nozomi
“AGGHHH!” A scream came from the other side of the gate. “Please let us in!”
Nozomi rushed to the gate. “No goddammit don’t you open that fucking gate!” Kyle pulled a gun from its holster and fired a few shots at Nozomi, luckily his aim was horrible. Beatrice pulled her gun on Kyle and kept it aimed at his head. “Drop the fucking gun!” She yelled. Dennis pointed his gun at Beatrice, Beatrice wouldn’t move her aim from Kyle’s head.
“Stop!” Nozomi commanded
Beatrice looked towards Nozomi and lowered her gun. “Now lower your guns!” Nozomi yelled at Kyle and Dennis. Luckily they did and Nozomi finally opened the gate. The people on the other side rushed into The Mountain Top, Nozomi closed the gate behind them. “What the fuck was that!” someone from the crowd yelled.
“What was what?” Nozomi was confused.
“Didn’t you hear what Leonidas was saying! They could’ve been bad people!” He replied
Nozomi shook her head and looked at Beatrice and then at Leonidas. Leonidas smiled.
Morgan and Nico slept for most of the next day inside of the abandoned RV. Morgan couldn’t believe what she saw the day before but if she needed to reassure herself she could just look at the ground and see blood stained snow with Cody’s eyepatch. She pressed bullets into the clip and stared at nothing in particular. Nico sat up and wiped his eyes. “What are you doing?” He asked
“Just loading up a clip.” She replied
“Are you gonna be okay?” He asked
That was a question Morgan needed to know herself instead she just answered. “Yeah I guess.”
“I think we should search for the area to see if there’s any sign of Cody. You know just as well as I do that he could be alive.” said Nico
“He was surrounded, the RV is tipped over and his eyepatch is torn up and left behind.” Morgan didn’t want to lose hope but this situation was looking to bleak.
“You told me before we even had this whole Follower situation that Cody’s lasted through some pretty dangerous shit, he’s alive I know it.” Nico implored
“We need to get to The Mountain Top.” Morgan tried
“We aren’t going to leave him behind if he’s still alive. Until I see a body, Cody’s alive!” said Nico
Morgan considered what he was saying. They couldn’t stay long but Morgan needed to find Cody for her own sake as well as his.
Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 1: Separated
Morgan and Nico had set up a shelter a few miles from Wellington, they were trying to … morefind Cody but their efforts were seeming to be useless. It was night time now and they sat by the fire just trying to stay warm. Nico prodded the fire with a stick and set a few more logs on, they crackled from the heat and made a blast of heat warm their skin. “He can’t be far, we’ll find him.” Nico tried to lift Morgan’s spirits.
“It’s been a couple of days since Wellington fell. He had a herd of walkers on his back, there’s no way he’s alive.” Morgan kept her voice low and couldn’t find any hope.
Nico searched for something to say. “He could’ve gotten to a building or something.” He tried
“Then he’s trapped and unless we can find him soon they’ll break through and get him.” Morgan dropped her head and stared into the fire.
“You can’t think like that, it’ll eat you alive.” Nico tried to help… [view original content]
Damn it David... He went out like a badass, that's for sure.
Anyway, for this choice, I think they should [Search for Cody] It is a hard choice, but I agree with Nico. No way Cody is dead. Morgan and Nico should look for him. I just hope this won't cause their deaths.
Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 1: Separated
Morgan and Nico had set up a shelter a few miles from Wellington, they were trying to … morefind Cody but their efforts were seeming to be useless. It was night time now and they sat by the fire just trying to stay warm. Nico prodded the fire with a stick and set a few more logs on, they crackled from the heat and made a blast of heat warm their skin. “He can’t be far, we’ll find him.” Nico tried to lift Morgan’s spirits.
“It’s been a couple of days since Wellington fell. He had a herd of walkers on his back, there’s no way he’s alive.” Morgan kept her voice low and couldn’t find any hope.
Nico searched for something to say. “He could’ve gotten to a building or something.” He tried
“Then he’s trapped and unless we can find him soon they’ll break through and get him.” Morgan dropped her head and stared into the fire.
“You can’t think like that, it’ll eat you alive.” Nico tried to help… [view original content]
Preview for Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 2: Surrounded
I took the clip out of my assault rifle and noticed I only had ten bullets left. I sighed and pressed it back.
The hours drug on forever and the walkers had no intention of letting up their assault on the RV to get to me. It was now nighttime and there was still no opening for me to make a run for it.
She landed on several walkers who also bit into her.
“Join them.” The figure who was now revealed to be a woman whispered.
a large amount had begun pressing on the side of the RV. I noticed when I climbed on top that the other side seemed unstable. The RV tipped over and I fell off.
This had reminded me of the day I came home and had to warm up only it was a much better situation I was in.
I sat in front of it with a blanket around my shoulders and hot chocolate in my hands. My dad sat by my side and comforted me.
Her wails grew louder from the pain she would soon be dead.
I hope you're excited. I'm planning on getting the chapter out in the next few days.
Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 2: Surrounded
The walkers were banging on the RV ,there was no way out. They were hitting the RV with a lot of force if they were to one side they would surely knock it over. I needed something or someone to come along so I could make it out of here and help everyone else at Wellington. I took the clip out of my assault rifle and noticed I only had ten bullets left. I sighed and pressed it back. I noticed the small opening in the top of the RV, unfortunately I was too big to fit through it. I checked my bag for supplies. I pulled out a water bottle that was three quarters filled, some canned food, a lighter, and some stray bullets. I thought about my odds of making it out of this and knew that it was a slim chance I would escape. What hurt more was thinking that Maria was still in Wellington probably trying to fend off the walkers. I shook these thoughts from my mind and tried to examine the area for anything that could help but my field of view was limited to trees and a sea of walkers. The hours drug on forever and the walkers had no intention of letting up their assault on the RV to get to me. It was now nighttime and there was still no opening for me to make a run for it. I passed out from exhaustion in the later hours of the night. I awoke when I heard the ladder creaking, I grabbed my machete and kept it close to my chest. A head rose up I could see the mask made out of a walker’s face almost hidden by the hood of the cloak. My heart was beating like a drum in my heart and my breathing was shallow. The figure approached me and brought out a dagger, they kneeled over me and held the dagger in his or her right hand. The figure prepared to stab me in the chest, suddenly the dagger was brought down. I caught it and held as tight as I could and I brought my machete to my side to get a good momentum for a swing. The figure noticed and caught my arm whilst pressing even harder with the other hand. We struggled, I gritted my teeth and let out a groan. “Join them.” The figure who was now revealed to be a woman whispered.
The tip of the blade pressed into my chest and blood started to seep through my clothes. The Follower put all of her weight into it and disregarded my machete for a second. I let the blade sink in deeper so I could catch her in the thigh with the end of my machete. She grunted in pain and rolled off me, she was inches from the edge. I pursued her and tried to throw her into the walkers. Her dagger had slid off into the crowd. Had I been able to get a better grip she wouldn’t have shaken my hold and gotten me onto my back. My head was hanging off of the side, the walkers reached and only managed to get the beanie that slipped off. The Follower had her hands wrapped around my throat and gripped as hard as she could. She kept one hand on my throat and transitioned the other to my face. She pushed on my forehead to try and get my head closer to the arms. Her thumb was close to my mouth I opened my jaw and caught her thumb in my teeth. I clenched as hard as I could and soon took her thumb off. She wailed from the pain, blood covered my face. Her hand slipped over my eyepatch and it fell to the ground. Her torso landed on mine and her jugular vein was exposed. I sunk my teeth into the vein and bit down pulling the skin and artery away. Her wails grew louder from the pain she would soon be dead. I grabbed her by the sides and managed to throw her over me. She landed on several walkers who also bit into her. The others followed, I found my opening. I only had a matter of seconds until there wouldn’t be another chance to escape. The screams from The Follower attracted the walkers from the other side and a large amount had begun pressing on the side of the RV. I noticed when I climbed on top that the other side seemed unstable. The RV tipped over and I fell off luckily it was a less dense spot. I only needed to push through a few at that point. I slashed through a few of the walkers and made an opening. I made a beeline through, three fourths of the walkers had started to follow me, the others were distracted with their recent meal. I kept running straight my visibility was already limited by the darkness let alone the trees. After about five minutes of running I ended up on the opposite end of a lake, I wasn’t able to see an end in any direction but the exact opposite side. I could have run to try and get around the lake but walkers were coming in those directions and I would be killed if I ran in any direction but forward. The lake was frozen over which was nice but I had no idea how thick the ice was. I wanted to debate the pros and cons of crossing on the ice but there was no time left. I shuffled on the ice as quick as I could without cracking any of the ice. I needed to put some distance from the walkers. Some of the walkers started to cross while the others broke through the ice. Once I was far enough from them I slowed down, I was now in the middle of the lake. While some of the walkers had fallen through others still made it. I slid my foot forward a few inches and the ice broke underneath, my leg was submerged in the water. I took my bag off my back and slid it forward along with the assault rifle to try and get some weight off of myself. I just kept sliding down I tried to keep myself up but the ice was too slick. Walkers were inching their way towards me and in a matter of a few seconds they would be on top of me. A walker nearly reached me but fell through the ice right behind me. Suddenly I fell into the water along with it, I took a deep breath before I completely submerged. I looked at my feet and a walker was descending below me. It managed to grab my ankle and drag me down, I wanted to panic but I needed to conserve my oxygen. I kicked down on the forearms and snapped the bones on each arm. I tried to swim up to the opening and I noticed that a group of walkers fell into the same hole the last walker made. I clutched the ice with all of my might and pulled myself up as best I could. I pulled myself out of the freezing water, my body was numb, I needed to get warmer soon. I got to the supplies I pushed forward and continued to slide them along the ice. This method helped get me to the other side of the lake. It felt great to be on land again I looked back and noticed how most of the walkers were sinking down into the depths of the lake. I pressed forward. After about ten minutes of aimless wandering I stumbled upon a log cabin. I opened the door with hesitation. I checked each room before settling down. I dragged a couple of blankets into the living room from the bedroom. I found a stove with log stacked near it, I grabbed some kindling to set in the stove and started a fire. I put a couple of logs on the flames. I stripped all of the wet clothes from my body and tossed them aside. I got as close as I could and wrapped the blankets around my naked body. The flames heated the room and eventually I wasn’t as numb. This had reminded me of the day I came home and had to warm up only it was a much better situation I was in. I was eight years old, I played outside too long in the snow and I came back inside freezing. My parents got a fire going, I sat in front of it with a blanket around my shoulders and hot chocolate in my hands. My dad sat by my side and comforted me. This was the last memory I had of my dad. That next day he was driving home from work and got into a car accident. The roads were encased in ice and he fishtailed into an oncoming vehicle. I layed down on the floor and tried to refrain myself from thinking more about what happened to him. I eventually fell into a deep sleep, I dreamed of life before the apocalypse it was perhaps the only relief i’ve had in a long time.
“My children it is the time to finally reclaim this world from the blind leaders and their subjects. This world belongs to our fallen if they do not accept our truths then they must join them. We will march on The Mountain Top and The Sanctuary, we will burn their walls and from the ashes of their world we will expand ours!” The leader of the Followers bellowed. All one thousand of them cheered and lifted their guns to the air. They came out of the stadium in rows marching to The Mountain Top.
Morgan had followed the foot trail in the snow. Something must have drawn them this way but what would have caused the entire herd to follow? Nico was tired but he pressed on with hope being his only motivation. They finally found themselves at the edge of a lake, with large chunks missing from the ice. The holes seemed to form a line so whatever was drawing them away crossed the lake. Morgan brought her rifle into her arms and peered through the scope just past the lake was a cabin, if all else failed they could rest there. “We’re gonna have to go around the river, I can’t see the ends. We may be walking more than anticipated.” Morgan shrugged.
“I wonder if Paige is okay?” Nico spoke silently and adjusted the straps on his bag.
“I’m sure she’s fine, she’s tough. If everything works out we can clear the walkers out of Wellington.” Morgan grinned with optimism
“I’m not sure there’s gonna BE a Wellington if we don’t hurry.” Nico lowered his head and walked past Morgan.
It’s hard to think that Nico and all the other people at Wellington haven’t faced anything like this before. Morgan wished they wouldn’t have had to adjust to the world as fast as it wanted them to adjust. Morgan was empathizing with the people even Samantha, who she always thought was a bit of a bitch. They faced a few walkers along the trip along the lake but in comparison to what they’ve been through just recently a few walkers were child’s play. After an hour of walking they finally made it to the cabin, Morgan was ready to put her feet up and eat something at this point it could be anything as long as it was edible. They clambered up the steps and came to the front of the door. “Finally.” Nico grinned.
I woke the next day and nothing had changed, only that I wasn’t freezing. Fortunately the fire had warmed my chilled body and I could feel my limbs. My clothes were still pretty wet so I decided to just wrap the blanket around my body. I searched through cabinets in the kitchen and found some cups, I took out the largest. I opened the pantry and found packets for hot chocolate, could this place get any better? At the bottom I found a gallon jug of water that seemed untouched. I poured the clear water into the mug and placed it on top of the stove. I got another fire started and let the mixture heat up, it seemed like today was going to be peaceful. I took the cup in my hands and embraced the warmth. I brought the edge to my lips and let it pour into my mouth, some of it leaked from the side and ran into my beard. I took the cup with me to the window, it was bright outside which blinded me for a few seconds. All of the problems on the outside seemed to disappear it was almost too calm. Being that I hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep in the past few days I decided to try and make up for it now. The cabin was finally warmed up from the fire and I was able to transition from room to room without going into shock. I layed on the bed and all of my muscles started to release the tension and the bones in my back popped in rhythm. It was one of the best feelings I’d experienced in a while. It didn’t take much for me to fall asleep only a few minutes on that wonderful bed. I woke up to the sound of boots moving along the porch. The Followers! I rewrapped the blanket around my body and grabbed my assault rifle, hiding around the corner. The door creaked open but no voices only steps forward. I turned the corner and aimed the gun at the heads of the figures. “Put your fucking hands up!” I shouted before realizing that it was Morgan and Nico. Happiness. Happiness is the only word to describe how I felt in that moment. I dropped the assault rifle to the floor and walked forward to them. I threw my arms over Morgan and rested my head on her shoulder. “You’re alive!” My voice tremored.
“So are you.” Morgan smiled and teared up.
“What about everyone else? What about Maria?” I questioned her
Morgan knew that when the time came she had to tell him. “She’s dead. I killed her.” She hated the words.
“You what!?” I said
“She used me to die. She leaped at me with a knife, instinct took over I-” She tried
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” I became furious.
“Cody we were being attacked, I was on edge, she knew I would react like that.” Morgan tried to explain.
“She’s dead because of you, it’s all your fault!” Emotion took over I didn’t mean what I was saying.
“Back off Cody!” Nico warned me. “Maria used Morgan to kill herself, she wasn’t stable after how much she was tortured.”
I was finally able to overcome my emotions. “Morgan, i’m so sorry.” I looked at her
“It’s ok.” She took me in her arms.
I just couldn’t believe that Maria was dead. I felt horrible but all I could think about was Cyndia and how if I didn’t talk to Maria that night Cyndia would still be alive. It seemed that everytime someone would get close to me they would die. Am I just cursed?
“We need to get to The Mountain Top as fast as we can, we can formulate a plan and kick these bastards right in the teeth.” said Nico
“Nico’s right, the sooner we get there the better.” Morgan agreed.
“Lead the way.” I said.
After gathering my gear we made our way to The Mountain Top. It was going to take a few days for us to get there but if The Followers were stuck on foot as well then we should be able to get there before them. Things were still a little tense between Morgan and I. I couldn’t stay mad at her for something she couldn’t control. On the second night of our trip we stopped in what seemed to be an old bakery. It was cozy and warmer than outside so it was perfect to us. We made our beds and tried to get some sleep. Surprisingly we weren’t ambushed in the night. We were just able to wake up and continue on. That day was long and cold it seemed longer than the previous two days. The sun had finally set and The Mountain Top was only a couple miles away. “Finally.” Nico heaved
“We’re not there yet but yeah, finally.” Morgan smiled
“Something’s wrong.” I said after peering through my binoculars.
“What do you mean?” Morgan asked
“There’s usually guards posted on the opposing ends of the walls, no one’s there.” I said
“Maybe they’re on break?” Nico commented
“If they were to go on a break there would be someone taking their place.” I informed him
“Well what should we do? Climb a tree and get a look inside that way? You could just be paranoid a lot has happened and I wouldn’t blame you for it but what do we have to fear?” Nico shrugged it off
[Look inside The Mountain Top] or [Approach the gate]
“My children it is the time to finally reclaim this world from the blind leaders and their subjects. This world belongs to our fallen if they do not accept our truths then they must join them. We will march on The Mountain Top and The Sanctuary, we will burn their walls and from the ashes of their world we will expand ours!” The leader of the Followers bellowed. All one thousand of them cheered and lifted their guns to the air. They came out of the stadium in rows marching to The Mountain Top.
Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 2: Surrounded
The walkers were banging on the RV ,there was no way out. They were hitting the RV wi… moreth a lot of force if they were to one side they would surely knock it over. I needed something or someone to come along so I could make it out of here and help everyone else at Wellington. I took the clip out of my assault rifle and noticed I only had ten bullets left. I sighed and pressed it back. I noticed the small opening in the top of the RV, unfortunately I was too big to fit through it. I checked my bag for supplies. I pulled out a water bottle that was three quarters filled, some canned food, a lighter, and some stray bullets. I thought about my odds of making it out of this and knew that it was a slim chance I would escape. What hurt more was thinking that Maria was still in Wellington probably trying to fend off the walkers. I shook these thoughts from my mind and tried to examine the area for a… [view original content]
It certainly can't hurt to be a bit stealthy. In the best case, this is unnecessary and everything turns out to be fine for the moment. However, considering what the Follower leader said and that we last saw the Followers marching against the Mountain Top, I highly doubt it and I think scouting for potential danger is absolutely required. The only thing I am curious about is, if a thousand men marched to war against a community, wouldn't there be more signs of it? Like fire, smoke, corpses, maybe battle noises. Something is not right here and I am afraid for the Mountain Top people.
Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 2: Surrounded
The walkers were banging on the RV ,there was no way out. They were hitting the RV wi… moreth a lot of force if they were to one side they would surely knock it over. I needed something or someone to come along so I could make it out of here and help everyone else at Wellington. I took the clip out of my assault rifle and noticed I only had ten bullets left. I sighed and pressed it back. I noticed the small opening in the top of the RV, unfortunately I was too big to fit through it. I checked my bag for supplies. I pulled out a water bottle that was three quarters filled, some canned food, a lighter, and some stray bullets. I thought about my odds of making it out of this and knew that it was a slim chance I would escape. What hurt more was thinking that Maria was still in Wellington probably trying to fend off the walkers. I shook these thoughts from my mind and tried to examine the area for a… [view original content]
Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 2: Surrounded
The walkers were banging on the RV ,there was no way out. They were hitting the RV wi… moreth a lot of force if they were to one side they would surely knock it over. I needed something or someone to come along so I could make it out of here and help everyone else at Wellington. I took the clip out of my assault rifle and noticed I only had ten bullets left. I sighed and pressed it back. I noticed the small opening in the top of the RV, unfortunately I was too big to fit through it. I checked my bag for supplies. I pulled out a water bottle that was three quarters filled, some canned food, a lighter, and some stray bullets. I thought about my odds of making it out of this and knew that it was a slim chance I would escape. What hurt more was thinking that Maria was still in Wellington probably trying to fend off the walkers. I shook these thoughts from my mind and tried to examine the area for a… [view original content]
Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 2: Surrounded
The walkers were banging on the RV ,there was no way out. They were hitting the RV wi… moreth a lot of force if they were to one side they would surely knock it over. I needed something or someone to come along so I could make it out of here and help everyone else at Wellington. I took the clip out of my assault rifle and noticed I only had ten bullets left. I sighed and pressed it back. I noticed the small opening in the top of the RV, unfortunately I was too big to fit through it. I checked my bag for supplies. I pulled out a water bottle that was three quarters filled, some canned food, a lighter, and some stray bullets. I thought about my odds of making it out of this and knew that it was a slim chance I would escape. What hurt more was thinking that Maria was still in Wellington probably trying to fend off the walkers. I shook these thoughts from my mind and tried to examine the area for a… [view original content]
Voting has closed, they will look inside The Mountain Top. I'm really excited for this next part to be finished, I think you'll all enjoy it as much as i have enjoyed writing it! Also I'm going to release the rest of the chapter names for this episode and this may continue in the future.
Chapter 3: The Ashes of Our World
Chapter 4: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide
Chapter 5: Moments of Peace
Chapter 6: Betrayal
Any thoughts? Comment below and get ready for another chapter!
Voting has closed, they will look inside The Mountain Top. I'm really excited for this next part to be finished, I think you'll all enjoy it… more as much as i have enjoyed writing it! Also I'm going to release the rest of the chapter names for this episode and this may continue in the future.
Chapter 3: The Ashes of Our World
Chapter 4: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide
Chapter 5: Moments of Peace
Chapter 6: Betrayal
Any thoughts? Comment below and get ready for another chapter!
I guess the Mountain Top is overrun, from the way this chapter title sounds. The thought is kinda terrifying. I mean, the Followers have always been scary, but since neither Cody, nor Morgan or Nico have heard any battle noises, the implications make me genuinely afraid of these guys. If they are able to take down a community like the Mountain Top silently, they are even more dangerous than I previously thought. And now I am scared for the Wellington Survivors.
Chapter 6: Betrayal
I don't like the sound of this, I really don't. I wonder, who could betray whom? Someone betraying Cody sounds likely, but I wonder who it could be. Morgan certainly won't betray him and I think Nico is trustworthy as well. The rest... I don't know. I think Paige can be trusted and I surely hope Katrina won't betray him either, but someone has to, right? This made me think, what if no one betrays Cody? What if one of the Followers betrays the Follower Leader, giving Cody and his people a chance to fight back. That would be nice, considering how immensely powerful the Followers seem to be at the moment. Anyway, I am excited for this chapter!
Voting has closed, they will look inside The Mountain Top. I'm really excited for this next part to be finished, I think you'll all enjoy it… more as much as i have enjoyed writing it! Also I'm going to release the rest of the chapter names for this episode and this may continue in the future.
Chapter 3: The Ashes of Our World
Chapter 4: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide
Chapter 5: Moments of Peace
Chapter 6: Betrayal
Any thoughts? Comment below and get ready for another chapter!
Someone betraying the Followers leader would be the good outcome of this episode. What I mean by this is that based on the choices in this episode there will either be a good or bad ending to the episode. This is probably the most impactful episode when it comes to the Followers storyline. All I can say about the bad ending, loss.
Chapter 3: The Ashes of Our World
I guess the Mountain Top is overrun, from the way this chapter title sounds. The thought is kinda … moreterrifying. I mean, the Followers have always been scary, but since neither Cody, nor Morgan or Nico have heard any battle noises, the implications make me genuinely afraid of these guys. If they are able to take down a community like the Mountain Top silently, they are even more dangerous than I previously thought. And now I am scared for the Wellington Survivors.
Chapter 6: Betrayal
I don't like the sound of this, I really don't. I wonder, who could betray whom? Someone betraying Cody sounds likely, but I wonder who it could be. Morgan certainly won't betray him and I think Nico is trustworthy as well. The rest... I don't know. I think Paige can be trusted and I surely hope Katrina won't betray him either, but someone has to, right? This made me think, what if no one betrays Cody? What if … [view original content]
Someone betraying the Followers leader would be the good outcome of this episode. What I mean by this is that based on the choices in this e… morepisode there will either be a good or bad ending to the episode. This is probably the most impactful episode when it comes to the Followers storyline. All I can say about the bad ending, loss.
Update: Internet went out for three days. This has been a major setback in when I was planning on releasing the next chapter I'm hoping to get it finished and posted on Friday or Saturday
Preview for Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 3: The Ashes of Our World
Now that I was inside the community I needed to find Nozomi and find out what happened.
I decided it might be best to search for her in her room, I turned the corner into the hallways. I brought out my pistol and cleared any rooms I passed. Finally I got to her door and propped myself against the doorway. I turned and kept my gun raised
“Those fucking monsters…” Tears streamed down my face.
"There’s no fucking way I’m letting them get away!” I growled and ran back outside.
My heart was pounding in my chest, I grit my teeth and put my pistol on the dash. After a few miles I had the APC in my sights.
“Dammit!” I slammed my fist on the dash and reloaded. I had eight shots left, they needed to count.
When it’s done, when your world is ashes… Then I will allow you to die. But in the meantime you will wish I’d killed you now, I will make you watch all of it.
The new chapter is going to be released in a couple of days. I hope you're ready!
I'm not ready But at the same time, I am so excited! It looks like there is a lot of stuff happening in this chapter and I'm still afraid for the remaining Wellington survivors and the Hilltop people.
Preview for Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 3: The Ashes of Our World
Now that I was inside the community I needed to find Nozomi a… morend find out what happened.
I decided it might be best to search for her in her room, I turned the corner into the hallways. I brought out my pistol and cleared any rooms I passed. Finally I got to her door and propped myself against the doorway. I turned and kept my gun raised
“Those fucking monsters…” Tears streamed down my face.
"There’s no fucking way I’m letting them get away!” I growled and ran back outside.
My heart was pounding in my chest, I grit my teeth and put my pistol on the dash. After a few miles I had the APC in my sights.
“Dammit!” I slammed my fist on the dash and reloaded. I had eight shots left, they needed to count.
When it’s done, when your world is ashes… Then I will allow you to die. But in the meantime you will wish I’d killed you now, I will make you watch all o… [view original content]
Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 3: The Ashes of Our World
I disregarded what Nico had told me and scaled the tree closest to The Mountain Top. I held tightly onto the branches and heaved myself branch by branch. Eventually I found myself at the top looking over the wall to The Mountain Top. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped, there were bodies everywhere. The tree was just close enough that I could leap onto the scaffolding by the wall.
“Cody, what are you doing!?” Morgan called out to me. There was no time to talk.
Now that I was inside the community I needed to find Nozomi and find out what happened. I rushed through the bodies trying to find her. None of these people were shot all of their throats were sliced open, the thought of The Followers able to seize a community with just knives was haunting. I decided it might be best to search for her in her room, I turned the corner into the hallways. I brought out my pistol and cleared any rooms I passed. Finally I got to her door and propped myself against the doorway. I turned and kept my gun raised I found Nozomi sitting by her bed with her son in her arms. She was weeping and distraught I paced forward and was equally distraught when I looked at her son. “The-they killed him.” Nozomi managed to say through her sobs.
“Those fucking monsters…” Tears streamed down my face.
“They took Beatrice and the rest of the council. They loaded them into an APC just a few minutes before you got here.” She said
“Nozomi are you going to be okay?” I asked her
“I just need time.” She closed her eyes and tilted her head back down to her baby.
“Stay safe, Morgan and Nico should be in here in no time. There’s no fucking way I’m letting them get away!” I growled and ran back outside.
I rushed to the gate and found a vehicle. “Cody where are you going?” Morgan asked before I drove away.
“The Followers kidnapped the council members, I’m going after them. Stay here and attend to the injured!” I told them and slammed my foot on the pedal. My heart was pounding in my chest, I grit my teeth and put my pistol on the dash. After a few miles I had the APC in my sights. I took the pistol in my hands and kept it pointed at the APC ahead. I fired several shots at the tires and each one failed. “Dammit!” I slammed my fist on the dash and reloaded. I had eight shots left, they needed to count. After five more shots the tire finally popped and the vehicle went out of control. It swerved off the road and crashed into a tree. I slammed on the breaks and grabbed my P416 assault rifle. I looked through the window and found the driver and passenger dead. I got to the back and opened up the doors. “Surprise.” The leader of The Followers said. The rest of the APC was empty, it was a trap. He held a gun in his hand and used it to hit me in the head before I could react. I fell to the ground. More of The Followers came out of the woods and dragged me into another one of the vehicles. I woke up in a dark room, I heard noises coming from the hallway but it felt like someone was in the room with me. I was right.
“You know it’s funny. I was sure that you would have put Maria out of her misery. But I guess you’re full of surprises. It was pretty difficult arranging this honestly, you’re a difficult man to reach.” He said
“I’m going to kill you.” I promised him
“You will try.” He stood up and paced around me. “But you will fail, every time. I promise you. Do you understand the depth of your failure? When it’s done, when your world is ashes… Then I will allow you to die. But in the meantime you will wish I’d killed you now, I will make you watch all of it. I’m going to kill Nico, Katrina, Paige, Samantha, Gwendal, Nozomi, and Morgan. I really appreciated how quickly Maria was to give up your communities layout and all of your names. Though I guess anyone would turn quickly with fish hooks in their back.” The Leader laughed.
“Fuck you.” I growled
“Is that anyway to speak to your host? I mean bringing all of you together was quite difficult I must say, why don’t you appreciate that?” He asked
“Huh?” I looked around and Nozomi was right, he did kidnap the other council members. They had duct tape covering their mouths and bandanas covering their eyes.
“Sir, the Fallen have been returned to the trucks. Shall we prepare for our next attack on The Sanctuary?” A Follower asked
“Yes, prepare the others we march at dawn.” He looked back to me. “It’s time you’ve learned what it means to be helpless. Helpless to save innocent lives and helpless to even save yourself.”
He walked out of the room and locked the door on his way out. I looked for anyway to escape but nothing caught my eye, the rooms was picked clean of anything that could be used to cut the bindings or crawl through a vent. I could feel blood dried on the side of my cheek most likely from being struck in the temple with the butt of the gun. The only source of light were small candles in the corner, I could hardly see anything at my feet. I struggled to try and stand up I heaved myself upwards but I wasn’t able to get on my feet. I groaned from the pain in my head, my vision was blurry. I shifted my hands in the binds and loosened them a little bit. The council members were moaning in pain, their skin on their wrists was torn off from the bindings and blood filled their hands. They looked beaten and interrogated, this is probably what he did to Maria. I shuddered at the thought, I brought the bindings to my mouth and began to chew as hard as I could. SNAP! I had at least chewed through one of the knots. I heard the door start to creak open, I got back to my original position and awaited whatever came next.
“We're finally going to move on to The Sanctuary.” The Leader smiled at me
“What?” I was shocked
“I'm going to destroy The Sanctuary, I'll be back in a few days. Don't get too comfortable” He grinned
They piled the bodies back at The Mountain Top and began to burn them. It would’ve been more respectful to bury them but they didn’t have the time. Morgan was agitated with Cody for going after The Follower’s alone, she should’ve been there with him. Sweat beaded down Morgan’s forehead, it was cold but the work was laborious. She wiped the sweat from her brow and began the fire. Samantha had approached Morgan with a timid expression covering her face. “What do you need?” She asked
“I was just coming over to talk to you about what happened.” Samantha nervously paced around the fire.
“Wellington was destroyed, not much more to it.” Morgan looked back at her.
Samantha lowered her head. “Do you think everyone made it out?”
Morgan felt a sympathy for Samantha she hadn’t felt before. “No, but it is what it is. We have to move on and try to keep going for them.”
“It’s just hard. After everything that’s happened, I want to learn marksman skills from you.” She said
“If things were different and we could afford to spend some more time training I would be glad to, but with The Follower’s destroying the communities and slaughtering our people, now would be a bad time. If we both make it out of this alive, I’ll gladly help you.” Morgan smiled
Samantha smiled back. “I appreciate that.”
“OPEN THE GATE!” A scream was heard from the other side of the wall.
Morgan swung her head towards the sound and rushed to the scaffolding by the gate, Samantha trailed behind her. Morgan scaled the ladder and raised her rifle towards the group outside. It was only Katrina, and she had others! Morgan jumped from scaffolding and landed on the cold ground. Samantha joined Morgan and opened the gate. Katrina held Paige and Cole held Gwendal. Dan and Stacey carried all of the supplies on their backs. Katrina fell down to her knees along with Paige once the gate was closed. “Holy shit!” said Morgan
“You would not believe what it took to get out of there.” said Katrina
“I have an idea.” Morgan empathized “What the fuck happened to Paige’s arm!?”
“She was bit, we had to take her arm off before it killed her.” said Dan
“She’s lucky to be alive after all the blood she’s lost.” said Katrina
“Get her rested, hopefully she’ll be okay.” Samantha chimed in
“She’ll be fine, she has to be.” Morgan replied
Morgan looked to Gwendal and had a sinking feeling in her heart. He looked horrible, she thought of her brother. It still haunted her that she had to put him out of his misery. She trailed behind the group and looked back hoping Cody would be at the gate.
Days had went by, I could feel myself dying. That would be mercy, a mercy I wouldn’t get. My face was bruised and bloodier than before. I couldn’t die here, not like this. Each second seemed like an hour, I had no idea what the Leader was doing to the communities but it was all I could think about. The council members were killed a day earlier, they must not’ve seen a use in keeping them alive. It was a terrible thought but with them gone I would have an easier time trying to escape without having to worry about other people. All but two of the bindings were off of my wrists, it was now or never. I chewed as quickly as I could and finished off one of them. I pulled away as hard as I could and the last binding snapped. I was free. A guard would come to check on me soon that was my chance, but I didn’t have a weapon. I needed to be careful. A few minutes passed by and I could hear the door creak open, I could see the barrel of a gun first. I sprang at the weapon and knocked it to the ground, I got my hands around the guard’s throat and squeezed as hard as I could. He was eventually unconscious, I threw him to the side. I grabbed the pistol he dropped and found myself in the stadium. There was only ten people guarding the stadium, this was very odd. I slipped past them and made my way outside.
It was cold and dark, they stripped me of everything I had but the clothes on my back. I needed to find a vehicle. I checked on the right side of the building and found some of the APC’s they used to capture the council members. I climbed into it and started the engine, I needed to get away quick before they noticed. I was about to drive away but more vehicles appeared in the distance. I peeled out and was able to escape before they noticed I escaped. More days had passed until I found myself back at The Mountain Top, I was exhausted. Morgan was the one to notice my arrival and she hurriedly opened the gate. “What the fuck happened!?” She threw herself into my arms.
“I was captured, the whole thing was a trap.” I told her
“We were able to clean up most of the place but.. Nozomi hasn’t come out of her room since…” She tried
“It’s okay.” I said
I noticed how everyone from both Wellington and The Mountain Top were gathered together. All together we had about five hundred people all in one place.
[Execute Rodriguez]
[Imprison Rodriguez]
It's the only way, he's got 15 other people with him, there's no way we could keep 15 people under wraps.
The next chapter is going to take a while. I have cracked a bone in my wrist and I don't know when it'll be healed. In other news voting has closed, Rodriguez will be executed.
Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 5: Into the Fire
I pulled the trigger and watched as Rodriguez’s body fell to the ground. The blood ran to my boots. I holstered my pistol and examined the row of his people. “What the fuck!” Gavin yelled and tried to shift away from the dead body.
“Rodriguez sold us out to The Followers, let this be a lesson to anyone who tries to fuck us over.” I said with a deepness to my voice.
“What are you going to do with the rest of us?” asked Michelle
“I won’t kill you, but I can’t be sure that you won’t go back to The Sanctuary regroup and retaliate. So for now you’re going to stay here. Do you understand why I did what I did?” I questioned them
“Yes.” Tom replied. “He was a traitor, I think I can speak for the rest of us when I say that we won’t cause any trouble. As a matter of fact I want to join you and get rid of these bastards.”
“Is it true? Do the rest of you agree?” I asked
All but one of them agreed he looked me in the eyes with ferocity. “You think you’re helping people but all you do is kill and bark orders at everyone. When did you ever stop to think that maybe what you’re doing isn’t right?” He retorted
“What I’m getting from this is that you’re not going to be trying to help and that given the chance you’ll turn on me and the people of Wellington.” I said
“That’s the gist of it, yeah.” He grumbled
I grabbed him by the collar and drug him to the top of the wall. Morgan and Nico followed behind, the others watched. “Did you clear out all of the walkers when you showed up?” I asked him
“No, there’s still a lot out there. Have fun cleaning up the mess.” He said
“Morgan how far up would you say we are on this wall?” I asked
“I don’t know maybe twenty five feet.” She answered suspiciously
“Too small of a drop to kill you but once those walkers got to you you would be. Maybe it’s just me but that doesn’t sound like a great way to go out.” I spoke lightly
“Cody…” Morgan tried
“Now, I’ll ask again do you agree with Tom?” I said
“...Fuck you.” He growled
“I tried.” I said and threw him over the wall, a crack was heard from the ground accompanied by screams of pain. I turned and looked at Morgan, she seemed a little frightened.
“Jesus Cody…” Nico said with shock
“I’m done with the bullshit, come on.” I said to Morgan
Morgan followed but Nico remained at the wall looking over at the man. I met back up with David, George, Katrina, and Samantha. “I know he needed to die, but was the brutality necessary?” David questioned me
“Just think of it as a message to the rest of Rodriguez’s people.” I said
“Makes sense to me, less incentive to betray us.” Katrina thought out loud
“That was completely uncalled for!” Samantha argued
“And why’s that?” I asked
“You can’t just kill people because you think they’re going to attack you if you don’t.” She almost yelled
“It’s a crazy world we live in right now, you live or you die. I’ve had to kill people just so I can keep my friends from death just a little bit longer. Have you ever had to do that?” I said
“No.” She mumbled
“Then what have you done?” I asked
“I-I’ve sacrificed others for myself. I regret every decision, i’ve killed people and I now know that it’s wrong. Nobody should be sentenced to death because of someone else’s wants.” Samantha tried to make a point
“I don’t have time to argue with you on the philosophies of life.” I said
“Whatever.” She walked away.
Nico turned to me “I know she can be a pain, but she means well.”
“I know, she just doesn’t want anymore bloodshed and I get it but we’re in a war and I need to be able to count on people.” I said
“How are we going to win? I mean there’s too many for just us.” Nico was losing confidence
“I’m not gonna lie to you, I don’t know either but what I do know is that if we can rally The Mountain Top and The Sanctuary’s people together we’ll have a big enough army. The only real question I have is how we can-” I was cut off
“Cody, we’re surrounded!” Morgan warned
“Shit! Get a weapon and start firing!” I commanded
I started towards the back of the community. “Where are you going?” Nico demanded
“Join Morgan, keep them talking as long as you can!” I ordered
Nico made a beeline to the armory, he grabbed an assault rifle and positioned himself to Morgan’s left. “Shit, the walkers are gone but the damn Followers are here.” Morgan whispered to Nico.
“Where’s Cody?” Asked one of them in the front
“We’ve met your leader, where is he?” Morgan demanded
“He’s attending to other matters, we’re here for Rodriguez. Seeing as how you tossed one of his men over the wall I’d have to assume that you’ve captured him.” He laughed “Can’t say I’m surprised.”
More people joined Nico and Morgan on top of the wall. All their weapons were trained on the people outside of the wall. “Let us in now or we’ll just destroy your walls and we’ll come in anyway.” Another spoke
“The only way you’re getting in here is if you kill every last one of us.” Nico yelled
“I believe that’s the idea.” The Follower smirked “Ram the wall now!” A pair of semi trucks from behind came speeding forward and crashed into the wall, everyone was thrown off the platform and fell to the ground, a few people were ran over by the trucks. Morgan’s vision was blurry, she was hardly able to move but she managed to pick Nico and herself from the ground. David, George, and Katrina. Shot the people driving the trucks but The Followers opened the doors on the trailer and walkers came barreling out. Soon Wellington was filled with walkers and Followers. Morgan retreated behind cover with the others and fired at the Followers, the herd of walkers was so thick that they had a hard time distinguishing what was a walker or what was a Follower. “Why aren’t the walkers attacking them?” Samantha asked
“Their outfits must be covered in blood.” Morgan responded. Morgan heard footsteps from behind her and she turned with her gun close. “Shit, Maria you scared me.” She gasped
Maria didn’t say anything. “Maria, what’s wrong?” Morgan asked
“Goodbye.” She trembled and pulled a piece of glass out of her waistband. She lunged at Morgan, without hesitation Morgan fired her gun and landed a shot in Maria’s chest. “Why Maria!?” Morgan kneeled at her side.
“I didn’t have a choice.” She coughed
“Why didn’t you have a choice?” Morgan questioned her
“I needed to end it.” Maria’s voice was faint
“Damnit, don’t do this!” Morgan began to sob
“Stay strong.” She managed before fading away into Morgan’s arms.
“No. No!” Morgan cried
More walkers made it to their cover. Morgan got out of her position and fired her rifle at the walkers invading. They were screwed, only a few buildings in Wellington could keep them safe but she could also gather everyone and retreat. It was a difficult decision but she only had seconds left before they would be overcome.
[Flee Wellington] or [Take shelter in a building]
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[Flee Wellington]
[Flee Wellington]
Wellington is pretty much overrun. They have only one chance to escape, if they take shelter in a building now, they risk to get trapped.
[Flee Wellington]
This definitely seems like the more safer choice. Wellington is in array right now and not safe at all.
Voting has closed they will Flee Wellington. But is this the safest way?
Phew, the choice I wanted was voted. But Maria, nooooo ;-;
Update: Currently working on the final chapter of Episode 3. I'm halfway through writing and wanted to inform you all that it's going to be as long if not longer than the opening chapter of season 3. Big things are happening and this is a key point in how the rest of season 3 plays out.
Sweet, I can't wait for it
Episode 3: Side by Side Chapter 6: Wellington Falls
Walkers flooded Wellington, the Followers amongst the herd. Morgan scanned the area and was horrified to see people being devoured by the walkers. Paige peered through the window to Morgan. Before Morgan could help the walkers surrounded the building, there was nothing else to do she was going to have to leave them behind. Nico unloaded a clip onto the herd, but not even a dent was made. “Nico get over here!” Morgan yelled.
Nico shouldered his assault rifle and brought out his pistol. “Go! I’m right behind you!” He fired more shots at the walkers. Morgan rushed through to a clearing and found Agobart lying on the ground with a gunshot wound, he was bleeding out.
“Come on Agobart we have to go now!” She urged him
“Mor-Morgan?” He asked. Blood seeped through his lips.
Morgan knelt beside him and held his hand. “You’re going to be okay. We just have to get you to Paige.” Morgan faltered
“I may be a kid but I know what happens next.” Agobart coughed “Please don’t let me turn.”
Morgan closed her eyes and tears formed at the edges. She looks behind her and see that she has no time left. She raises the gun to Agobart and keeps a steady hand. “Please take care of Gwendal.” Agobart cried.
“Goodbye Agobart.” Morgan grimaced and pulled the trigger.
There was no time for tears, Morgan had to leave now. She raced out of the opening and found herself being passed by others that found the opening. Everyone began to split up and go in different directions. Morgan would have called out to them but she didn’t need to bring anymore walkers down on her. Something slammed into the back of Morgan and they tumbled into the snow. Morgan brought out her knife and prepared to fight, but it was only Nico. “Where do we go?!” He asked.
“I have no idea.” Morgan paused “If we can get to my tower we’ll be safe from the walkers.”
“Doesn’t look like that’s gonna be a possibility.” Nico pointed at the tower which was collapsed upon another semi truck.
“Damn, do you have any idea where Cody is?” Morgan asked him
“I caught a glimpse of him running from a large group of walkers. I wanted to help but even if I caught up there’s nothing I could have done.” said Nico
“It’s ok he knows what he’s doing.” Morgan reloaded her rifle.
I got outside of the walls and rushed to the edge of the woods. I brought up my rifle and noticed through the scope the semi trucks from behind the group of Followers. I didn’t know what to make of it at first but then I realized. I quickly scanned the surrounding area and noticed that coming from behind the Followers was a herd of walkers that had to be made up of at least five thousand. “Holy shit.” I thought out loud. I shouldered my rifle and moved through the snow remaining undetected. I finally ended up at the tower, I climbed the ladder and found myself at the top within a minute. I took position by the window and aimed at one of the semi trucks. Before I could think of what to do the other semi trucks rammed into the walls and brought them down. The doors opened up and more walkers appeared, I feared for everyone in Wellington. Another of the semi trucks sped towards the tower, I quickly aimed at the window and began firing. Finally a bullet hit the driver but unfortunately I was too late, the semi truck crashed into the tower. I was thrown around as the tower came toppling down onto the semi truck. A passenger in the truck moved through the debris and was able to open the door. I was sprawled on the ground, my head was pounding. I had to get up but I could hardly walk, the Follower that opened the door was eaten by the walkers after making too much noise. I crawled along the ground trying to escape from the walkers that were surely following me. I clambered over a large portion of the tower and I was able to lift myself. The group of walkers chasing me consisted of thirty, way too many for me to handle alone. I picked up my pace and tried to lead the walkers away from Wellington as best I could no matter how many there were regardless. I saw many people rushing out of the same opening that I went through. It was relieving to see that at least some people made it. But I couldn’t think about that I had to narrow my focus and concentrate on the herd of walkers chasing me. My heart was pounding out of my chest, I wanted to just stop running but even one misstep and I was fucked. I looked to the opening I came from and saw people breaking through and shoving each other aside. They were splitting apart, too panicked to think. Morgan pushed through the opening and someone barreled into her, I was too far away to tell if it was a Follower or someone else. “Damnit!” I yelled out of rage and fear.
I made it another mile before I was about to collapse, usually this kind of running would be nothing but with the snow pulling me down it made it much harder. I knew I couldn’t keep this up much longer. Luckily after all the shouting I did I managed to get more walkers following, usually that would be unlucky for me but all I cared about was making sure everyone else was safe. In the distance I noticed a large RV, if I could get on top of it I would be safe. Out of nowhere a walker lunged at me from behind one of the trees I had passed. It collapsed on top of me and tried to bite my neck. With the herd not too far away I had to take care of this walker. One of my hands was pinned under the walker’s body and the other was being used to keep it from biting me. The herd was now six feet from me I had to act fast. I moved my hand under the walker’s body, still keeping the other on the collar bone, and latched onto it’s arm. I ripped the loose bone from its arm and used it to stab the walker in the head. I threw the body off of myself and rushed from the ground into a sprint towards the RV. I got onto the ladder and hoisted myself up, I sprawled across the roof and finally took a breath. I looked over the side and found that I was completely surrounded by walkers there was no way to escape.
“We need to brace the doors with everything we have!” Paige yelled to Maria, Dan, Cole, and Stacey.
She stopped Gwendals leg from bleeding, he was still unconscious. Paige joined the others and braced the door with the heaviest items she had with her. The windows were another problem without a way to board them up they were vulnerable, if only they could’ve made a break for the opening in time.
“We’re so fucked!” Dan started to panic
“We just have to stay quiet and they may not target this building.” Paige tried to comfort them
Maria remained calm and silent, she stared at the backdoor they hadn’t covered yet. She made a beeline to the door and burst through it. “Maria!” Paige called out and ran after her. Maria turned the corner and met a walker head on, it sunk its teeth into the trapezius muscle in her shoulder. She screamed and kicked it away, it just came back with more force. She countered it and threw the walker into the window next to her. It’s head bust through but it didn’t kill it. She picked up a shard of glass that made its way to the ground and stuck it through the walker’s forehead. She looked down and realized what she had to do to escape her pain.
Paige nearly made it to Maria but was attacked by a couple of walkers. She took out her knife and stuck the blade into the walker’s eye, it dropped but the other had managed to get it’s teeth around her forearm. It chomped down as hard as it could, Paige let out a cry of pain and jammed her knife into it’s head. She looked down at her forearm and sobbed, she retreated back to her clinic. She burst through the door and looked at the others. “You have to amputate my arm.” She tried to speak calmly.
“Holy shit Paige!” Cole nearly yelled
“Quickly use a tourniquet at about the elbow, then just take the hacksaw next to you and start cutting.” Paige managed. “After that you’re gonna have to cauterize the wound.”
“Fuck you’re the doctor, I don’t know if I can handle this!” Stacey grimaced
“Stacey you have to do this it’s the only shot we have, I need you to do this!” Paige urged her
“Oh fuck.” Dan sputtered
“Do it!” Paige commanded
Stacey, Dan, and Cole managed to amputate the arm and cauterize the wound. They had no idea if it worked and stood by with a knife in case it didn’t.
“What happens if she turns?” Dan asked
“Then we stop her.” said Cole
“She’s the only doctor, if we lose her we’re fucked!” Stacey whispered to the others
“We aren’t going to lose her, we can’t.” Cole spoke solemnly
At the Mountain Top the council gathered to discuss their future relations with Wellington and The Sanctuary. Nozomi stood up glowing after a successful delivery, it didn’t matter to her what happened before that led to her pregnancy she loved her baby. “This meeting has been called so that we may discuss what we are to do with the other communities. Do we trade with them? Do we grow with them? Or do we leave them the hell alone?” She spoke
“In my opinion it’s in our best interest to just leave the communities alone.” Dennis spoke “We can make our own food and we don’t need their protection. Besides they have this Follower problem to deal with us interacting with them puts us in the crosshairs.”
“We’re already in the crosshairs, just because we haven’t been attacked yet doesn’t mean that we’re safe.” Beatrice retorted
“They need all the help they can get if they want to deal with this Follower problem, perhaps they can offer us protection in exchange for food and purified water.” Mitch interjected
“Why the hell do we need their protection!?” Kyle interrupted
“Look around! We don’t have shit for protection. If someone wanted to they could just come along and kill everyone in this community!” Mitch fired back
“You’re all being ridiculous!” Susan yelled
“Let’s keep it civil everyone.” Nozomi managed to speak amongst the yelling “We’ll just cut to the chase, everyone in favor of trading with the other communities say I.”
Mitch, Beatrice, and Dennis said I which left Susan and Kyle along with Nozomi. Nozomi had to think for a moment. “Not such an easy decision when supplies is on the line, huh?” Kyle sneered
“Give me a second.” Nozomi thought of every possibility. “I” She finally said
“This is the wrong decision and you’re gonna regret it sooner than later.” Susan stormed off
“Bunch a bullshit.” Kyle left with Susan.
“Are we done for today?” asked Mitch
“Yeah, I guess.” She sighed
After Mitch and Dennis left Beatrice stayed behind to speak with Nozomi. “Are you okay?” She asked
“Yeah, I just need to get some more sleep it’s hard with the baby around.” She sighed
“It’ll be hard there’s no doubt about it but there’s nothing more precious than a child.” She smiled
“I know, I love the kid no matter what. Just wish I could catch a few winks at night.” Nozomi grinned
Nozomi looked out of the window. “It’s beautiful what we have here, I just wish I had someone to share it with.” She spoke lightly.
Beatrice came from behind her and wrapped her arms around her body and hugged her tight, she set her head on her shoulder. Nozomi placed her hands on Beatrice’s arms and accepted she tilted her head towards Beatrice’s and they shared a light kiss. “You do.” Beatrice smiled and kissed her again. A few hours later they lay in Beatrice’s bed together, their clothes thrown around the room. “Do you think the sitter’s doing a good job with Jacob?” Nozomi asked Beatrice and kissed her shoulder.
“I couldn’t tell you, I’ve never had a baby I needed watched.” She smiled
“I guess i’m just worried.” She sighed
Beatrice turned to her and looked her in the eyes. “You’re a mother now, it’s your job to be worried.”
“I guess, what do you really think about the trading system with the other communities?” Nozomi asked her
“It’s a good idea, we have plenty of food and water. If we have to give some of that up and in return we can sleep easy at night it’s worth it to me.” She said
“Sometimes I just wonder if it’s the right thing.” Nozomi questioned herself
“I wondered if this was the right thing.” Beatrice said “Jumping straight into bed with you I mean.”
“Shit in this world you have to make the most of the time you have, so I say why not?” Nozomi smiled
“You used to be so sad before, I’m glad i’m seeing the happy side of you.” Beatrice smiled back
“I guess being with you can do that.” Nozomi smiled and began to kiss Beatrice again.
David, Katrina, and George stuck together after the Followers and walkers invaded. With their experience and expertise they managed to stay alive and well. They got through the opening in the wall a while after Morgan. They looked around and couldn’t find anyone still running away. David looked to the ground and noticed that a couple were trampled in the panic. They had just turned a while before the trio got to them, perhaps their bones were broken, they couldn’t move. David and Katrina put their blades through the foreheads while George stood guard. They shared nods and moved on with no hesitation as the herd wasn’t too far behind. David felt horrible to think it but it was good for him that people in Wellington were making a lot of noise, it made their escape so much easier. They made it into the woods and put their wolf cloaks on, being in Wellington may have been comfortable living for them compared to their cave but they never lost their edge. “Stop.” Katrina told them
“What is it?” David turned back to look at her
“How can we just leave those people?” She asked
“We have to, they’re all dead anyway. A herd that large, they’ll be lucky to make it till nightfall.” said George coldly
“Maybe we can help them, we don’t always have to run away.” Katrina confronted David
“I’m looking out for you two above everyone else.” David got irritated
“By letting everyone else die?” Katrina grew irritated herself
“You can’t save everyone!” David almost lost his temper
“You can try!” Katrina turned around and began marching back “I’m helping them with or without your help.”
“Stop, you can’t go alone!” said George
“Well, looks like I don’t have a choice.” She continued walking
David and George looked at each other and caught up to Katrina. “Now what’s your big plan, walkers are surrounding all of the buildings, even the wall. It’s bad enough we have to deal with walkers but with the Followers in the mix especially with us not being able to distinguish between them it makes it even harder.” David asked
“I guess you’re just gonna have to see what I have in mind.” She grinned
“I can’t follow you into battle not even knowing what I’m going to be doing. This is a huge risk and you know it.” George argued
“I’d rather try to help people trapped there then leave them to die and carry the guilt with me the rest of my life.” Katrina leveled with them
“So this is about you not wanting to feel bad?” George questioned her “I don’t buy it, you’ve never been like this.”
“I guess after all the time we’ve spent at Wellington I’ve grown pretty fond of the people there. I couldn’t live with myself if I abandon them. Yes there’s more but I don’t think it’s what we should be focusing on here.” She said
“Alright, but if any of us gets hurt or killed it’s on you.” David pointed at Katrina. Katrina looked at him and continued on.
They found the destroyed tower and decided to scope out Wellington from there. “There has to be some way we can make a noise big enough to draw those walkers away from the wall. From there we can make our way onto the top of the buildings. We can kill walkers from that position, hell they wouldn’t be able to reach us. Now, to deal with the Followers we’ll just have to dress like them. It shouldn’t be too hard, we’ll just find three of them and take them out.” Katrina planned it out
“Sounds fine, I just wish we had more fine details.” David commented
“Well we already have two outfits here.” Katrina pointed to the driver and passenger of the semi.
“There’s still the matter of a third outfit.” George pointed out
“Well who wants to go first?” David asked
After talking through everything they decided that Katrina and George would be the ones to go. David decided to just use his rifle and take them out from a distance. George and Katrina crept through the herd making sure to not make a sound, before they walked through they smeared walker guts on the outfit. George may not have acted like it but he was terrified of the walkers, the thought of being surrounded and eaten by them gave George nightmares at night. But he couldn’t let that stop him from doing what needed to be done. A few moments later they got through the gate and made their way to the nearest building. They found a ladder on the back side of the building. The only problem is that the walkers would notice them doing that and it wouldn’t end well. They had to take a leap of faith, George went up first and drew some attention, Katrina followed behind. Walkers started to take more notice of them, fortunately they got to the top of the building before the walkers got too riled up. “Well that was fucking terrifying.” George whispered
“You could’ve let David come with me.” Katrina pointed out
“I know, do you think it’s too late to switch jobs?” He joked
“Now that we’re on the top of a building what’s your next move?” George asked. Katrina looked back at him and grinned.
David kept his rifle propped up against a broken support beam. He started to regret staying behind, he feared for Katrina and George. He watched them through the scope and was impressed by their ability to blend in with the walkers. “We’ve made it this far, you don’t get to die not like this.” David thought out loud. He noticed them make it up the ladder and the lump in his throat went away. “Now what?” He thought out loud again
“You die.” said a voice from behind. A hand was placed across David’s mouth and a knife against his throat.
End of Episode 3...
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I'm going to be posting alternative choices soon. In the meantime let me know what you thought of the chapter.
No wonder this part's called 'Wellington Falls'. Paige's bit, Morgan and Nico are alone, Cody's in some deep shit, and David might be dead.
Good thing we didn't vote to stay, even more characters could've died ._.
Holy damn, this was a great part, definitely one of my favourites in the whole story. Cody is in some serious trouble, but it's David I am worried about. I hope he does not die
Damn... definitely one of my favorite parts of the story so far. I can tell how much effort you put into it and why you took a long time to write it. Keep it going TKOW, this is great!
It's only going uphill from here.
Alternative Choices:
[Go after the Followers now]
If they decided to go after the followers immediately Maria wouldn't have been tortured and she would've escaped. But this would've led to Samantha and George dying. Cody would've been been shot in the leg and Nico would've had an injured leg.
[Put Maria out of her misery]
Maria would've thanked Cody and kissed him before he put her out of her misery. Cody would've been too distraught from having to do this to properly fight and lead for a while and Morgan would have been appointed as leader while Cody's grieving.
[Search outside the walls]
Cody and Morgan would have searched outside the walls for a while until they found Gwendal. Walkers would start to come out and surround them, they would have made a sprint to the gate. Gwendal would twist his ankle and Cody would carry him. A walker tries to bit Gwendals leg but Morgan shoots it in the head before it can. They make it safely.
[Imprison Rodriguez]
Cody would have ordered that they be held in one of the buildings. Once the walkers get through and overthrow Wellington they would have busted through the building that Rodriguez and his people were being held and they would be devoured.
[Take shelter in a building]
Morgan would have rushed into the closest building with Nico following her. Before they barricade themselves in they would have seen Paige being attacked by a couple of walkers and before one could bite her Morgan would pull off a shot and Paige would have been saved but more walkers would attack the building they were hiding in. Paige would've stayed in her clinic. Morgan and Nico's defenses wouldn't hold and walkers would be coming towards them. They can make it to the top of the building luckily and they would now be stuck on the roof.
So now I have some questions for you.
1. Who is your favorite character?
2. Which character would you like to see more of?
3. Which character would you like to learn more about?
4. Where do you think the story is going?
First of all, this was a great episode. As I said before, it might be my favourite so far. Especially now that I see the alternative choices, I realize just how much stuff has been happening there. Sadly, it looks like we screwed up with quite a few of these choices. The first one, while it would have caused the deaths of Samantha and George, would have saved Maria, which would have been worth it in my eyes. Putting her out of her misery would have also been worth a try, considering how she commited suicide either way. At least that way she would have had one last moment with Cody. Gwendal's bite could have also been prevented... ah, damn it, I think the only choice where we haven't screwed up completely was the Rodriguez choice, which pretty much ended the same way with both choices. We're going to make it better next episode. I hope so at least
1. Who is your favorite character?
Little has changed from the last time I answered this question. It is still Morgan. She is tough and extremely useful to have around, so she is definitely my favourite character at the moment.
2. Which character would you like to see more of?
The Wolves, for totally not biased reasons. Well, perhaps a tiny bit of bias, but the whole idea of this group is just so cool. I liked that they got some focus in the finale, so it looks good for some more Wolves action
Even though I don't particularly like him (or, not at all, to be honest), I'd also like to see a bit more of Clifford. By all the dislike I have for him, he is not a boring character, so it could be interesting to see what he is up for.
3. Which character would you like to learn more about?
Again, some Wolves backstory. How exactly have they met, how have they formed this badass survivalist group and why exactly have they started to live in a cave together with literal wolves? And since I am already including whole groups in this question, I would also like to learn a bit more about the Followers and how they started to exist as a group.
4. Where do you think the story is going?
Wellington is pretty much overrun and I don't think it can be reclaimed. I can see the survivors seeking shelter at the Mountain Top, to plan their next moves, but the people at the Mountain top should be more than worried that their community will be next. It's clear that they just suffered a grievous defeat, but there seem to be quite a good number of survivors, so I hope they can recover from this, to kick some Follower ass. Now that I think about it... these people are named the Followers. There is some kind of Leader, right? Maybe taking him out will cripple them.
I was planning on having a special episode after season 3 focusing on the Wolves' backstory.
Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 1: Separated
Morgan and Nico had set up a shelter a few miles from Wellington, they were trying to find Cody but their efforts were seeming to be useless. It was night time now and they sat by the fire just trying to stay warm. Nico prodded the fire with a stick and set a few more logs on, they crackled from the heat and made a blast of heat warm their skin. “He can’t be far, we’ll find him.” Nico tried to lift Morgan’s spirits.
“It’s been a couple of days since Wellington fell. He had a herd of walkers on his back, there’s no way he’s alive.” Morgan kept her voice low and couldn’t find any hope.
Nico searched for something to say. “He could’ve gotten to a building or something.” He tried
“Then he’s trapped and unless we can find him soon they’ll break through and get him.” Morgan dropped her head and stared into the fire.
“You can’t think like that, it’ll eat you alive.” Nico tried to help
“That’s something to say.” Morgan sighed
Nico thought about what he said and realized. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even think-”
“It’s fine.” Morgan stopped him
“If we don’t find Cody we should go to The Mountain Top. They’ll take us in.” Nico mentioned
It took us a few days trip to just make it there with a vehicle.” Morgan pointed out
“Well, we can always walk.” Nico grinned
“Trying to walk there with little to no supplies is suicide.” Morgan snapped
“Ok ok but we have to try something.” Nico defended himself
Morgan sighed “You’re right.”
“Something’s wrong why are you acting so down?” Nico asked
“I can’t stop thinking about what happened with Maria. I feel terrible for how I feel.” Morgan admitted
“What does how you feel have to do with Maria dying?” Nico pressed
Morgan paused for a while. “I - I love Cody. I haven’t said anything to anyone about it, I figure it’s better to keep romance out of your life nowadays. Especially with what’s happened to Maria.” Morgan opened herself up to Nico
“We’re in the same boat.” He let out a small laugh
“How so?” Morgan asked
“I’ve kind of had a thing for Paige for a while now.” He laughed
“Is that why you always seemed to need to get a check up on your healed shoulder.” Morgan grinned
“Yeah, pathetic right?” Nico laughed
“Only a little bit.” Morgan laughed with him
Suddenly they heard a branch crack, Morgan and Nico brought their guns up and aimed in the direction. A few seconds of silence followed, after a while they decided to holster their guns and return to the fireplace. “We may have been too loud, keep your gun ready at all times.” Morgan instructed Nico. They spent the rest of the night on edge but it seemed in the morning they worried for nothing. They found a walker with half of its body trying to crawl towards them, Morgan walked to it and put her knife through its head. “Glad I stayed up all night worried about this damn thing.” Nico complained
“Let’s get going.” Morgan snuffed the fire.
Their day consisted of walking and more walking. “Fuck this snow.” Nico huffed
“I couldn’t agree more.” Morgan chuckled
Morgan spotted an RV in the distance, she used the scope on her rifle and got a better look at it. The RV was tipped over and a few walkers were eating something. “There’s an RV ahead, it could have some supplies.” said Morgan
“Fuck it, let’s go!” Nico became cheerful again
Morgan unsheathed her knife and stabbed a walker through the back of the head. Nico used a mini-axe and cut through another’s head. Morgan finished off the last one and looked at the body, she clutched her mouth and began to tear up. “Morgan, what’s wrong?” Nico asked. He looked at the ground and found a torn eyepatch.
“You die.” said a voice from behind. A hand was placed across David’s mouth and a knife against his throat.
“Who are you?” David demanded
“Just a simple man who wants nothing more than for you and everyone at Wellington to suffer.” He chuckled
“You’re the leader of these twisted fucks aren’t you?” David growled
“A position appointed to me by the others. It would be nice if you and everyone at Wellington would make this easier and let us kill you quick, otherwise I can promise that it will be slow and painful.” He grinned and pressed the knife harder against David’s throat.
David started to laugh. “Why are you laughing?” The leader grinned
David continued but more hysterically. “You have no idea who you’re fucking with.”
“Neither do you.” The leader slit David’s throat and threw him to the ground. “Take him away.” He ordered his servant.
Katrina jumped to the next building. “Come on!” She whispered to George
“Dammit fine!” He looked down through the gap of the building and swallowed what felt like a lump in his throat. He used all the strength in his legs and hit the edge of the building, only his arms were holding him up. “AAAGGGHHHH!” He screamed and scrambled to climb up. He drew the walker’s attention.
“George shut the fuck up!” Katrina warned him and grabbed his arms. She wasn’t strong enough to pull him up. She was soon slipping herself and it wouldn’t be long until she fell as well.
“Katrina, let me go.” He said
“No!” She defied him
“There’s no way I’m getting out of this and if you don’t let go of me it’ll be the same for you!” He said. “It’s the only way.” He smiled and released his grip on Katrina.
“No dammit I can’t lose you!” Katrina cried
“Goodbye Katrina.” He closed his eyes and fell into the crowd of walkers. They tore away his skin. “GAHHHHH!” George screamed in pain. A walker chomped his eye and another tore his face apart. They dug into his torso and pulled his guts out, blood painted the snow. George was still conscious until finally Katrina had to put a bullet in his brain. She collapsed on the roof into sobs, she couldn’t help but feel that it was all her fault. “Katrina!” Stacey called out from a rooftop over. Katrina hardened herself and charged at the gap in the buildings, she leaped over it and rolled onto the next rooftop. “Who’s with you?” Katrina asked her
“Cole, Dan, Gwendal, and Paige. Paige has been bitten but we cut it off.” Stacey informed her.
“We need to get out of here.” said Katrina
“I know, but Gwendal is missing a leg and Paige is missing her arm.” said Stacey
“Shit! At least the walkers are distracted.” Katrina grimaced at the thought of George. There was a chance that they could make it out of Wellington but they had to go now. “Get everyone on the roof, now!” She commanded. Stacey got everyone onto the roof, somehow, even Paige and Gwendal. “Everyone’s here.” Stacey said
“Alright let’s get the fuck out of here!” Katrina rushed to the edge of the building and hopped down. She helped the others get down and needed to find a walker. She spotted one that was stumbling past them, she stuck her blade through the back of its head and drug it closer to them. “We’re gonna use the walker’s guts to conceal us.” She said cut through the torso of the walker and brought out some of the guts. She smothered the others and finally herself.
“I don’t know about this.” said Dan
They marched slowly through the crowds and kept the opening in sight. A person dressed in the same outfit as Katrina turned at the corner and came face to face with the group. They had walkers all around and any sudden movements or noise could bring them down on them. Katrina walked as close as she could to the person and stuck her blade in their neck before they could even get their weapon. The group finally got to the opening and they rushed away from Wellington. Katrina led them to where David used to be. “Wait, where is he?” Katrina began to panic.
“Where’s who?” asked Cole
“David, he was supposed to be here!” said Katrina
Nozomi found herself spending a lot of time with Beatrice, what started off as a spur of the moment thing had turned into a relationship. After all of the horrible things that happened within the course of a year and a half it was nice to have a moment with someone else. Beatrice was supposed to come to her room in just a bit. Jacob began to cry which sprung Nozomi from her bed and to him. She coddled him in her arms and smiled. There was a knock at her door, she held onto Jacob in one arm and opened the door with the other. It was Leonidas. Nozomi’s happiness had been turned into anger. “What do you want?” She demanded
“How’s everything going?” He asked
“Just fucking dandy.” Nozomi replied sarcastically
“I don’t see why you’re being so hostile, i’m just trying to show some neighborly friendship.” Leonidas gave her a crooked smile
“Take your neighborly friendship and shove it up your ass.” She snarled
“What did I ever do to you?” He asked
“Well you’ve been a grade A scumbag.” She said
“Everything was going fine until Cody showed up with his fucking group! All of you were happy until then. What changed?” He stammered
“He exposed just how much of a coward you were.” Nozomi was getting tired of him already
“Ha, me a coward? The one who is a coward is the one who just fell in line to whatever Cody demanded. I’m the only one that kept this place going, it’s going to fall apart without my leadership. You think you and your little group of dimwits can ever replace me?” He laughed
“Just shut the fuck up already!” Nozomi slammed the door in his face. Jacob began to cry.
“Shh shh it’s ok sweetie.” Nozomi began to rock Jacob back to sleep. After about ten minutes there was more knocking this time it was frantic. Nozomi answered the door. “What?” It was Beatrice.
“Get your stuff on and get to the gate now!” She took Jacob in her arms.
“What’s going on?” Nozomi demanded while she tied her boots and zipped her coat.
“There are people outside, we think they’re from Wellington. April’s with them!” Beatrice smiled
“You’re kidding!?” Nozomi smiled. “After Rodriguez left with her I thought she’d never come back!”
“Come on, we have to go!” They rushed out of the room.
“We can’t let these people in!” Kyle yelled
“They’re just looking for a place to stay!” Mitch fought back
“If we let these people in they could lead The Followers here and then we’ll be completely fucked!” Dennis pushed Mitch
“Don’t you put your fuckin hands on me!” Mitch pushed him back
“Hey hey hey!” Nozomi and Beatrice got in the middle. “What’s the big fucking deal?” She demanded
“They’re saying we should keep them out!” Mitch informed Nozomi
“What?” Nozomi looked at Dennis and Kyle
“This is a council discussion not a fucking dictatorship! Or is that something you and your lover forgot?” Dennis taunted them
“We haven’t forgotten shit, but maybe you’ve forgotten that you can’t go around starting fights. It’ll get you nowhere.” Nozomi defended Beatrice and herself.
“What’s all the ruckus about?” asked Leonidas
“Apparently we should let any random person that strolls up to the gate in.” said Kyle
“Well that’s quite dangerous.” Leonidas smiled and turned to Nozomi.
Nozomi glared at Leonidas. “What? It’s true if you let anyone inside of these walls then you’re eventually gonna let someone dangerous inside.” Leonidas snickered
“We know these people, they were with Cody!” Nozomi challenged Leonidas.
“Oh yeah your friend Cody! If I remember correctly he was the one who attacked me and gave me this.” He showed everyone his scar. “He was a maniac and i’m willing to bet that he would have killed all of us given enough time.”
“What kind of bullshit is that!” said Nozomi “Cody stopped someone from hurting or maybe even killing their wife, sounds like some maniac doesn’t he?” Nozomi was becoming infuriated with Leonidas.
“He could’ve talked to him instead of just attacking him. He’s dangerous and so are his people!” Leonidas was getting people riled up. It was clear that he still had some supporters. “Had it not been for our spectacular doctor I could’ve died!” He was trying to appeal to the people.
“It doesn’t matter what you think of him, we can’t leave these people out there!” said Nozomi
“AGGHHH!” A scream came from the other side of the gate. “Please let us in!”
Nozomi rushed to the gate. “No goddammit don’t you open that fucking gate!” Kyle pulled a gun from its holster and fired a few shots at Nozomi, luckily his aim was horrible. Beatrice pulled her gun on Kyle and kept it aimed at his head. “Drop the fucking gun!” She yelled. Dennis pointed his gun at Beatrice, Beatrice wouldn’t move her aim from Kyle’s head.
“Stop!” Nozomi commanded
Beatrice looked towards Nozomi and lowered her gun. “Now lower your guns!” Nozomi yelled at Kyle and Dennis. Luckily they did and Nozomi finally opened the gate. The people on the other side rushed into The Mountain Top, Nozomi closed the gate behind them. “What the fuck was that!” someone from the crowd yelled.
“What was what?” Nozomi was confused.
“Didn’t you hear what Leonidas was saying! They could’ve been bad people!” He replied
Nozomi shook her head and looked at Beatrice and then at Leonidas. Leonidas smiled.
Morgan and Nico slept for most of the next day inside of the abandoned RV. Morgan couldn’t believe what she saw the day before but if she needed to reassure herself she could just look at the ground and see blood stained snow with Cody’s eyepatch. She pressed bullets into the clip and stared at nothing in particular. Nico sat up and wiped his eyes. “What are you doing?” He asked
“Just loading up a clip.” She replied
“Are you gonna be okay?” He asked
That was a question Morgan needed to know herself instead she just answered. “Yeah I guess.”
“I think we should search for the area to see if there’s any sign of Cody. You know just as well as I do that he could be alive.” said Nico
“He was surrounded, the RV is tipped over and his eyepatch is torn up and left behind.” Morgan didn’t want to lose hope but this situation was looking to bleak.
“You told me before we even had this whole Follower situation that Cody’s lasted through some pretty dangerous shit, he’s alive I know it.” Nico implored
“We need to get to The Mountain Top.” Morgan tried
“We aren’t going to leave him behind if he’s still alive. Until I see a body, Cody’s alive!” said Nico
Morgan considered what he was saying. They couldn’t stay long but Morgan needed to find Cody for her own sake as well as his.
[Search for Cody] or [Leave for The Mountain Top]
enter link description here
Oh boy, this is a tough decision. I think I'm gonna go over the pros and cons of both for awhile...
After much back and forth, we have to [Find Cody]. I'm just hoping it won't end badly for either of em... ;-;
Damn it David... He went out like a badass, that's for sure.
Anyway, for this choice, I think they should [Search for Cody] It is a hard choice, but I agree with Nico. No way Cody is dead. Morgan and Nico should look for him. I just hope this won't cause their deaths.
Morgan will Search for Cody. But will it be worth it?
Preview for Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 2: Surrounded
I took the clip out of my assault rifle and noticed I only had ten bullets left. I sighed and pressed it back.
The hours drug on forever and the walkers had no intention of letting up their assault on the RV to get to me. It was now nighttime and there was still no opening for me to make a run for it.
She landed on several walkers who also bit into her.
“Join them.” The figure who was now revealed to be a woman whispered.
a large amount had begun pressing on the side of the RV. I noticed when I climbed on top that the other side seemed unstable. The RV tipped over and I fell off.
This had reminded me of the day I came home and had to warm up only it was a much better situation I was in.
I sat in front of it with a blanket around my shoulders and hot chocolate in my hands. My dad sat by my side and comforted me.
Her wails grew louder from the pain she would soon be dead.
I hope you're excited. I'm planning on getting the chapter out in the next few days.
Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 2: Surrounded
The walkers were banging on the RV ,there was no way out. They were hitting the RV with a lot of force if they were to one side they would surely knock it over. I needed something or someone to come along so I could make it out of here and help everyone else at Wellington. I took the clip out of my assault rifle and noticed I only had ten bullets left. I sighed and pressed it back. I noticed the small opening in the top of the RV, unfortunately I was too big to fit through it. I checked my bag for supplies. I pulled out a water bottle that was three quarters filled, some canned food, a lighter, and some stray bullets. I thought about my odds of making it out of this and knew that it was a slim chance I would escape. What hurt more was thinking that Maria was still in Wellington probably trying to fend off the walkers. I shook these thoughts from my mind and tried to examine the area for anything that could help but my field of view was limited to trees and a sea of walkers. The hours drug on forever and the walkers had no intention of letting up their assault on the RV to get to me. It was now nighttime and there was still no opening for me to make a run for it. I passed out from exhaustion in the later hours of the night. I awoke when I heard the ladder creaking, I grabbed my machete and kept it close to my chest. A head rose up I could see the mask made out of a walker’s face almost hidden by the hood of the cloak. My heart was beating like a drum in my heart and my breathing was shallow. The figure approached me and brought out a dagger, they kneeled over me and held the dagger in his or her right hand. The figure prepared to stab me in the chest, suddenly the dagger was brought down. I caught it and held as tight as I could and I brought my machete to my side to get a good momentum for a swing. The figure noticed and caught my arm whilst pressing even harder with the other hand. We struggled, I gritted my teeth and let out a groan. “Join them.” The figure who was now revealed to be a woman whispered.
The tip of the blade pressed into my chest and blood started to seep through my clothes. The Follower put all of her weight into it and disregarded my machete for a second. I let the blade sink in deeper so I could catch her in the thigh with the end of my machete. She grunted in pain and rolled off me, she was inches from the edge. I pursued her and tried to throw her into the walkers. Her dagger had slid off into the crowd. Had I been able to get a better grip she wouldn’t have shaken my hold and gotten me onto my back. My head was hanging off of the side, the walkers reached and only managed to get the beanie that slipped off. The Follower had her hands wrapped around my throat and gripped as hard as she could. She kept one hand on my throat and transitioned the other to my face. She pushed on my forehead to try and get my head closer to the arms. Her thumb was close to my mouth I opened my jaw and caught her thumb in my teeth. I clenched as hard as I could and soon took her thumb off. She wailed from the pain, blood covered my face. Her hand slipped over my eyepatch and it fell to the ground. Her torso landed on mine and her jugular vein was exposed. I sunk my teeth into the vein and bit down pulling the skin and artery away. Her wails grew louder from the pain she would soon be dead. I grabbed her by the sides and managed to throw her over me. She landed on several walkers who also bit into her. The others followed, I found my opening. I only had a matter of seconds until there wouldn’t be another chance to escape. The screams from The Follower attracted the walkers from the other side and a large amount had begun pressing on the side of the RV. I noticed when I climbed on top that the other side seemed unstable. The RV tipped over and I fell off luckily it was a less dense spot. I only needed to push through a few at that point. I slashed through a few of the walkers and made an opening. I made a beeline through, three fourths of the walkers had started to follow me, the others were distracted with their recent meal. I kept running straight my visibility was already limited by the darkness let alone the trees. After about five minutes of running I ended up on the opposite end of a lake, I wasn’t able to see an end in any direction but the exact opposite side. I could have run to try and get around the lake but walkers were coming in those directions and I would be killed if I ran in any direction but forward. The lake was frozen over which was nice but I had no idea how thick the ice was. I wanted to debate the pros and cons of crossing on the ice but there was no time left. I shuffled on the ice as quick as I could without cracking any of the ice. I needed to put some distance from the walkers. Some of the walkers started to cross while the others broke through the ice. Once I was far enough from them I slowed down, I was now in the middle of the lake. While some of the walkers had fallen through others still made it. I slid my foot forward a few inches and the ice broke underneath, my leg was submerged in the water. I took my bag off my back and slid it forward along with the assault rifle to try and get some weight off of myself. I just kept sliding down I tried to keep myself up but the ice was too slick. Walkers were inching their way towards me and in a matter of a few seconds they would be on top of me. A walker nearly reached me but fell through the ice right behind me. Suddenly I fell into the water along with it, I took a deep breath before I completely submerged. I looked at my feet and a walker was descending below me. It managed to grab my ankle and drag me down, I wanted to panic but I needed to conserve my oxygen. I kicked down on the forearms and snapped the bones on each arm. I tried to swim up to the opening and I noticed that a group of walkers fell into the same hole the last walker made. I clutched the ice with all of my might and pulled myself up as best I could. I pulled myself out of the freezing water, my body was numb, I needed to get warmer soon. I got to the supplies I pushed forward and continued to slide them along the ice. This method helped get me to the other side of the lake. It felt great to be on land again I looked back and noticed how most of the walkers were sinking down into the depths of the lake. I pressed forward. After about ten minutes of aimless wandering I stumbled upon a log cabin. I opened the door with hesitation. I checked each room before settling down. I dragged a couple of blankets into the living room from the bedroom. I found a stove with log stacked near it, I grabbed some kindling to set in the stove and started a fire. I put a couple of logs on the flames. I stripped all of the wet clothes from my body and tossed them aside. I got as close as I could and wrapped the blankets around my naked body. The flames heated the room and eventually I wasn’t as numb. This had reminded me of the day I came home and had to warm up only it was a much better situation I was in. I was eight years old, I played outside too long in the snow and I came back inside freezing. My parents got a fire going, I sat in front of it with a blanket around my shoulders and hot chocolate in my hands. My dad sat by my side and comforted me. This was the last memory I had of my dad. That next day he was driving home from work and got into a car accident. The roads were encased in ice and he fishtailed into an oncoming vehicle. I layed down on the floor and tried to refrain myself from thinking more about what happened to him. I eventually fell into a deep sleep, I dreamed of life before the apocalypse it was perhaps the only relief i’ve had in a long time.
“My children it is the time to finally reclaim this world from the blind leaders and their subjects. This world belongs to our fallen if they do not accept our truths then they must join them. We will march on The Mountain Top and The Sanctuary, we will burn their walls and from the ashes of their world we will expand ours!” The leader of the Followers bellowed. All one thousand of them cheered and lifted their guns to the air. They came out of the stadium in rows marching to The Mountain Top.
Morgan had followed the foot trail in the snow. Something must have drawn them this way but what would have caused the entire herd to follow? Nico was tired but he pressed on with hope being his only motivation. They finally found themselves at the edge of a lake, with large chunks missing from the ice. The holes seemed to form a line so whatever was drawing them away crossed the lake. Morgan brought her rifle into her arms and peered through the scope just past the lake was a cabin, if all else failed they could rest there. “We’re gonna have to go around the river, I can’t see the ends. We may be walking more than anticipated.” Morgan shrugged.
“I wonder if Paige is okay?” Nico spoke silently and adjusted the straps on his bag.
“I’m sure she’s fine, she’s tough. If everything works out we can clear the walkers out of Wellington.” Morgan grinned with optimism
“I’m not sure there’s gonna BE a Wellington if we don’t hurry.” Nico lowered his head and walked past Morgan.
It’s hard to think that Nico and all the other people at Wellington haven’t faced anything like this before. Morgan wished they wouldn’t have had to adjust to the world as fast as it wanted them to adjust. Morgan was empathizing with the people even Samantha, who she always thought was a bit of a bitch. They faced a few walkers along the trip along the lake but in comparison to what they’ve been through just recently a few walkers were child’s play. After an hour of walking they finally made it to the cabin, Morgan was ready to put her feet up and eat something at this point it could be anything as long as it was edible. They clambered up the steps and came to the front of the door. “Finally.” Nico grinned.
I woke the next day and nothing had changed, only that I wasn’t freezing. Fortunately the fire had warmed my chilled body and I could feel my limbs. My clothes were still pretty wet so I decided to just wrap the blanket around my body. I searched through cabinets in the kitchen and found some cups, I took out the largest. I opened the pantry and found packets for hot chocolate, could this place get any better? At the bottom I found a gallon jug of water that seemed untouched. I poured the clear water into the mug and placed it on top of the stove. I got another fire started and let the mixture heat up, it seemed like today was going to be peaceful. I took the cup in my hands and embraced the warmth. I brought the edge to my lips and let it pour into my mouth, some of it leaked from the side and ran into my beard. I took the cup with me to the window, it was bright outside which blinded me for a few seconds. All of the problems on the outside seemed to disappear it was almost too calm. Being that I hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep in the past few days I decided to try and make up for it now. The cabin was finally warmed up from the fire and I was able to transition from room to room without going into shock. I layed on the bed and all of my muscles started to release the tension and the bones in my back popped in rhythm. It was one of the best feelings I’d experienced in a while. It didn’t take much for me to fall asleep only a few minutes on that wonderful bed. I woke up to the sound of boots moving along the porch. The Followers! I rewrapped the blanket around my body and grabbed my assault rifle, hiding around the corner. The door creaked open but no voices only steps forward. I turned the corner and aimed the gun at the heads of the figures. “Put your fucking hands up!” I shouted before realizing that it was Morgan and Nico. Happiness. Happiness is the only word to describe how I felt in that moment. I dropped the assault rifle to the floor and walked forward to them. I threw my arms over Morgan and rested my head on her shoulder. “You’re alive!” My voice tremored.
“So are you.” Morgan smiled and teared up.
“What about everyone else? What about Maria?” I questioned her
Morgan knew that when the time came she had to tell him. “She’s dead. I killed her.” She hated the words.
“You what!?” I said
“She used me to die. She leaped at me with a knife, instinct took over I-” She tried
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” I became furious.
“Cody we were being attacked, I was on edge, she knew I would react like that.” Morgan tried to explain.
“She’s dead because of you, it’s all your fault!” Emotion took over I didn’t mean what I was saying.
“Back off Cody!” Nico warned me. “Maria used Morgan to kill herself, she wasn’t stable after how much she was tortured.”
I was finally able to overcome my emotions. “Morgan, i’m so sorry.” I looked at her
“It’s ok.” She took me in her arms.
I just couldn’t believe that Maria was dead. I felt horrible but all I could think about was Cyndia and how if I didn’t talk to Maria that night Cyndia would still be alive. It seemed that everytime someone would get close to me they would die. Am I just cursed?
“We need to get to The Mountain Top as fast as we can, we can formulate a plan and kick these bastards right in the teeth.” said Nico
“Nico’s right, the sooner we get there the better.” Morgan agreed.
“Lead the way.” I said.
After gathering my gear we made our way to The Mountain Top. It was going to take a few days for us to get there but if The Followers were stuck on foot as well then we should be able to get there before them. Things were still a little tense between Morgan and I. I couldn’t stay mad at her for something she couldn’t control. On the second night of our trip we stopped in what seemed to be an old bakery. It was cozy and warmer than outside so it was perfect to us. We made our beds and tried to get some sleep. Surprisingly we weren’t ambushed in the night. We were just able to wake up and continue on. That day was long and cold it seemed longer than the previous two days. The sun had finally set and The Mountain Top was only a couple miles away. “Finally.” Nico heaved
“We’re not there yet but yeah, finally.” Morgan smiled
“Something’s wrong.” I said after peering through my binoculars.
“What do you mean?” Morgan asked
“There’s usually guards posted on the opposing ends of the walls, no one’s there.” I said
“Maybe they’re on break?” Nico commented
“If they were to go on a break there would be someone taking their place.” I informed him
“Well what should we do? Climb a tree and get a look inside that way? You could just be paranoid a lot has happened and I wouldn’t blame you for it but what do we have to fear?” Nico shrugged it off
[Look inside The Mountain Top] or [Approach the gate]
enter link description here
Yeah...stealth is required here.
[Look inside The Mountain Top]
[Look inside The Mountain Top]
It certainly can't hurt to be a bit stealthy. In the best case, this is unnecessary and everything turns out to be fine for the moment. However, considering what the Follower leader said and that we last saw the Followers marching against the Mountain Top, I highly doubt it and I think scouting for potential danger is absolutely required. The only thing I am curious about is, if a thousand men marched to war against a community, wouldn't there be more signs of it? Like fire, smoke, corpses, maybe battle noises. Something is not right here and I am afraid for the Mountain Top people.
[Look inside The Mountain Top]
[Look inside The Mountain Top]
This is a case where we do NOT want to rush things and go right through with it. Be patient and quiet.
Voting has closed, they will look inside The Mountain Top. I'm really excited for this next part to be finished, I think you'll all enjoy it as much as i have enjoyed writing it! Also I'm going to release the rest of the chapter names for this episode and this may continue in the future.
Chapter 3: The Ashes of Our World
Chapter 4: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide
Chapter 5: Moments of Peace
Chapter 6: Betrayal
Any thoughts? Comment below and get ready for another chapter!
This does not bode well.
I guess the Mountain Top is overrun, from the way this chapter title sounds. The thought is kinda terrifying. I mean, the Followers have always been scary, but since neither Cody, nor Morgan or Nico have heard any battle noises, the implications make me genuinely afraid of these guys. If they are able to take down a community like the Mountain Top silently, they are even more dangerous than I previously thought. And now I am scared for the Wellington Survivors.
I don't like the sound of this, I really don't. I wonder, who could betray whom? Someone betraying Cody sounds likely, but I wonder who it could be. Morgan certainly won't betray him and I think Nico is trustworthy as well. The rest... I don't know. I think Paige can be trusted and I surely hope Katrina won't betray him either, but someone has to, right? This made me think, what if no one betrays Cody? What if one of the Followers betrays the Follower Leader, giving Cody and his people a chance to fight back. That would be nice, considering how immensely powerful the Followers seem to be at the moment. Anyway, I am excited for this chapter!
Someone betraying the Followers leader would be the good outcome of this episode. What I mean by this is that based on the choices in this episode there will either be a good or bad ending to the episode. This is probably the most impactful episode when it comes to the Followers storyline. All I can say about the bad ending, loss.
Bode well this does not.
Update: Internet went out for three days. This has been a major setback in when I was planning on releasing the next chapter I'm hoping to get it finished and posted on Friday or Saturday
Preview for Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 3: The Ashes of Our World
Now that I was inside the community I needed to find Nozomi and find out what happened.
I decided it might be best to search for her in her room, I turned the corner into the hallways. I brought out my pistol and cleared any rooms I passed. Finally I got to her door and propped myself against the doorway. I turned and kept my gun raised
“Those fucking monsters…” Tears streamed down my face.
"There’s no fucking way I’m letting them get away!” I growled and ran back outside.
My heart was pounding in my chest, I grit my teeth and put my pistol on the dash. After a few miles I had the APC in my sights.
“Dammit!” I slammed my fist on the dash and reloaded. I had eight shots left, they needed to count.
When it’s done, when your world is ashes… Then I will allow you to die. But in the meantime you will wish I’d killed you now, I will make you watch all of it.
The new chapter is going to be released in a couple of days. I hope you're ready!
I'm not ready
But at the same time, I am so excited! It looks like there is a lot of stuff happening in this chapter and I'm still afraid for the remaining Wellington survivors and the Hilltop people.
Episode 4: Together We Stand Chapter 3: The Ashes of Our World
I disregarded what Nico had told me and scaled the tree closest to The Mountain Top. I held tightly onto the branches and heaved myself branch by branch. Eventually I found myself at the top looking over the wall to The Mountain Top. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped, there were bodies everywhere. The tree was just close enough that I could leap onto the scaffolding by the wall.
“Cody, what are you doing!?” Morgan called out to me. There was no time to talk.
Now that I was inside the community I needed to find Nozomi and find out what happened. I rushed through the bodies trying to find her. None of these people were shot all of their throats were sliced open, the thought of The Followers able to seize a community with just knives was haunting. I decided it might be best to search for her in her room, I turned the corner into the hallways. I brought out my pistol and cleared any rooms I passed. Finally I got to her door and propped myself against the doorway. I turned and kept my gun raised I found Nozomi sitting by her bed with her son in her arms. She was weeping and distraught I paced forward and was equally distraught when I looked at her son. “The-they killed him.” Nozomi managed to say through her sobs.
“Those fucking monsters…” Tears streamed down my face.
“They took Beatrice and the rest of the council. They loaded them into an APC just a few minutes before you got here.” She said
“Nozomi are you going to be okay?” I asked her
“I just need time.” She closed her eyes and tilted her head back down to her baby.
“Stay safe, Morgan and Nico should be in here in no time. There’s no fucking way I’m letting them get away!” I growled and ran back outside.
I rushed to the gate and found a vehicle. “Cody where are you going?” Morgan asked before I drove away.
“The Followers kidnapped the council members, I’m going after them. Stay here and attend to the injured!” I told them and slammed my foot on the pedal. My heart was pounding in my chest, I grit my teeth and put my pistol on the dash. After a few miles I had the APC in my sights. I took the pistol in my hands and kept it pointed at the APC ahead. I fired several shots at the tires and each one failed. “Dammit!” I slammed my fist on the dash and reloaded. I had eight shots left, they needed to count. After five more shots the tire finally popped and the vehicle went out of control. It swerved off the road and crashed into a tree. I slammed on the breaks and grabbed my P416 assault rifle. I looked through the window and found the driver and passenger dead. I got to the back and opened up the doors. “Surprise.” The leader of The Followers said. The rest of the APC was empty, it was a trap. He held a gun in his hand and used it to hit me in the head before I could react. I fell to the ground. More of The Followers came out of the woods and dragged me into another one of the vehicles. I woke up in a dark room, I heard noises coming from the hallway but it felt like someone was in the room with me. I was right.
“You know it’s funny. I was sure that you would have put Maria out of her misery. But I guess you’re full of surprises. It was pretty difficult arranging this honestly, you’re a difficult man to reach.” He said
“I’m going to kill you.” I promised him
“You will try.” He stood up and paced around me. “But you will fail, every time. I promise you. Do you understand the depth of your failure? When it’s done, when your world is ashes… Then I will allow you to die. But in the meantime you will wish I’d killed you now, I will make you watch all of it. I’m going to kill Nico, Katrina, Paige, Samantha, Gwendal, Nozomi, and Morgan. I really appreciated how quickly Maria was to give up your communities layout and all of your names. Though I guess anyone would turn quickly with fish hooks in their back.” The Leader laughed.
“Fuck you.” I growled
“Is that anyway to speak to your host? I mean bringing all of you together was quite difficult I must say, why don’t you appreciate that?” He asked
“Huh?” I looked around and Nozomi was right, he did kidnap the other council members. They had duct tape covering their mouths and bandanas covering their eyes.
“Sir, the Fallen have been returned to the trucks. Shall we prepare for our next attack on The Sanctuary?” A Follower asked
“Yes, prepare the others we march at dawn.” He looked back to me. “It’s time you’ve learned what it means to be helpless. Helpless to save innocent lives and helpless to even save yourself.”
He walked out of the room and locked the door on his way out. I looked for anyway to escape but nothing caught my eye, the rooms was picked clean of anything that could be used to cut the bindings or crawl through a vent. I could feel blood dried on the side of my cheek most likely from being struck in the temple with the butt of the gun. The only source of light were small candles in the corner, I could hardly see anything at my feet. I struggled to try and stand up I heaved myself upwards but I wasn’t able to get on my feet. I groaned from the pain in my head, my vision was blurry. I shifted my hands in the binds and loosened them a little bit. The council members were moaning in pain, their skin on their wrists was torn off from the bindings and blood filled their hands. They looked beaten and interrogated, this is probably what he did to Maria. I shuddered at the thought, I brought the bindings to my mouth and began to chew as hard as I could. SNAP! I had at least chewed through one of the knots. I heard the door start to creak open, I got back to my original position and awaited whatever came next.
“We're finally going to move on to The Sanctuary.” The Leader smiled at me
“What?” I was shocked
“I'm going to destroy The Sanctuary, I'll be back in a few days. Don't get too comfortable” He grinned
They piled the bodies back at The Mountain Top and began to burn them. It would’ve been more respectful to bury them but they didn’t have the time. Morgan was agitated with Cody for going after The Follower’s alone, she should’ve been there with him. Sweat beaded down Morgan’s forehead, it was cold but the work was laborious. She wiped the sweat from her brow and began the fire. Samantha had approached Morgan with a timid expression covering her face. “What do you need?” She asked
“I was just coming over to talk to you about what happened.” Samantha nervously paced around the fire.
“Wellington was destroyed, not much more to it.” Morgan looked back at her.
Samantha lowered her head. “Do you think everyone made it out?”
Morgan felt a sympathy for Samantha she hadn’t felt before. “No, but it is what it is. We have to move on and try to keep going for them.”
“It’s just hard. After everything that’s happened, I want to learn marksman skills from you.” She said
“If things were different and we could afford to spend some more time training I would be glad to, but with The Follower’s destroying the communities and slaughtering our people, now would be a bad time. If we both make it out of this alive, I’ll gladly help you.” Morgan smiled
Samantha smiled back. “I appreciate that.”
“OPEN THE GATE!” A scream was heard from the other side of the wall.
Morgan swung her head towards the sound and rushed to the scaffolding by the gate, Samantha trailed behind her. Morgan scaled the ladder and raised her rifle towards the group outside. It was only Katrina, and she had others! Morgan jumped from scaffolding and landed on the cold ground. Samantha joined Morgan and opened the gate. Katrina held Paige and Cole held Gwendal. Dan and Stacey carried all of the supplies on their backs. Katrina fell down to her knees along with Paige once the gate was closed. “Holy shit!” said Morgan
“You would not believe what it took to get out of there.” said Katrina
“I have an idea.” Morgan empathized “What the fuck happened to Paige’s arm!?”
“She was bit, we had to take her arm off before it killed her.” said Dan
“She’s lucky to be alive after all the blood she’s lost.” said Katrina
“Get her rested, hopefully she’ll be okay.” Samantha chimed in
“She’ll be fine, she has to be.” Morgan replied
Morgan looked to Gwendal and had a sinking feeling in her heart. He looked horrible, she thought of her brother. It still haunted her that she had to put him out of his misery. She trailed behind the group and looked back hoping Cody would be at the gate.
Days had went by, I could feel myself dying. That would be mercy, a mercy I wouldn’t get. My face was bruised and bloodier than before. I couldn’t die here, not like this. Each second seemed like an hour, I had no idea what the Leader was doing to the communities but it was all I could think about. The council members were killed a day earlier, they must not’ve seen a use in keeping them alive. It was a terrible thought but with them gone I would have an easier time trying to escape without having to worry about other people. All but two of the bindings were off of my wrists, it was now or never. I chewed as quickly as I could and finished off one of them. I pulled away as hard as I could and the last binding snapped. I was free. A guard would come to check on me soon that was my chance, but I didn’t have a weapon. I needed to be careful. A few minutes passed by and I could hear the door creak open, I could see the barrel of a gun first. I sprang at the weapon and knocked it to the ground, I got my hands around the guard’s throat and squeezed as hard as I could. He was eventually unconscious, I threw him to the side. I grabbed the pistol he dropped and found myself in the stadium. There was only ten people guarding the stadium, this was very odd. I slipped past them and made my way outside.
It was cold and dark, they stripped me of everything I had but the clothes on my back. I needed to find a vehicle. I checked on the right side of the building and found some of the APC’s they used to capture the council members. I climbed into it and started the engine, I needed to get away quick before they noticed. I was about to drive away but more vehicles appeared in the distance. I peeled out and was able to escape before they noticed I escaped. More days had passed until I found myself back at The Mountain Top, I was exhausted. Morgan was the one to notice my arrival and she hurriedly opened the gate. “What the fuck happened!?” She threw herself into my arms.
“I was captured, the whole thing was a trap.” I told her
“We were able to clean up most of the place but.. Nozomi hasn’t come out of her room since…” She tried
“It’s okay.” I said
I noticed how everyone from both Wellington and The Mountain Top were gathered together. All together we had about five hundred people all in one place.
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