Thank you Telltale, seriously.
For the majority of people that don't know what I do, I like to post videos on the Borderlands section, mainly tributes/character mashups.
Before this game came out I didn't really have a motivation to do videos, and the majority of my content was lacking in any views, quality and intereaction with people. But with now 4 episodes out I've made 6 videos for the Borderlands world! And it's thanks to such a brilliant story, set of characters and writing that I'm motivated to make those videos, and I think it shows because people seem to like them I've never been so interested into a game like this, so absorbed into the world that you guys made for us.
It might sound corny but I even feel like a have a bit of role in this community. People that do know me, know that I'm that video guy for Tales And I like that, I like that I can talk to people about my content and see them enjoy it, I love seeing people comment on videos, giving me suggestions and praising my work.
So with the end in sight, I hope that next few videos I'll make will be the very best that I can offer. Telltale you did good, real good.
(One of my videos if you don't know what I'm talking about )
I like your videos. It's cool that you find something fun to do.
Thanks man
While Tales isn't the reason I started doing videos, it has been a wonderful game to let's play! The characters and the story, MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT. Guarantee I will cry when I play episode 5 and I will not be ashamed.
This game changed so many things for better in my life as well and I'm eternally grateful for that. ♥ It's wonderful how much of an impact it made on you and I want to wish you sir the best of luck in your next projects.
Thanks for playing! And also for making these videos!
Your.. Yourrrrrrr........ Life?! Wow.
And thank YOU for taking part in the creation of this beautiful game. Now I'll have to catch a ride on a different game...
I really hope that in the aftermath of Tales ending that you still find the motivation to keep creating videos because you are genuinely talented - I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
What's so mind-blowing about it, haha? I met new friends here and without this game I wouldn't ever built a courage to join the forums. Meeting those people changed my life, because I can communicate with them everyday and learn something new about them and about myself at the same time.
You joined in Nov 2013, and this is your only comment O_o, I'm not sure if I should be honored or maybe think that you just hopped on randomly and saw this post
Cheers Jack, I'm hoping you don't die in the next episode! And you can probably be sure that I'll make another Jack video after this is all done
You like Tacos fam?
I obviously lurk more than I comment. You deserve the honor. Keep working on stuff that motivates you.
You are so talented and your videos are so badass keep up the good work man!
I should have one more Jack video coming, just working on a Rhys video atm
This is really cool, thanks for making/sharing it!
I have plot for season 2 if you're interested
I've done all five episodes, new characters as well!