I consider myself more of a social democrat. Nothing good ever comes with extremist leaders, so there has to be a good mix. I live in Canada but I definitely support Sanders and what he stands for. America could use a man like him.
As an American, your Port Arthur crackdown surprises me because it seems like Australia had a pretty strong gun culture.
Whatever gun culture we may have had in the past, is now a mere cinder. Clinging onto the rocks, using whatever energy it can muster to stay ablaze, above the waves that threaten to extinguish it forever.
Sorry for the dramatization , but yeah, people can still enjoy guns here, just under very strict laws compared to America.
As an American, your Port Arthur crackdown surprises me because it seems like Australia had a pretty strong gun culture.
Whatever gu… moren culture we may have had in the past, is now a mere cinder. Clinging onto the rocks, using whatever energy it can muster to stay ablaze, above the waves that threaten to extinguish it forever.
Sorry for the dramatization , but yeah, people can still enjoy guns here, just under very strict laws compared to America.
Animal testing is done for good reason. Say you were testing a cure for a horrible disease. Your drug is unproven, and you're worried it might cause side effects. Sure, you can ask for volunteers, but at this stage you know very little about what it can do. Heck, it could turn out to be a poison. Would you want to risk giving it to another person? So you then need to test on animals. Only once it's been shown safe for animals, then you can start human trials. In that way, risks to other people can be reduced, and you get to develop a potentially life-saving drug.
And it's not like scientists are cruel, heartless monsters to their research animals. Test subject ethics are emphasised strongly in science, and researchers try to reduces suffering as much as possible for their test subjects.
* Life is Strange is overrated
* Emily is my favorite character from Until Dawn
* I hate mango
* Game of Thrones show is boring
* Emili… morea Clarke is overrated
* Storyline in Borderlands 1 is awesome
* I don't hate Pewdiepie
* I'm excited for 'Minecraft Story Mode'
* Brussel sprouts are delicious
* Sciencist should do tests on criminals, not on animals
* I love rains
* I hate sun
* I'm not scared of darkness
* I don't want The wolf among us season 2
* Abortion should be legal
* I still like Handsome Jack more than any other character in Borderlands universe
* I like books more than movies
* New Pottermore is horrible
* I like all vegetables
* Fast food's are gross
Both. Most clubs are really nasty. And half of the girls are underage .
Then introduce better regulations. Banning stuff like this never works out well coughwar on drugscough
And for whether it's degrading, who are you and I to say to others what is degrading or not? Throughout history people have had different ideas over what's degrading. I'm pretty sure many of the things you and I do would be considered degrading or morally wrong by at least some others. So I think people should be free to do what they want, as long as they're not hurting others.
Animal testing is done for good reason. Say you were testing a cure for a horrible disease. Your drug is unproven, and you're worried it mig… moreht cause side effects. Sure, you can ask for volunteers, but at this stage you know very little about what it can do. Heck, it could turn out to be a poison. Would you want to risk giving it to another person? So you then need to test on animals. Only once it's been shown safe for animals, then you can start human trials. In that way, risks to other people can be reduced, and you get to develop a potentially life-saving drug.
And it's not like scientists are cruel, heartless monsters to their research animals. Test subject ethics are emphasised strongly in science, and researchers try to reduces suffering as much as possible for their test subjects.
* I like Spinach
* I dislike Steven Universe
* I liked George Foyet and Tobias (Criminal Minds)
* Borderlands > Borderlands 2
* I dislike movies
* I like itchy Christmas sweaters
* I find it hilarious when a conversation gets awkward
Here's mine.
* Season 3 should be the last season of TWD. I love this series, but we have already 2 seasons, 1 DLC, 1 upcoming Mini-ser… moreies and S3 coming probably next year, so in my opinion that's enough.
* Oh, and I wanna see Clementine in S3, I don't care if they try a new 'angle' or something, maybe playing as another character, as long as they finish her arc with a decent ending, it's fine by me.
* I like pop music and I think some artists considered untalented are in fact very talented.
* Uncle Grandpa is the worst cartoon I've ever seen in my entire life.
* Halo never caught my attention. I tried to play Halo 4 but I got bored after 10 mins of gameplay. Then I tried to play it for 20 more minutes. And I was still bored.
* I'm actually looking forward to playing Minecraft: Story Mode.
* Despite the first two episodes of Life Is Strange being focused on high school drama and character development, I think LiS is better than bot… [view original content]
I prefer TFTB over GOT, but GOT is not as bad as everyone says. I just try to forget the traitor scene.
It's not that unpopular. The majority prefer Tales over GoT :P
I prefer TFTB over GOT, but GOT is not as bad as everyone says. I just try to forget the traitor scene.
i think the bold part is the unpopular opinion.
I know what you mean in a way. For example I prefer the wacky, cartoonish GTA 3 graphics to any in the more recent installments but it may just be nostalgia
* Supernatural is a terrible show.
* Being obese doesn't classify as being curvy.
* European football is boring.
* Marijuana is disgustin… moreg. So is alcohol and any other drug.
* I like Lady Gaga.
* I hate surprise gifts/birthday parties/anything of that sort.
* Newborn babies are, like, really freaking ugly.
* I think assisted suicide should be legal.
* I am interested in hearing about the royal family.
* Jennifer Lawrence and her "adorkable" act is incredibly overrated.
* I would rather go to KFC than a fancy restaurant.
* Socialism is the way to go.
* I hate it when couples tell everyone they're expecting a baby. I get that you're excited, but I'm not interested in hearing about how you plan on raising your kids.
* I think Obama is a good president.
* Frozen sucks.
* I don't really like beards.
* I think dad jokes are funny.
* I believe in astrology.
* I don't understand the hype over cosplay. Cool, you put on a costume.
How can you think anything she does is okay? She doesn't deserve to be called a feminist, she calls strong female leads in games sexist and sex objects for men to look at. She destroys peoples dreams to make games.
I haven't been to Telltale forums in some time but I feel the need to respond to this comment, which I agree with.
I had no idea who Anita Sarkeesian was before I made an account here, and every single comment in relation to her made me think about her as a violent, ignorant woman who never played a game in her life and all she was making money for was convincing people that video games are bad. So I went to see her videos and she was completely different than what I heard about. Everyone has their opinions, but I still think people exaggerate on Anita.
I was reinforcing that.
I think the TFTB rhysha thread is cringe as fuck, excuse my language
Same here. I generally think that government interaction and workers' rights are good, but a centrally planned economic isn't.
Good luck getting your turd of a PM out of office.
Whatever gun culture we may have had in the past, is now a mere cinder. Clinging onto the rocks, using whatever energy it can muster to stay ablaze, above the waves that threaten to extinguish it forever.
Sorry for the dramatization
, but yeah, people can still enjoy guns here, just under very strict laws compared to America.
That's what imagination and fanfiction are for. Age gaps can be changed.
Have a like for the metaphor.
Animal testing is done for good reason. Say you were testing a cure for a horrible disease. Your drug is unproven, and you're worried it might cause side effects. Sure, you can ask for volunteers, but at this stage you know very little about what it can do. Heck, it could turn out to be a poison. Would you want to risk giving it to another person? So you then need to test on animals. Only once it's been shown safe for animals, then you can start human trials. In that way, risks to other people can be reduced, and you get to develop a potentially life-saving drug.
And it's not like scientists are cruel, heartless monsters to their research animals. Test subject ethics are emphasised strongly in science, and researchers try to reduces suffering as much as possible for their test subjects.
Then introduce better regulations. Banning stuff like this never works out well coughwar on drugscough
And for whether it's degrading, who are you and I to say to others what is degrading or not? Throughout history people have had different ideas over what's degrading. I'm pretty sure many of the things you and I do would be considered degrading or morally wrong by at least some others. So I think people should be free to do what they want, as long as they're not hurting others.
Also, involuntary drug testing on human beings is fucking wrong!
spinach isn't unpopular here in the states - i enjoy it and know many people who do too
It's not that unpopular. The majority prefer Tales over GoT :P
I think George W Bush is an unpunished war criminal for his heavy involvement in the invasion of Iraq.
i think the bold part is the unpopular opinion.
It amazes me that neocons can still go on TV and defend the Iraq War with a straight face.
Oh and also...
I know what you mean in a way. For example I prefer the wacky, cartoonish GTA 3 graphics to any in the more recent installments but it may just be nostalgia
One of those doesn't need to be there...
OH! Yeah!
Oh Jesus, just think of the shit storming that would cause.
That's a disgustingly callous oversimplification.
I want all the subsequent Walking Dead games to focus on Clementine's story and don't think she can be replaced.
Obama is the best president we've ever had since Kennedy .
No..just no. Anyone who do so. Should be reborn as a cockroach
I disagree.
This woman shows up in my nightmares. She's super creepy.
I loved Metal Gear Rising. Armstrong 2020.
I think Anita Sarkessian is okay.
The extremely high level of which I cannot stand liars is probably what's unpopular about me.
So true.
The hell?
How can you think anything she does is okay? She doesn't deserve to be called a feminist, she calls strong female leads in games sexist and sex objects for men to look at. She destroys peoples dreams to make games.
I haven't been to Telltale forums in some time but I feel the need to respond to this comment, which I agree with.
I had no idea who Anita Sarkeesian was before I made an account here, and every single comment in relation to her made me think about her as a violent, ignorant woman who never played a game in her life and all she was making money for was convincing people that video games are bad. So I went to see her videos and she was completely different than what I heard about. Everyone has their opinions, but I still think people exaggerate on Anita.
I think everyone is the same especially with people you trust you expect honesty it's what relationships are built and destroyed on in most cases
I like celery.
That's an unpopular thing?
Yes it is, you libertarian celery muncher!
As if "libertarian" is an insult, you lunch hater!
Caesar's Legion shill!
If we were at the other side of the river, I would have you torn apart by dogs.
You don't like celery? Blaspheme!